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5th Mar 2025 23:02 GMT
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Play it again

Why don't you look at the Play it again feature which shows how it should be done - double dummy of course!

Members Only

The Members Only section contains a notice board where you will be able to leave messages for other registered members, advertise for partners, amend your details etc. To register e-mail me at

Bridge Warehouse
Bridge Warehouse

The EBU's shop has undergone a rebranding and is now called the Bridge Warehouse.
This is one of a number of changes which have been made as part of ongoing efforts to increase the shop's revenue, and thus provide more profit for reinvestment by the EBU in providing activities and services for members, clubs and counties.
To visit the site follow this link.


Welcome to Blaby Bridge Club

Please note that the session on Tuesday, 11th March, is cancelled as many of our members are attending the County Bridge Club bridge party next week.

Back to normal on Tuesday, 18th March.

Peter Nuttall and LLoyd Danvers win Blaby Club Cup

Well done Peter and LLoyd, winners of Blaby's major pairs competition.

You can see the final positions under Competitions in the menu on the left.

The competition was last held in 2019/20 when Peter and Lloyd also won.

Although 27 pairs played, only 5 actually played in 3 or more rounds which was needed to qualify.

Val Hodgson

I'm sorry to report that Valerie Hodgson passed away on 2 February 2025 at Kettering General Hospital aged 90.

Val played bridge at Blaby with Sandy Blades for many years. She was a most cordial and genial player and it was a pleasure to play with her.

For most of her working life Val was a much loved teacher at an infant school in Leicester.

Val's passion for amateur dramatics lasted all her life and she was a supporter of Leicestershire's theatres.

The funeral is on Tuesday, 18th March, 10:30 a.m. at Gilroes Cemetery.

Setbacks for Blaby teams in League

In a reversal of fortunes, both Blaby teams suffered setbacks in the latest round of league matches.

In Division Two, Blaby A drew with Ashby A 10-10. Owing to favourable results elsewhere, they still have a healthy lead in the table with two matches still to be played.

Blaby B lost 7-13 to leaders County Falcon. They are now 2nd in Division Three and need a good result in their final match to have a chance regaining the lead.

You can see all the scores and current positions in Division Two here  and Division Three here.

Gimson Trophy - Championship Pairs

The Gimson Trophy is the LCBA's major pairs tournament.
Clubs are invited to hold heats
  with the final to be played at the County Bridge Club on Sunday, 30th March, starting at 1 p.m. 

Blaby is holding a heat of  on Tuesday, 18th February. Those pairs gaining masterpoints on the night will qualify automatically for the final. In addition, any pair  who scores at least 50% but is outside of the masterpoints will go on a reserve list in case any qualifiers from our heat drops out.

If you do not wish to play in the final, you can still play in the heat. In that case, please let me know that you do not wish to play in the final.

As to the Final itself, the top three Leicestershire Pairs will be invited to represent Leicestershire in the EBU's Corwen Trophy on the weekend of 31st May-1st June on RealBridge, with the LCBA paying the entry fee.

Please make every effort to support the LCBA in this event.

The Club

The Club was founded in 1947 by Nora and Harold Toon. Both were keen bowls players so the Bridge Club had until recently used Blaby Bowling Club as its premises apart from the summer months when bowls took precedence.

We now play at the County Bridge Club premises, St Oswald, St Oswald Road (off Aikman Avenue) LE3 6RJ..

We play every Tuesday starting at 7:00pm prompt. Visitors are always welcome.

For directions to the Club look under Information in the menu on the left.

Blaby Christmas Party a success
Blaby Christmas Party a success

The resumption of Blaby BC's Christmas Party was a great success.

We had an good turnout of 24 players who played an individual movement with a break for refreshments.

As usual, the food provided by our own members was excellent. Well done to all.

Well done also to the prize winners:

1st Charles Gurr
2nd Graham Anderson
3rd Chris Bancroft.

You can see all the scores under Results on the right of this page.


After a gap of 4 years, Blaby is resuming its Christmas Party and  three Cup Competitions 
Blaby BC Christmas Party – 2024
This will be held on Tuesday, 17th December. As in previous years, it will be an individual event, so you don’t need to bring a partner. Hands will be pre-dealt (Duplimated).
At the half-way stage, there will be a break for buffet style food.  As usual, we will ask each player to bring some food, cold as we will not be using the County BC oven.
The Club will provide wine. There will be a prize for the top three winners.
Blaby Club Cup – 2024/25
The Club Cup was presented in 1966 by Viscountess Hall OBE. It is Blaby's major pairs tournament. The winners are the ones with the best three performances out of five designated sessions.  Scoring is by what is (or was) called County Pairs Scoring. If there is a tie for first place, the winners (but not other positions) will be determined by countback.
Visitors are allowed but will not be eligible to win the cup
The dates of each round are:
Round 1 – Tuesday 22nd October
Round 2 – Tuesday 19th November
Round 3 – Tuesday 7th January
Round 4 – Tuesday 4th February
Round 5 – Tuesday 4th March
Please try to attend at least 3 rounds so that they count towards winning the cup.
Blaby Toon Cup – 2025/26
The Toon Cup was presented in 1980 by Mrs Nora Toon. It is awarded to the most improved pair comparing a year’s results with previous year. This will start in April 2025 and the Cup awarded at the April 2026 AGM.
Blaby Summer Cup – 2025
The Summer Cup was presented in 1991 by Neil and Pat Beasley. This is a teams-of-4 competition, teams being drawn according to their current NGS Grading in such a way that each team is roughly equal.
The date will be in August 2025 on a date to be confirmed
EBU Masterpoints Promotions - October

Lloyd Danvers - 1 Star Tournament Master

Well done Lloyd on being promoted in the October EBU Masterpoints Promotions list for Blaby members:

You can see your current status on this and the National Grading Scheme by logging on to My EBU (see Useful Links in menu on the left).


Blaby Bridge Club has moved

Blaby BC's venue is now the County BC premises at St Oswald, St Oswald Road (off Aikman Avenue) LE3 6RJ.
Many of you already play there but please note the following important information:

  • We will play in the Tournament Room
  • Tables will be set out with bidding boxes. We will use pre-dealt hands but otherwise use our own Bridgemates, computer and other equipment.
  • Tea, coffee and (plain) biscuits will be available from the kitchen. Also, soft drinks will be available at 50p per can with an honesty box.
  • Table money is £4.00 per head payable in cash on the night. Visitors are welcome at the same table money.
  • Please arrive at about 6:50 pm for a 7 pm prompt start.

We look forward to seeing you there.
Many thanks to the County BC Committee for their help in making this happen.

Club Cup - Round 5
Director: John Arnold
Scorer: John Arnold
LCBA League Teams of 4 - Blaby A v Ashby A
Tuesday Pairs
Director: John Arnold
Scorer: John Arnold
Tue 11th March 2025
Tue 18th March 2025
Tuesday Pairs
St Oswald 7:00 p.m.
Director: TBA
Scorer: TBA
Tue 25th March 2025
Tuesday Pairs
St Oswald 7:00 p.m.
Director: TBA
Scorer: TBA
Tue 1st April 2025
Tuesday Pairs
St Oswald 7:00 p.m.
Director: TBA
Scorer: TBA