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The club is registered on MEMPAD, a computerised data base with information on SBU districts, clubs and members including their Master Points ranking. For those who have not already done so and wish to log on to MEMPAD, send an Email to "" quoting your Master Points number (the same number as your SBU membership number on your membership card). You will receive instructions as how to log on using your Master Points number as your user name (ID). If you are not registered with MEMPAD, you will not be able to play in ANY competitions - Club or SBU. If you would like to logon to Mempad, click HERE. If you need any assistance, please contact Steven Henderson who can do the registration on your behalf and can add your BBO id to the list of members on the Club website - only members can view this.


Welcome to Biggar Bridge Club
Promotions - Congratulations

Congratulations are due to our two recent promotions. Myra Tait is now a District Master (Bronze 2) and Margaret Moffat is a Club Master (Bronze 1).Well done to both.

Club Committee

Following the 2024 AGM, Steven Henderson is now in the second and final year as Chairman, Cathy Cursiter is the continuing Vice Chair, Barbara Duffner is the Secretary and Steve Davies continues as Treasurer. John Armstrong has accepted the role of Auditor and the three Ordinary Committee Members are Colin Young, Isobel Hunter and Archie Hunter. The full minutes of the AGM have been posted in the Members area of the website.

Biggar Bridge Club General Information
Biggar Bridge Club General Information

Founded in 1997, the Club has a membership of around 75 coming from Biggar and many places in surrounding areas. The Club has now obtained a new home at 21 North Back Road. Face-to-Face Bridge in our new premises takes place on Mondays at 1:30, Tuesdays at 2pm and Wednesdays at 7pm.

The club is affiliated to the Scottish Bridge Union and is a member of the West District.

When do we play?

There are sessions on Mondays at 1:30pm, Tuesdays at 2pm and Wednesday evenings at 7pm. If you intend playing on Monday, please contact Norma Perry on 07732557096, Tuesday afternoon, please contact Cathy Cursiter on 07534 218010 or If you intend playing on a Wednesday evening, please contact Yvette Johnson on For any session, please contact Norma, Cathy or Yvette as appropriate, NOT later than the day previous. For ANY session, please make sure that you arrive NOT later than 10 minutes before the advertised start time.

The Thursday afternoon Improvers sessions have now ended for the summer. 

Wednesday Evening
Scorer: Philip Hudson
Tuesday Afternoon
Scorer: Steven Henderson
Monday Afternoon f2f
Scorer: Beverley Lintern
Wednesday Evening
Scorer: Philip Hudson
9th September 2024
Monday Pairs
Director: Norma Perry
10th September 2024
Tuesday Pairs
Director: Cathy Cursiter
17th September 2024
Tuesday Pairs
Director: Cathy Cursiter
24th September 2024
Tuesday Pairs
Director: Cathy Cursiter