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Bebington Bridge Club Etiquette


  • Be seated at your table by 7.05pm  for a 7.15pm start.
  • Table 1 N-S is normally for the  Director .
  • Turn off your mobile phone. If it is vital, leave it on 'vibrate'.
  • Aim to bid and play without causing hold-ups.
  • Avoid making comments during the play.   
  • Do not re-deal a passed out board. Exception is the first time it is played.
  • Call the Director if there is a problem.

Start of the Session

  • North completes the Player Details form and the Travellers.

Boards and Bidding Boxes

  • Only North handles the Boards
  • The Board being played should stay on the table so that vunerability is visible.
  • When bidding is complete, leave the bid cards on the table until the lead has been played.

Each New Round

  • Greet your opponents. Do not continue to discuss previous hands.
  • Do not take cards from the Board until North has checked the board and pair numbers.
  • Count your cards, face down, before sorting them.
  • Be prepared to explain your bidding system clearly, if asked.
  • You may ask a bidder's partner what their bid means. Only do so if you are considering making a bid. Otherwise, you can clarify the meaning of a bid before the lead is played.

The Play

  • If you are the opening lead, present your card face down to allow for questions and to prevent 'out-of-turn' leads.
  • As Declarer, always call for the card you wish Dummy to play. Do not lean over to touch it.
  • As Declarer, wait for LHO to play before calling a card from Dummy.
  • As Dummy, do not touch a card to play until instructed by Declarer.
  • When making a claim, you should explain to your opponents your intended line of play.
  • At the end of play, leave your tricks on the table until the result is agreed by each pair.
  • North fills in the score on  the traveller. East checks it.

After the Play

  • Keep your voice down. Do not delay the next Board by holding a post-mortem.
  • Do not touch other players' cards - you may ask them to show you.
  • Move to the next table only when told to do so by the Director.
  • Thank your opponents at the end of the round.
  • If the previous occupants are still at the table when you arrive, stand well clear so that you cannot see/hear the results of that Board.


  • If you stay in the room, keep your voice down to avoid disturbing the play.
  • If you want to chat freely, it is better to leave the room for a short time.



Bebington Duplicate Bridge Club Rules - Revised 2015......
Bebington Duplicate Bridge Club Rules  - Revised 2015

1. The club shall be called the Bebington Duplicate Bridge Club

2. The Aim of the Club shall be to play Duplicate Bridge in a friendly and sociable environment. Play shall be in accordance with current EBU rules, with the exception that if all four players pass a board the first time, a re-deal shall take place. 

3. The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and no more than six members elected at a General Meeting of the Club.

4. The Committee (five of whom shall form a quorum) shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur in their number and shall have the overall management Club affairs.

5. Three Committee members, comprising Chairman, Hon.Treasurer and Hon Secretary, shall have the authority to open a Club Bank Account. Of those three, any two are to sign together on cheque payments.

6. Prospective members shall be asked to play as visitors on up to two occasions before the Chairman or Club Secretary will invite their application. 

7. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on such a date in September as the Committee may decide, when the audited accounts for the preceding year shall be submitted and an Auditor, Officers and Committee members shall be elected.

8. Fourteen days notice of every General Meeting shall be given in writing to each member. The notice shall state the object of the meeting and shall be held to be duly given when emailed to members. It shall be given by hand or posted to members who do not have an email address. 

9. A special General Meeting of the Club shall be called by the Secretary at any time on the requisition in writing of six or more members, who must state the object of the meeting.

10. The Club year shall extend from 1st September to 31st August. If any member’s due subscription remains unpaid on 1st December, the Committee may cancel the membership in question.

11. If the Committee be of the opinion that the interests of the Club require, they may request a member to resign. In the absence of such resignation the Committee shall have the power to expel the member and to serve an explanatory notice to this effect. 

12. Occasional visitors may be introduced by Club members.

13. Annual Subscriptions, Table Money, Visitors’ Fees, Prizes etc shall be at the discretion of the Committee.

14. Play on Club nights shall commence at 7.30pm. Anyone arriving after 7.20pm may be excluded from play.

15. In the event of the Club ceasing to function, a Special General Meeting shall be called to decide on the disposal of assets (if any) and the date of the winding up of the Club’s affairs.

16. Smoking and the sale of draw tickets are prohibited at Club meetings.

17. The Club is expected to comply with the Wirral Borough Council Conditions of Hire relating to the Club’s base in Bebington Civic Centre. 

18. No new rule or alteration to these rules shall be made, except at the Annual General Meeting of the Club or at a Special Meeting. 28 days’ notice of any proposed alteration in the rules must be given to the Secretary in writing, but it shall not be necessary for the Secretary in the notice calling the meeting to specify these alterations in detail, but s/he shall indicate the general nature thereof.

19. The Secretary shall provide a copy of these rules for every member upon election and copies shall be readily available on Club nights.