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Click here to see the EBU poster of upcoming competitions.

18-21 July = Scarborough Summer Congress

8-11 August = Summer Meeting Eastbourne

10 August = Online 9-High Pairs on BBO for less experienced players, i.e. a national grade score (NGS) not above nine.

27-29 August = Northern Midweek Congress

OBA Competitions


Sat-Sun 17-18 Aug 2024 = Congress (Abingdon School F2F)

Sun 29 Sept = Wallingford Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs

EBU diaries

An EBU diary is circulated to all eligible members each year with the August magazine.  Anyone who wants a copy must opt in, e.g. by changing your account settings at My EBU. Click on 'Account' in the top right corner, select 'My Details', and then in the page's 'Account Settings' section, under the 'Magazine/Diary Preference' option use the drop down list to make your choice.

Any changes to the information printed in the diary are listed on the EBU's diary changes page.

Membership forms are available, complying with our obligations under Data Protection Regulations. If you haven't signed one, copies are available on club nights. Ask the Director. There are also simpler forms for visitors - one form for EBU members or another for those who aren't.
If you play at the club without signing the form, your agreement to its contents will be inferred. 
Useful Links
This page specifically contains links to other sites or pages of interest to members. Click on the header to take you to the site or page.