F2F Tues and Thurs at 1pm, BBO Wed at 7:10pm |
F2F at the Leisure Time Club, 100 Minnesota St., Collingwood ON L9Y 4R5
Scent free please
Congratulations (70% Game) 2025 |
Bora Kizilirmak and Marg MacFarlane 72.27% March 11th
Bora Kizilirmak and Marg MacFarlane 70.63% February 20th
Hiiarie Woods and Helen Dixon 71.43% January 21st
ACBL Rank Promotions 2024 |
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Holly Kee
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Andy Potovsky
Life Master (500 masterpoints) - Andy Potovszky
Life Master (500 masterpoints) - David Verdun
Ruby Life Master (1500 masterpoints) - Janice Hebbert
Sapphire Life Master (3500 masterpoints) - Phyllis Burgan
Congratulations (70% Game) 2024 |
Helen Dixon and Marg MacFarlane 78.57% November 14th
Maria Moore and Hamish McGregor 71.65% October 17th
Simon Bramson and Howard Binsky 70.83% June 13th
Howard Binsky and Marg MacFarlane 74.53% June 11th
Greg Coles and George Knight 81.25% June 5th
Howard Binsky and Ruth Eidt 71.11% June 4th
Greg Coles and George Knight 79.17% May 15th
Howard Binsky and Marg MacFarlane 73.07% April 2nd
Marg MacFarlane and Hamish McGregor 72.62% March 19th
Howard Binsky and Marg MacFarlane 78.59% February 27th
Mary Collins and Michael Schneider 70.70% February 22nd
Helen Dixon and Hilarie Woods 72.62% February 20th
Ruth Eidt and Steve Roberts 72.22% February 6th
Hamish McGregor and Marg MacFarlane 73.81% February 6th
Hamish McGregor and Marg MacFarlane 70.83% January 23rd
Simon Bramson and Howard Binsky 70.00% January 11th
Hamish McGregor and Simon Bramson 70.00% January 2nd
click here and select 'Results' for ACBL Live results
Many thanks to Christine for getting these games going. It has been a lot of work but well worth it.
Please be registered and logged on to BBO 15 minutes prior to game time. Please enter your ACBL# and real name in your profile. Call Ruth 705 888 9211 with any questions.
You can see and replay the hands by selecting 'History' and then 'Recent Tournaments' on BBO
Leisure Time Club Annual Meeting Fri, Sep 6th 10am |
We would like to do a donation to The Leisure Time Charity Inc in memory of
Cathy MacDonald
Todd Reynolds
Mary Van Patter
Paul MacFarlane
If you would like to participate, please give a cheque to Howard Binsky. Tax receipts will be issued.
Season's Greetings - December 2023 |
Congratulations (70% Game) 2023 |
Hamish McGregor and Simon Bramson 70.48% December 19th
Michael Hebbert and Hamish McGregor 70.83% November 21st
Colin Van Wallegham and Elizabeth Chapman 70.37% August 29th
Howard Binsky and Simon Bramson 71.43% August 24th
Maria Moore and Marg MacFarlane 70.54% August 8th
Hamish McGregor and Steve Roberts 70.64% July 20th
Greg Coles and George Knight 75.60% May 31st
Colin Van Wallegham and Elizabeth Chapman 73.03% May 11th
Greg Coles and George Knight 73.64% March 29th
Greg Coles and George Knight 73.64% March 1st
AGM Tuesday November 21st |
ACBL Rank Promotions 2023 |
Gold Life Master (2500 masterpoints) - Will Sutherland
Life Master (300 masterpoints) - Hilarie Woods
Congratulations (70% game) 2022 |
Simon Bramson and Howard Binsky 74.11% December 15th
Todd Reynolds and Margorie Grime 74.60% November 29th
Cathy MacDonald and Michael Schneider 76.19% November 24th
Wendy Morris and Bambi Sylvester 71.88% November 15th
Cathy MacDonald and Michael Schneider 71.82% October 27th
Maria Moore and Howard Binsky 73.21% September 27th
Maria Moore and Hamish McGregor 76.82% September 1st
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 71.14% August 16th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 70.00% August 4th
Malkin Howes and Simon Bramson 74.65% June 28th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 71.25% June 28th
Maria Moore and Dave Hammill 73.01% May 26th
Maria Moore and Hamish McGregor 70.00% May 12th
Simon Bramson and Howard Binsky 70.08% April 14th
Simon Bramson and Howard Binsky 78.03% March 31st
David Verdun and Ruth Eidt 72.27% February 16th
James Logan and Colleen Caron 70.66% February 11th
Results for Royal STaC Games |
Congratulations Cathy and Michael who placed 1st with almost 20 mps
click here to see the results
ACBL Rank Promotions 2022 |
Bronze Life Master (750 masterpoints) - Holly Kee
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Cathy Macdonald
Ruby Life Master (1500 masterpoints) - Ruth Eidt
Ruby Life Master (1500 masterpoints) - Simon Bramson
Gold Life Master (2500 masterpoints) - Marg MacFarlane
September/October 2022 Update |
Welcome Back to Live Bridge May 2022 |
February/March 2022 Update |
Interested in becoming a member? |
If you are new to the area and have been looking to play bridge
regularly and even join our Club, you’ll be pleased to know
there is no membership fee involved. Due to COVID 19 however,
you will have noted that there have been no physical face to face
games since the middle of March. It’s still an unknown as to when
the Club will be able to open. BUT please join us in our Virtual Games.
Read on below for instructions and if you’re a 1st time player in our
Club, please pre-register with Christine at 705-446-9592 or email
me at chrisedb@rogers.com
Congratulations (70% Game) 2021 |
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 72.22% December 30th
Dave Hammill and Wendy Morris 71.59% December 28th
Cathy Macdonald and Sandra Garcia 73.61% December 22nd
Patricia and Verne McKay 72.40% October 28th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 70.24% October 5th
Hamish McGregor and Wendy Morris 76.98% September 30th
Steve Roberts and Will Sutherland 70.28% September 23rd
Cathy Macdonald and Sandra Garcia 75.00% August 4th
Wendy Morris and Maria Moore 70.50% July 7th
Sandy Ivison and Andy Potovzsky 70.28% May 25th
Maria Moore and Marti Cowie 73.41% May 18th
Judith Gessner and Dave Hammill 72.40% February 25th
Simon Bramson and Howard Binsky 72.71% February 11th
ACBL Rank Promotions 2021 |
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Steve Roberts
Ruby Life Master (1500 masterpoints) - Sandra Garcia
Bronze Life Master (500 masterpoints) - Colleen Caron
October/November 2021 Update |
Congratulations (70% Game) 2020 |
Donna Reimer and Mary Van Patter 70.66% December 8th
Cathy MacDonald and Sandra Garcia 72.22% July 29th
Michael Hebbert and Leo McBride 71.36% February 12th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 70.63% January 15th
ACBL Rank Promotions 2020 |
Gold Life Master (2500 masterpoints) - Paul MacFarlane
November/December Update 2020 |
Club Happenings - September 2020 |
Christine Blake has trained as an online director and will be holding Blue Mountain Bridge Club games online 3 times a week. Here’s how to take part.
Go to www.bridgebase.com
Click on the big red button PLAY BRIDGE NOW
At the log in screen either log in, or register if you haven’t yet. Make up an ID (moniker) and a password (write these down just in case!) ENTER YOUR ACBL# and NAME.
You will need to put some money in your BBO account. Click on the top right BB $ sign and use credit card or paypal to put some money in your account. This will be in US funds, each game will cost $3 US. Most of this money will come back to our club, via ACBL. To start with all games will be open games of 18-20 boards, three boards a round.
Tuesday 1.10pm
Wednesday 7:10pm
Thursday 1.10pm
To find our club game click on Virtual Clubs from the main page. Each club has its own number, ours is Blue Mountain BC VACB159665. There is a search button in the upper right. Just enter vacb15. Games will be posted up to two hours before the start time. You may register for the game by selecting it in the table, put your partner’s name in the blue box and click on ‘invite’ to invite them to play with you. You and partner must both be online when you register, so that your partner sees and accepts the invitation. So, to be helpful to the director please log in and register at least 15 mins before game time, longer if possible. You can register in the game (no sooner than 2 hrs. before game time) then go off line to make coffee or whatever and your registration will still be there when you come back to play. ONCE REGISTERED YOU DON’T NEED TO DO ANYTHING ELSE, THE SYSTEM WILL MOVE YOU INTO THE GAME ONCE IT STARTS AND MOVE YOU TO A NEW TABLE EVERY THREE BOARDS. There will also be a space somewhere to put in your ACBL number. (If you are not an ACBL member you will need to let Christine know your name and BBO ID.) You may invite anyone from our area clubs to play. (except Barrie) There will also be a ‘partnership desk’. This you may click on if you don’t have a partner and either add your name to the list or choose someone already there and invite them to play with you. (Anyone left on the partnership desk when the game starts might be asked to stay around as a ‘spare’ in the event of a player losing their connection.) IF you prefer, you may call Ruth Eidt for a partner, however the BBO method will guarantee a partner.
If you need help feel free to contact: Christine at 705-446-9592
Here is a link to a tutorial that Sagamore bridge club made (narrated by Silvana) for their players just joining BBO for the first time, you might like to watch this. It is especially useful for learning how to ‘follow’ and ‘friend’ people and how to put money into your account. Silvana also talks about convention cards. For our games, at least to start with, I would suggest don’t bother with convention cards, which she mentions in this tutorial, keep it simple.
Please take the time to watch these excellent videos.
Your results are instantly submitted to ACBL Live and will be in your In Box before you know it.
Hope to see you at a game soon.
Club Happenings - August 2020 Update |
Collingwood, Ontario |
Welcome to Blue Mountain Duplicate Bridge Club. We are an ACBL sanctioned Open Club located at the Collingwood Leisure Time Club, 100 Minnesota Street, Collingwood, Ontario. The Leisure Time Club is a seniors' recreational club with membership restricted to 50 and older. There are no age restrictions for guests.
Thank You Michael and Howard for your perseverance and hard work.
This is a Happy Day for our Club
There will be no BMDBC membership fee for 2020.
The LTC membership fee - $35 April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021
Guests (anyone without a paid-up LTC membership) will be charged $7 instead of $5 for each game. There are no age restrictions for guests.
ACBL Rank Promotions 2019 |
Ruby Life Master (1500 masterpoints) - Will Sutherland
Advanced NABC Master (300 masterpoints) - David Verdun
Sapphire Life Master (3500 masterpoints) - Maria Moore
Gold Life Master (2500 masterpoints) - Howard Binsky
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Helen Dixon
Bronze Life Master (500 masterpoints) - Marie Melnichuk
Appointment of Officers 2019 |
Congratulations (70 % Game) 2019 |
James McGregor and Michael Schneider 75% October 29th
Maria Moore and James McGregor 71.73% October 17th
Janice and Michael Hebbert 73.26% October 15th
Czeslaw Kepa and Ruth Eidt 72.34% October 1st
Howard Binsky and Simon Bramson 71.73% September 26th
Sandy Ivison and Andy Potovszky 71.26% September 17th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 76.55% August 1st
Czeslaw Kepa and James McGregor 71.18% July 4th
Maria Moore and Dave Hammill 70.24% May 16th
Will Sutherland and Steve Roberts 70.24% March 12th
Howard Binsky and Simon Bramson 74.76% February 27th
Howard Binsky and Simon Bramson 73.01% January 30th
Marian Kaminski and Vern Beacock 72.54% January 10th
ACBL Rank Promotions 2018 |
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Sandy Ivison
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Ruth Eidt
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Janice Hebbert
Life Master (300 masterpoints) - Heather O'Connor
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Will Sutherland
Ruby Life Master (1500 masterpoints) - Hamish McGregor
Silver Life Master (1000 masterpoints) - Vern Beacock
Ruby Life Master (1500 masterpoints) - Malkin Howes
Congratulations (70% Game) 2018 |
Hamish McGregor and Howard Binsky 77.73% December 27th
Michael and Janice Hebbert 70.45% December 13th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 70.00% November 15th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 70.30% November 13th
Michael and Janice Hebbert 75.81% November 1st
Ron Hartlen and Simon Bramson 72.41% October 30th
Hamish McGregor and Michael Schneider 70.45% October 2nd
David Verdun and Ruth Eidt 71.73% August 22nd
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 70.91% July 4th
Maria Moore and Hamish McGregor 71.13% June 13th
Howard Binsky and Simon Bramson 71.36% June 6th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 75.57% May 15th
Carolyn Lazenby and Jane Smith 71.24% March 13th
Howard Binsky and Simon Bramson 72.27% January 24th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 74.80% January 9th
Masterpoints |
To view your masterpoints, go to MyACBL on the ACBL website. You will need to supply an extensive password. Masterpoints for the previous month are posted at the end of day on the 6th of each month. Points for the previous month will show as pending until that time. To see details of your masterpoints, select Masterpoints on the left. To view historical details of all your masterpoints, select Masterpoint History. To view the races, select District/Unit Races.
At the beginning of each year ACBL starts several masterpoint races based on the number of points held at January 1. Collingwood is unit 246 but Clarksburg and west are unit 249, so our members should check both races. We are all District 2. The Ace of Clubs race is based on black points which are earned at the club level. Online points are not counted. The Mini-McKenney race includes coloured points which are earned in special games and at tournaments.
Several of our members can be seen in these races.
ACBL changed the rank requirements in 2010. To view the requirements for each rank, please click on this link. This can be found at the bottom of ACBL home page.
Congratulations (70% Game) 2017 |
Ron Deschamps and Jerry Boychuk 71.43% December 6th
Michael and Janice Hebbert 71.02% November 7th
Sandy Ivison and Sam Scala 70.64% October 19th
Dave Hammill and Phyllis Burgan 76.40% September 21st
Dave Hammill and Malkin Howes 70.34% August 15th
Dave Hammill and Malkin Howes 72.16% August 1st
Hamish McGregor and Michael Schneider 71.35% June 6th
Maria Moore and Hamish McGregor 72.74% May 24th
Leo McBride and Ruth Eidt 72.05% May 4th
Paul and Marg MacFarlane 71.48% May 2nd
Hamish McGregor and Helen Dixon 72.02% April 13th
Michael and Janice Hebbert 74.08% March 29th
Hamish McGregor and Steve Roberts 70.79% March 22nd
Marg and Paul MacFarlane 72.92% March 2nd
Michael Schneider and Phyllis Burgan 70.54% March 2nd
Michael Schneider and Phyllis Burgan 70.02% February 16th
Todd Reynolds and Helen Dixon 76.36% January 10th
Find a Partner is now working |
To register please get the code from Ruth Eidt or any board member. Click on (partner?) to see who is looking for a partner.
Congratulations (70% Game) 2016 |
Michael Schneider and Hamish McGregor 70.55% November 1st
Hamish McGregor and Helen Dixon 72.39% October 20th
Maria Moore and Hamish McGregor 71.73% September 28th
Michael Schneider and Hamish McGregor 75.91% September 13th
Willow Vaughan and John Hillier 70.54% August 17th
Phyllis Burgan and Steve Roberts 70.46% July 13th
Maria Moore and Dave Hammill 77.32% July 7th
Helen Dixon and Hamish McGregor 74.55% May 5th
Maria Moore and Hamish McGregor 76.79% April 27th
Michael and Janice Hebbert 70.05% April 21st
Ron Hartlen and Phyllis Burgan 70.83% April 6th
Hamish McGregor and Helen Dixon 71.32% March 31st
Cathy MacDonald and Jean Thomson 72.33% March 16th
Hamish McGregor and Helen Dixon 76.51% March 3rd
Michael and Janice Hebbert 71.76% January 27th
Michael and Janice Hebbert 74.75% January 5th
Zero Tolerance Policy |
Please click on "Zero Tolerance" tab on the left.
Options on Scoring Swiss Teams by Ron Hartlen |