Bridge with Anne
News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

News Items



Charity Day - 17th December 2024


May I first than you for your attendance,

the donation of raffle prizes,

together with the refreshments provided.


I am pleased to inform you that 

the total sum raised was £566.00.


As in previous years the monies

were divided between

Alzheimer's Society and The Nightingale;

as follows:


Alzheimer's Society - £262.00

The Nightingale - £304.00



Confirmatory letters have now

been received and 

are available for your inspection.


Last updated : 20th Feb 2025 21:45 GMT
News Items


Denise Brownlow RIP


It is with deep sadness I report the passing away

of Denise, yesterday, Saturday 6th July 24.


Although a recent member of our club,

she enjoyed her bridge despite her ailments.


I understand that Denise was known

to many of you within the bridge circuit.




Denise is be cremated at 

New Southgate Crematorium

12:00 Monday 22nd July.


Denise has requested that everyone attending

should wear bright colours.

Please, no black.



Last updated : 12th Aug 2024 10:29 BST




Despite having to postpone this event due to winter snow in December,

 the club had a successful day.


I personally would like to thank everyone who purchased a ticket,

donated raffle prizes and brought refreshments.


We raised in total the sum of £755.00.


As agreed, monies were to be divided between Alzheimer's Society and The Nightingale.

Again, some members chose to donate to a specific charity

and this is reflected in the sums each charity received.



Alzheimer's Society - £382.50

The Nightingale - £372.50


Last updated : 1st Mar 2023 11:45 GMT
RIP Anne Tovee

It is with great sadness that I learned of the tragic loss of Anne Tovee in the early hours this morning, 15th December.

As many of you know Anne taught bridge for many years; it was her passion and she wanted to share the joy of the game to the wider community. 

David has advised that Anne will be cremated and that it will be a private service with no attendees.

More information will be provided when known.

Last updated : 11th Jan 2023 18:57 GMT
Our Charity Event - 2021




I thank all of you for making this event a magnificent success.

We raised in total the sum of £403.00.


As discussed earlier, monies were to be divided between;

Alzheimer's Society and The Nightingale.


Some members chose to allocate their donation to a specific charity

and I have accordingly complied with their wishes.

As a result, there is a small imbalance in the sums paid to the two charities.



Alzheimer's Society - £209

The Nightingale - £194


Last updated : 20th Mar 2022 17:31 GMT