Cornell Trophy: Sunday, 9th February 2025 |
The Club aims to be one of the strongest in Essex, so it was about time we proved it. Well, the Club's entry in the Cornell Trophy won the competition! The team was: David Piper, Theo Todman, Sandy Riach and Jacek Lapszys. Additionally, David & Theo came fairly comfortably top in the X-IMPs, with Sandy and Jacek in 6th place (of 26 pairs). Well done Team! For the details, follow This Link.
NICKO - 2024/5 |
The Club has entered a team in the NICKO (National Inter-Club Knock Out) Competition: Peter Oake, Colin Scott, David Piper, and Theo Todman. Sadly, the team was drawn against a strong team from Tunbridge Wells (featuring the NPC of the England men's team) in the first round and lost narrowly after being marginally ahead at the break. Things have looked up in the Plate Competition where we were drawn against Westbury BC and won fairly comfortably in a very enjoyable match. We await the draw for the next round: Click on the box for more information.
Club Committee Meeting - 14th January 2025 |
A Club Committee held a meeting on Tuesday 14th January. The main resolutions were that the Membership Fee would stay at £15 but that Table Money would rise 50p to £3.50 (£5.00 for guests), the Club Championship would be on Tuesdays 18th & 25th March, and the AGM would be held on Tuesday 3rd June. All current Committee members stated they were willing to stand for re-election. Click on this box for the minutes of this and other meetings.
Club AGM - Tuesday 4th June 2024 |
The Minutes of the AGM are Here.
Apart from the re-election of the Committee unopposed, the key result from the recent AGM was the agreement that we will play three SIMS events annually. All three will be ECATS, with the Club matching donations for two of them.
The first - which was in aid of Kidney Research UK and the British Heart Foundation - was on Tuesday 2nd July and had donations matched. Congratulations to Pat Johnston & Simon Moorman for winning the local event, but dark horses Lorraine Butler and Mike Harbour did best nationally, coming 16th out of 304. The results on ECATS are here, and the booklet is available for download here!
Club Ladders: 2023-24 |
We no longer seem to trumpet these things - if we ever did - but the annual ladders reached their conclusions at the end of March and the final standings were:-
Individual Ladder:-
- David Piper
- Peter Oake
- Graham Beeton
Partnerships Ladder:-
- Colin Scott & Peter Oake
- Maureen & George Vede
- David Piper & Graham Beeton
Well done to the winners and to one and all for taking part!
Click on the 'Ladder' headings above for the full final standings, which are for the best 30 sessions.
Club Championship Pairs |
The Club Championship was held over the last two Tuesdays in the Club season, namely 19th & 26th March. This is a partnership event. While all are welcome to play, to qualify for a placing the partnership must be the same on both evenings, and both partners must be members of the Club and have played, on average, once a month over the past year.
Because of the above technicality, while Jacek Lapszys & Sandy Riach came an outstanding top over the two sessions they were not qualified to win the event as they've only just started to play at the Club again.
So, congratulations to David Tennet & Leon Lewis who came second and are thereby declared Club Champions.
Well done to both pairs! Click for the results table.
Billericay Mayflower History |
 Peter Williamson has very kindly put together the history of the club. Peter is one of the last playing founders of the original club.
Click on this box and have a read, there are some lovely pictures which probably date from the seventies complete with dodgy moustaches, crevats and a mean, moody and magnificent Peter.
If you have any pictures of Mayflower Bridge or the people who have played here please send them to and get them saved for posterity before they are lost like tears in the rain!
Seeking a Partner |
 After years of sterling service Carol McCue is stepping down from the find a partner role - very many thanks to her!
Going forward there are alternatives - the website has a facility for you to register the dates when you would like to find a partner. You will have to register in the members area first - this is very straightforward. The other method is to contact me (John McCoy) and I will attempt to find a partner. The former method is best for the more longer term and the latter when your partner cries off at short notice with a broken eyelash or man flu! I can be contacted on 07474 267160 or - click here to send an email. During the day text messages/email are probably the best way of contact as sadly I am still working.
There are I'm sure people that don't come through lack of a partner or they may not wish to play regularly. If you are aware of somebody let me know their names and I will contact them and see if we can get them back playing or as an occasional last minute stand in.
Club Ethos |
I play on a Bridge website playing teams and happened upon a Swedish Team's logo, fortunately in English:
Play Fair
Play for Fun
Play for Knowledge
Play among Friends
Couldn't have said it better - so its now on the page heading!