Bewdley Bridge Club
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  Friday Afternoon Face to Face Bridge Trial

Our Friday Afternoon Face To Face Bridge trial starts this coming Friday, 1st  April 2022.  The event will be staged at the lovely venue of Wharton Park Golf Club and has a start time of 1:30pm.

This is the first of six Friday afternoon trial events, all covered by existing member subscriptions.  The other events are on the 8th, (not 15th - Good Friday), 22nd, 29th April and 6th,13th May, all with a 1:30pm start.  We hope to see a bumper turn out for the events to help us decide whether this is something members want us to continue with.

The club is not imposing any specific Covid requirements on members but members may wish to take a lateral flow test to provide reassurance.

We do hope that the events are popular and that Friday afternoon bridge becomes an established part of the club calendar.

  Survey - Face to Face Bridge on a Wednesday evening?

Please do let us have your thoughts about playing Face to Face Bridge on a Wednesday evening.  We need to know how many members want this and are willing to help run it.

There is a maximum of four questions to answer and it will only take a few minutes to complete.

  Thank you to the 69 members so far who have returned their survey  The closing date is TODAY Friday 25th March.

Here is a link to the survey 


  Myra Hunter Cup - Wednesdays 2 and 9 March 2022

The next major event in the club calendar is the Myra Hunter Cup, awarded in memory of a lovely member of our club.  This event is staged over two consecutive weeks and this year will be staged on Wednesdays 2 and 9 March 2022.  ALL Club Members are very welcome to play in this event, regardless of their normal preferred sessions and subscription held.  To be able to win the trophy a pair needs to play in both sessions as the two results are aggregated.  Nonetheless, members who cannot play in both sessions remain most welcome to play for one week only.

Please join the sessions and be seated as early as possible because late arrivals make it difficult for our directors to finalise the movement and make a prompt start.

Congratulations to Jane Somerville and Felicity Somerville on winning the 2021/22 Club Handicap Trophy.

The handicap is based on pair averages over the club year across the three weekly duplicate sessions with pluses and minuses applied to averages based on 50%.

We had an excellent turnout with 11 tables competing.

Click here to see the full list of results.

  Club Annual Handicap Trophy
Club Annual Handicap Trophy

This will be staged Tonight Thursday 10 February with the usual 7pm start time.

 All club members, regardless of the weekly sessions in which they normally participate and regardless of the level of membership subscription held, are most welcome to enter this event.

Handicaps will be applied to the result on the night meaning that all club members have a realistic chance to win this event.

It should be fun .... do come and join in!  

  Happy New Year!!

Wishing all members of Bewdley Bridge Club a happy and successful 2022.

  Christmas Bridge Evenings as Normal
Christmas Bridge Evenings as Normal

The Wednesday 29th December and Thursday 30th December evening sessions will take place as normal.  Other sessions in Christmas week are taking a break.  Please see the Calendar on the right for further details.

Merry Christmas everyone and all good wishes for 2022! 

  F2F Christmas Event - Now Cancelled
F2F Christmas Event - Now Cancelled

The club will be holding its Christmas Face To Face Bridge Event on Friday 10 December 2021.  The venue will be Wharton Park Golf Club with a start time of 1pm.

The event will have a mid session interval with tea/coffee, biscuits and a mince pie and will be played at a relaxed tempo.  A shortened movement will be played and there will be opportunities to discuss the hands.

Your Committee will continue to invest in staging Face To Face Bridge events whilst continuing to provide all of the existing weekly online bridge sessions.  The first Face To Face Bridge event of the New Year will hopefully take place on Friday 28 January 2022, again at Wharton Park.

I look forward to seeing members at the event on Friday 10 December 2021 and wish to thank members for their continued loyal support for our club.  Table numbers remain excellent for our sessions on RealBridge and I am delighted that they are providing high quality and enjoyable bridge.

Kindest Regards,

David Halford 

  Christmas Online Bridge Event
Christmas Online Bridge Event

F2F at Wharton Park CANCELLED

Our Christmas event will now take place on RealBridge starting 1.30pm Friday 10th December.  

A warm invitation is given to every club member.


Click HERE to join in the fun and make sure you wear a Christmas Jumper laugh


  Simultaneous Pairs 8, 10, 11 November: Raising Money for Children in Need

All three of our duplicate sessions this week - Monday afternoon 8 November, Wednesday evening 10 November and Thursday evening 11 November - are Simultaneous Pairs Events, staged on RealBridge. These are events where the same boards are played at competing clubs across the country and often overseas.  They are highly enjoyable events, suitable for all club members, and an opportunity to compete both with friends from Bewdley BC and with members of other clubs.


These events are charitable and aim to raise funds for Children In Need.  I am delighted to report that Worcestershire Bridge Clubs will be working together to co-ordinate and maximise their fund raising.  My sincerest thanks go to Yvette Waide, Chair of Ridgeway BC, who has taken the lead by creating a Just Giving page through which you can make your charitable donations.  Please use the facility created by Yvette and please do not pay Bewdley Bridge Club.


E-Cats Bridge, our wonderful friends who manage the charitable Simultaneous Pairs events, recommend a minimum donation of £3.50 per player per session.  However the size of the donation is completely optional and members may wish to make larger donations.  It would be great to see that Bewdley BC was the largest fund raiser.

The link for the Just Giving Page is as follows:-


These are wonderful events and I look forward to Bewdley members scoring well in the overall competition.  Many thanks for participating.



  Malvern Congress Success

Bewdley Bridge Club members took part in the Malvern Congress at the end of October with entries in the 9-High Pairs, Swiss Teams and Swiss Pairs events. 

It was good to see our club so well represented.

Congratulations to Michaela Vallance and Anne Freeston who finished third in the 9-High Pairs competition.  A brilliant result - well done!

  Enjoyable Swiss Teams Event - Thanks to all concerned

Our Swiss Teams event on 20th October was a resounding success!  Fourteen teams took part which is a phenomenal achievement  - thanks to all members who joined in.

A big thank you too to Eileen, David and everyone else who played a part in making everything run so smoothly.  It was a most enjoyable evening and a very close-run result!

Congratulations to the winning team of David Halford, Sarah Halford, Elaine Bell and Lolly Turner who narrowly beat the runners-up: Bill Rosie, Stuart Smith, Ann Sutherland and Sue Deakin.


  Competitions for Everyone

  Please take a look   ===>>

at the latest edition of the Worcestershire Bridge News  


You will find details of competitions for all levels of players:

  • an inter-club teams competition
  • Saturday Swiss Teams competitions over the winter :    9-High, 8-High and 6-High all restricted to the 'average club player'
  • Traditional County and Inter-County Competitions now held online, eliminating the usual travelling problems


   Plus mention of Eileen's Beginners' Courses

and her upcoming Bridge Teaching with the children at

Bewdley Primary School   

  2021 Bewdley Bridge Club AGM

The 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Bewdley Bridge Club will be held on Zoom on Wednesday 30th June 2021 at 6.30pm.  It will be followed by a (possibly shortened) club pairs evening on RealBridge starting at approximately 7pm.

There are links below to the relevant documents for the AGM.

Here is the LINK for the Zoom meeting. Please be aware that you will be muted by the host. 

  Packwood Family Trophy 2020/21

Congratulations to Chris Greatbatch for winning the Packwood Family Trophy 2020/21

This trophy is awarded to the individual whose average scores have increased the most over the club year.

A well deserved winner - WELL DONE


Myra Hunter Trophy 2022

Here are the results of the Myra Hunter Trophy 2022.

An exciting and very close result! 

Many congratulations to Chad Chadwick and Eileen Oakley for winning the Myra Hunter Trophy Competition 2022.

Congratulations too to the narrowly beaten runners up - Skene Walley and Nick Walley.



 Congratulations to these Members for their recent Master Point promotions ♠ 

Stephen Brown  County Master
Eileen Oakley  4 Star Master
Philip Morgan  Advanced Master
Derek Moses  County Master
Alan Ferguson  Local Master
John Darby  Club Master
Onnie Powers  Club Master


  F2F Bridge at Wharton Park Golf Club
F2F Bridge at Wharton Park Golf Club

We are planning our first F2F bridge session on Friday 19th November 2021 to be held at Wharton Park Golf Club. The session will start at 1.30pm and there will be a break for tea & coffee half way through. Hope to see you there.

  Malvern Congress for those with NGS of 9 or less

The Malvern Congress takes place at the end of October and as part of this there is a competition for newcomers and lower level national grades.

This is a great opportunity for those of you who are ranked 9 or below to participate in a competition against others of a similar standard.

Let's get Bewdley Bridge Club on the map again.

Click here for the link

  A Touching Request from Wendy
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To: David Halford <>
Subject: Lara
Dear David

Could I ask you a big favour. ..........

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  Happy in Cambridge
Happy in Cambridge

50 yards from our flat. 

Thanks for your good wishes. 

Richard and Rachel 

The above event is being staged this coming Saturday on RealBridge with a start time of 2pm. 

This should be a superb event and a very large proportion of our members are eligible to enter.

David Halford is very happy to co-ordinate our entries and liaise with the Worcestershire CBA.

Click here for further details.


  SIMS and Children in Need - A Great Success!

Bewdley Bridge Club supported the SIMS events on three days last week with the Wednesday session attracting a record 15 tables.

Congratulations to all who took part.  The winners are detailed below, all of whom deserve our applause, but particular mention should be made of Philip Morgan who managed an incredible top score on all three occasions and with a different partner each time!  

Monday winners were Jonathan Price & Philip Morgan, Denise Grant & Dinah Spillane, John Darby & Nick Whalley.

Wednesday winners were Philip Morgan & Onnie Powers, David Halford & Sarah Halford, Sue Evans & Louise Wilson.

Thursday winners were Chad Chadwick & Philip Morgan, Ian Argyle & David Halford, Jonathan Price & Richard Greenwood.

Not only were these enjoyable events but they also raised money for Children in Need.  Thanks to your generous support, a total of £1404 has so far been raised. 

Many thanks to everyone who donated.  If anyone has yet to contribute then please use this link.



  RealBridge Disconnections: Get Back Quickly
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Most of us are now using a suitable browser to play on RealBridge. These are listed in Eileen's instructions - Click here for details (link no longer valid 6/10/21)

Recent improvements to Apple software mean that their Safari browser is now compatible but you have to have the latest version of BigSur installed. If you still experience problems Google Chrome or Firefox browsers work well. ..........

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  RealBridge Problems
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Members will be aware of serious disconnection problems recently. This particularly affects those who use Apple devices but also causes serious disruption to the movement affecting us all, not to mention additional stress for directors! The difficulties are entirely of Apple's making as their latest software version had bugs which upset RealBridge software. ..........

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  RealBridge: Stop Press PLEASE READ

I've just read the latest RealBridge release notes which indicate that users on the very latest Firefox browser may encounter problems. This issue is a Firefox glitch apparently.  I'm now using Google Chrome browser as routine and it works fine.  Sorry for short notice, let's hope for few problems this evening.


  Tips from RealBridge

The following recommendations from RealBridge should help those frequently misclicking cards, bids and therefore asking for Undos! We should aim to reduce the use of undo as it can be misused and create ill feeling if refused. It should be especially useful for those using tablet devices (with smaller screens).

  1. Make sure you adjust settings using the "gear wheel" so that you are required to tap or click TWICE. The first click removes the card from bidding box or hand, the second click confirms it and plays the card selected. If you find you have selected the wrong card, CLICK ANYWHERE ELSE on the table which will return it to your hand. AVOID "DOUBLE CLICKING" as that will prevent any rectification necessary.
  2. In settings select detailed cards which are larger and less error prone
  3. For additional precision, especially on tablets, consider buying a stylus, pack of five for £4.50 from Amazon or more sophisticated singles for £8-9.
  Face to Face Bridge Survey ..... Results So Far


Members have been asked to kindly complete a survey to enable us to decide if our proposed return to Face to Face Bridge is feasible. 

The closing date for replies is


Friday 10th September.


Here are the results so far:


Surveys Returned : 74 (out of 114)


Members wanting Face to Face Bridge at Wharton Park on a Friday afternoon from October 2021 : 18


Members wanting Face to Face Bridge at Wharton Park on a Friday afternoon but not yet in view of Covid: 12


If you haven't yet sent in your views, click here for the link to the survey


  Face to Face or Online .......... What do you think?

The club has to decide soon whether to move back to Face to Face bridge on a Wednesday night from 6th October 2021 or whether to continue online as now.

The closing date for the survey responses is today Friday 30th July smiley 

Very many thanks to the 68% of members who have replied. 

If you have not replied, it would be appreciated if you would spend just a minute by using this link and answering the four short yes/no questions.  Thank you.

  ECats Bridge Summer Charity Pairs

Thank you to everyone who took part in the ECats SIMS pairs charity competition - their website records that a total of £2600 was raised.

It was great that Bewdley BC played in three competitions Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Congratulations to the club winners:

Monday : Rachel Ward and Michaela Vallance

Wednesday : Rachel Ward and David Brown

Thursday: David Halford and Ian Argyle

A particular Well Done to David and Ian who came first in the overall competition on Thursday out of 206 entries.

  Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) June 2021

Click here to read the minutes of the AGM. 

The minutes contain important information about the future of bridge within the club - our Chairman is anxious that all members have the maximum opportunity to read them. 

An email containing the minutes has also been sent to all members.


  ECatsBridge Summer Charity Pairs took place on Mon 5th, Wed 7th and Thurs 8th July 2021

Click here to read our Chairman's letter about this event.

You are asked to make a donation to the charities please and if you click on this LINK you can get more information about the charities involved and also how to make your donation.



  Swiss Teams 14 April
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Here are the preselected teams. Please don't make arrangements to form your own teams.

Would the first named player please sit North at the designated table and their teammates join them. ..........

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  Teams Trophy 14 th April
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We are running the annual teams trophy for 2020/21 next Wednesday 14th April. The link will appear in the usual place on Monday. We have a record entry of 14 teams and are planning to run this as a Swiss teams event of 5 x 4 board matches, 20 boards in total. In the event of a pair dropping out it may be possible to find a replacement given as much notice as possible. ..........

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