Bridge At The Brookdale Club
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Bridge at the Brookdale
Bridge at the Brookdale

Welcome to the webpage of the Bridge Section of the Brookdale Club, Bramhall.

Situated in the leafy suburbs of South-East Manchester, close to rural Cheshire and the Derbyshire Peaks, the Brookdale Club is a Members' Social Club founded in 1943. The club has fourteen semi-autonomous Sections covering a wide range of leisure activities of which Bridge is only one. To find out a little more  about the Brookdale Club see the "News" tab to the left of this page, or use the link under the "Useful Links" tab lower down .

Our ethos is that the Bridge Section should be relaxed and welcoming. We have over 200 members, Bridge is played four days a week and we try to cater for all abilities.

Duplicate sessions are held on Monday and Friday afternoons, Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings. On Thursday mornings there are duplicate sessions for Beginners and Improvers. For more details, see the Bridge Tuition section below.

New members are always welcome and for more information, please click on the “Contact Bridge Section” tab on the left hand side of this page and leave your contact details. Please note that it is a requirement that all members of the Bridge Section must also be members of the Brookdale Club.

Visitors are also most welcome, but are restricted to four visits per year. If you wish to play more frequently, we will happy to greet you as new members to the Brookdale Club.

Log in to the Members Only Section

Have you logged in to the Members Only Section yet?

Click on the "Members Only" link above. This will take you to the Log in Page.

Enter your e-mail address in the log in box and click on "Forgotten Password".

Bridgewebs will e-mail you a password.  Use this and your e-mail to enter the "Members Only" area.

If you have a problem or are concerned that we may not have your correct e-mail address, phone Milly Gillespie on the number shown in the Main Menu "Information/Bridge Section Committee", or send us a message using the Main Menu "Contact Us" option.

Bridge Tuition
Bridge Tuition


We hold Bridge lessons for beginners every Monday afternoon between 2.00pm and 4.00pm, starting in October and continuing up to Easter the following year.

It is intended that these lessons are suitable even for someone who has never held a pack of cards and to take them to a sufficient understanding of basic bidding and card play to enable them to join the Beginners Duplicate session with confidence. The programme is structured so that it is not too intensive and allows the participants to learn at a leisurely pace. Each session consists of learning a new topic and then playing hands to practise what has been taught.

Intake to this group is on an annual basis in October. If you require more information, or wish to join the Beginners Group, please click on the “Contact Bridge Section” tab on the left hand side of this page and leave your contact details.

Beginners/Improvers Duplicate

Beginners and Improvers duplicate groups meet on Thursday mornings from 9.45am to 12.00. All Beginners join the Beginners Group after the teaching course has finished and progress to the Improvers Group when their standard has improved. Both sessions are supervised by experienced Bridge players who are available to offer help and advice to those that want it. The emphasis is on offering a friendly game of Bridge, with the opportunity for the players to improve their Bridge skills to a level to enable them to join the other Bridge sessions held by the Brookdale Club. Also, occasionally, revision tutorials on specific topics are given to both groups.

If you require more information regarding joining either of these two Groups, please click on the “Contact Bridge Section” tab on the left hand side of this page and leave your contact details.

Bridge sessions

See the "Information" tab for regular Bridge sessions.

Less regular events are shown below.


To find older Results, use the  "Results" tab on the left

Monday Pairs
Director: Wendy Joyce
Scorer: Wendy Joyce
Friday Pairs
Scorer: LB
Thursday Pairs
Director: Wendy Joyce
Scorer: MG
Thursday Pairs
Director: MG
Scorer: MG
Thursday Beginners
Director: Terry Ottway
Scorer: Terry Ottway