Special Message |

Courtesy is the Golden Rule
Bridge-Friendly Players are a very friendly group and we would like to keep it that way. We do not accept anyone being rude or criticising their partners or opponents or being anything less than polite at a session.
The points below have been taken from the EBU website.
- Greet others in a friendly manner prior to start of play on each round.
- Be a good “host” or “guest” at the table.
- Make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents.
- Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.
- Take care of your personal grooming.
- Ensure that your mobile phone is turned off.
- Enjoy the company as well as the game.
Rules & Play
- North is responsible for ensuring details of players at the table are correct on the Bridgemate.
- If a player does not have a number or they have forgotten it please speak to the director. The Bridgemate will also accept an EBU membership No.
- Cards should not be taken out of the board before all players are at the table.
- When cards taken out the players should count them face down first before sorting them.
- North is responsible for entering the details of the auction and the result into the Bridgemate and East/West are responsible for double checking it is correct.
- It is North's responsibility to ensure the boards are in the correct compass direction before play.
- It is also North's responsibility to check the correct board is being played.
- Bidding cards should be left on the table, in full view, until the lead card has been faced.
- The board should be left on the table during the bidding and play of the hand so that everyone can see the vulnerability.
- At the end of play, tricks should remain on the table until everyone has agreed the result.
- Players should shuffle their cards before returning them to the board in the correct slot.
- If the event the Director has to be called, the Director's ruling is final.