2024 October Newsletter |
Happy Autumn!
Highlights of our October schedule:
- We do have supervised play at 10:00 and a club appreciation game at 12:00 in Wellesley on Rosh Hashana, Thursday, October 3.
- We do not have a Peabody game on Tuesday, October 8. (We do have open and 499er club appreciation games at 10:30 in Wellesley with a free pregame lesson at 10:00.)
- All of our games award extra masterpoints.
- All of our games the week of October 14 are part of the New England Royal Sectional Tournament at Clubs (STaC). Extra masterpoints for the best scores in New England. All masterpoints are 1/4 each Gold, Red, Silver, and Black.
- Especially for newcomers and intermediate and advancing players:
- $5 special price for 499ers on Mondays at 10:30 in Wellesley.
- Free pregame lessons on Tuesdays at 10:00 in Wellesley.
- Separate 499er flight on Tuesdays at 10:30 in Wellesley.
- Supervised play on Thursdays at 10:00 in Wellesley.
Please visit our website for full information. We look forward to seeing you!
-- David, Gary, and Tim
Last updated : Oct 2, 2024 19:25 EDT |
March schedule correction; Zach on signals tomorrow @9:15 |
The March newsletter erroneously announced a Royal Sectional Tournament at Clubs in March. That STaC was rescheduled to the week of May 20. Click here for our corrected March schedule.
Reminder: Zach Grossack will host another lesson+game session on defensive signals Tuesday, March 12, in Wellesley. Lesson at 9:15. Open and 499er Unit Grass Roots Fund games (lots of extra masterpoints) at 10:30. Please see our Classes page for full information.
-- David, Gary, and Tim
Last updated : Mar 11, 2024 15:06 EDT |
2024 March Newsletter |
Happy March!
Click here for our full March schedule. Note that all but one of our March games award extra masterpoints, including the "Rainbow Sectional Tournament at Clubs" March 25-28 with gold, red, silver, and black points.
Zach Grossack will host two lesson+game sessions on defensive signals. The lessons will be on Tuesdays, March 5 and 12, at 9:15 in Wellesley. They will be followed by open and 499er games at 10:30. Please see our Classes page for full information.
Our $5 Monday special continues. Players with <500 masterpoints are invited to play in our Monday 10:30 games in Wellesley for $5! Come with or without a partner--we'll find you a partner.
The club will be open during the North American Bridge Championships in Louisville March 14-24.
-- Tim, David, and Gary
Last updated : Mar 4, 2024 15:46 EST |
2024 February Newsletter |
No games in Wellesley or Peabody Tuesday-Thursday, February 6-8, due to the tournament in Mansfield.
There will be supervised play, as usual, on Thursday, February 8, at 10:00 in Wellesley.
Click here for our monthly calendar.
Zach Grossack will host two lesson+game sessions on defensive signals. The lessons will be on Tuesdays, March 5 and 12, at 9:15 in Wellesley. They will be followed by open and 499er games at 10:30. Please see our Classes page for full information.
Our $5 Monday special continues. Players with <500 masterpoints are invited to play in our Monday 10:30 open games in Wellesley for $5! Come with or without a partner--we'll find you a partner.
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players who did well in 2023 masterpoint races! (The results are almost final, but corrections are possible before February 7.)
- First in Unit 108 (Eastern Massachusetts) Mini-McKinneys: Joe Lanzel (5-20), Cesare Verdi (20-50), Robin Zelle (50-100), Doug Costello (100-200), Mine Usluel (300-500), Walter Driscoll (500-1000), Emma Kolesnik (1000-1500), Ethan Wood (1500-2500), Larry Lebowitz (2500-3500), Harrison Luba (3500-5000), Natalie Bassil (5000-7500), Alan Watson (7500-10,000), and Zach Grossack (over 10,000). Eric Xiao is first in the Unit 113 (Central Massachusetts) 1000-1500 Mini-McKenney. Lanzel, Verdi, Xiao, Wood, Lebowitz, Luba, Bassil, Watson, and Grossack are first in District 25 (New England). Lanzel, Wood, and Grossack are first, second, and fifth in their respective brackets ACBL-wide.
- First in Unit 108 Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs: Cesare Verdi (20-50), Doug Costello (100-200), Joe Taverna (300-500), Barbara Tarlin (2500-3500), Cilla Borras (3500-5000), Natalie Bassil (5000-7500), Joe Cappannelli (7500-10,000), and Sheila Gabay (over 10,000). Tarlin, Bassil, and Gabay are first in District 25. Gabay is fourth ACBL-wide.
- Harrison Luba, Eric Xiao, and Jeff Xiao are the top three youth (under 20) in District 25 and second, eighth, and tenth ACBL-wide.
- Zach Grossack, Harrison Luba, Ethan Wood, Eric Xiao, Jeff Xiao, and Emma Kolesnik are the top six juniors (under 26) in District 25 and first, fourth, sixth, 18th, 20th, and 25th ACBL-wide.
- Zach Grossack and Adam Grossack top District 25 in 2023 masterpoints and are fifth and 22nd ACBL-wide.
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players who advanced in masterpoint rank in September, October, November, and December including Life Master Sue Geer and Silver Life Masters (1,000 points) Terry Berenson, Paul Adler, Sharon Stanfill, and Judy Pollack. For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races and Member Rank Achievements on the ACBL site.
-- Tim, David, and Gary
Last updated : Feb 6, 2024 07:36 EST |
2024 January Newsletter |
Happy 2024!
Note that we do have a game as usual at 10:30 this morning (Monday, January 1) in Wellesley.
Zach Grossack returns on Wednesdays, January 3, 10, and 17, with combination lessons and games. His topic is "all things double: penalty, takeout, and the many other uses of my favorite bridge bid." Please see our Classes page for full information.
Our other programs for newer players continue in Wellesley:
- 499er $5 Mondays: Players with <500 masterpoints pay just $5 for our Monday 10:30 open games in Wellesley. (Come with or without a partner--we'll find you a partner.)
- 499er Tuesday games with free pre-game lessons: lesson at 10:00, game at 10:30
- Supervised Play with Stuart Whittle: Thursdays, 10:00-12:00; see our Classes page for more information
Please see our Calendar Month page for our full January and February schedule. (All of our January and February games award extra masterpoints.)
-- David, Gary, and Tim
Last updated : Jan 1, 2024 06:28 EST |
499er $5 Mondays; "Welcome Back" Games November 27-30 |
499er $5 Mondays
For the rest of 2023 players with <500 masterpoints are invited to play in our Monday 10:30 open games in Wellesley for $5! Come with or without a partner—we’ll find you a partner.
"Welcome Back" Games November 27-30
The club is open as usual the week of November 27 (during the North American Bridge Championships in Atlanta). All games this week are special “Welcome Back” games that award mucho extra masterpoints—82% sectional rating—at our regular-game price.
- Monday, 10:30, Wellesley: open game—499ers pay $5 (see below)
- Tuesday, 10:00, Wellesley: pregame lesson with Stuart Whittle (free)
- Tuesday, 10:30, Wellesley: open and 499er games
- Tuesday, 12:15, Peabody: open game
- Wednesday, 12:00, Wellesley: open game
- Thursday, 10:00, Wellesley: supervised play with Stuart Whittle
- Thursday, 12:00, Wellesley: open game
David, Gary, and Tim are at the NABC and look forward to seeing many of you in Atlanta.
Zach Lesson + Game Sessions in January
Save the dates: Zach Grossack will be back on Wednesdays, January 3, 10, and 17, with combination lessons and games. His topic is "all things double: penalty, takeout, and the many other uses of my favorite bridge bid." Please see our Classes page for full information.
Last updated : Nov 27, 2023 03:21 EST |
2023 November-December Newsletter |
Greetings. November and December highlights at Bay State Bridge:
- Zach Grossack teaches a special one-hour lesson on Tuesday, November 14, at 9:15 in Wellesley.
- All games award extra points (64% or 82% of sectional rating).
- ACBL-wide International Fund Game Tuesday, December 5, at 10:30 in Wellesley.
More information below and at baystatebridge.com. Click here for our monthly calendar.
- Tim Hill, David Metcalf, and Gary Peterson
Special Lesson and Game with Zach Grossack Tuesday, November 14, 9:15
You're invited to a special lesson-game combination with Zach Grossack. The lesson is from 9:15 to 10:15. The 999er game (extra extra points at 82% sectional rating) is from 10:30 to 1:00. (There's also an open game from 10:30 to 1:30.) $30 per player for both the lesson and the game. No pre-registration; just come with or without a partner (we'll match you up).
August-October Masterpoint Achievements
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players:
- who advanced in masterpoint rank in September and October, including Life Master Sue Geer, Silver Life Masters (1,000 points) Walter Driscoll, and Sam Gallo, Terry Berenson, Paul Adler, and Sharon Stanfill, Gold Life Master (2,500 points) Harold Nordstrom, and Platinum Life Master (10,000 points) Rick Binder
- who rank high in 2023 masterpoint races through October, including district leaders Joe Lanzel, Cesare Verdi, Roger Li, Harrison Luba, Natalie Bassil, Joe Cappannelli, Sheila Gabay, and Zach Grossack
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races and Member Rank Achievements on the ACBL site.
Last updated : Nov 12, 2023 16:55 EST |
2023 September Newsletter |
Happy Labor Day. September highlights at Bay State Bridge:
- Zach Grossack teaches a four-week course on "Thinking Slam" starting Wednesday, September 6.
- New 999er games on Wednesdays following Zach's classes. (Tuesday 999er games with free pregame lessons continue.)
- September is International Fund Month, so all games award extra masterpoints and benefit the ACBL's International Fund.
More information below and at baystatebridge.com. Click here for our September calendar.
- Tim Hill, David Metcalf, and Gary Peterson
Thinking Slam with Zach Grossack
You're invited to another special series of celebrity lessons on Wednesdays, September 6, 13, and 20 and October 4, from 10:15 to 11:45. Stay for our 12:00 game, which will have a 999er flight (18 boards, 2 1/2 hours) as well as an open flight (24 boards, 3 hours).
Zach has won eight North American Bridge Championships and is the 2022 ACBL Player of the Year. He writes:
I am excited to return to the teaching circuit, this time with my favorite topic in history: Thinking Slam.
Remember when you were first taught that you need 33 combined points for a slam? We're going to throw that one by the wayside. I'm sure you've all taken 12 tricks with fewer points than that - and in this class, I will be showing you how and when to look for these slams. Why? Because those who bid slams win more at bridge, of course!
This class will cover both the technical side of slam discovery, as well as the conceptual side. We will go in depth on Roman Keycard Blackwood and control bidding, as well as look for key factors that determine when to start whiffing for slams. These concepts include double fits, an abundance of aces, "30 point decks" (if you don't know what that means, come to the class and learn!), knowing when shortness is useful (and also knowing when it might not be!), and much more.
By the end you will start visualizing the number of tricks your side will take during the bidding. Trust me.
WHERE: Bay State Bridge, 75 Pleasant St., Wellesley, MA (How to Find Us)
WHEN: September 6, 13, 20, and October 4 (skipping September 27 during high holidays). The class begins at 10:15 and ends around 11:45. There is an open duplicate game and a limited duplicate game, both at noon, after the lesson finishes for those interested in testing out their slamming!
HOW: Easy booking at zgbridge.com. You are also welcomed to just show up - drop-ins are just fine.
WHO: All levels welcome, but intermediate and advanced players (and even experts) especially won't want to miss this class!
HOW MUCH: This will be a 4 part class, the 4 classes together at $110. Per class drop-ins are welcome, with each individual class at $35
September 6: Roman Keycard and a few things you might not have known about it
September 13: The Key Factors - what exactly to look out for when exploring for slam
September 20: Control Bids and Cue Bids
October 4: The "30 Point Deck" and putting it all together.
Come as a partnership, or come as an individual and we will fix you up with a partner. And of course feel free to tell all of your bridge friends who might be interested!
Hope to see lots of you there.
Slams ahoy,
September is International Fund Month
September is International Fund Month, and all of our games are International Fund games. The ACBL's International Fund supports North American participation in international competitions. All masterpoint awards are 64% sectional black points (about twice the awards for regular club games).
June and July Masterpoint Achievements
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players:
- who advanced in masterpoint rank in June and July, including Life Master Anne Farrington, Silver Life Master (1,000 points) Tracy Burlock, Emerald Life Master (7,500 points) Natalie Bassil, and Platinum Life Master (10,000 points) Alan Watson
- who rank high in 2023 masterpoint races through July, including district leaders Joe Lanzel, Cesare Verdi, Marty Cohen, Harrison Luba, Natalie Bassil, Joe Cappannelli, Alan Watson, Sheila Gabay, and Zach Grossack
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races and Member Rank Achievements on the ACBL site.
September New England Tournaments
Sep 8-10, 2023 |
Williston |
VT |
Info |
Sep 9-10, 2023 |
Portland |
ME |
Info |
Sep 23-24, 2023 |
Johnston |
RI |
Info |
Sep 29-29, 2023 |
Newtown |
CT |
Info |
Sep 30-Oct 1, 2023 |
Grantham |
NH |
Info |
Last updated : Sep 4, 2023 09:08 EDT |
Week of May 22: Royal STaC & Zach Pregame Lesson |
Royal STaC Week of May 22

The New England Royal Sectional Tournament at Clubs is the week of May 22. All Bay State Bridge games this week will award extra masterpoints with equal parts gold , red , silver , and black . All of our games this week will be scored with other in-person clubs throughout New England.
Please click here for our full May schedule.
Zach Grossack Pregame Lesson May 23 at 9:45
Please join us for free pregame lessons every Tuesday in Wellesley before our 10:30 open and 999er games. The lessons usually start at 10:00.
Zach Grossack will teach on May 23. The lesson that day will start at 9:45.
May is Grass Roots Fund Month
May is the ACBL's annual Grass Roots Fund Month, and Bay State Bridge games this month (except for the New England Royal Sectional Tournament at Clubs May 22-25) will all benefit the Grass Roots Fund for our New England district.
Masterpoint awards are about 250% of regular games (64% sectional-rated).
Two annual North American Bridge Championship events have "grass roots" qualification. Players in three or four flights compete to represent each district in the North American Pairs and Grand National Teams finals at the Spring and Summer NABCs respectively. The Grass Roots Fund helps fund qualifying events and subsidize district winners' travel to the NABCs.
Click here for New England's NAP representatives at the New Orleans NABC in March. Zach Grossack and Linda Robinson won the top flight.
Click here for New England's GNT representatives in flights A and C at the Chicago NABC in July. Our representatives in the Championship and B flights will be determined June 17-18.

April Masterpoint Achievements
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players:
- who advanced in masterpoint rank in April, including Life Masters Bill Finch and Emily Gordon and Diamond Life Master (5,000 points) Stuart Whittle
- who rank high in 2023 masterpoint races through April, including district leaders Saul Agranoff, Joe Cappannelli, Sheila Gabay, and Zach Grossack
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races and Member Rank Achievements on the ACBL site.
Last updated : May 22, 2023 09:34 EDT |
Patriots' Day Traffic Alert; Gamerman Party; Zach Pregame Lesson |
Traffic Alert for Patriots' Day, Monday, April 17
We will hold our 10:30 Wellesley game on Monday, April 17, as usual. Please be aware that the Boston Marathon route runs through the middle of Wellesley on Central Street (Route 135) from Natick to Wellesley Square and on Washington Street (Route 16) from Wellesley Square to Newton. No problem reaching the club via Worcester Road (Route 9) from Route 128 or from other points to the east or west as usual. However, if you have to drive across the marathon route, there are only two places you'll be able to do that: on Route 9 in Wellesley Hills and on Route 128 in Wellesley Lower Falls. Click here for a map.
Party April 26 for Grand Life Master Lew Gamerman
On Wednesday, April 26, we'll honor Lew Gamerman for achieving the ACBL's highest rank. Lew became a Grand Life Master when he and Sheila Gabay won the Leventritt Silver Ribbon Pairs in New Orleans.
We'll have a pot-luck brunch at 11:00 preceding the noon game. Please bring something to share.
Zach Grossack Pregame Lesson April 25 at 9:45
Please join us for free pregame lessons every Tuesday before our 10:30 open and 999er games. The lessons usually start at 10:00.
Zach Grossack will teach on April 25. The lesson that day will start at 9:45.
Last updated : Apr 16, 2023 08:01 EDT |
2023 April Newsletter |
Zach Grossack Pregame Lesson April 25
Zach Grossack will give the Tuesday pregame lesson on April 25 at 9:45 (not on April 11 as previously announced). David Metcalf will give the Tuesday pregame lesson on April 11 at 10:00. These lessons precede our Tuesday 10:30 999er and open games and are free.

April is the ACBL's annual Charity Month. All Bay State Bridge games this month contribute $1/player to charity and award extra masterpoints (64% sectional rating).
Bay State Players Win Three National Championships in New Orleans
At the Spring North American Bridge Championships in New Orleans, Bay State Bridge players won two NABC+ championships and an NABC championship. Zach Grossack and Linda Robinson won the Baldwin North American Pairs. Sheila Gabay and Lew Gamerman won the Leventritt Silver Ribbon Pairs, making Lew a Grand Life Master. Vik Srimurthy and Venky Venkataramani won the 0-2500 Pairs.
Linda Robinson and Mark Aquino were third in the Leventritt Silver Ribbon Pairs. Sheila Gabay and Alan Watson and Selen Hotamisligil and Cenk Tunçok were third and fourth in the Rockwell Mixed Pairs. Ethan Wood and his teammates were second in the 0-10,000 Knockouts.
Emma Kolesnik, Marina Polestra, Rena Lieberman, Natalie Bassil, Larry Lebowitz, and Adam Grossack also ranked overall in NABC+ events.
Carole Weinstein, Bob Gorsey, and Brenda and Neil Montague also ranked overall in NABC events.
Walter Driscoll, Barbara Blauer, Susan Lincoln, Muggsie Rocco, Elizabeth Wood, Ethan Wood, Bart Bussink, Juan Felipe Cuervo, Carolyn Bitetti, Ulla Winkler, Joanne Tulimieri, and Zach Grossack won regional events, flights, brackets, or strata. Walter won four times with three different partners.
Congratulations to all! Apologies if I missed anyone--please let me know.
New Orleans attendance was 7124 tables, 15% higher than last spring in Reno.
Party April 26 for Grand Life Master Lew Gamerman
Save the date: on Wednesday, April 26, in conjunction with our noon game, we'll honor Lew Gamerman for achieving the ACBL's highest rank. Lew became a Grand Life Master when he and Sheila Gabay won the Leventritt Silver Ribbon Pairs in New Orleans.
First Quarter Masterpoint Achievements
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players:
- who advanced in masterpoint rank in the first quarter, including Life Masters Kathryn Conway and Rob Russell, Gold Life Master (2500 points) Carolyn Krebs, and Grand Life Master (10,000 points and an NABC+ championship) Lew Gamerman
- who rank high in 2023 masterpoint races through March, including district leaders Cesare Verdi, Saul Agranoff, Natalie Bassil, Joe Cappannelli, Sheila Gabay, and Zach Grossack
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races and Member Rank Achievements on the ACBL site.
Last updated : Apr 10, 2023 22:46 EDT |
2023 March Newsletter |
 March 7 Pre-game Lesson: Zach Grossack on Lead-directing Doubles
Zach "Cover Boy" Grossack will teach the pre-game lesson on Tuesday, March 7, at 10:00. The subject is lead-directing doubles. Please join us for Zach's lesson and for the 999er and open Unit Championship games that follow at 10:30.
Extra Masterpoints All Month
All Bay State Bridge games in March award extra masterpoints (64% or 82% of sectional tournament rating). Most are the same price as regular club games. Please click here for our full March calendar.
Club Championship |
64% sectional rating |
$12/player |
Upgraded Club Championship |
82% sectional rating |
$12/player |
Charity |
64% sectional rating |
$13/player |
Unit Championship |
64% sectional rating |
$13/player |
Unit Charity |
82% sectional rating |
$13/player |
Tuesday Intermediate/Newcomer Games and Pre-game Lessons
We're delighted to continue our Intermediate/Newcomer games with free pre-game lessons on Tuesday mornings. Please join us and tell your friends!
When |
Tuesday mornings, 10:30, starting January 24 |
Who |
Newcomers and intermediate players. (Players with >299 masterpoints may prefer the open game at the same time. Players with >999 masterpoints must play in the open game.) |
Pre-game lesson |
10:00 |
Where |
Italo American Educational Club, 75 Pleasant Street, Wellesley (How to Find Us) |
How much |
same as our open games (Information); no charge for pre-game lessons |
How long |
18 boards, finishing about 1:00 (25 minutes per three-board round) |
January Masterpoint Achievements
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players:
- who advanced in masterpoint rank in January, including Gold Life Master (2500 points) Carolyn Krebs
- who rank high in 2023 masterpoint races, including district leaders Barbara Tarlin, Marina Polestra, Stewart Rubenstein, Sheila Gabay, and Zach Grossack
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races and Member Rank Achievements on the ACBL site.
2022 Masterpoint Races
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players who won 2022 masterpoint races, including:
- unit Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs winners Sue Geer, Sam Gallo, Bob Gervis, Barbara Murphy, Carole Weinstein, and Haven Sharaf
- Murphy also won her district race
- unit Mini McKenney winners Dori Senerchia, Rita Vachani, Ethan Wood, Larry Lebowitz, Harrison Luba, Barbara Murphy, Carole Weinstein, and Adam Grossack
- Wood, Lebowitz, Murphy, Weinstein, and Grossack also won their district races
- Wood also won his ACBL-wide race
- Harrison Luba was the top youth (under 20) in our district and second ACBL-wide
- Zach Grossack, Ethan Wood, Harrison Luba, and Emma Kolesnik were the first, second, third, and fifth juniors (under 26) in our district and ranked first, sixth, eighth, and tenth ACBL-wide
- Adam and Zach Grossack, Larry Lebowitz, Sheila Gabay, Ethan Wood, and Stephen Gladyszak were the top six in our district in total masterpoints
- Adam and Zach were sixth and eighth ACBL-wide
- Zach Grossack was the Player of the Year (most platinum points in NABC+ events at the three North American Bridge Championships). Adam Grossack ranked fifth and Larry Lebowitz tied for ninth.
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races and Member Rank Achievements on the ACBL site.
Last updated : Mar 6, 2023 16:43 EST |
2023 January Newsletter |
Happy 2023! We wish you a happy and healthy new year with lots of in-person bridge!
January highlights at Bay State Bridge:
- Our special series of celebrity lessons and bridge games with Zach Grossack continues Tuesday mornings, January 3-17, at 10:00.
- January is Junior Fund Month--all our Wellesley and Peabody games award extra masterpoints and benefit the ACBL’s Junior Fund.
Read on for more details and other news. Click here for our January calendar. As always, please visit baystatebridge.com for full up-to-date information, including our locations, calendars, and results.
-- Tim Hill, David Metcalf, and Gary Peterson
Junior Fund Month
January is the ACBL's annual Junior Fund Month. All Bay State games will benefit the ACBL's Junior Fund and award extra masterpoints (64%-sectional-rated black points).
Win at Matchpoints with Zach Grossack
You're invited to another special series of celebrity lessons and bridge games on Tuesday mornings, January 3-17. We have booked Zach Grossack to give you some incredible bridge tips, and play in a duplicate game just for the students. One lucky player each week will win a drawing to partner with Zach!
Zach has won seven North American Bridge Championships and is the 2022 ACBL Player of the Year.
If you'd enjoy some insight into how the experts get top scores in duplicate bridge, learning from Zach is both enlightening and fun!
For more information, please see our Classes page, or Zach's web page, or Kim Gilman's web page. Click here to register.
Masterpoint Achievements
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players who advanced in masterpoint rank in May through November, including Life Masters Jayson Rhuda, Sam Gallo, and Barbara Liskov; Silver Life Masters (1000 points) Roberta Francis, Monte Jaffe, Stan Piltch, Rita Vachani, Carolyn Bitetti, and Marilyn Ogden; Gold Life Masters (2500 points) Rene Frayman, Danny Krebs, Marianne Bechet, and Larry Lebowitz; Diamond Life Masters (5000 points) Kim Gilman, Ken Bloom, and Stewart Rubenstein; and Emerald Life Master (7500 points) Amnon Gabay. Grand Life Masters Stephen Gladyszak and Pat McDevitt passed the 20,000-point mark.
Congratulations also to Bay State Bridge players who rank high in 2022 masterpoint races, including district leaders Larry Lebowitz, Barbara Murphy, and Adam Grossack. Harrison Luba is the top youth (under 20) in our district and second ACBL-wide. Zach Grossack, Ethan Wood, Harrison Luba, and Emma Kolesnik are the top four juniors (under 26) in our district and rank first, sixth, eighth, and ninth ACBL-wide. Adam and Zach Grossack lead our district in total masterpoints this year and are sixth and eighth ACBL-wide.
The 2022 Player of the Year (most platinum points in NABC+ events at the three North American Bridge Championships)is Zach Grossack. Adam Grossack ranks fifth and Larry Lebowitz is tied for ninth.
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races and Member Rank Achievements on the ACBL site.
Phoenix NABC
At the North American Bridge Championships in Phoenix, the team including Adam and Zach Grossack and Larry Lebowitz reached the quarter finals of the Soloway Knockout Teams and finished third in the Reisinger Board-a-Match Teams. Zach garnered "Player of the Year" honors [Daily Bulletin, December 3, p. 1] by winning a total of 852 platinum points in "NABC+" events at 2022's three NABCs. All five of Zach's teammates were also in the top ten [Daily Bulletin, December 5, p. 4].
Other Massachusetts players who ranked overall in NABC+ and NABC events: Mark Aquino, Emma Kolesnik, Ethan Wood, Stephen Gladyszak, Dean Panagopoulos, Michael Schrage, Sheila Gabay, John Manopoli, Peter Clay, Paul Harris, Dan Jablonski, Al Muggia, Natalie Bassil, Bill Irvine, Kamla Chawla, and Jiang Chen.
Massachusetts players who won other events, strata, and brackets: Eric, Jeff, and Victor Xiao, Barbara Blauer, Rob Russell, Yumi Hough, Grace Charron, Al Votolato, Barry Margolin, Nathan Glasser, Paul Harris, Peter Clay, Katie Love, Don Smith, Rena Lieberman, Marina Polestra, Tom Breur, Peter Weiden, and Jill and Joe Sackett.
Congratulations to all! Sorry if I missed anyone--please let me know.
Nearby Tournaments
Last updated : Jan 2, 2023 08:55 EST |
Royal STaC at Bay State Bridge |
Royal STaC October 10-13
This new kind of Sectional Tournament at Clubs awards extra masterpoints with equal parts gold , red , silver , and black . All of our games this week will be scored with other in-person clubs throughout New England.
For Beginning and Intermediate Players
Kim Gilman's "Lesson + Play" sessions continue on Wednesdays through November 9 from 10:00 to 12:00. This week's topic is Rebids by Responder.
Stuart Whittle guides supervised play sessions every Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00.
Please see our Classes page for full information.
Peabody Locations
Peabody games on Tuesdays, October 11 and 18, at 12:15 are at Knights of Columbus, 96 Main St. Peabody games return to their usual location (Temple Ner Tamid of the North Shore, 368 Lowell Street) on October 25.
For more information ...
including locations, directions, schedule, results, and contact information, please visit http://baystatebridge.com.
--Tim Hill, David Metcalf, and Gary Peterson
Last updated : Oct 10, 2022 09:04 EDT |
2022 June Newsletter (N.B.: NO GAMES TODAY, JUNE 1) |
Good morning. Key items:
- No games today, Wednesday, June 1. Sorry! We had to cancel today’s games because the Italo American Club is hosting a gathering after an Italo member’s funeral. Our Wednesday noon open and newcomer (99er) games resume June 8.
- Lots of extra points throughout June, including North American Pairs (NAP) games June 2–15.
- Today is Bay State Bridge’s first anniversary. Thank you for helping us keep in-person club bridge alive!
Please read on for details and more news.
—Tim Hill, David Metcalf, and Gary Peterson
North American Pairs
In June, July, and August, about half of our games are club-level qualifying games for the North American Pairs, including all games June 2–15. NAP games award half-red, half-black masterpoints at about triple the level of regular games (82% sectional rating).
Players who qualify in at least one of these games (look for a “Q” next to your name on the results) may play in the New England District Finals*. The top three or four pairs in each flight will qualify for the North American Finals at the 2023 Spring North American Bridge Championships in New Orleans and receive subsidies to help with their travel expenses.
Note that most of our non-NAP games in June, July, and August are also special games, awarding masterpoints at 64% or 82% sectional rating—about 2½ or 3 times the level of regular games.
Please click here for more information about club special games.
*The dates and location of the New England District NAP Finals are TBA. (Perhaps they will be in conjunction with the Harvest Regional November 9–13 in Southbridge.)
Newcomer Games Wednesdays at Noon
Please join us Wednesdays at noon in Wellesley for a friendly game. (Alas, as explained above, we had to cancel the June 1 game. We’ll be back June 8.)
First time playing bridge in-person? Ready to get back to bridge with real cards? Come have fun, meet new friends at your level, earn masterpoints, and enjoy a relaxed game of bridge.
This game is for newer players, or anyone who feels they are still learning the game. It is officially designated a “99er Game” which means you must have fewer than 100 bridge masterpoints to participate. Many of the players are online students who are starting with no masterpoints and playing their first face-to-face bridge!
These are duplicate bridge games where you just play (no lesson). We hope you will come have fun, meet new friends at your level, perhaps earn some bridge masterpoints, and enjoy a relaxed game of bridge.
The games are at Bay State Bridge’s venue in Wellesley: the Italo American Educational Club, 75 Pleasant Street (click here for directions). There is plenty of free parking. The cost is $10 per person (cash or check).
No partner necessary. We guarantee all single players a partner! And tell your friends—all are welcome!
This will be a duplicate bridge game where you will just play (no lesson). But I hope you will come have fun, meet new friends at your level, perhaps earn some bridge masterpoints, and enjoy a relaxed game of bridge.
If you have questions, please contact Bay State Bridge or Kim Gilman (<kgilman11@gmail.com>, 617-372-6376, www.bridgewithkim.com).
March and April Masterpoint Achievements
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players who advanced in masterpoint rank in March and April, including Life Masters Walter Driscoll, Dori Senerchia, and Joanne Tulimieri and Silver Life Master (1000 points) Chuck Rossi.
Congratulations also to Bay State Bridge players who rank high in 2022 masterpoint races, including district leaders Leo Troy, Barbara Murphy, Carole Weinstein, and Zach Grossack. Zach Grossack and Ethan Wood are the top two Juniors (under 26) in our district and rank first and sixth ACBL-wide.
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races on the ACBL site.
Masks Optional
Masks are now optional at Bay State Bridge games. Many of us still choose to wear masks (at least while our “Community Level” remains “High”). If someone asks you to wear a mask while you’re sharing a table with them, please do so graciously without question.
We require “up to date” COVID vaccination, which includes a booster if eligible.
Save the dates:
Overall masterpoint awards at in-person tournaments are increased by 20% starting this week!
For more information …
including locations, directions, schedule, results, and contact information, please visit http://baystatebridge.com.
Last updated : Jun 1, 2022 08:13 EDT |
2022 April Newsletter |
Good morning. Key items:
- New England’s first Royal STaC starts this morning at in-person clubs only.
- Our Tuesday morning, April 5, game in Wellesley is rescheduled to Friday morning, April 8. (That change is this week only.)
- New Wednesday morning game in Peabody starts April 6.
Please read on for details and more news.
—Tim Hill, David Metcalf, and Gary Peterson
Come Back to In-Person Bridge for April Special Events!
April is a great time to come back to in-person bridge! All our games award extra masterpoints, starting with New England’s first Royal STaC and continuing with charity games for the rest of the month. We’re adding a Wednesday morning game in Peabody. COVID Community Levels remain Low throughout Massachusetts.
Royal STaC April 4–8
This new kind of Sectional Tournament at Clubs awards extra masterpoints with equal parts gold , red , silver , and black . All of our games this week will be scored with other in-person clubs throughout New England.
Our Royal STaC schedule is:
April 4 |
April 5 |
April 6 |
April 7 |
April 8 |
Wellesley |
10:30 |
no game* |
12:00 |
12:00 |
10:30* |
Peabody |
12:15 |
10:30† |
*This week only our Tuesday Wellesley game is rescheduled to Friday (conflict at the Italo American Club).
†New Wednesday Peabody game starts April 6.
April is Charity Month
All in-person games for the rest of the month award extra masterpoints. Most of your donations ($1 per player per session) will go for Ukraine food relief.
Patriots Day, Monday, April 18
Our 10:30 game is on. The Boston Marathon runs on Routes 135 and 16 half a mile south of the club. It’ll be easy to reach the club from Route 9 as usual, but be aware that the only nearby place to cross the marathon route in a car will be where Route 9 passes under Route 16 at Wellesley Hills Square.
Zach Tops Reno NABC
Zach Grossack won his fifth and sixth NABC+ titles and Adam Grossack won his fourth NABC+ title at the Spring North American Bridge Championships in Reno. Zach shared the Mott-Smith Trophy for most masterpoints earned at the Spring NABC with his partner, Michael Rosenberg.
Michael and Zach won the Kay Platinum Pairs. Larry Lebowitz’s team, including Adam, Michael, and Zach, won the Jacoby Open Swiss. The Lebowitz team also reached the quarter-finals of the Vanderbilt Knockout Teams, losing to Vinita Gupta’s team on the last of 60 boards by 3 IMPs.
Our friends from Central Massachusetts, Sarik Goyal and Eric, Guanghao, and Jeff Xiao, teamed with Kyle Rockoff to win the NABC 0-10k Knockouts. Our friend who moved to NYC, Adam Parrish, won the NABC+ Fast Pairs.
Other Bay State players ranked overall in NABC+ events:
- Leventritt Silver Ribbon Pairs: Lloyd Arvedon and Pat McDevitt, ninth; Alan Watson and Rick Binder, 17th
- Rockwell Mixed Pairs: Mark Aquino, 27th; Natalie Bassil and Bill Irvine, 58th
- Silodor Open Pairs: Eric Schwartz, 21st
and an NABC event:
- President’s Cup North American Pairs Flight C: John Tully and John Frantz, fourth
Peter Clay, Walter Driscoll, Sheila Gabay, Paul Harris, Tim Hill, Robin Hillyard, Gerry Hitt, Dan Jablonski, Barry Margolin, Pat McDevitt, Cenk Tuncok, and Ethan Wood won other events/brackets/strata. (Apologies if I missed anyone.)
Congratulations to all!
January and February Masterpoint Achievements
Congratulations to Bay State Bridge players who advanced in masterpoint rank in January and February, including Life Master and Silver Life Master (1000 points) David Cohen and Gold Life Master (2500 points) Anita Taylor.
Congratulations also to Bay State Bridge players who rank high in 2022 masterpoint races, including district leaders Barbara Murphy, Carole Weinstein, and Adam Grossack.
For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races on the ACBL site.
Masks Optional
Masks are now optional at Bay State Bridge games. Many of us still choose to wear masks. If someone asks you to wear a mask while you’re sharing a table with them, please do so graciously without question.
We require “up to date” COVID vaccination, which includes a booster if eligible.
Save the dates:
For more information …
including locations, directions, schedule, results, and contact information, please visit http://baystatebridge.com.
Last updated : Apr 4, 2022 07:46 EDT |
Wellesley Games Resume Monday, January 17 |
Our Wellesley games resume Monday, January 17.
During our week off, reported COVID cases in Massachusetts peaked on Wednesday and dropped steeply Thursday and Friday. These reports lag the spread of infection, and a more timely indicator, coronavirus in our wastewater, has dropped steeply since January 5 to pre-Christmas levels.
As we return to the club, please do your part to help us all enjoy our pastime in reasonable safety:
- Stay home if you’re sick.
- Wear a good mask snugly covering your mouth and nose.
- Get a booster when you’re eligible.
Looking forward to seeing you back at the club!
—Tim Hill and David Metcalf
To help us keep enjoying duplicate bridge in person, starting January 24 we’re requiring “up to date” COVID vaccination, including a booster if it’s been six five months since your second Pfizer or Moderna shot or two months since your Johnson & Johnson shot.
Click here for more information on boosters, including how to get one in Massachusetts quickly, conveniently, and free.
The next time you play at the club, please show us your COVID vax record, including a booster if you’re eligible. Thank you!
Last updated : Jan 15, 2022 14:39 EST |
2022 January Newsletter |
With COVID case counts still surging and news that an asymptomatic player in our games last week in Wellesley just tested positive, we’ve decided to pause our Wellesley games for a week. NO WELLESLEY GAMES JANUARY 10-14. If all goes well, games at the Italo American Educational Club will resume Monday, January 17. 🤞🏻
We will have games in Peabody on Monday and Tuesday, January 10 and 11, at 12:15.
Please see http://baystatebridge.com for complete information.
Please do your part so we can all keep playing duplicate bridge in person—get a booster as soon as you’re eligible!
The CDC and Massachusetts recommend boosters five months after a second Pfizer or Moderna shot, or two months after a Johnson & Johnson shot.
Click for more information:
In other news, the nearly-final results of 2021 masterpoint races are out, and we’d like to congratulate Bay State players who ranked high, including:
- New England district winners Venky Venkataramani, Harrison Luba, Barbara Murphy, and Stephen Gladyszak
- Eastern Massachusetts unit winners Katherine Sears, Sam Gallo, Carolyn Bitetti, Ethan Wood, Roger Li, Steven Diamond, Natalie Bassil, and Carole Weinstein
- the top three juniors (under 26) in our district, Zachary Grossack, Harrison Luba, and Ethan Wood, who ranked first, third, and eighth ACBL-wide
- the top two youth (under 20) in our district, Harrison Luba and Ethan Wood, who ranked second and third ACBL-wide
Congratulations also to Bay State players who advanced in masterpoint rank in December, including Life Master Charlotte Bailey, Silver Life Master Tom Breur, and Gold Life Masters Barbara Glazerman and Judith Inker. For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements on our site and Masterpoint Races on the ACBL site.
Bay State Bridge was well represented at the first North American Bridge Championships in two years, led by two NABC+ victories: A J Stephani, Margot Hennings, Carole Weinstein, and Bob Gorsey won the 0-10,000 Swiss Teams, and Dick Budd and John Hrones won the Super Senior Pairs.
19 more Bay State players ranked overall in NABC+ events:
- In the premier Soloway Knockout Teams, Larry Lebowitz’s team, including Adam and Zach Grossack, ranked third/fourth. Spector beat Lebowitz in the semi-finals en route to winning the event.
- Whitehead Women’s Pairs: Sheila Gabay and Linda Robinson, third
- Mixed Swiss: Stephen Gladyszak, Sheila Gabay, Max Siline, and Carrie Liu, fourth
- Nail Life Master Pairs: Pat McDevitt and Mark Aquino, fifth
- 0-10,000 Swiss Teams: Barry Margolin, Nathan Glasser, Ethan Wood, and Bart Bussink, fifth
- Keohane North American Swiss: Alan Watson and Rick Binder, 15th
- Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs: Harrison Luba, 17th; John McLaughlin, 29th
- 0-6,000 Mini-Blue Ribbon Pairs: Harold Nordstrom and Ashok Rao, 27th
Carolyn Bitetti, Nathan Glasser, Paul Hattis, Ann Jenkins, Harrison Luba, Barry Margolin, Linda Robinson, Jill and Joe Sackett, Eric Schwartz, Joanne Tulimieri, and Ulla Winkler won other events/strata.
Congratulations to all!
The tournament in Austin, Texas, November 25–December 5 drew 5,256 tables. That was half of the last NABC in beforetimes (10,373.5 tables in the fall of 2019 in San Francisco), but not bad under the circumstances.
Happy 2022!
—Tim Hill and David Metcalf
Last updated : Jan 9, 2022 21:00 EST |
2021 November Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Bay State Bridge Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 3 / November 2021
Welcome to Bay State Bridge! The merged Newton Bridge Club and Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club host in-person games in Wellesley and Peabody. Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- All of our games through the end of 2021 award extra points!
- With the addition of Monday games starting November 15, we have games in Wellesley on most weekdays.
- Unfortunately, due to other activities at the Italo American Club, we do not have games on Monday Nov. 1, Thursday Nov. 4, Friday Nov. 5, Monday Nov. 8, Wednesday Nov. 24, or Friday Nov. 26.
- Supervised Play with Stuart Whittle Thursdays (including November 4), 10:00 a.m. to noon.
- Participate in Supervised Play on Thursday morning and play free in the noon game.
- Peabody games Tuesdays at 12:15.
- No game or Supervised Play on Thursday, November 25. Happy Thanksgiving!
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the November schedule and our club news.
Managers’ Blurb
Monday games resume November 15 at 10:30. Now we have games in Wellesley on most weekdays and weekly games in Peabody.
Unfortunately there are several November dates when we can’t hold games in Wellesley due to other activities at the Italo American Club. Please see below for those dates or check the calendar. For a ready-to-print version, suitable for framing, click here.
Congratulations to Bay State players who advanced in masterpoint rank in July, August, and September, including Silver Life Masters (1000 points) Ed Astrachan, Barbara Blauer, and Yumi Hough; Gold Life Masters (2500) Michael Lindheimer and Jean Shaffer; Diamond Life Master (5000) Barbara Murphy; and Emerald Life Master (7500) Charlie Polay. Congratulations also to Bay State players who rank high in district masterpoint races through September, including race leaders Venky Venkataramani, Barbara Murphy, and Stephen Gladyszak. For complete lists, please see Masterpoint Achievements.
Mark Aquino’s new book, Shark’s Pointers, will be published imminently by Master Point Press. The book is based on Mark’s weekly Shark’s Pointers talks on Zoom while we were closed for in-person bridge. Thank you and congratulations, Mark!
If you miss face-to-face bridge, please give us a try—we are looking forward to seeing you again! If there’s anything we can do to make our club better for you, please tell us!
— Tim Hill <thill75@wesleyan.edu> and David Metcalf <david@newtonbridge.com>
Club Schedule
- Our Wellesley games are most Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays at 10:30, and most Wednesdays and Thursdays at noon.
- Unfortunately, due to other activities at the Italo American Club, we do not have games on Monday Nov. 1, Thursday Nov. 4, Friday Nov. 5, Monday Nov. 8, Wednesday Nov. 24, or Friday Nov. 26.
- Our Peabody games are Tuesdays at 12:15.
- For our current calendar, please click here. For a ready-to-print PDF of our November calendar, please click here. For directions, please click here.
- Please note that we require proof of vaccination upon your first visit to the club.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Newcomer Activities
- Supervised Play for beginning and intermediate players every Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Teacher: Stuart Whittle
Fee: $17/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Stuart <swhittle617@gmail.com> to register.
After Supervised Play, you may play for free in the open game from noon to 3:00.
Tournament Schedule
- New England Regional in Mansfield canceled

- North American Pairs New England District Finals October 16–17 online. For more information, please click here.
- North American Bridge Championships in Austin, Texas, November 25–December 5. For more information, please click here.
- Eastern Massachusetts Sectional in Watertown December 10–12. For more information, please click here.
We will not be serving lunch for the foreseeable future, but you’re welcome to bring your own. Coffee, tea, and water are available at no charge. Soda and bottled water are available for purchase (thank you for paying on the honor system).
Contact Information
Where are we:
Wellesley are on the upper floor of the Italo-American Educational Club at 75 Pleasant St in Wellesley. The club is not (yet) wheelchair accessible.
Peabody games are at Temple Ner Tamid of the North Shore at 368 Lowell St in Peabody.
See How to Find Us for directions.
We can always match up single players! (Please come at least 10 minutes before game time.)
Last updated : Nov 3, 2021 10:13 EDT |
2021 September Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Bay State Bridge Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 2 / September 2021
Welcome to Bay State Bridge! The merged Newton Bridge Club and Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club host in-person games in Wellesley. Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- All of our games through the end of 2021 award extra points! All our September games are all International Fund which award extra-points.
- No Peabody games in September.
- No games on Mondays after Labor Day. No games September 13, 20, 27. We will have a game on Monday, September 6.
- New: Thursday afternoon game at 12:00 p.m. starting September 23.
- Supervised Play with Stuart Whittle every Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- “Welcome to In-Person Bridge” with Kim Gilman for newer players on Sunday, September 12, at 1:00 p.m.
- No game on Friday, September 24.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the Fall schedule and our club news.
Managers’ Blurb
Who would have thought we would still be worried about Covid in September?
The good news is: despite what we see on the news, the rates in the Boston area are still quite modest: a positivity rate of <3% is among the lowest in the country.
Nevertheless we are continuing to be cautious: checking vaccination cards, requiring masks, and limiting snacks, all in the name of keeping us all safe.
If you miss face-to-face bridge, please give us a try - we are looking forward to seeing you again!
If there’s anything we can do to make our club better for you, please tell us!
— Tim Hill <thill75@wesleyan.edu> and David Metcalf <david@newtonbridge.com>
Club Schedule
- Our Wellesley games are Tuesdays at 10:30, Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. and and Fridays at 10:30 a.m.
Our Monday games will end after Labor day in Wellesley. The Italo-American club had a standing Ballroom Dancing Class on Mondays and we are not able to use the space at all on Mondays (with the exception of Holidays). The Italo-American is also hosting events on some Fridays this fall and we can't host a game on September 24. Make sure to check our schedule on our website before coming! We insisted heavily with the management and this is the best we can do.
- Starting Thursday, September 23, we will host a weekly afternoon pair game which will start at noon. Please be mindful as you enter the building to get your entry on Thursdays as Supervised Play will still be in session and ends at noon.
- No Peabody games in September.
- For the current calendar, please click here. For directions, please click here.
- Please note that we require proof of vaccination upon your first visit to the club.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Newcomer Activities
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Teacher: Stuart Whittle
Fee: $17/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Stuart <swhittle617@gmail.com> to register.
- Kim Gilman is hosting a “Welcome to In-Person Bridge” event for newer players on Sunday, September 12, 1:00–3:30 p.m.
Did you learn to play online during the pandemic, and now look forward to meeting your fellow players? Are you ready to play face-to-face with fellow bridge enthusiasts? Kim can’t wait to meet her online students. Everyone is welcome if you are a relative newcomer, so join the party! Here is the schedule for the afternoon:
1:00–1:20 — Social Time & Light Refreshments
1:20–1:40 — How to Play in Person — Logistics etc. (Those who already know — please come to help show the newbies how it works!)
*1:40–3:10 — Friendly Duplicate Bridge Game
3:10–3:30 — Optional Q & A with Kim on the hands you played
*Please arrive no later than 1:30 if you wish to play in the bridge game. Late arrivals can observe, but may not be able to play.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend this event. There is no charge, but a $10 donation is requested to help cover facility rental and costs.
Please RSVP by e-mail to kgilman11@gmail.com.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- October 1-3, Watertown, MA (Sectional). For more information, please click here.
We will not be serving lunch for the foreseeable future, but you’re welcome to bring your own. Coffee, tea, and water are available at no charge. Soda and bottled water are available for purchase (thank you for paying on the honor system).
Contact Information
Where are we:
The Wellesley location is on the first floor of the Italo-American Educational Club at 75 Pleasant St in Wellesley. The club is not (yet) wheelchair accessible.
The Peabody location is at Temple Ner Tamid of the North Shore at 368 Lowell St in Peabody.
See How to Find Us for directions.
We can always match up single players! (Please come at least 10 minutes before game time.)
Last updated : Nov 2, 2021 15:25 EDT |
2021 July Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Bay State Bridge Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 1 / July 2021
Welcome to Bay State Bridge! The merged Newton Bridge Club and Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club host in-person games in Wellesley and, starting July 13, in Peabody. Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- All of our games through the end of 2021 award extra points! About half of our July and August games are North American Pairs games with even more extra points, half of them red. The awards are about 100% to 200% higher than for most online games.
- NEW: Peabody games Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. starting July 13.
- NEW: 299er games Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. starting July 14. Free entry on July 14! Pre-game talks by Dean Panagopoulos at 11:15.
- NEW: Supervised Play with Stuart Whittle Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., starting July 15.
- Save the date: Pro-Am on Monday, July 26 at 12:00 p.m.
- Save the date: Kim Gilman will host a “Welcome to In-Person Bridge” event for newer players on Sunday, September 12, at 1:00 p.m.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the July schedule and our club news.
Managers’ Blurb
We’re gratified that so many of you (perhaps more than anywhere else in North America) have eagerly returned to in-person club bridge!
We want to improve the experience for newer duplicate players. While we want you to enjoy playing in any of our games, we understand that you may feel overwhelmed when most of the other players are strong veterans of decades of duplicate bridge. To that end, next week we’re starting 299er games, pre-game talks, and supervised play just for you. Please join us! Note that entry to our first 299er game is free. We’ll be delighted to schedule more masterpoint-limited games if you show us you’ll turn out for them.
We’re also planning a special “Pro-Am” event on Monday, July 26, a “Welcome to In-Person Bridge” hosted by Kim Gilman on Sunday, September 12, and fall “Learning Games” taught by Kim. Watch for details.
For our friends on the North Shore (a long drive from Wellesley), we’ve scheduled games in Peabody starting next week. Gary Peterson will direct most Peabody games.
If you haven’t returned to regular in-person bridge yet, give it a try!
If there’s anything we can do to make our club better for you, please tell us!
— Tim Hill <thill75@wesleyan.edu> and David Metcalf <david@newtonbridge.com>
Club Schedule
- Our Wellesley games are Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. and Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m.
Our Peabody games are Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m.
We will add more games in the future as attendance warrants.
Please note that all our games through the end of 2021 award extra masterpoints!
- For the current calendar, please click here. For directions, please click here.
- NEW: Peabody games on Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. start July 13.
North Shore players are left out no longer! Check out our new location in Peabody!
- Pro-Am July 26! Help bring new players to the club. Please invite a friend or a student to play with you! Our A stratum is thriving; our C stratum not so much!!! Help us out by coming on Monday, July 26, at 12:00 p.m.
- Please note that we require proof of vaccination upon your first visit to the club.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
FREE 299er Game!
- We are launching a new game for players with under 300 masterpoints. Please join us on Wednesdays starting July 14. Free entry for all 299ers on July 14!!!
- Free pre-game talks by Dean Panagopoulos Wednesdays, 11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
- The games start at noon.
Newcomer Activities
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. starting July 15.
Teacher: Stuart Whittle
Fee: $17/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Stuart <swhittle617@gmail.com> to register.
- Save the date! Kim Gilman is hosting a “Welcome to In-Person Bridge” event for newer players on Sunday, September 12, 1:00–3:30 p.m.
Did you learn to play online during the pandemic, and now look forward to meeting your fellow players? Are you ready to play face-to-face with fellow bridge enthusiasts? Kim can’t wait to meet her online students. Everyone is welcome if you are a relative newcomer, so join the party! Here is the schedule for the afternoon:
1:00–1:20 — Social Time & Light Refreshments
1:20–1:40 — How to Play in Person — Logistics etc. (Those who already know — please come to help show the newbies how it works!)
*1:40–3:10 — Friendly Duplicate Bridge Game
3:10–3:30 — Optional Q & A with Kim on the hands you played
*Please arrive no later than 1:30 if you wish to play in the bridge game. Late arrivals can observe, but may not be able to play.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend this event. There is no charge, but a $10 donation is requested to help cover facility rental and costs.
Please RSVP by e-mail to kgilman11@gmail.com.
We will not be serving lunch for the foreseeable future, but you’re welcome to bring your own. Coffee, tea, and water are available at no charge. Snacks, soda, and bottled water are available for purchase (thank you for paying on the honor system). Snack suggestions are welcome.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- August 31–September 5, Warwick, RI (Regional). For more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The Wellesley location is on the first floor of the Italo-American Educational Club at 75 Pleasant St in Wellesley. The club is not (yet) wheelchair accessible.
The Peabody location is at Temple Ner Tamid of the North Shore at 368 Lowell St in Peabody.
See How to Find Us for directions.
We can always match up single players! (Please come at least 10 minutes before game time.)
Last updated : Jul 12, 2021 13:42 EDT |
2020 March Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 33 / March 2020
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- ACBL-wide Senior Pairs on Monday, March 2 at 12:00 p.m. Extra points, red and black!
- Inter-club Championship pairs on Wednesday, March 11 at 7:15 p.m
- Inter-club Championship pairs on Tuesday, March 17 at 10:30 a.m.
- Charity Swiss Teams on Tuesday, March 31 at 10:30 a.m.
- Save the date: Kim Gilman returns for more Saturday morning classes in April, May, and June. See details below.
- Monday evening Newcomer game every week at 7:15 p.m.
- Marty Cohen is running Supervised Play on Thursday afternoons, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- March special: Come play with us any Wednesday morning this month and get $5 off your entry.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the March schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Congratulations to Westwood players who advanced in masterpoint rank in January.
The 2019 masterpoint race results are now final. Congratulations to Westwood players who won New England or Eastern Massachusetts brackets in the Mini-McKenney or Helen-Shanbrom-Ace-of-Clubs races: Natalie Bassil, Liv Carroll, Bob Carvin, Phyllis Chase, David Cohen, Marty Cohen, Sandra Drum, Sheila Gabay, Bob Gervis, Chuck Greenslit, Adam Grossack, Harrison Luba, Chris Parker, Stan Piltch, Stewart Rubenstein, Eric Schwartz, and Ulla Winkler.
Now seems like a good time to remind everyone about two simple mandatory procedures. They should be routine, but every day problems crop up that would have been prevented if these procedures had been followed.
- Make the opening lead face down and say “Any questions, partner?”
- Whenever your right hand opponent makes a jump bid, pause for about ten seconds, and at least act like you have something to think about. (My trick when I don’t have anything to think about: recite the first two lines of the Nightmare Song.)
Note from Andrew: Some players have been bringing us their Monopoly Shaws tickets. We will collect them and get some items for the Club if you bring them in. You can leave them in the marked envelope on the desk or give them to Andrew. Thank you!
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- ACBL-wide Senior Pairs on Monday, March 2 at 12:00 p.m. Extra points, red and black!
- Inter-club Championship pairs on Wednesday, March 11 at 7:15 p.m.
- Inter-club Championship pairs on Tuesday, March 17 at 10:30 a.m.
- Charity Swiss Teams on Tuesday, March 31 at 10:30 a.m.
- In March, we have 31 extra-points games, of which, nine are unit games.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday morning with Kim
Saturday morning with Kim: "Practice Makes Perfect"
This 4-part series is intended to take you deeper into bridge tactics you may already know, and make you a better player when you solidify your expertise in these common situations.
Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
April 18 — Manage Your Entries
Understanding and planning transportation between your hand and dummy is important. Being locked in the wrong hand can result in taking fewer tricks than you deserve! Practice making a plan for how you will cross back and forth.
April 25 — Good and Bad Overcalls
We all want to enter the auction with our 5+ card suits, but there are other criteria for overcalls. Learn the difference between good and bad overcalls, and practice when to bid and when to pass.
May 9 — Playing a No-trump Contract
Many consider no-trump to be most challenging aspect of declarer play. This class will contain lots of practice hands and reinforce the most important principles of playing in no-trump.
May 16 — Practice with Signals
Advice in training yourself to always signal your partner; how to become a keen observer of your partner’s signals; and using the information to set a contract.
Course fee: Sign up for individual classes or all four. $25 per class if registered in advance or $30 at the door. Register for all four classes for $90 if paid on April 18.
Saturday morning with Kim: "Bidding to Win"
This course will cover a few expert bidding techniques that will get you to the optimal contract more often. You too can use these bids!
Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
May 30 — Should I Open this Hand?
Many experts open certain hands with 10 points, yet will pass a hand with 12 points! Go beyond the basics of an opening bid, and see what other features should play into your decision.
June 6 —Answering a Takeout Double
Life gets complicated when the opponents have opened the bidding, but with the correct answers to a takeout double, your side can still get to the best contract. Explore such responses as jumps, cue bids, and even passing!
June 13 — Cue Bids
Explore the various meanings and situations of bidding the enemy suit.
June 20 — Cue Bids, Part 2
Practice with cue bids, including how they can help you bid slams even in a competitive auction.
Course fee: Sign up for individual classes or all four. $25 per class if registered in advance or $30 at the door. Register for all four classes for $90 if paid on May 30.
Register for all eight classes for $160 if paid on April 18.
Please register by emailing Nathalie at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
March Special: Come play on Wednesday morning, get $5 off your entry
Play in any of our Wednesday morning game in March (10:30 a.m.) and get $5 off your entry.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Mondays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends about 9:30 p.m. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Marty Cohen
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Marty if you have special interests you would like to cover at supervised play. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- March, 7-8, Portland, ME (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- March 14-15, Johnston, RI (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- March 19-29, Columbus, OH (National), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Mar 1, 2020 09:29 EST |
2020 February Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 32 / February 2020
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- February is Education Foundation month, all our games reward extra points
- ACBL-wide International Fund Pairs on Saturday, February 1 at 12:00 p.m
- Party for Sheila on Sunday, February 9 at 1:00 p.m. (see details below)
- Education Foundation Swiss Teams on Tuesday, February 19 at 10:30 a.m.
- The club will closed Saturday, February 22 and Sunday, February 23.
- Monday evening Newcomer game every week at 7:15 p.m.
- Marty Cohen is running Supervised Play on Thursday afternoons, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- February special: Play Monday evening, get $3 off Wednesday evening (same week)
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the February schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
In my year-end thank-yous last month, I suppose it was inevitable that I’d omit someone. Thank you, Pete Matthews, Jr., for your many excellent contributions to our “Bridge Tales” page!
In case you haven’t heard, New England’s Presidential Regional February 11–16 has been relocated to the Sturbridge Host Hotel. Same schedule, closer to us, cheaper rooms ($88)! Click here for the revised flyer. (The last-minute relocation was necessitated by the abrupt closure of the Red Lion Hotel in Cromwell.)
Starting today, results from all ACBL-sanctioned clubs should appear on ACBLLive. Now our results are available three different ways: on our BridgeWebs site, via The Common Game, and via ACBLLive.
Congratulations to Westwood players who advanced in masterpoint rank in December, including new life master Beverly Keats.
Congratulations to Sheila Gabay, who earned her 30,000th masterpoint in December. She is the 49th player, the third New Englander, and the second woman to pass this milestone. Please join us for a party in Sheila’s honor on Sunday afternoon, February 9, at 1:00 p.m.
Almost all masterpoints earned in 2019 are now in the ACBL’s database, so the masterpoint race results are almost final. (Final results will be posted February 7.) Congratulations to Westwood players who are leading New England brackets in the Mini-McKenney and Helen-Shanbrom-Ace-of-Clubs races: David Cohen, Stan Piltch, Ulla Winkler, Liv Carroll, Marty Cohen, Harrison Luba, Chris Parker, Bob Carvin, Stewart Rubenstein, Phyllis Chase, Adam Grossack, and Sheila Gabay.
Adam Grossack’s 1894 points rank tenth ACBL-wide and first in New England. Zach Grossack and Harrison Luba are first and fourth ACBL-wide in the <26 age group. Harrison Luba is second ACBL-wide and first in New England in the <20 age group.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- February is Education Foundation month, all our games are extra points. These games raise funds to support Bridge Education.
- ACBL-wide International Fund Game on Saturday, February 1, at 12:00 p.m. Extra points game! Hand records and analysis provided.
- Sheila Gabay 30K Party! Please join us on Sunday, February 9 to celebrate her accomplishment! We will gather around noon. Please bring your favorite vegan dish!
- On Tuesday, February 18, at 10:30 a.m., come to our Education Foundation Swiss Teams game.
- The Club will be closed on Saturday, February 22 and Sunday, February 23. We hope to see you in Watertown!
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
February Special: Play Monday evening, get $3 off Wednesday evening
Play in our Monday evening game (7:15 p.m.), get $3 off your entry when you come back two days later (Wednesday 7:15 p.m.).
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Mondays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends about 9:30 p.m. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Marty Cohen
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Marty if you have special interests you would like to cover at supervised play. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- February, 11-16, Sturbridge, MA (Regional), for more information, please click here.
- February 21-23, Watertown, MA (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Feb 1, 2020 10:16 EST |
2020 January Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 31 / January 2020
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- January is Junior Fund month, all our games reward extra points
- STaC week is Monday, January 6 to Sunday, January 12, come earn your silver points at our club!
- DupliClass with Kim on Saturday, January 11 at 9:15 a.m. See below for more details
- STaC Swiss Teams on Sunday, January 12 at 1:00 p.m.
- ACBL-wide Junior Fund Pairs on Friday, January 24 at 10:30 a.m
- Monday evening Newcomer game every week at 7:15 p.m.
- Marty Cohen is running Supervised Play on Thursday afternoons, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- January special: Play Monday evening, get $3 off Wednesday evening (same week)
- Save the date: Party for Sheila on Sunday, February 9 at 1:00 p.m.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the January schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2020 from Penticton, British Columbia! Thank you for playing at our club in 2019. We look forward to seeing you and your friends in 2020.
A special year-end thank-you to everyone who worked at the club in 2019. My goodness, this is a long list. Apologies if I left out anyone.
- regular directors Marty Cohen, Andrew Hanes, Tony Keats, and Sally Matthews
- occasional directors Norm Guivens, Peter Matthews, Nathalie Tabor, and Ru Terajewicz
- chef Christine Riviere-Homolko
- occasional cooks Sandra Drum, Stephanie Homolko, Sally Matthews, and Nathalie Tabor
- assistant manager, scheduler, and newsletter editor Nathalie Tabor
- teachers Marty Cohen, Kim Gilman, Norm Guivens, Lisa Procter, Nathalie Tabor, and Ru Terajewicz
- pre-game speaker Mark Aquino
- Thursday postmortem experts Sheila Gabay, Lew Gamerman, Pat McDevitt, and Shome Mukherjee
- house player and jack of all trades Tom Caragliano
- cleaner David Small
Eight local players are on the teams that won the Michael Seamon Junior US Team Championships and will represent our country this summer in Italy in the World Youth Teams Championships. Congratulations to Zach Grossack and Yichen Yin (U26 USA1), Lucy Zhang (U26 Women), Harrison Luba (U21 USA1), and Marley Cedrone, Sam Pahk, Zach Pasternak, and Eric Xiao (U16).
On the sixth of each month ACBL headquarters posts all masterpoints reported from the previous month and updates masterpoint ranks and races. The Common Game supplies us with lists of our club’s players whose masterpoint ranks have changed or who rank in the top 25 in their district masterpoint races. These lists are now posted on our website. Click “Masterpoint Achievements” in the menu on the left side of our home page.
Congratulations are particularly in order for players who became Life Masters in the last year—Paul Durda, Lisa Muir, Trey Hyer, Sharon Stanfill, Diana Lam, Paul Tierney, Cecil Chan, Ulla Winkler, Dan Rice, May Mok, Yumi Hough, Nathalie Tabor, and Hank Shulman—new Gold Life Masters (2,500 points) Arnold Berman, Paul Truesdale, Paul Harris, Charlie McLain, Ellen Oasis, Rob Baum, and Len Aberbach—new Diamond Life Master (5,000 points) Saul Agranoff—new Emerald Life Master (7,500 points) Rena Lieberman—new Platinum Life Masters (10,000 points) Phyllis Chase and Joyce Regan—and new Grand Life Masters (10,000 points plus a major championship) Adam Grossack and Zach Grossack.
Congratulations also to New England leaders in their brackets of the Mini-McKenney and Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs masterpoint races (as of December 6): David Cohen, Ethan Wood, Ulla Winkler, Liv Carroll, Marty Cohen, Harrison Luba, Chris Parker, Bob Carvin, Stewart Rubenstein, Phyllis Chase, Adam Grossack, and Sheila Gabay. Adam’s 1,482 points (not including the San Francisco NABC) rank first in New England and 17th in the ACBL.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- January is Junior Fund month, all our games are extra points. These games raise funds to support Junior Programs
- Monday, January 6 to Sunday, January 12 is STaC week (Sectional Tournaments at Clubs). Come earn your silver points at your club! ALL our games that week reward silver points.
- On Sunday, January 12, at 1 p.m.,we will host a STaC Swiss Teams game, another silver points opportunity!
- ACBL-wide Junior Fund Game on Friday, January 24, at 10:30 a.m Extra points game! Hand records and analysis provided.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday morning with Kim: Dupliclass
Saturday, January 11, 9:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Have you been wondering what Duplicate Bridge is?
Players with little or no duplicate experience are all welcome to join this introductory class. Winners can earn masterpoints!
Kim Gilman will give a mini-lesson at the beginning of the class on duplicate strategy, and will be available to answer questions during the game if you get "stuck." Each player will receive a hand record at the end.
Fee: $15 if registered in advance or $20 at the door.
Please register by emailing Nathalie at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
January Special: Play Monday evening, get $3 off Wednesday evening
Play in our Monday evening game (7:15 p.m.), get $3 off your entry when you come back two days later (Wednesday 7:15 p.m.).
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Mondays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends about 9:30 p.m. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Marty Cohen
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Marty if you have special interests you would like to cover at supervised play. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- January 25-26, Johnston, RI (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Jan 6, 2020 05:55 EST |
2019 December Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 30 / December 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- Unit games and ACBL Membership games throughout December. See our schedule for more details.
- Charity Swiss Teams on Monday, December 9, at 12:00 p.m.
- Holiday Party and Pot luck on Friday, December 13.
- The club will be closed on December 14 and 15. See you in Watertown!
- The club will be closed on December 25. Happy Holidays to all!
- Interclub Championship Game on Monday, December 30, at 12:00 p.m.
- Monday evening Newcomer game every week at 7:15 p.m.
- Marty Cohen is running Supervised Play on Thursday afternoons, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- December special: Play Wednesday morning, get $3 off Thursday morning
- Save the date: STaC week January 6 to 12 (Swiss Teams on Sunday 1/12), come earn your silver points at our club!
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the December schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. Best wishes for the coming holidays.
Please join us for our annual pot-luck holiday party on Friday, December 13. Game time is 10:30. We’ll take a longer-than-usual lunch break, so the game will end about 2:15. Please bring food (appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, desserts, beverages) to share.
Good luck to those of you at the North American Bridge Championships in San Francisco!
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- 29 extra points games in December! 7 Unit games and and a mixture of ACBL Membership games, Charity games, and Club Championship games. Check our schedule for more details.
- Club Championship Swiss teams game on Monday, December 9 at 10:30 a.m.
- Holiday Party and Pot Luck on Friday, December 13. Bring your holiday favorites!
- The club will be closed on Saturday, December 14, on Sunday, December 15, and on Wednesday, December 25.
- Interclub Championship Game on Monday, December 30, at 12:00 p.m.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m. (no pregame talk on November 8)
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday morning with Kim: Dupliclass
Saturday, January 11, 9:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Have you been wondering what Duplicate Bridge is?
Players with little or no duplicate experience are all welcome to join this introductory class. Winners can earn masterpoints!
Kim Gilman will give a mini-lesson at the beginning of the class on duplicate strategy, and will be available to answer questions during the game if you get "stuck." Each player will receive a hand record at the end.
Fee: $15 if registered in advance or $20 at the door.
Please register by emailing Nathalie at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
December Special: Play Wednesday morning, get $3 off Thursday morning
Play in our Wednesday morning game (10:30 a.m.), get $3 off your entry when you come back the next day (Thursday 10:30 a.m.).
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Mondays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends about 9:30 p.m. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Marty Cohen
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Marty if you have special interests you would like to cover at supervised play. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- December 13-15, Watertown, MA (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
Pro-Am Friday, December 13, at 7:30, contact Stuart Whittle if you wish to be matched up.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Dec 17, 2019 21:53 EST |
2019 November Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 29 / November 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- Unit games and ACBL Membership games throughout November and December. See our schedule for more details.
- Last Saturday morning with Kim Gilman on Saturday, November 2 at 9:30 a.m. on Help Suit Game Tries. Register now! See details below
- Interclub Championship Game on Wednesday, November 6, at 7:15 p.m.
- Club Championship Swiss Teams on Tuesday, November 19, at 10:30 a.m.
- The club will be closed on Thursday, November 28. Happy Thanksgiving!
- Save the date: Holiday Party and Pot luck on Friday, December 13.
- Monday evening Newcomer game every week at 7:15 p.m.
- Marty Cohen is running Supervised Play on Thursday afternoons, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- November special: Play Wednesday morning, get $3 off Thursday morning
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the November schedule and our club news.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- 28 extra points games in November! 7 Unit games and and a mixture of ACBL Membership games, Charity games, and Club Championship games. Check our schedule for more details.
- Interclub Championship Game on Wednesday, November 6, at 7:15 p.m.
- Club Championship Swiss teams game on Tuesday, November 19 at 10:30 a.m.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m. (no pregame talk on November 8)
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday morning with Kim: Bidding Brush-Up, Part 2
Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
November 2 - Help Suit Game Tries
Course fee: $25 if registered in advance or $30 at the door.
Please register by emailing Nathalie at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
November Special: Play Thursday morning, get $3 off Thursday morning
Play in our Wednesday morning game (10:30 a.m.), get $3 off your entry when you come back the next day (Thursday 10:30 a.m.).
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Mondays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends about 9:30 p.m. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Marty Cohen
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Marty if you have special interests you would like to cover at supervised play. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- November 2-3, Dover, NH (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- November 6-10, Mansfield, MA (Regional and GNT/NAP), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Nov 1, 2019 06:47 EST |
2019 October Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 28 / October 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- October is the Jane Johnson Club Appreciation Month. Look in our calendar for all our extra points points games, Swiss games award gold this month only!
- No games on Saturday, October 5 and Sunday, October 6.
- Club Appreciation Swiss Teams on Monday, October 7 at noon, Sunday, October 13 at 10:00 a.m., and Tuesday, October 22, at 10:30 a.m.
- Annual Bob Simpson Club Appreciation weekend October 11, 12, and 13. See below for details
- Pro-Am Friday, October 11 starting at 6:30 p.m.
- Saturday morning with Kim Gilman continues on some Saturdays in October and November. Register now! See details below
- Newton Bridge Club Tuesday evenings games at Westwood on Tuesday, October 15 and 22 at 7:15 p.m.
- Wednesday evening Newcomer game has moved to Monday evening at 7:15 p.m.
- Marty Cohen will be running Supervised Play on Thursday afternoons, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- October special: Play Wednesday morning, get $3 off Thursday morning.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the October schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Who’s that hansom young man on the cover of the October Bulletin? Could that be the kid who came to the table where I was sitting about a dozen years ago? His legs didn’t reach the floor, he couldn’t keep still, he played like lightning, he cleaned our clocks, and he moved on to the next table. Now he and his “big” brother have officially moved into the bridge stratosphere. Congratulations, Zach and Adam!
Looking forward to our seventh annual club tournament in memory of Bob Simpson. It’s October 11–13. Hope you’ll join us!
The first six Simpson tournaments included an individual game. You folks, er, voted with your feet to end that practice. This year we’ll have a barometer game on Friday. I’ll miss the individual, but apparently not many others will, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the barometer game.
Another October change: The ACBL’s rules for Jane Johnson Club Appreciation month now permit us to run both Club Appreciation games in a given session as pair games (formerly one of them had to be a team game). So we’ll have “only” three “gold dust” team games in October, including the two-session game on Sunday, October 13.
I was away directing tournaments or vacationing too much this summer. I had lots of fun, but I’m delighted that I’ll be home at the club most of the rest of the year!
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- October is Jane Johnson Club Appreciation month. We are offering 18 Club Appreciation Games which are all extra points.
Club Appreciation Swiss teams games on Monday, October 7 at noon, Sunday, October 13 at 10:00 a.m., and Tuesday, October 22, at 10:30 a.m.
Swiss Teams games this month award a fraction of gold points!
- The club will be closed on Saturday, October 5 and Sunday, October 6. We hope to see you in Watertown for the sectional!
- Please join us on October 11-13 for the seventh annual Bob Simpson Club Championships, in memory of Bob Simpson (1963-2012). Over three days, we will have several different events:
- an Barometer game on Friday, October 11 at 10:30 a.m.,
- a Pro-Am on Friday, October 11 starting at 6:30 p.m. (please sign up as soon as you can by emailing Nathalie),
- a two-session pair game Saturday, October 12 at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (single-session entries available),
- and a two-session Swiss team game on Sunday, October13 at 10:00 a.m..
Lunch will be served on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Dinner will be served Friday evening.
Winners will be honored on the permanent plaque hanging in the club.
- Interclub Championship games on Monday, October 7 at 7:15 p.m., and on Tuesday, October 15 at 10:30 a.m.
- On Tuesday, October 15 and Tuesday, October 22 at 7:15 p.m., the Newton Bridge Club Tuesday evenings games will be held at Westwood
- The Wednesday evening newcomer game has moved to Mondays at 7:15 p.m.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m. (check the calendar for the exact schedule)
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday morning with Kim: Bidding Brush-Up, Part 2
This class will you review opening bids and responses, and what to do at your second and third turns as well!
Get help finding out “Where?” and “How High?” to place your contracts. Bring your bidding problems to class!
Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
October 19 - Bidding to Slam
October 26 - Advanced Takeout Doubles
November 2 - Help Suit Games Tries
Course fee: Sign up for individual classes or all three. $25 per class if registered in advance or $30 at the door. Register for all three classes for $70 if paid on October 19.
Please register by emailing Nathalie at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
October Special: Play Wednesday morning, get $3 off Thursday morning
Play in our Wednesday morning game (10:30 a.m.), get $3 off your entry when you come back the next day (Thursday 10:30 a.m.).
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Mondays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends around 1:00 p.m. for the daytime game, and ends about 9:30 p.m. for the evening game. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Marty Cohen
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Marty if you have special interests you would like to cover at supervised play. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- October 4-6, Watertown, MA (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- October 19, Auburn, MA (Sectional), for more information, please click here. For players with <750 MPs.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Nov 1, 2019 06:46 EST |
2019 September Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 27 / September 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- September is International Fund Month. All our games are extra points.
- International Fund Swiss Teams on Tuesday, September 10, at 10:30 a.m.
- Saturday morning with Kim Gilman returns on Saturdays in September. Register now! Starts this week. See details below
- BB2 class with Lisa Procter on Wednesday afternoon, starting September 11, see details below.
- Wednesday evening Newcomer game is moving to Monday evening starting September 9 at 7:15 p.m.
- Marty Cohen will be running Supervised Play on Thursday afternoons, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- September special: Come to Kim's class on Saturday morning, get $5 off your entry to the game Saturday afternoon.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the September schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Greetings from Stonington, Maine.
I'm delighted that Kim Gilman and Lisa Procter will both teach in Westwood again this month. Kim will present a “Bidding Brush-up” on Saturday mornings starting September 7. Lisa will teach “Competitive Bidding” on Wednesday afternoons starting September 11. More information below.
Congratulations to Adam and Zach Grossack, who both earned their 10,000th masterpoints at the Hunt Valley (Baltimore) Regional in August. With three or four national championships already under their belts, this makes them both Grand Life Masters. At age 22, Zach is the youngest player ever to reach this rank (previous record holders Justin Lall and Joe Grue were both 25). Watch for the cover story in the October Bulletin.
Congratulations to Westwood players who won events at the Warwick regional (through Saturday, Aug. 31): Bart Bussink, Marley Cedrone, Paul Durda, Bill Finch, Sheila Gabay, Lew Gamerman, Kim Gilman, Adam Grossack, Zach Grossack, Bill Irvine, Eddie Kelley, Donna Marshall, Pat McDevitt, Shome Mukherjee, Elizabeth Paige, David Poole, Stewart Rubenstein, Eric Schwartz, Hank Shulman, Alan Silver, Vik Srimurthy, Nathalie Tabor, Carole Weinstein, and Ethan Wood.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- September is International Fund month, all our games rewards with extra points.
- International Fund Swiss teams game on Tuesday, September 10 at 10:30 a.m.
- Wednesday evening newcomer game is moving to Mondays. Last Wednesday evening game on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:15 p.m. then on Monday evening starting Monday, September 9, at 7:15 p.m.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m. (no pregame talk on August 2 and 30)
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday morning with Kim: Bidding Brush-Up
This class will you review opening bids and responses, and what to do at your second and third turns as well!
Get help finding out “Where?” and “How High?” to place your contracts. Bring your bidding problems to class!
Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
September 7 - Major Suit Openings and Responses
September 14 - Minor Suit Openings and Responses
September 21 - REBIDS by Opener and Responder; Forcing and Non-Forcing Bids
September 28 - No Trump Bidding (and Play Tips)
Course fee: Sign up for individual classes or all four. $25 per class if registered in advance or $30 at the door. Register for all four classes for $90 if paid on September 7.
Stay for the noon game and get $5 off your entry fee.
Please register by emailing Nathalie at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
Bridge Basics 2 with Lisa
Wednesday afternoon, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., September 11, 18, 25, October 2, 9, and 16.
Teacher: Lisa Procter
Course fee: $150 per class, payable at the first class. Please register as soon as you can.
This is a second course for players who have taken the bridge for beginners’ class based on the Audrey Grant Bridge Basics 1 textbook. We will continue using Audrey Grant’s excellent text, Bridge Basics 2 – Competitive Bidding. In this class, we will be learning the overcalls, advancing overcalls, doubles, preemptive bids, and how to handle the interferences. The approach is hands-on, we will be playing many hands throughout the course. For more details, please click here
To register, please email Lisa Procter.
September Special: Come to Kim's class on Saturday morning and get $5 off the entry on Saturday afternoon
Come to Kim's class on any Saturday in September, stay for the noon game right after the class and get $5 off your entry.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Mondays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends around 1:00 p.m. for the daytime game, and ends about 9:30 p.m. for the evening game. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Marty Cohen
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Marty if you have special interests you would like to cover at supervised play. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- September 14-15, Portland, ME (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- September 21-22, Johnston, RI (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Sep 2, 2019 09:17 EST |
2019 June Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 25 / June 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- June, July, and August are North American Pairs (NAP) months. About half our games are NAP games with extra points, half of which are red.
- World Wide Bridge Contest on Friday, June 7 at 10:30 a.m., and Saturday, June 8 at noon.
- Saturday morning seminars are coming back in June with Kim Gilman, see below for more details or click here
- Monday, June 17, The Longest Day: three games - noon, 3:30 p.m., and 7:15 p.m - to support Alzheimer's research and care (see details below)
- Monday, June 24 to Sunday, June 30, Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaC), all our games are extra silver points
- Sunday, June 30 at 1 p.m, STaC Swiss teams game
- June special: Come to Kim's lecture on Saturday and get $5 off your entry fee for the Saturday noon game
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the June schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Hope you’ll take advantage of the many extra-masterpoint opportunities this month, including 18 North American Pairs qualifying games, two World Wide Bridge Contests, and nine Sectional Tournament at Clubs games.
Do you like seeing results, hand records, and double-dummy analysis on Bridgemates after each board?
Do you dislike the ensuing distraction, wasted time, and easily overheard comments?
I’m of two minds. As a player, I do like seeing the information, but I’m definitely more relaxed and probably play better without the distraction. As a director, I know games are faster and smoother if the Bridgemates don’t display travelers and hand records.
Click here for the ACBL’s official view.
As an experiment, we won’t display results or hand records the week of June 3. (Of course, everything is available online after the game.) At the end of the week, please tell us whether you’d like us to resume displaying results and hand records.
The United States Bridge Federation is conducting Open, Women’s, Mixed, and Senior Team Championships in Chicago from May 10 through June 9. Each of these eight-day events selects two teams to represent the U.S.A. at the World Team Championships in Wuhan, China, in September. Six Westwood regulars were in the star-studded field, including Mark Aquino, Bart Bussink, and Selen Hotamisligil. The most successful were on the DONNER mixed team: Gary Donner–Yoko Sobel, Giorgia Botta–Zach Grossack, and Sheila Gabay–Adam Grossack.
DONNER was fourth in the two-day round-robin phase. While the top two from the round-robin faced off for the USA1 spot, the other teams started a six-day competition for USA2. DONNER jumped ahead of RADIN by 50 IMPs in the first 30 boards of their 120-board quarterfinal match and held on to win by 10. For their USA2 semifinal match, DONNER drew the loser of the USA1 final. KOLESNIK took the lead on the fourth board, and were up 63 IMPs after 45 boards and 60 IMPs after 75 boards. DONNER fought back in the next 43 boards. On the penultimate board, Zach scored up 630 against 120 at the other table to take the lead by 1 IMP. Final score: DONNER 293, KOLESNIK 291.
In the USA2 final, DONNER faced the powerful ROSENTHAL team (Andrew Rosenthal, Debbie and Michael Rosenberg, Chris Willenken, and Migry Zur Campanile). Most of the first day was a seesaw battle, but ROSENTHAL went ahead to stay on the 48th board, winning 271 to 212.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- June, July, and August are North American Pairs (NAP) months. About half our games are NAP games with extra points, half of which are red!
- World Wide Bridge Contest on Friday, June 7 at 10:30 a.m., and Saturday, June 8 at noon. For more details, click here
- Saturday morning seminars are coming back in June with Kim Gilman, see below for more details or click here
- Monday, June 17, The Longest Day: three games - noon, 3:30 p.m., and 7:15 p.m - to support Alzheimer's research and care, for more details, click here
- Monday, June 24 to Sunday, June 30, Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaC), all our games are extra silver points
- Sunday, June 30 at 1 p.m, STaC Swiss teams game
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
June Special: Come to Kim's lecture and get $5 off the Saturday noon game
Come to Kim's play of the hand class on June 8, June 15, and/or June 29. Stay for the game after the lecture and get $5 off your entry. The game starts at noon.
Saturday Morning with Kim Gilman
Kim Gilman will teach an ongoing series on Declarer Play this summer and fall. She'll show you specific techniques to make your contracts, and will also help you develop the skills to make a plan each time dummy hits the table.
Join us in June for her 3-part series on "Wait to Draw Trumps?" Normally, in a suit contract, Declarer draws trumps immediately so the defenders can't ruff their good tricks. This is a good rule — draw trumps UNLESS you have a reason not to. Sometimes, these "reasons" override the need to draw trumps right away. Learn how to recognize each situation and get some great practice playing hands in class.
Sign up for all three classes or for individual classes.
Class time is 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
June 8: Reason #1 — Ruff in the Short Hand First
June 15: Reason #2 — Eliminate Losers First
June 29: Reason #3 — Use Trumps as Entries
Each class is $25 if registered in advance, or $30 at the door. Or, pay for all three on June 8 for one price of $65.
Please register by emailing Nathalie at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
Stay tuned for upcoming topics and dates in August and September.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends around 1:00 p.m. for the daytime game, and ends about 9:30 p.m. for the evening game. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- June 8-9, Johnston, RI (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- June 18-23, Nashua, NH (Regional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Aug 8, 2019 12:13 EST |
2019 August Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 26 / August 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- June, July, and August are North American Pairs (NAP) months. About half our games are NAP games with extra points, half of which are red.
- Monday, August 19 at noon, at 10:30 a.m., Charity Swiss teams game
- Special mini-course with Ru, August 13 and 20. See details below
- Saturday morning with Kim Gilman returns in September. See details below
- August special: Come play Wednesday, get $3 off on Thursday that week
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the August schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
It was good to see many of you at the North American Bridge Championships in Las Vegas. Mark Aquino, Natalie Bassil, Sheila Gabay, Lew Gamerman, Stephen Gladyszak, Adam Grossack, Zachary Grossack, Laurence Lebowitz, Pat McDevitt, Shome Mukherjee, Marina Polestra, and Stewart Rubenstein scratched in unlimited national events. Shark, Stephen, Adam, and Pat had the best result, reaching the semifinals of the Grand National Teams before losing narrowly to the team that went on to win. Natalie Bassil, Sabrina Miles, Christina Parker, Marina Polestra, and Stewart Rubenstein scratched in limited national events. Kimberly Gilman won an unlimited two-session event. Daniel Albert-Rozenberg, Donald Caplin, Marley Cedrone (age 14), Lew Gamerman, and Ethan Wood (age 17) won unlimited one-session events. Lew Gamerman, Adam Grossack, Shome Mukherjee, and Pat McDevitt each earned over 100 masterpoints. (Sorry if I missed anyone!)
In June we turned off Bridgemate traveler display for a week. Thanks to those who shared your opinions of this experiment! I’d hoped a consensus might emerge, but, alas, your “votes” were evenly split three ways: yes, no, and don’t care. I decided to return to the status quo ante, but please remember that viewing travelers immediately after playing a board is a privilege (you can spend as much time as you like studying the same information and more on the web after the game). Abusing the privilege results too often in slow play, distraction, overheard comments, and rudeness (or perceived rudeness) to partners and opponents. Here are some Bridgemate operation and etiquette tips:
- Type the board number before taking your cards out of a board. (This reduces the chance of playing or scoring a wrong board.)
- Enter the contract and opening lead right away, but face your opening lead or table your dummy first. (We have the Bridgemates validate opening leads because this catches all wrong-declarer errors and most fouled boards and wrong-board errors.)
- Let everybody see the travelers silently. (The NS pair who will play the board next can hardly help overhearing “It makes 6♣,” even sotto voce. The declarer probably won’t appreciate hearing “Everybody else made an overtrick” from his partner or an opponent.)
- Be aware of the clock. (It shows the round number—two smaller digits on the left—and the remaining minutes in the round—two larger digits on the right. You have 15 minutes for two-board rounds or 21 minutes for three-board rounds. You should usually finish a round with at least two minutes on the clock.) Don’t look at travelers if you’re behind.
Apologies to everyone for never finishing and sending the July newsletter, and especially to Nathalie who wrote most of it while she was on vacation in Paris.
Thank you Sally, Nathalie, and Stephanie for keeping us fed while Christine’s in France! Christine will be back August 22.
Hope you’ll take advantage of the many extra-masterpoint opportunities this month, including 18 North American Pairs qualifying games, nine Charity games, and three Club Championships games.
I’m traveling a lot this summer—nine tournaments and three vacations between late May and mid September. I’ll be at the club more in the fall and winter. Thank you Andrew, Marty, Nathalie, Ru, Sally, and Tony for holding down the fort when I’m away!
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- June, July, and August are North American Pairs (NAP) months. About half our games are NAP games with extra points, half of which are red!
- Charity Swiss teams game on Monday, August 19 at noon.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m. (no pregame talk on August 2 and 30)
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Mini Course with Ru
Tuesday August 13, and Tuesday, August 30, 14:30 - 16:30
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Course fee: $30 per class, payable at class
Please register as soon as you can.
August 13: Strong Openings
August 20: Slam Bidding
We will be playing several practice deals including learning bridge thinking.
To register, please email ru.terajewicz@gmail.com.
Saturday morning with Kim: Bidding Brush-Up
This class will you review opening bids and responses, and what to do at your second and third turns as well!
Get help finding out “Where?” and “How High?” to place your contracts. Bring your bidding problems to class!
Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
September 7 - Major Suit Openings and Responses
September 14 - Minor Suit Openings and Responses
September 21 - REBIDS by Opener and Responder; Forcing and Non-Forcing Bids
September 28 - No Trump Bidding (and Play Tips)
Course fee: Sign up for individual classes or all four. $25 per class if registered in advance or $30 at the door. Register for all four classes for $90 if paid on September 7.
Stay for the noon game and get $5 off your entry fee.
Please register by emailing Nathalie at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
August Special: Come and play Wednesday morning and get $3 off Thursday morning
Play in the 10:30 a.m. game on Wednesdays, and get $3 off your entry the next day at 10:30 a.m.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends around 1:00 p.m. for the daytime game, and ends about 9:30 p.m. for the evening game. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- August 1-4, Barnstable, MA (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- August 10-11, Portland, ME (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- August 17-18, Nashua, NH (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- August 27-September 1, Warwick, RI (Regional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Aug 8, 2019 12:13 EST |
2019 May Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 24 / May 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- May is Grass Roots Fund Month, all our games are extra-black points!
- Grass Roots Fund SWISS teams, Friday, May 17, at 10:30 a.m.
- The club will be closed Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26.
- On Monday, May 28, please note the delayed start time, the game will start at 2:00 p.m.
- NEW: Beginners classes start on Monday, May 13, at 9:30 a.m. with Lisa Procter, check our website for details
- Save the date: Saturday morning seminars are coming back in June with Kim Gilman, stay tuned for details in the next Newsletter!
- Save the date: World Wide Bridge Contest on Friday, June 7 and Saturday, June 8.
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m. See Schedule for details.
- May special: Newcomers pay $6 for the Wednesday morning Newcomer game
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the May schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Our annual Richard Burns Memorial Patriots’ Day Bridge Marathon on April 15 raised $320 for The Boston Foundation.
- Adam Grossack won the Marathon with a 62.27% average. Adam scored 64.12% with Ann Jenkins and 60.42% with Steve Diamond.
- Marley Cedrone had the second-best two-session average, 58.30%, successfully defending his B stratum (0–1500 masterpoints average) title. Marley played all three sessions. His best two were 59.65% with Sally Matthews (his grandmother) and 56.94% with Peter Matthews.
- Jeff Vendetti and Jerry Smith won the C stratum (0-500 masterpoints average) with a 49.53% average.
Adam, Marley, Jeff, and Jerry will be commemorated on the perpetual plaque for the event.
Last week, due to a scheduling problem, there were tournaments in Falmouth (Senior Regional and Open Sectional) and Gatlinburg, Tennessee (the largest regional in the ACBL). Westwood was well represented at both.
In the Falmouth senior regional:
- Sheila Gabay and Natalie Bassil won the Wednesday pairs. Katy Love and Don Smith won the B stratum.
- Joyce Regan and Terry Byrne won the Thursday pairs. Diana Chirita and Alan Silver were second and won the B and C strata.
- Arnold Berman, Pete Matthews, Jr., Bob Bertoni, and Andrew Hanes won the Friday Swiss. Ken Bloom, John Hrones, Steve Rzewski, and Margie Sullivan were second. Bob Carvin, Ruth Weston, James Vierra, and Richard Palmer were third. Christine Halkiotis, Diogo Teixeira, Frank Caine, and Becky Ames were fourth and won the C stratum.
- In the semifinals of the top knockout bracket, Geoff Brod, Rich DeMartino, Sheila Gabay and Pat McDevitt and John Malley, Jack Maselli, Natalie Bassil, and Marina Polestra were tied after 24 boards. Brod won the four-board playoff and went on to finish second. Malley was third.
- Paul Durda, Vic Khaitan, Ron Williams, and Pam Jerskey won the fourth knockout bracket.
- Geoff Brod, Rich DeMartino, Sheila Gabay and Pat McDevitt won the Sunday Swiss. Rena Lieberman, Charlie Polay, Amnon Gabay, and Marina Polestra and Bob Carvin, Fred Magnus, Saul Agranoff, and Stuart Whittle tied for second. Carvin won the B stratum.
In the Falmouth open sectional:
- Sol Hartman and Ginny O’Toole won the Wednesday afternoon pairs.
- Barbara Perkins and Pat Houston won the Friday morning pairs.
- Ginny O’Toole, Sol Hartman, Tom Seder, and Steve Diamond won the Saturday Swiss.
In the Gatlinburg regional:
- James and Anne Hawkes, Adam Grossack, Eric Rodwell, and Jeff Meckstroth won the top bracket of the Monday-Tuesday knockouts. Sabrina Miles, Ann Pozdol, Bob McCaw, and Sarah Sykes were second in the second bracket.
- Bart Bussink, Arjun Dhir, Chris Parker, and Stewart Rubenstein won the third bracket of the Friday-Saturday knockouts.
- Bob McCaw, Sarah Sykes, Sabrina Miles, and Brenda Glaze won the third bracket of the Sunday bracketed Swiss.
This newsletter is our 24th. Many thanks to Nathalie Tabor for conceiving and editing them!
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- May is Grass Roots Fund Month, all our games are extra-black points!
- Grass Roots Fund SWISS teams, Friday, May 17, at 10:30 a.m.
- The club will be closed Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26. Please join us at the Sectional in Watertown, we hope to see you there!
- On Monday, May 28, please note the delayed start time, the game will start at 2:00 p.m.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
May Special: Newcomers pay $6 on Wednesday morning
Please join us Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m., starting today, May 1, for a separate game just for players with less than 20 masterpoints.
We’ll play about 15–18 boards, finishing between 12:45 and 1:15. Ru Terajewicz will be here for at least the first three Wednesdays to help you enjoy and learn. Come with or without a partner.
Entries for these games are half price in May—just $6 per player. The May games are all Grass Roots Fund games, and masterpoints are awarded at about 2½ times the regular-game scale.
Note that our Wednesday evening newcomer games continue. Game time is 7:15.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends around 1:00 p.m. for the daytime game, and ends about 9:30 p.m. for the evening game. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- May 4-5, Auburn, MA (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
- May 24-26, Watertown, MA (Sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : May 11, 2019 13:26 EST |
2019 April Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 23 / April 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- April is Charity Month, all our games are extra points!
- Starting Tuesday, April 2 at 2:30 p.m., Ru will start teaching a BB3 course, see details on our website
- ACBL-wide Charity Pairs on Wednesday, April 3 at 10:30 a.m.
- Marathon Monday, April 15, three games in one day! Special game times: 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m.
- Charity SWISS teams, Tuesday, April 30, at 10:30 a.m.
- Newcomer Game (0-19 Masterpoints) every Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m.!
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m. See Schedule for details.
- April special: Please Wednesday morning, get $5 off Thursday morning
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the April schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Greetings from Milan! Jan and I started our visit with La Cenerentola at La Scala. We’ll meander across northern Italy to Venice and return home just in time for:
Our annual Richard Burns Memorial Patriots’ Day Marathon is on Monday, April 15. We’ll have games at 10:00, 14:00, and 19:15 (no 12:00 game). The names of the individuals or pairs with the best two-game average in each stratum will be added to the perpetual plaque.
Aces & Knaves, a new documentary film about bridge, is in the Boston International Film Festival. It’s showing Saturday, April 13, at 11:00 a.m. in Cambridge. Click here for more information.
Some players have been bringing us their Monopoly Shaws tickets. We will collect them and get some groceries for the Club if you bring them in. Thank you!
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- ACBL-wide Charity Pairs on Wednesday, April 3, at 10:30 a.m. Extra points game.
- Marathon Monday, April 15, three games in one day! 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 7:15 p.m.
- Charity SWISS teams on Tuesday, April 30, at 10:30 a.m.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
April Special: Play Wednesday morning and get $5 off Thursday morning
Come and play in our 10:30 a.m. Wednesday games in April, and come back the next day at 10:30 a.m. for $5 off your entry!
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends around 1:00 p.m. for the daytime game, and ends about 9:30 p.m. for the evening game. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- April 11-14, Sturbridge, MA (Regional for Intermediates/Newcomers), for more information, please click here.
- April 13-14, Sturbridge, MA (GNT district 25 finals), for more information, please click here.
- April 24-28, Falmouth, MA (Senior Regional and Sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 3, 2019 09:55 EST |
2019 March Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 22 / March 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- Two-over-one class on all Saturday mornings in March with Andrew Hanes, see details below
- Charity SWISS teams, Friday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m.
- ACBL-wide Senior Pairs on Monday, March 11 at noon. Extra points, red and black!
- InterClub Championship Pairs on Wednesday, March 13 at 10:30 a.m.
- Newcomer Game (0-19 Masterpoints) every Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m.!
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m. See Schedule for details.
- March special: Take the two-over-one Saturday morning class and get $3 the entry to the game on the same day.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the March schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Westwood players won six of the 15 brackets in the Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs for Eastern Massachusetts: Jerry Smith, Paul Durda, Robert Gervis, Steven Paxhia, Chuck Greenslit, and Sheila Gabay. Paul, Chuck, and Sheila also won their New England brackets. Sheila was third ACBL-wide.
Westwood players won nine of 15 brackets in the Mini-McKenney for Eastern Massachusetts: Marley Cedrone, Paul Durda, Parul Jain, Sabrina Miles, Stewart Rubenstein, Marina Polestra, Adam Grossack, Zachary Grossack, and Lloyd Arvedon. Paul, Sabrina, Marina, Adam, Zachary, and Lloyd also won their New England brackets. Adam won his ACBL-wide bracket.
Twelve Westwood players made the Barry Crane Top 500 and the New England top 25: Adam Grossack (25th ACBL-wide / 1st in New England), Zachary Grossack (38/2), Lloyd Arvedon (42/3), Sheila Gabay (46/4), Mark Aquino (146/6), Bill Irvine (149/7), Sabrina Miles (174/10), Stephen Gladyszak (211/12), Shome Mukherjee (263/16), Pat McDevitt (311/18), Stewart Rubenstein (348/23), and Barbara Murphy (422/25).
The top 25 New England Youth (under 20) include Ethan Wood (21st ACBL-wide, 2nd in New England), Marley Cedrone (39/5), Zach Posternak (83/7), Jaan Srimurthy (187/9), and Adrien Tabor (453/25). (Harrison Luba of Lynnfield, MA, is first ACBL-wide.)
The top 25 New England Juniors (under 26) include Adam Grossack (1st ACBL-wide), Zachary Grossack (3rd ACBL-wide, 2nd in New England), Ethan Wood (54/4), Marley Cedrone (98/13), Zach Posternak (190/16), Jaan Srimurthy (346/19), and Solomon Tarlin (489/25).
Perhaps you remember the excellent evening game Marty Cohen ran in Framingham. I’m delighted that Marty’s directing again, now that he’s retired from his insurance agency. Marty is now our regular Wednesday morning director and is filling in at other times.
One of the nicest gentlemen in our bridge community died Tuesday. David Green was 91. He earned 3,000 masterpoints almost entirely in club games. I’ll miss his demeanor and his stories and jokes. I’ll always remember the times he came to the club without a partner, asked whether Larry Cohen was available, and then cheerfully played with whoever was.
Please help us nurture the friendly environment in our club. “For the love of the game, play nice!” And please tell the director if someone does misbehave. Our directors will take appropriate action if you tell them there’s a problem. Occasionally I’ve heard that a player won’t come to our club because the player or a friend had an unpleasant experience some time ago. Please tell us if this happens! We want to fix any problem, but we can’t if you don’t tell us about it.
Some players have been bringing us their Monopoly Shaws tickets. We will collect them and get some groceries for the Club if you bring them in. Thank you!
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- Two-over-one class with Andrew Hanes on Saturday mornings in March from 10:30 a.m. to 11:25 a.m. on March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. $15 per class or $50 for all five payable at the first class.
- Charity SWISS teams on Friday, March 8 at 10:30 a.m.
- ACBL-wide Senior Pairs on Monday, March 11, at 12:00 p.m. Extra points game, half black, half red! Hand records and analysis provided.
- InterClub Championship Pairs on Wednesday, March 13 at 10:30 a.m.
- In March, we have 22 extra-points games, of which, six are unit or unit-wide games.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
March Special: come to the Saturday morning class, get $3 off the game following the class
Participate in the two-over-one class on any or all Saturday mornings in March and get $3 off the entry to the game following the class.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- Two-over-one class with Andrew Hanes on Saturday mornings in March from 10:30 a.m. to 11:25 a.m. on March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. $15 per class or $50 for all five payable at the first class. Sign up by emailing us baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends around 1:00 p.m. for the daytime game, and ends about 9:30 p.m. for the evening game. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- March 9-10, Portland, ME (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- March 16-17, Johnston, RI (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- March 23-24, Dover, NH (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- March 30-31, Woburn, MA (sectional), Silver Stampede for 499ers.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Mar 2, 2019 08:47 EST |
2019 February Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 21 / February 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- Tomorrow, Saturday, February 2, ACBL-wide International Fund Pairs at noon. Extra points, red and black!
- Club Championship Swiss Teams on Tuesday, February 5 at 10:30 a.m.
- ACBL-wide Charity Pairs, Wednesday, February 20 at 10:30 a.m.
- The club will be closed on Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24 (Watertown Sectional)
- NEW: Two-over-one class on Saturday mornings in March with Andrew Hanes, see details below
- NEW: Beginners Bridge class on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. starting February 21
- Newcomer Game (0-19 Masterpoints) every Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m.!
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m. See Schedule for details.
- February special: Play in our Wednesday morning game, get $3 when you come Thursday.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the February schedule and our club news.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- ACBL-wide International Fund Game on Saturday, February 2, at 12:00 p.m. Extra points game, half black, half red! Hand records and analysis provided.
- Club Championship Swiss Teams on Tuesday, February 5 at 10:30 a.m.
- ACBL-wide Charity Pairs on Wednesday, February 20, at 10:30 a.m. Extra points game! Hand records and analysis provided.
- The Club will be closed on Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24, we won't be hosting games but we hope to see you in Watertown!
- In February, we have 23 extra-points games, of which, eight are unit or unit-wide games.
- NEW: Beginners Bridge series with Ru Terajewicz on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m., starting February 21, spread the word! See below or our website for more details.
- NEW: Two-over-one class with Andrew Hanes on Saturday mornings in March from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. $15 per class or $50 for all five payable at the first class.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
February Special: come Wednesday morning, get $3 Off Thursday morning
Play in our Wednesday morning game (open or newcomer) and get $3 off the next day (Thursday morning game).
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Beginners Class
Looking for an engaging mental challenge? Come on Thursday evening for an introductory class that will have you learning to play bridge on your first day!
Thursday Evening class 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
February 21, February 28, March 7, March 14, March 21, March 28, and April 4 (please note: no class on 2/7, 2/14, and 2/21)
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Course fee: $175 for seven classes, payable at the first class (book not included). Please register by February 15, the class may be cancelled if not enough interest.
The class is based on the Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction book by Audrey Grant. This class provides everything you need to establish a solid foundation. The approach is hands-on, you will start playing hands at the first class.
Everyone is welcome! Our emphasis is on having a good time while learning the most fascinating card game in the world! Come and try it!
Questions and registration: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
Newcomer Activities
- NEW: Two-over-one class with Andrew Hanes on Saturday mornings in March from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. $15 per class or $50 for all five payable at the first class. Sign up by emailing us baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com
Our Newcomer games (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m.. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends around 1:00 p.m. for the daytime game, and ends about 9:30 p.m. for the evening game. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- February 13-18, Cromwell, CT (regional), for more information, please click here.
- February 22-24, Watertown, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Feb 3, 2019 08:02 EST |
2019 January Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 20 / January 2019
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- January is Junior Fund month. All games are extra-points!
- STaC week is Monday, January 7 to Sunday, January 13, come get your silver points at the club, every game that week only!
- Silver Points Swiss Teams on Sunday, January 13 at 1:00 p.m.
- ACBL-wide Junior Fund Pairs, Tuesday, January 22 at 10:30 a.m.
- NEW: Newcomer Game (0-19 Masterpoints) every Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m.!
- NEW: Beginners Bridge class on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. starting January 10
- NEW: Basics II Bridge class on Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m. starting January 8
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m. See Schedule for details.
- January special: come and try our newcomer game and get $5 off
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the January schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Ru Terajewicz is teaching two courses starting in January, both using the excellent Audrey Grant textbooks. Basics 1—An Introduction starts Thursday, January 10, at 6:00 p.m. Basics 2—Competitive Bidding starts Tuesday, January 8, at 2:30 p.m.
I particularly like that Grant’s curriculum moves directly from the introductory course to contemporary competitive bidding. In duplicate bridge, more matchpoints are at stake in competitive auctions than uncontested auctions. As Grant’s website says, “Although this is the second … in the Bridge Basics series, don’t be fooled by this title. Seasoned players often overlook many of [the covered] concepts. Bridge Basics 2 has been valuable to a wide range of players.”
See our Classes page for more information, and please tell your friends! Tell us if you get a friend to take a course, and we’ll give you a free play.
Good news: At long last, I’ve caught up on printing free-play chits for players who played ten times in a month!
More good news: Free-play chits will be worth $1 more than in the past. 🤔
Bad news: Monday—Saturday daytime regular games will be $11 per player (light lunch included). Evening and Sunday afternoon regular games will be $10 per player. We’ll continue to pass through extra table fees for most special games (usually $1 per player), but …
More good news: Unlike some clubs, we still won’t charge extra for Club Championship, Club Appreciation, or Membership games (because the ACBL doesn’t charge us extra). We’ll continue to award free plays for high scores (details below) and for playing ten times or more in a month.
Many thanks for 2018 to all of our players and to Andrew, Christine, David, Lew, Lisa, Mark, Nathalie, Pat, Peter, Ru, Sally, Stephanie, Tom, and Tony. Best wishes for 2019!
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- January is Junior Fund month, ALL our games are extra-points. These games raise funds to support Junior Programs.
- Monday, January 7 to Sunday, January 13 is STaC week (Sectional Tournaments at Clubs). Come earn your silver points at your club! ALL our games that week reward silver points.
- On Sunday, January 13, at 1 p.m.,we will host a STaC Swiss Teams game, another silver points opportunity!
- ACBL-wide Junior Fund Game on Tuesday, January 22, at 10:30 a.m. Extra points game! Hand records and analysis provided.
- NEW: Beginners Bridge series with Ru Terajewicz on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m., starting January 10, spread the word! See below or our website for more details.
- NEW: Basics 2 class series with Ru Terajewicz on Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m., starting January 8. See below or our website for more details.
- Norm Guivens is running a newcomer game on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 p.m. Tony Keats is still directing our Wednesday evening regular open game. About a dozen boards will be played, Norm is there to supervise and help the players. Play ends at about 9:30 p.m.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
January Special: $5 Off Wednesday evening Newcomer game first time you try it
Come and try our newcomer game if you have fewer than 20 masterpoints. Get $5 off your entry your first time playing in January. The game starts at 7:15 p.m.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
If you play ten times or more in a calendar month we’ll give you a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Beginners Class
Looking for an engaging mental challenge? Come on Thursday evening for an introductory class that will have you learning to play bridge on your first day!
Thursday Evening class 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
January 10, January 17, January 24, January 31, February 28, March 7, and March 14 (please note: no class on 2/7, 2/14, and 2/21)
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Course fee: $185 for seven classes, payable at the first class (book included). Please register by January 5, the class may be cancelled if not enough interest.
The class is based on the Bridge Basics 1 - Introduction book by Audrey Grant. This class provides everything you need to establish a solid foundation. The approach is hands-on, you will start playing hands at the first class.
Everyone is welcome! Our emphasis is on having a good time while learning the most fascinating card game in the world! Come and try it!
Questions and registration: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
Newcomer Activities
BRIDGE BASIC 2 CLASS Tuesday Afternoon Course starting January 8, 2019
Tuesdays, January 8, January 15, January 22, January 29, February 26, March 5, March 12 and March 19, 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(No classes February 5, 12 and 19)
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Course fee: $200 for eight classes, payable at the first class. The BB2 book can be purchased at first class for $10.
Questions and registration: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
This is a second course for players who know basic bridge or have taken the bridge for beginners’ class based on the Audrey Grant Bridge Basics 1 textbook. We will continue using Audrey Grant’s excellent text, Bridge Basics 2 – Competitive Bidding. In this class, we will be learning the overcalls, advancing overcalls, doubles, preemptive bids, and how to handle the interferences. The approach is hands-on, we will be playing many hands throughout the course.
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- January 26-27, Johnston, RI (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Jan 3, 2019 06:59 EST |
2018 December Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 19 / December 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- “Fun with Defense” class with Kim Gilman, last class today, December 1! Stay for the game after the class and get $5 off your entry!
- NEW: Newcomer Game (0-19 Masterpoints) on Wednesday evenings starting November 29!
- The club will be closed Saturday, December 8 and Sunday, December 9 (Watertown Sectional).
- Interclub Championship Game on Tuesday, December 11 at 10:30 a.m.
- Holiday Party and Pot Luck on Friday, December 14, followed by a social gathering after the game.
- ACBL-Wide International Fund Pairs, Monday, December 17 at noon.
- The club will be closed for the evening game on Monday, December 24 and for the day game on Tuesday, December 25.
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m. See Schedule for details.
- December special: come to Kim's lecture on 12/1, stay for the game at noon and get $5 off the entry
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the December schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
I’m looking forward to our pot-luck holiday party. This Westwood tradition is on Friday, December 14. Please join us, and bring some of your favorite holiday food to share. Shark’s pre-game talk is at 9:45, game time (it’s a unit-wide championship) is 10:30, we’ll take a leisurely lunch break, the game will end a little after 2:00, and we’ll conclude with desserts and a social hour.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- The last of our 2018 Saturday morning mini-seminars is happening with Kim Gilman on December 1 at 9:30 a.m. See below for more details! Stay for the game after the class, and get $5 off your entry!
- Starting November 29, Norm Guivens will be running a newcomer game on Wednesday evening at 7:15 p.m. Tony Keats will still be directing our Wednesday evening regular open game. About a dozen boards will be played, Norm will be there to supervise and help the players. Play is expected to end about 9:30 p.m.
- The club will be closed during the Watertown Sectional, Saturday, December 8 and Sunday, December 9. Hope to see you there!
- Interclub Championship Games on Tuesday, December 11 at 10:30 a.m.
- On Friday, December 14, we will have our Holiday Potluck. Bring some of your Holiday Favorites! Stay after the game to enjoy desserts and a social hour.
- ACBL-Wide International Fund Game on Monday, December 17, at noon. Extra points game with half red , half black rewards! Hand records and analysis provided.
- In December, we have 28 extra-points games, of which seven are unit or unit-wide games.
- The Club is closed for the evening game on Monday 12/24, and for the day game on Tuesday 12/25.
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
December Special: $5 Off Saturday afternoon if you come to Kim's class
Come to Kim's defense class on December 1, stay for the game after the class and get $5 off your entry. The game starts at noon.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Saturday Morning Mini-Seminars
Fun with Defense
Kim Gilman will teach a series of Saturday morning classes this fall, all designed to help you win more at bridge when you're on defense. Bad cards? No problem! Learn how to set the opponent's contracts and get the plus score for your side! You'll play hands in class to reinforce the concepts.
You can sign up for individual classes. Each class will help you decide which cards to play on defense in different situations. Bring your partner if you can, as expert defense is based on good partnership communication. Singles are welcome and will be paired up in class.
December 1 - Killer Opening Leads
The class starts at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. Our Saturday noon game will follow as usual. Please plan on arriving a few minutes early, the class will start promptly at 9:30 a.m.
Cost is $25 if preregistered and $30 at the door.
Please register by emailing baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com. Click here for more details.
Newcomer Activities
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- December 7-9, Watertown, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Pro-Am on Friday evening, December 7 in Watertown, to get paired or for more information, contact Stuart Whittle.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Dec 3, 2018 07:25 EST |
2018 November Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 18 / November 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- Unit-wide Championship Games on Friday, November 2, Tuesday, November 6, Wednesday, November 14, and Thursday, November 15, at 10:30 a.m., and on Monday, November 19, at noon.
- Interclub Championship Games on Monday, November 5 at noon, and on Wednesday, November 21 at 7:15 p.m.
- No games during the Mansfield Regional from Wednesday, November 7, through Sunday, November 11. We are open for Supervised Play on Thursday, November 8 at 2:30 p.m.
- Charity Swiss Teams on Tuesday, November 13, at 10:30 a.m.
- “Fun with Defense” class with Kim Gilman continues on Saturday mornings, November 17 and December 1. See below for more details.
- The club will be closed on Thursday, November 22. Happy Thanksgiving!
- Save the date: Holiday Party and Pot Luck on Friday, December 14, followed by a social gathering after the game.
- The club will be closed on Saturday, December 8, and on Sunday, December 9 (Watertown Sectional).
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m. See Schedule for details.
- November special: come to Kim's lecture on 11/17 or 12/1, stay for the game at noon and get $5 off the entry
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the November schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Congratulations to the winners of our seventh annual Club Championship Tournament in memory of Bob Simpson:
- Individuals: Don Carow (A) and Richard Katz (B and C)
- Pairs: Jan Popiel and Eric Schwartz (A), Elaine Blaustein and Richard Simolari (B), and Eva and Matt Muir (C)
- Teams: Kimberly Gilman, Harrison Luba, Pamela Miller, and James Rasmussen (A); and Matt and Eva Muir, Roberta Francis, and Allan Ganem (B)
The last two of Kim Gilman’s excellent Saturday morning classes on defense are November 17 (suit preference signals) and December 1 (killer opening leads), and attendees are invited to play in the noon game following the class for $5 off.
EMBA holds unit-wide and unit games in November, December, February, and March, and our November schedule has five unit-wide games and two unit games. The first unit-wide game is tomorrow.
We try to keep our club open whenever possible, but we do close during Watertown sectionals. The annual Mansfield regional is next week. Mansfield is a shorter drive from our club than Watertown, and during recent Mansfield regionals we’ve had very small games and difficulty finding directors. This year we’re closing from Wednesday, November 7, through Sunday, November 11. See you in Mansfield!
May I offer four important procedural reminders?
- Opening leads must be face down.
- Any time your right-hand opponent makes a skip bid, you must pause for about ten seconds, conveying the impression that you’re making a difficult decision.
- If you believe your partner has misexplained your agreement (or misalerted or misannounced), you must call the director and tell your opponents at the proper time. The proper time if your side is declaring is as soon as the auction is over (before the opening lead). The proper time if your side is defending is not until the play is over.
- If you choose to view travelers, hand records, and double-dummy analysis on the Bridgemates, please do so only if there’s enough time, do it silently, and pass the Bridgemate around the table.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- Interclub Championship Games on Monday, November 5 at noon and on Wednesday, November 21 at 7:15 p.m.
- In November, we have 23 extra-points games, of which seven are unit or unit-wide games.
- During the Mansfield Regional, the club will be closed from Wednesday, November 7 to Sunday, November 11. No games will be held. The club is open for supervised play on Thursday afternoon, November 8 at 2:30 p.m.
- The Saturday morning mini-seminars are still happening with Kim Gilman, two dates this month, November 17 (and the last class will be on December 1). See below for more details! Stay for the game after the class, and get $5 off your entry!
- The Club is closed on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22. Enjoy your turkey!
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
November Special: $5 Off Saturday afternoon if you come to Kim's class
Come to Kim's defense class on November 17, stay for the game after the class and get $5 off your entry. The game starts at noon. We will extend the offer to the 12/1 class.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Saturday Morning Mini-Seminars
Fun with Defense
Kim Gilman will teach a series of Saturday morning classes this fall, all designed to help you win more at bridge when you're on defense. Bad cards? No problem! Learn how to set the opponent's contracts and get the plus score for your side! You'll play hands in class to reinforce the concepts.
You can sign up for individual classes. Each class will help you decide which cards to play on defense in different situations. Bring your partner if you can, as expert defense is based on good partnership communication. Singles are welcome and will be paired up in class.
November 17 - Signaling your partner: Suit Preference
December 1 - Killer Opening Leads
The class starts at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. Our Saturday noon game will follow as usual. Please plan on arriving a few minutes early, the class will start promptly at 9:30 a.m.
Cost is $25 if preregistered and $30 at the door.
Please register by emailing baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com. Click here for more details.
Newcomer Activities
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- November 3-4, Nashua, NH (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- November 7–11, Mansfield, MA (regional), for more information, please click here.
- November 7–11, Mansfield, MA (NAP, flights B & C), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Nov 1, 2018 22:15 EST |
2018 October Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 17 / October 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- October is Jane Johnson Club Appreciation month. About half our games are extra-extra-points (82% sectional rating).
- Club Appreciation Swiss Teams on 10/1 at noon, 10/13 at noon, 10/18 at 10:30 a.m., 10/21 all day, 10/24 at 10:30 a.m., 10/26 at 10:30 a.m., and 10/30 at 10:30 a.m.
- The club will host a Tuesday evening game on October 2 (Newton Bridge closed)
- On Friday, October 5 at 10:30 a.m., ACBL-wide Senior Pairs
- The Club is closed on October 6 and 7 (Watertown Sectional)
- Annual Bob Simpson Memorial Club Appreciation weekend October 19, 20, and 21, see below for details.
- On Wednesday, October 31 at noon, ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint game (Note: special game time, no open game at 10:30)
- "Fun with Defense" class with Kim Gilman continues in Saturday morning, October 13 and 27, see below for more details
- Beginner Bridge class starting in October, see below for more details
- Two-over-one class starting in October, see below for more details
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m.
- October special: $5 off any Monday or Wednesday evening game if you played in a weekday daytime game in the last seven days
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the October schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
October is the ACBL’s annual Jane Johnson Club Appreciation Month, in which clubs may schedule one extra-extra-point pairs game and one extra-extra-point team game in each session with no surcharge. Unlike some clubs, if the ACBL doesn’t surcharge us, we don’t surcharge our players. The Club Appreciation masterpoints are 82% sectional rating—29% more than club championships and charity/fund games. The team-game awards are 5% gold. We have seven Club Appreciation Team games, eight Club Appreciation Pair games, and one Club Appreciation Individual game scheduled, starting with a Swiss Team game Monday, October 1, at noon.
Our seventh annual Club Championship Tournament in memory of Bob Simpson is October 19–21. There’s a one-session individual game Friday at 10:30, a two-session pairs game Saturday at 10:00 and 2:00, and a two-session team game Sunday at 10:00. All are Club-Appreciation-rated. Winners in each stratum are commemorated on a perpetual plaque.
Our October schedule also includes two ACBL-wide games: Senior Pairs on Friday, October 5, at 10:30 and Instant Matchpoint Pairs on Wednesday, October 31, at noon (not 10:30).
We’re fortunate to have a sizable lending library donated by several players, and I’m delighted that many of you have taken advantage of it. Please remember to return books when you’re done with them! Thank you.
Several Westwood players are participating in the 15th World Bridge Series in Orlando. Click here for results.
We have a rich class schedule this month. Please check it out and join us or refer your friends.
We extend a special invitation to our weekday daytime players this month to give our Monday and Wednesday evening games a try at $5 off (if you’ve played in a Monday–Friday daytime game in the last seven days).
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- October is Jane Johnson Club Appreciation month (16 Club Appreciation games which are extra points).
We have seven Club Appreciation Swiss Teams games scheduled for October. Monday, October 1 at noon, Saturday, October 13 at noon, Thursday, October 18 at 10:30 a.m., Sunday, October 21 all day, Wednesday, October 24 at 10:30 a.m., Friday, October 26 at 10:30 a.m., and Tuesday, October 30 at 10:30 a.m Swiss Teams games this month award a fraction of gold points!
- On Tuesday evening, October 2, the Newton Bridge game will be held at Westwood and will start at 7:15 p.m.
- On Friday, October 5, the club will hold an ACBL-wide Senior Pair event.
- Please join us on October 19-21 for the seventh annual Bob Simpson Club Championships, in memory of Bob Simpson (1963-2012). Over three days, we will have several different events:
- an individual game on Friday, October 19,
- a two-session pair game Saturday, October 20 at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM (single-session entries available),
- and a two-session Swiss team game on Sunday, October 21 at 10:00 AM. Lunch will be served on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Winners will be honored on permanent plaques.
- On Wednesday, October 31, we will participate in the annual ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game. It will start at 12:00 noon. Get treats for taking tricks! Win gold from the comfort of your local club. Masterpoints awards: One gold point to section tops in each direction in each club, remaining points red/black at 82% sectional rating.
See your score instantly after each deal played! Each player receives a printed booklet with detailed analysis of each hand from Larry Cohen.
- The Saturday morning mini-seminars return with Kim Gilman, two dates this month, October 13 and 27. See below for more details!
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
October Special: $5 Off Evenings for Daytime Players
Get $5 off any Monday or Wednesday evening game if you’ve played in a weekday dayttime game in the last seven days.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Saturday Morning Mini-Seminars
Fun with Defense
Kim Gilman will teach a series of Saturday morning classes this fall, all designed to help you win more at bridge when you're on defense. Bad cards? No problem! Learn how to set the opponent's contracts and get the plus score for your side! You'll play hands in class to reinforce the concepts.
You can sign up for individual classes. Each class will help you decide which cards to play on defense in different situations. Bring your partner if you can, as expert defense is based on good partnership communication. Singles are welcome and will be paired up in class.
October 13 - Third hand high?
October 27 - Signaling your partner: Attitude
November 17 - Signaling your partner: Suit Preference
December 1 - Killer Opening Leads
The class starts at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. Our Saturday noon game will follow as usual. Please plan on arriving a few minutes early, the class will start promptly at 9:30 a.m.
Cost is $25 if preregistered and $30 at the door.
Please register by emailing baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com. Click here for more details.
Newcomer Activities
- We are offering an eight-week fall lesson series for beginners on Tuesday afternoon (2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) with Lisa Procter. The class runs from October 9 to December 11 (no classes November 6 and 13). Click here for more details. Sign up by emailing the club at: Westwoodbridgeclub@gmail.com
- We are offering a five-week series on Two-over-One on Monday morning (9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.) starting in October with Lisa Procter. The dates are: October 15, 22, 29, November 19, and 26. The material will be based on the Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell book. The cost is $135 for five classes. Click here for more details.
This class covers the basics of two-over-one game force, a popular variation of Standard American bidding methods. This system makes it easier for the partnership to get the best game contract and explore the possibility of Slam. 1NT forcing bid and responses will be covered to get the partnership to the best partscore. Sign up by emailing the club at: Westwoodbridgeclub@gmail.com
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- October 5–7, Watertown, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Oct 11, 2018 07:18 EST |
2018 September Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 16 / September 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- September is International Fund month, all our games are extra points.
- International Fund Swiss Teams on Tuesday, September 11 at 10:30 a.m.
- The club will host three International Fund Tuesday evenings game on September 11, 18, and 25 (Newton Bridge closed)
- On Wednesday, September 12 at 2:30 p.m., mini-course on Third and Fourth Seat Openings & Drury
- Pro-Am Game and dinner at the club on Friday, September 28 starting at 6:30 p.m.
- NEW: "Fun with Defense" class with Kim Gilman starting in September
- NEW: Beginner Bridge class starting in October, see below for more details
- NEW: Two-over-one class starting in October, see below for more details
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays at 9:45 a.m.
- September special: play Wednesday morning, get $3 off on Thursday
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the September schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Greetings from the Ocean State Regional in Warwick. The tournament is enjoying strong attendance. Westwood players started strong on Tuesday, with Sheila Gabay and Shome Mukherjee winning the Pairs, Tony Keats and Allen Post first in C, and Nathalie Tabor and Lisa Muir winning the Gold Rush. Wednesday Jay Stiefel, Rich De Martino, Pat McDevitt, and Lloyd Arvedon won the Swiss, with Anand Lele, Chuck Greenslit, and Shekhar and Marie Sengupta close behind. The Lele team tied for second in A and first in B. Barry Black and Len Aberbach won the flight B pairs. Sabrina Miles and Bob Bertoni won the evening pairs. In the Thursday–Friday “Monster” knockouts, Gillian Miniter, Joe Grue, and Adam and Zach Grossack won the top bracket, Peter Clay, Paul Harris, Paul Durda, and Florine Schoen won the third bracket, and Parul Jain, Leon Yu, Jonathan Baumel, and Oosman Bashir won the fifth bracket. On Friday, Dan Jablonski and Robin Hillyard won the flight A pairs. Mark Aquino and Selen Hotamisligil won the evening pairs, and Bob Gervis and Venky Venkataramani were first in B. Zach Grossack tops the masterpoint list after four days at 84.
Many thanks to Al McLellan for directing most of our games while I’ve been in Warwick and while I’m on vacation next week!
We’ve scheduled several classes and courses for the fall. See “Newcomer Activities” below for details, and please spread the word.
We have several newer players stepping up to our open games from classes, newcomer games, and supervised play. Please welcome and encourage them (and offer them advice if and only if they ask).
September is International Fund Month, and all of our games are International Fund games. The ACBL’s International Fund supports North American participation in international competitions. All masterpoint awards are 64% sectional black points (about twice the awards for regular club games).
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- September is International Fund month, all our games reward extra points.
- On Tuesday, September 11, at 10:30 a.m., we will host International Fund Swiss Teams.
- On Tuesday evening, September 11, 18, and 25, the Newton Bridge game will be held at Westwood and will start at 7:15 p.m.
- On Wednesday, September 12, at 2:30 p.m., mini-course by Ru Terajewicz on Third and Fourth seats Opening bids and Drury. The cost is $25. Register by emailing Ru at: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
- On Friday evening, September 28, we will host a Pro-Am tournament. We will have a special buffet dinner at 6:30 PM (delicious French menu by Chef Christine). The game will start at 7:15 PM. The cost is $15 per player.
Pros with more than 500 masterpoints play with Amateurs (non pros) with less than 500 masterpoints.
Registration by September 25 is required for planning purposes. We will accept last minute entries if the configuration allows it. Register by calling the club or by emailing us at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com.
- The Saturday morning mini-seminars return with Kim Gilman starting September 29. See below for more details!
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m. (no talk August 3, 10, 31).
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
September Special: Play Wednesday morning and get $3 off on Thursday
If you play in our Wednesday morning game, and come back and play Thursday morning, you will get $3 off your entry. The games starts at 10:30 a.m.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Saturday Morning Mini-Seminars
Fun with Defense
Kim Gilman will teach a series of Saturday morning classes this fall, all designed to help you win more at bridge when you're on defense. Bad cards? No problem! Learn how to set the opponent's contracts and get the plus score for your side! You'll play hands in class to reinforce the concepts.
Sign up for individual classes or all five. Each class will help you decide which cards to play on defense in different situations. Bring your partner if you can, as expert defense is based on good partnership communication. Singles are welcome and will be paired up in class.
September 29 - Third Hand High?
October 13 - Second Hand Low?
October 27 - Signaling your partner: Attitude
November 17 - Signaling your partner: Suit Preference
December 1 - Killer Opening Leads
The class starts at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. Our Saturday noon game will follow as usual. Please plan on arriving a few minutes early, the class will start promptly at 9:30 a.m.
Cost is $25 if preregistered and $30 at the door. Register for all five classes for $100 if paid on the first class.
Please register by emailing baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com. Click here for more details.
Newcomer Activities
- On Wednesday, September 12, at 2:30 p.m., Ru Terajewicz will be teaching a mini-course on Third and Fourth Seats Opening Bids and Drury. Sign up by emailing Ru at: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
- We are offering an eight-week fall lesson series for beginners on Tuesday afternoon (2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) with Lisa Procter. The class runs from October 9 to December 11 (no classes November 6 and 13). Click here for more details. Sign up by emailing the club at: Westwoodbridgeclub@gmail.com
- We are offering a five-week series on Two-over-One on Monday morning (9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.) starting in October with Lisa Procter. The dates are: October 15, 22, 29, November 19, and 26. The material will be based on the Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell book. The cost is $135 for five classes. Click here for more details.
This class covers the basics of two-over-one game force, a popular variation of Standard American bidding methods. This system makes it easier for the partnership to get the best game contract and explore the possibility of Slam. 1NT forcing bid and responses will be covered to get the partnership to the best partscore. Sign up by emailing the club at: Westwoodbridgeclub@gmail.com
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- August 28–September 2, Warwick, RI (regional), for more information, please click here.
- September 15–16, Portland, ME (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- September 22–23, Johnston, RI (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Sep 2, 2018 11:51 EST |
2018 May/June Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 13 / end of May/June 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- May is Grass Roots Fund Month, all remaining May games are extra black points for everyone
- June, July, and August are North American Pairs months. About half the games are NAP games with extra points, and half of the points are red.
- No games on Saturday, May 26, and Sunday, May 27 (Sectional Tournament in Watertown)
- Monday, May 28, please note the delayed game start, 2:00 p.m.
- World Wide Bridge Contest, Friday, June 1, at 10:30 a.m. and Saturday, June 2, at noon
- Sunday, June 3, Mel Marcus Memorial Game hosted by Rena Lieberman. Pot luck brunch at noon, game at 1:00 p.m.. Please bring food and Mel stories to share.
- Monday, June 18, The Longest Day: three games—noon, 3:30 p.m., and 7:15 p.m.—to support Alzheimer’s research and care (see details below)
- Monday, June 25 to Sunday, July 1, Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaC), all our games are extra SILVER points
- Sunday, July 1, at 1:00 p.m. STaC Swiss teams game
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games (no postmortem on 6/21)
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every Thursday at 2:30 p.m.
- Mark Aquino’s FREE Friday morning pre-game talks at 9:45 a.m. (no talk on 6/22)
- June special: play at the club on Monday evening, get $5 off on Wednesday evening
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the May and June schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Congratulations to the winners of our annual Richard Burns Memorial Patriots’ Day Bridge Marathon: Mark Aquino (A stratum), Marley Cedrone (B stratum), and Ann Keegan and Lanny Starr (C stratum). They will be commemorated on the perpetual plaque that hangs next to Sol Hartman’s portrait of Richard Burns.
Three Westwood pairs excelled in the annual ACBL-wide Senior Pairs game on March 19. Barbara Pofcher and Richard Saval were tenth ACBL-wide and first in District 25 (New England), Pat McDevitt and John Whistler were second in the district, and Helen Flanagan and Bernie Garbose were fourth in the district.
We’re delighted to have a couple dozen newer players taking classes on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and participating in supervised play sessions on Thursday afternoons. Please make these players welcome and comfortable as they playing more in our Wednesday morning newcomer game and in our open games.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- Please note that the club will be closed on Saturday, May 26, and on Sunday, May 27. We hope to see you in Watertown! (see details below).
- Our Monday game on May 28 will have a special start time—2:00 p.m.—due to the Westwood Parade.
- About half of our June, July, and August games are North American Pairs games. NAP games award extra points, half of which are red.
- On Friday, June 1, and on Saturday, June 2, we will host the World-Wide Bridge Contest. Last year, Selen Hotamisligil and Mark Aquino won the opportunity to play in the World Championship in China, don't miss your chance!
- On Sunday, June 3, Rena Lieberman is dedicating the game to the memory of Mel Marcus. Please bring food and stories of Mel to share.
- On Monday, June 18, we will have three games, our usual 12:00 p.m. and 7:15 p.m., and an additional fast pairs games at 3:30 p.m. The Longest day is a fundraising event supporting Alzheimer disease care and research (click here for more information).
- Monday, June 25 to Sunday, July 1, all our games are rated like a Sectional Tournament (Sectional Tournament at Clubs). Come and play for an opportunity to get the silver points you need to get to the next masterpoint level!
- One STaC Swiss Teams game is scheduled on Sunday, July 1, at 1:00 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will continue on most Fridays at 9:45 a.m. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
June Special: Play Monday evening, get $5 off on Wednesday evening
If you play on Monday at 7:15 PM, you will get $5 off when you come on Wednesday at 7:15 p.m.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- We have a separate flight every Thursday for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- May 25-27, Watertown, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- June 9-10, Johnston, RI (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- June 19-24, Nashua, NH (regional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Aug 13, 2018 13:45 EST |
2018 July Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 14 / July 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- Today, STAC Swiss teams game, don’t miss the oppportunity for silver points at our club!
- June, July, and August are North American Pairs months. About half our games are NAP games with extra points, and half of the points are red.
- On Wednesday, July 4, we will host an Independence Day Barbecue and Game
- On Monday, July 9, ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game at noon
- On Tuesday, July 10 at 2:30 p.m., mini-course on Jacoby 2NT and Hand Evaluation
- On Wednesday, July 18, FREE entry for all newcomers!
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games (no postmortem on 7/26)
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays, July 13 and 20, at 9:45 a.m. No pre-game talk July 6 or 27.
- July special: if you have less than 500 masterpoints, you get $5 off on Thursdays
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the July schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
The semi-annual New England Sectional Tournament at Clubs is coming to an end. Please join us for our all-silver-point Swiss Team game on the final day, Sunday, July 1, at 1:00. Click here for STaC overall results.
In June, July, and August, about half of our games are club-level qualifying games for the North American Pairs. All of these games award half-red, half-black masterpoints at about triple the level of regular games (82% sectional rating).
Players who qualify in at least one of these games (look for a “Q” next to your name on the results) may play in the New England District Finals on November 10 and 11 in Mansfield. The top three or four pairs in each flight will qualify for the North American Finals at the 2019 Spring North American Bridge Championships in Memphis. The top two pairs in each flight will receive subsidies to attend the NABC.
(Note that most of our non-NAP games in June, July, and August are Club Championship or Special Fund games, which award masterpoints at 64% sectional rating—about 2½ times the level of regular games.)
Zach Grossack and Shome Mukherjee topped the list of masterpoint winners at the Granite State Getaway regional tournament in Nashua. Adam Grossack, Pete Matthews, Jr., Sheila Gabay, Mark Aquino, and Stewart Rubenstein were also in the top 20.
16-year-old Ethan Wood added almost 25% to his masterpoints. His tournament total of 35 was the highest among players with less than 1000 masterpoints.
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- Don't miss our Silver Swiss Teams game today (Sunday) at 1:00 p.m. Today is the last day of Sectional Tournament at Clubs (STaC) for our District. STaC games won't return until January!
- On Wednesday, July 4, we will host an Independence Day Barbecue during our NAP game (starts at 10:30 a.m.).
- On Monday, July 9, at noon, ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint game. One gold point for section tops in each direction, remaining points red/black at 81.8% rating. Hand records and analysis provided digitally. See your score instantly after each deal played.
- On Tuesday, July 10, at 2:30 p.m., mini-course by Ru Terajewicz on Jacoby 2 NT and hand evaluation. Click here for more details. Register by emailing Ru at: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
- On Wednesday, July 18, at 10:30 a.m., free entry for all newcomers (less than 20 points).
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m. (no talk July 6 or July 27).
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
July Special: $5 off on Thursday morning for all 499ers
If you have less than 500 masterpoints, you will get $5 off when you come play in our Thursday morning game. The game starts at 10:30 a.m.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- FREE entry for all newcomers (less than 20 points) on Wednesday, July 18 at 10:30 a.m.
- On Tuesday, July 10, at 2:30 p.m., Ru Terajewicz will be teaching a mini-course on Jacoby 2NT and hand evaluation. Click here for more details. Sign up by emailing Ru at: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- July 7-8, Barnstable, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- July 21-22, Great Barrington, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- July 26- August 5, Atlanta, GA (national), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Aug 13, 2018 13:44 EST |
2018 August Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 15 / August 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- June, July, and August are North American Pairs months. About half our games are NAP games with extra points, and half of the points are red.
- Charity Swiss Teams on Tuesday August 7 at 10:30 a.m.
- Inter-Club Championship on Monday, August 13 at 7:15 p.m.
- On Wednesday, August 22 at 2:30 p.m., mini-course on Splinter bids
- Beginner class starting in October, see below for more details
- Two-over-one class starting in October, see below for more details
- Save the date! Pro-Am at the club on Friday, September 28 in the evening
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games (no postmortem on 8/2 or 8/30)
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every week, on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks on Fridays, August 17 and 24, at 9:45 a.m. No pre-game talk August 3, 10 or 31.
- August special: play Monday evening, get $5 off on Wednesday evening
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the August schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Greetings from the Summer North American Bridge Championships in Atlanta. The tournament is enjoying strong attendance, including many Westwood players. Today’s Spingold round of 32 includes Adam and Zach Grossack (playing on the Levine team) and teams led by Phyllis Fireman and Larry Lebowitz. The team led by Alexander Frieden (who’s now in college in Minnesota) qualified for the round of 64, earning the privilege of playing 64 boards against the great Nickell team. (Nickell won by, um, a lot.) Darryl Legassie, Sabrina Miles, and Ru Terajewicz advanced to today’s round of 12 in the 0–2500 mini-Spingold.
We’ve scheduled several classes and courses for the fall. See “Newcomer Activities” below for details, and please spread the word.
We have several newer players stepping up to our open games from classes, newcomer games, and supervised play. Please welcome and encourage them (and offer them advice if and only if they ask).
We have one more month of North American Pairs qualifiers this summer. About half of our August games are NAP qualifiers, which award half-red, half-black masterpoints at about triple the level of regular games (82% sectional rating). Players who qualify in at least one of these games (look for a “Q” next to your name on the results) may play in the New England District Finals on November 10 and 11 in Mansfield. The top three or four pairs in each flight will qualify for the North American Finals at the 2019 Spring North American Bridge Championships in Memphis. The top two pairs in each flight will receive subsidies to attend the NABC. (Note that most of our non-NAP games this month are Club Championship or Special Fund games, which award masterpoints at 64% sectional rating—about 2½ times the level of regular games.)
Club Schedule
- For the current calendar, please click here.
- August is the last month of North American Pairs. We have 18 scheduled NAP games for August, come and get your red points at the club!
- On Tuesday, August 7, at 10:30 a.m., we will host Charity Swiss Teams.
- Inter-Club Championships on Monday, August 13, at 7:15 p.m.
- On Wednesday, August 22, at 2:30 p.m., mini-course by Ru Terajewicz on Splinter bids. Register by emailing Ru at: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
- Post mortem on Thursdays! Immediately after our Thursday game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- Mark Aquino’s excellent free “Shark’s Pointers” pre-game talks continue before most Friday games at 9:45 a.m. (no talk August 3, 10, 31).
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
August Special: Play Monday evening and get $5 off on Wednesday evening
If you play in our Monday evening game, and come back and play Wednesday evening, you will get $5 off your entry. The game starts at 7:15 p.m.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- On Wednesday, August 22, at 2:30 p.m., Ru Terajewicz will be teaching a mini-course on Splinter bids. Sign up by emailing Ru at: ru.terajewicz@gmail.com
- We are offering an eight-week fall lesson series for beginners on Tuesday afternoon (2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) with Lisa Procter. The class runs from October 9 to December 11 (no classes November 6 and 13). Sign up by emailing the club at: Westwoodbridgeclub@gmail.com
- We are offering a five-week series on Two-over-One on Monday morning (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.) starting in October with Lisa Procter. The dates are: October 15, 22, 29, November 19, and 26. The material will be based on the Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell book.
This class covers the basics of two-over-one game force, a popular variation of Standard American bidding methods. This system makes it easier for the partnership to get the best game contract and explore the possibility of Slam. 1NT forcing bid and responses will be covered to get the partnership to the best partscore. Sign up by emailing the club at: Westwoodbridgeclub@gmail.com
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- August 9-12, Barnstable, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- August 25-26, Nashua, NH (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- August 28- September 2, Warwick, RI (regional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Aug 13, 2018 13:42 EST |
2018 February Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 10 / February 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. So much is happening this month, please read carefully below for more details!
NEW: unit games, more extra points games!
- REACH at club games Feb 3, 5-9!
- Inter-Club Championship game on Wednesday, February 7 at 7:15 PM
- Social hour after the Friday game on February 9, stay after the game for refreshements!
- The Saturday morning mini-seminars return, with Kim Gilman on Saturday, February 10 at 9:15 AM
- Tuesday, February 13 at 10:30 AM, Unit SWISS Teams and Mardi Gras celebration, crêpes dessert on the menu!
- The club will be closed Saturday, February 24 and Sunday, February 25 (Watertown Sectional)
- Wednesday, February 28, FREE entry for all NEWCOMERS!
- Save the date, Westwood Spring Pro-Am on Friday, March 23
- FREE postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games (no postmortem on 2/15)
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every Thursday at 2:30 PM
Mark Aquino's FREE Friday morning pre-game talks at 9:45 AM (no talk on 2/16)
Our February special: play at the club four evenings, the fifth one is free.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the February Schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
After a five-year hiatus, the Eastern Massachusetts Bridge Association (EMBA) will once again hold Unit Championship games, giving players 28 more opportunities to earn extra masterpoints at clubs in 2018. The Unit Championship games are all scheduled in February, March, November, and December (the months that otherwise have the fewest extra-point club games). In each of those months, there are five weekday daytime Unit-wide Championships games (the results are matchpointed across all participating clubs), and two daytime or evening Unit Championships games (results are independent at each participating clubs). Westwood is offering seven unit games in February, five daytime unit-wide and one daytime and one evening unit championship games. See our schedule for more details.
Ready for REACH? ACBL's experimental Regional Event At the Club House (REACH) is an ACBL-wide regional that enables players to compete against each other and earn gold points from the comfort of their local club. The same set of deals are played by members in every participating club, but because it's a regional event, players can earn gold or red points while playing in their regular club game! REACH will be held in conjunction with the ACBL-wide International Fund Game on Saturday, February 3, 2018 with five additional sessions February 5-9, 2018 (Monday through Friday). Westwood will participate in all six sessions.
ACBL members must register and pay a fee of $30 to the ACBL by February 2 in order to participate (The REACH fee is in addition to the normal card club fee). You must play a minimum of two games but may play in as many as six. Your two best scores will be used. When you arrive at the club, you will pay your regular club entry fee and will still be entitled to the normal club awards. You can play with different partners. For more information, click here.
Several players have signed up for our Mentoring Program, and I’ll try to match up mentors and mentees over the next few weeks. We’d love for more mentors to sign up. Please let us know if you would like to give back to the game by mentoring a newer player. We all know that one of the best way to improve in bridge is to play with a more experienced partner. For more details, please click here.
Club Schedule
- For the February calendar, please click here.
- Seven Unit Games, Friday, February 2 (10:30), Monday, February 5 (19:15), Monday, February 12 (12:00), Tuesday, February 13 (10:30), Tuesday, February 20 (10:30), Thursday, February 22 (10:30), and Wednesday, February 28 (10:30).
- Six REACH games on Saturday, February 3 at noon, Monday, February 5 at noon, Tuesday, February 6 at 10:30, Wednesday, February 7 at 10:30, Thursday, February 8 at 10:30, and Friday, February 9 at 10:30. For more information, click here.
- On Wednesday, February, 7, at 7:15 PM, we will be hosting an Inter-Club Championship game (extra black points). Enjoy face-to-face play with the perk of across-the-field scoring to determine overall rankings at all clubs that participate on the same date throughout the ACBL.
- On Tuesday, February 13, at 10:30 AM we will be hosting a Unit Swiss Teams Game at the club. A French tradition on Mardi Gras is to eat crêpes, Christine will be making sweet crêpes for dessert, you don't want to miss them!
- Look for our 21 extra-points games spread throughout the month of February.
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will continue on most Fridays at 9:45 AM. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday Morning Mini Seminars
Our Saturday Morning Seminars for intermediate and advanced players are returning and will continue to be offered once or twice a month on Saturday mornings when no local tournaments are being held.
Our first 2018 seminar will be presented by Kim Gilman on Saturday, February 10 at 9:15 AM. Kim will discuss "Should I Sacrifice?".
My partner and I have a big trump fit, but the opponents bid a game. Should we outbid them? Even if we go down, will it be a better score? But what if they can't even make their game?
These are some of the toughest questions to answer at the bridge table. The experts know when to pass and when to bid on. Join this class to learn some helpful guidelines on deciding whether to sacrifice, and practice playing some fun hands in class!
The seminar ends at about 11:15 AM. Our Saturday noon game will follow as usual.
The cost is $25 if pre-registered, $30 at the door. To register please email us at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com.
February Special: Play four evenings, the fifth one is free
If you play in four evening games in February, the fifth evening is free.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- We have a separate flight every Thursday for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don't miss it!
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game that have less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
Free entry for all newcomers on Wednesday, February 28. Come and try it!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- February 14-19, Cromwell, CT, (regional), for more information, please click here.
- February 23-25, Watertown, MA, (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 17:23 EST |
2018 January Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 9 / January 2018
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a lovely holiday season. Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read below for more details.
January is Junior Fund month, all games are extra points!
- STaC week January 8 to 14, extra silver points at club games for one week!
- New: Beginners bridge course starting Wednesday, January 10 at 2:30 PM
FREE postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every Thursday at 2:30 PM
- Mark Aquino's FREE Friday morning pre-game talks at 9:45 AM
Hand of the month: we are looking for interesting hands to add to the Bridge Tales section on our website. Please email your submissions to Tim.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the November Schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Thank you for playing at our club in 2017. We look forward to more good fun and good bridge in 2018.
Don’t miss two weekly opportunities to tap into the expertise of three of New England’s best players: “postmortem” discussions after our Thursday open and 299er games led by Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt, and “Shark’s Pointers” talks before our Friday games by Mark Aquino.
The new year brings a new skip-bid regulation into effect at all ACBL tournaments. (Our club made the change in September.) The old skip-bid regulation did three things: (1) it allowed a player extra time to think after a skip bid, (2) it required a player to take extra time to appear to think after a skip bid, and (3) it suggested that a player display a STOP card or make an announcement before a skip bid. The new regulation eliminates (3) but does not change (1) or (2). When your right-hand opponent skips a level of bidding, you must think, or appear to think, for about ten seconds before you pass, bid, or double. For more information, please see the “Ruling the Game” column in the December Bulletin.
Several players have signed up for our Mentoring Program, and I’ll try to match up mentors and mentees over the next couple of weeks. We’d love for more mentors to sign up. Please let us know if you would like to give back to the game by mentoring a newer player. We all know that one of the best way to improve in bridge is to play with a more experienced partner. For more details, please click here.
A word from Andrew Hanes: Thank you for donating your Shaws tickets. Christine got a very nice set of bakeware thanks to you!
Club Schedule
For the January calendar, please click here.
- January is Junior Fund month, all our games are extra-points!
- Monday, January 8 to Sunday, January 14, our games are extra silver points.
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will continue on most Fridays at 9:45 AM. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- We are offering a six-week beginner class starting Wednesday, January 10 that will run on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4:30 PM. The class will be taught by Ru Terajewicz. Click here for more details.
- We have a separate flight every Thursday for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
- The Newcomer game will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- January 27-28, Johnston, RI, (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 17:22 EST |
2017 December Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 8 / December 2017
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read below for more details.
Saturday morning Mini-Seminar for Intermediate and Advanced players on December 2 at 9:15 AM with Kim Gilman
- Swiss Teams on Tuesday, December 5 at 10:30 AM
- and Holiday Party and Potluck on Tuesday, December 5
The club will be closed on Saturday, December 9, and Sunday, December 10 (Watertown Sectional).
Inter-Club Championship game on Tuesday, December 12 at 10:30 AM
- Saturday morning Mini-Seminar for Intermediate and Advanced players on December 16 at 9:15 AM with Kim Gilman
ACBL-wide International Fund Game on Wednesday, December 20 at 7:15 PM
The club will be closed on Monday, December 25. We will be open on Monday, January 1.
FREE postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every Thursday at 2:30 PM
Mark Aquino's FREE Friday morning pre-game talks at 9:45 AM (no talk on 12/1)
Our December special: play at the club two Sundays, the third one is free.
Hand of the month: we are looking for interesting hands to add to the Bridge Tales section on our website. Please email your submissions to Tim.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the November Schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Several Westwood regulars are in San Diego for the fall North American Bridge Championships. Hope you’re having a good time! Christina Parker and Stewart Rubenstein put together 68% and 60% sessions to win a 55-table regional pairs game by almost a full board. Lloyd Arvedon and John McLaughlin won a regional pairs game. Several New Englanders are among the 78 pairs out of an original 314 who qualified for the finals of the Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs: Zach Grossack, who’s playing with Zia—see the front page of Wednesday’s Daily Bulletin, Adam Grossack and Larry Lebowitz, Walter Lee, Karen McCallum and Victor King, and Paul Fireman.
Several players have signed up for our Mentoring Program, and I’ll try to match up mentors and mentees over the next couple of weeks. We’d love for more mentors to sign up. Please let us know if you would like to give back to the game by mentoring a newer player. We all know that one of the best way to improve in bridge is to play with a more experienced partner. For more details, please click here.
A word from Andrew Hanes: We are collecting Shaws tickets at the club to get Christine extra bakeware for the kitchen. If you shop at Shaw’s and don’t use your tickets, please leave them in the envelope on the desk.
Club Schedule
For the December calendar, please click here.
- On Tuesday, December 5 we will have a Charity SWISS teams game alongside our Holiday Potluck Party! Bring some of your holiday favorites. We'll have an extended lunch break, expect the game to end about 2:15 PM.
- On Tuesday, December 12 at 10:30 AM, we will be hosting an Inter-Club Championship game (extra black points). Enjoy face-to-face play with the perk of across-the-field scoring to determine overall rankings at all clubs that participate on the same date throughout the ACBL.
- ACBL-wide International Fund Game on Wednesday, December 20, at 7:15 PM (Extra half Red/ half Black points). Winners will be recognized on the ACBL website and in the Bridge Bulletin. Hand records and analysis will be provided.
- Look for our 22 extra-points games spread thoughout the month of December. Please note that we just added nine membership games which are extra points for no extra charge! (December 3, 4, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 27).
- FREE Postmortem discussion every Thursday immediately after the game. Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt will field your questions on the boards you played for 15 to 30 minutes. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will continue on most Fridays at 9:45 AM. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director. Please note that Mark is away on Friday, December 1.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday Morning Mini Seminars
Our Saturday Morning Seminars for intermediate and advanced players will continue to be offered once or twice a month on Saturday mornings when no local tournaments are being held.
Our fourth seminar will be presented by Kim Gilman on Saturday, December 2 at 9:15 AM. Kim will discuss Killer Opening Leads.
Our fifth seminar will be also presented by Kim Gilman on Saturday, December 16 at 9:15 AM. Kim will discuss Minor Suit Slams.
The seminars end at about 11:15 AM. Our Saturday noon game will follow as usual.
The cost is $25 if pre-registered, $30 at the door. To register please email us at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com. Click here for more information.
December Special: Play two Sundays, the third one is free
- If you play in two Sunday games (Open or Newcomer) in December, the third Sunday is free.
- If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- We now have a separate flight every Thursday for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
- The Newcomer game will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- December 8-10, Watertown, MA, (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Pro-Am on Friday eve! Click here for more information.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 17:21 EST |
2017 November Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 7 / November 2017
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read below for more details.
Interclub Championship on Monday evening, November 6, at 7:15 PM (extra-points!)
- No daytime games on Wednesday, November 8, Thursday, November 9, Saturday, November 11, or Sunday, November 12 (Mansfield Regional)
- Saturday morning Mini-Seminar for Intermediate and Advanced players on November 18 at 9:15 AM with Adam Grossack
The club will be closed on Thursday, November 23. Happy Thanksgiving!
FREE postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every Thursday at 2:30 PM (including November 9)
Mark Aquino's FREE Friday morning pre-game talks at 9:45 AM (no talk on 11/10 or 11/24)
- Save the date: Holiday Party and Potluck on Tuesday, December 5!
The club will be closed on Saturday, December 9 and Sunday, December 10 (Watertown Sectional).
Our November special: play at the club two Thursdays (open or 299er), the third one is free (extra charge for the Charity game applies).
Hand of the month: we are looking for interesting hands to add to the Bridge Tales section on our website. Please email your submissions to Tim.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the November Schedule and our club news.
Club Manager’s Editorial
Players often wonder why they need to enter opening leads along with contracts and results. There are three reasons we ask for opening leads. First and foremost, the Bridgemate system verifies that the declarer is entered correctly by confirming that the card led is held by the declarer’s left-hand opponent. Since we’ve instituted this extra check, the most common scoring errors detected after games—wrong-sided contracts—have nearly vanished. Second, many players who review their results online appreciate seeing what was led at their own table and other tables. Third, recording opening leads helps people remember them, which improves their card play.
We have a few sign-ups for the Mentoring Program. We’d love for more mentors to sign up. Please let us know if you would like to give back to the game by mentoring a newer player. We all know that one of the best way to improve in bridge is to play with a more experienced partner. For more details, please click here.
A word from Andrew Hanes: We are collecting Shaws tickets at the club to get Christine extra bakeware for the kitchen. So if you shop at Shaws, please bring us your tickets! (We are keeping an enveloppe on the desk).
Club Schedule
For the November calendar, please click here.
- On Monday, November 6 at 7:15 PM we will be hosting an InterClub Championship game (extra black points). Enjoy face-to-face play with the perk of across-the-field scoring through the Internet to determine overall rankings at all clubs that participate on the same date.
- During the Mansfield regional, we will hold our Wednesday evening game (November 8, 7:15), our Thursday afternoon supervised play session (November 9, 2:30), and our Friday morning game (November 10, 10:30). We’ve canceled our daytime games on Wednesday, November 8, Thursday, November 9, Saturday, November 11, and Sunday, November 12.
- Look for our 17 extra-points games spread thoughout the month of November. No Swiss teams in November.
- Free Postmortem discussion every Thursday immediately after the game. Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt will field your questions on the boards you played for 15 to 30 minutes. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will continue on most Fridays at 9:45 AM. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director. Please note that Mark is away on Friday, November 10 and on Friday, November 24.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday Morning Mini Seminars
Our Saturday Morning Seminars for intermediate and advanced players will continue to be offered once or twice a month on Saturday mornings when no local tournaments are being held.
Our third seminar will be presented by Adam Grossack on Saturday, November 18 at 9:15 AM. Adam will discuss Counting and Executing on Defense: Early Decisions.
The seminar ends at about 11:15 AM. Our Saturday noon game will follow as usual.
The cost is $25 if pre-registered, $30 at the door. To register please email us at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com. Click here for more information.
November Special: Play two Thursdays, the third one is free
- If you play in two Thursday games (Open or 299er) in November, the third Thursday is free (you may have to pay the $1 charge for the Charity game).
- If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- We now have a separate flight every Thursday for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
- The Newcomer game will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- November 4-5, Nashua, NH, (sectional), for more information, please click here
- November 8-12, Mansfield, MA, (regional), for more information, please click here
- November 11-12, Mansfield, MA, (NAP), for more information, please click here
STOP Card stopped
The ACBL will eliminate STOP cards in tournaments on 2018 January 1 and has suggested that clubs eliminate them sooner. We removed the STOP cards on September 25 (coincident with the 2017 Laws coming into effect).
Here’s what’s changed: You may no longer call attention in any way to the fact that you’re making a skip bid. No STOP card. No announcement. The other players at the table should notice that you’ve made a skip bid without any reminder.
Here’s what has not changed: Whenever your right-hand opponent makes a skip bid, you must think for about ten seconds before you make your call. (What you think about is up to you, but you must make it appear to your partner that you’re considering whether to bid or not to bid.)
See Law 16B (pp. 22–23 of the 2017 Laws) for the consequences of “unwonted speed” over a skip bid.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 17:15 EST |
2017 October Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 6 / October 2017
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read below for more details.
Thursday evening games at Westwood October 5 and October 12 at 7:15 PM (Temple Reyim closed)
- FREE postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games
- Mark Aquino's FREE Friday morning pre-game talks at 9:45 AM
The club will be closed on Saturday, October 7 and Sunday, October 8 (Watertown Sectional)
Annual Bob Simpson Memorial Charity Club Championships, Friday-Sunday, October 20-22
ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game Wednesday, October 25 at noon - note game time change
Saturday mornings Mini-Seminars for Advanced players, second seminar on October 28 with Rena Lieberman about All Sorts of Doubles
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every Thursday at 2:30 PM
NEW: beginner lessons Basics 2 with Lisa Procter on Tuesdays at 2:30 PM starting 10/24 (see details below)
Our October special: Newcomer special package, pay $50 for 3 entries to Supervised Play and 3 entries to either the Newcomer game or the 299er game.
Hand of the month: we are looking for interesting hands to add to the Bridge Tales section on our website. Please email your submissions to Tim.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the October Schedule and our club news.
Club Manager’s Editorial
Congratulations Mark and Selen! On Friday, September 22, Mark Aquino and Selen Hotamisligil were representing the Westwood Bridge Club in Beijing at the finals of the World Wide Bridge Contest. They finished seventh of 40 pairs.Their score after six sessions was 55.19%. Zhao Haibo and Tao Jianhua of China won the event at 57.92%.
Mark and Selen won their trip to the finals with a 73.15% game in Westwood on Friday evening, June 2. They ranked third of 2,131 pairs who played at 140 clubs in 22 countries.
On Monday, September 25, we removed the Stop cards from our bidding boxes. For more details, see below.
At our PRO-AM dinner, we announced a mentoring program. We all know that one of the best way to improve in bridge is to play with a more experienced partner. We are looking for advanced players who are willing to work with other players to help them learn more about the game. For more details, please click here.
Club Schedule
For the October calendar, please click here.
- October is Jane Johnson Club Appreciation month (17 Club Appreciation games which are extra points). We also have 13 Charity Games which are also extra points.
The ACBL gives us more Club Appreciation Games if we run Swiss games, thus in October we will hold seven Swiss Teams games: on Wednesday 10/4, Monday 10/9, Friday 10/14, Thursday 10/19, Sunday 10/22, Saturday 10/28, and Tuesday 10/31.
- We have special Thursday evening games at 7:15 PM on Thursday, October 5 and Thursday, October 12.
- Please join us on October 20-22 for the sixth annual Bob Simpson Charity Club Championships, in memory of Bob Simpson (1963-2012). Over three days, we will have several different events:
- an individual game on Friday, October 20,
- a two-session pair game Saturday, October 21 at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM (single-session entries available),
- and a two-session Swiss team game on Sunday, October 22 at 10:00 AM. Lunch will be served on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Winners will be honored on permanent plaques.
- On Wednesday, October 25, we will participate in the annual ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game. It will start at 12:00 noon.
Masterpoints awards: One gold point to section tops in each direction in each club, remaining points red/black at 82% sectional rating. Overall Awards: 1st, 20; depth of awards, 10 places.
District Winners: 1st, 10; depth of awards, 5 places. Winners recognized on website and in the Bridge Bulletin.
See your score instantly after each deal played! Features for players include a booklet with complete analyses of the deals by national champion Larry Cohen.
- Postmortem discussion every Thursday immediately after the game. Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt will field your questions on the boards you played for 15 to 30 minutes. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will continue on most Fridays at 9:45 AM. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
Saturday Morning Mini Seminars
We are proud to announce our new Saturday Morning Seminars for intermediate and advanced players. These seminars are offered once or twice a month on Saturday mornings when no local tournaments are being held.
Our second seminar will be presented by Rena Lieberman on Saturday, October 28 at 9:15 AM. Rena will discuss All Sorts of Doubles.
The seminar ends at about 11:15 AM. Our Saturday noon game will follow as usual.
The cost is $25 if pre-registered, $30 at the door. To register please email us at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com. Click here for more information.
October Special: three Supervised Play sessions and three Newcomer or 299er games for $50
- Newcomers special: Pay $50 for 3 entries to our Thursday afternoon Supervised Play and 3 entries to our Newcomer game (Wednesdays 10:30 AM) or our 299er game (Thursdays 10:30 AM).
- If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- NEW CLASS: We are offering a five-week follow-up series to our beginners class, the Audrey Grant Basics 2 about Competitive Bidding. The class will be held on Tuesday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 PM and will be taught by Lisa Procter. The class will start on October 24 and run until November 28 (no class on 11/7). Click here for more details.
- We now have a separate flight every Thursday for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
- The Newcomer game will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- October 6-8, Watertown, MA, (sectional), for more information, please click here
- October 7-8, Watertown, MA, (GNT-NAP), for more information, please click here
- October 14-15, Auburn, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here
STOP Card stopped
The ACBL will eliminate STOP cards in tournaments on 2018 January 1 and has suggested that clubs eliminate them sooner. We removed the STOP cards on September 25 (coincident with the 2017 Laws coming into effect).
Here’s what’s changed: You may no longer call attention in any way to the fact that you’re making a skip bid. No STOP card. No announcement. The other players at the table should notice that you’ve made a skip bid without any reminder.
Here’s what has not changed: Whenever your right-hand opponent makes a skip bid, you must think for about ten seconds before you make your call. (What you think about is up to you, but you must make it appear to your partner that you’re considering whether to bid or not to bid.)
See Law 16B (pp. 22–23 of the 2017 Laws) for the consequences of “unwonted speed” over a skip bid.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 17:14 EST |
2017 September Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 5 / September 2017
Mark your calendars, we have quite a busy fall ahead of us at the Club! Read carefully as we are offering many new events for all levels. Check below for more details.
NEW: Thursday morning 299er games starting September 14
- NEW: FREE postmortem discussion by an expert after our Thursday games starting September 14
Mark Aquino's FREE Friday morning pre-game lecture resumes on September 15 at 9:45 AM
Pro-Am game and dinner Friday evening, September 15 at 6:30 PM
NEW: Beginners lessons Audrey Grant 1 starting Tuesday, September 19 at 2:30 PM and at 7:15 PM
NEW: Saturday mornings Mini-Seminars for Advanced players, first seminar on September 23 with Adam Grossack
An Introduction to Bridge Seminar with Lisa Procter and Kim Gilman, on Sunday, September 24 (no game that day)
NEW: Supervised Play for beginner/intermediate players starting Thursday, September 28 at 2:30 PM
Our September special: If you play on Wednesday morning, you will get $5 off when you come on Thursday.
September is International Fund month, all games are extra points.
Hand of the month: we are looking for interesting hands to add to our monthly newsletter. Please email your submissions to Tim.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the September Schedule and our club news.
Club Schedule
For the September calendar, please click here.
Highlights of the calendar:
- September is International Fund month (all games are extra points).
- On Monday, September 11, we will host an International Fund Swiss Teams at 12:00 PM.
- NEW: Postmortem discussion every Thursday immediately after the game (starting September 14). Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt will field your questions on the boards you played for 15 to 30 minutes. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will resume on September 15 at 9:45 AM. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
(note that you don't have to play in the game to attend the lecture). Being district director, Mark often gets called away on ACBL duties, please make sure to check the Westwood Bridge Club online calendar before attending the lecture.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
On Friday evening, September 15, we will host a Pro-Am tournament. We will have a special buffet dinner at 6:30 PM (delicious French menu by Chef Christine). The game will start at 7:15 PM. The cost is $15 per player.
Pros with more than 500 masterpoints will be playing with Amateurs (non pros) with less than 500 masterpoints. We will pair the Ams and the Pros (but will accept pre-paired players). Click here for more information.
Registration by September 10 is preferred so we can make the draws ahead of time. We will accept last minute entries if the configuration allows it. Register by calling the club or by emailing us at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com.
Saturday morning Mini Seminars
We are proud to announce our New Saturday morning Seminars for intermediate and advanced players. These seminars will be proposed once or twice a month on a Saturday morning when no local tournaments are being held. Our very first seminar will be presented by Adam Grossack on Saturday, September 23 at 9:15 AM. Adam will share his secrets on Defense. Seminar ends at about 11:15 AM. Our saturday noon game will follow as usual. Cost is $25 if prepaid, $30 at the door. To register please email us at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com. Click here for more information.
September Special: $5 off Thursday if you play Wednesday morning
- If you play on Wednesday morning, you will have $5 off when you come Thursday morning.
- If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- NEW: Starting September 14, we will have a separate flight for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Then every Thursday immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played for 15 to 30 minutes. Don't miss it! EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
If you buy an entry to our Thursday, September 14, 299er game, we'll give you an entry for the following Thursday for free.
- We are offering two five-week fall lesson series for beginners. The Tuesday afternoon series (2:30 PM to 4:30 PM), taught by Lisa Procter, runs from September 19 to October 17. The Tuesday evening series (7:15 PM to 9:15 PM), taught by Ru Terajewicz, runs from September 19 through October 24 (skipping October 3). Click here for more details. (if you have played some bridge, or you take the Introduction to Bridge Seminar on September 24, you may join either Tuesday series on September 26 for the last four classes).
- On Sunday, September 24 at 1:00 PM, Kim Gilman and Lisa Procter will present a four-hour Introduction to Bridge for beginners. Click here for more details.
- The Newcomer game will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 pm. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM starting September 28.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- August 29-September 3, Warwick, RI (regional), for more information, please click here
- September 16-17, Johnston, RI (sectional), for more information, please click here
- September 23-24, Portland, ME (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 17:11 EST |
2017 August Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 4 / August 2017
We hope you are enjoying the warm days of summer.
Congratulations to Christina Parker and Stewart Rubenstein! On Saturday and Sunday at the North American Bridge Championships in Toronto, Chris and Stewart teamed with Michael and Susan Smith of Newington, CT, to win the 0-10,000 Mixed Swiss Teams.
this week, Zach Grossack and Kim Gilman will teach a two-session course on Preemptive Bidding on Tuesday afternoons, August 1 and 8 (see details below)
NEW Thursday morning 299er games start September 14
Pro-am game and dinner Friday evening, September 15
Annual Bob Simpson Memorial Charity Club Championships Friday–Sunday, October 20–22
ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game Wednesday, October 25, at noon
Our August special: for $50 for the month, you can play unlimited Monday evening and Wednesday evening games.
In August, about half of our club games are North American Pairs (NAP) games. All of these games award half-red, half-black masterpoints at about triple the level of regular games (82% sectional rating). Players who qualify in at least one of these games (look for a “Q” next to your name on the results) may play in the New England District Finals (Flight A: October 7–8, Watertown; Flight B: November 11–12, Mansfield; Flight C: November 11, Mansfield). The top three or four pairs in each flight will qualify for the North American Finals at the 2018 Spring North American Bridge Championships in Philadelphia. The top two pairs in each flight will receive subsidies to attend the NABC.
Hand of the month: we are looking for interesting hands to add to our monthly newsletter. Please email your submissions to Tim.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the August Schedule and our club news.
Club Schedule
For the August calendar, please click here.
Highlights of the calendar:
- Preemptive bidding class by Zach & Kim on Tuesday, August 1 and Tuesday, August 8, 2:30 to 4:30 PM. For more details, please click here.
- August is the last month North American Pairs months (all NAP games are extra points and half red/half black). We have 18 scheduled NAP games for August.
- On Tuesday, August 22, we will host Swiss Charity Pairs at 10:30 AM.
- Inter-Club Championship Pairs are on Thursday, August 31, 10:30 AM.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino have stopped for the summer and will resume after Labor Day.
August Special: Unlimited evening games for $50 and FREE game if you bring a NEW person
- If you pay $50 upfront in August, you can play as often as you want Monday evening and Wednesday evening (no extra charge for special games).
- If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- NEW: Starting September 14, we will have a separate section dedicated to 299ers. Spread the word!
- The Newcomer game on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM consists of the play of 12 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board). Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director will answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time!
- Drop-in lesson every Tuesday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM (No drop-in on August 1 and August 8)
Teacher: Tim Hill
Fee: $15/player
No advance registration. No predetermined curriculum. Just come any Tuesday afternoon. We address your questions about bidding, about declarer play, about defensive play, about deals you’ve played. We play boards from recent club games and shape the class around the bidding and play issues that come up.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- August 3-6, Barnstable, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- August 12-13, Portland, ME (sectional), for more information, please click here
- August 19-20, Nashua, NH (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- August 29-September 3, Warwick, RI (regional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 17:10 EST |
2017 July Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 3 / July 2017
Happy Summer!
Save the following dates and spread the word with details to come in the next newsletter:
Zach Grossack and Kim Gilman will teach a two-session course on Preemptive Bidding on Tuesday afternoons, August 1 and 8 (see details on our website)
NEW Thursday morning 299er games start September 14
Pro-am game and dinner Friday evening, September 15
Annual Bob Simpson Memorial Charity Club Championships Friday–Sunday, October 20–22
ACBL-wide Instant Matchpoint Game Wednesday, October 25, at noon
Our July special: if you have less than 500 masterpoints, you will pay less than $5 on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday (see details below).
In July, about half of our club games are North American Pairs (NAP) games. NAP qualifying games at club level award extra masterpoints half-red, half-black (Red points are usually earned at regional tournaments, click here for the NAP Masterpoints award chart). A highly prestigious “grass roots” event, the North American Pairs starts at the club level in June, July and August. Club-level qualifications may be earned at any club. A player may qualify as often as desired and with as many different partners as desired. Players who qualify at the club level are eligible to play in the district final. See our July schedule for our NAP club dates.
District 25's NAP Finals will be held in two locations this year: the Flight A finals will be held concurrent with the Watertown Sectional on Saturday, October 7 and Sunday, October 8; and the Flight B and C finals will be held as part of the Mansfield Regional on Saturday, November 11 (Flights B & C) and Sunday, November 12 (Flight B). Gold points are awarded for section firsts and overalls. The top three winners in each flight - A (Open), B (fewer than 2500 masterpoints), C (0-500 masterpoints, Non-Life Masters) - will receive subsidies to attend the NABC and would represent New England at the spring NABC (in Philadelphia in 2018). We have 18 scheduled NAP games for July, come to play and get qualified for the finals!
Impressive club result: On Friday evening, June 2, Westwood was one of 140 clubs in 22 countries participating in the World Wide Bridge Contest. Mark Aquino and Selen Hotamisligil scored 73.15%, ranking third of 2,131 pairs. Mark and Selen and 23 other top finishers in eight WWBC sessions earned an expense-paid trip to the WWBC Finals in Beijing in September, where they’ll compete for a $20,000 prize pool.
Hand of the month: we are looking for interesting hands to add to our monthly newsletter. Please email your submissions to Tim.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the July Schedule and our club news.
Club Schedule
For the July calendar, please click here.
Highlights of the calendar:
- Until this Sunday, July 2, our district is holding Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaC). All STaC games are silver extra points. One STaC Swiss game is scheduled on Sunday, July 2, at 1:00 PM.
- July and August are North American Pairs months (all NAP games are extra points and half red). About half of our summer games are NAP games.
- On Tuesday, July 4, we will host an Independence Day Barbecue starting with an NAP game at 10:30 am.
- ACBL-wide International Fund Pairs on Tuesday, July 11, 10:30 AM.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
- "Shark's Pointers" pre-game talks by Mark Aquino have stopped for the summer and will resume after Labor Day.
July Special: $4.99 games for 499ers and FREE game if you bring a NEW person
- If you have fewer than 500 masterpoints, you can buy an entry for our Wednesday morning, Thursday morning, or Sunday afternoon games for under five dollars (extra charge for special games).
- If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- The Newcomer game on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM consists of the play of 12 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board). Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director will answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time!
- Drop-in lesson every Tuesday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Teacher: Tim Hill
Fee: $15/player
No advance registration. No predetermined curriculum. Just come any Tuesday afternoon. We address your questions about bidding, about declarer play, about defensive play, about deals you’ve played. We play boards from recent club games and shape the class around the bidding and play issues that come up.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- July 8-9, Barnstable, MA (499er sectional), for more information, please click here.
- July 20-30, Toronto, CA (national), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 17:09 EST |
2017 June Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 2 / June 2017
Each year, June kicks off three months with many "extra extra point" games. This June we have 18 North American Pairs (NAP) games. We also have our district's semi-annual Sectional Tournament at Clubs (STaC), which runs from June 26 to July 2. The NAP and STaC games both award masterpoints at 82% of sectional-tournament rating. NAP masterpoints are half red, half black. STaC masterpoints are all silver.
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below the detailed June Schedule for the club.
Club Schedule
For the June calendar, please click here.
Highlights of the calendar:
- June, July and August are North American Pairs months (all NAP games are extra points and half red).
- Worldwide Bridge Contest Friday, June 2, 7:15 PM and Saturday, June 3, 12:00 PM noon. We are offering pizza on Friday evening at 6:45 PM before the 7:15 game. Please let Nathalie know if you would like to eat with us.
- One Swiss team game is scheduled on Thursday, June 15 at 10:30 AM.
- June 26 to July 2, our disctrict is holding Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaC). All games are silver extra points. One STaC Swiss game is scheduled on Sunday, July 2, at 1:00 PM.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
- Every Friday at 9:45 AM, we offer a FREE lecture by Mark Aquino (Grand Life Master, District 25 director, for full bio click here). Being district director, Mark often gets called away on ACBL duties, please make sure to check the Westwood Bridge Club online calendar before attending the lecture. Note: you don’t have to play in the game to attend the lecture (but you might as well!).
- Monday through Saturday our French chef, Christine, prepares a wonderful lunch.
June Special: $5 games for 299ers and FREE game if you bring a NEW person
- If you have fewer than 300 masterpoints, you can buy an entry for our Wednesday morning, Thursday morning, or Sunday afternoon games for only five dollars.
- If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- The Newcomer game on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM consists of the play of 12 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board). Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director will answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time!
- Drop-in lesson every Tuesday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Teacher: Tim Hill
Fee: $15/player
No advance registration. No predetermined curriculum. Just come any Tuesday afternoon. We address your questions about bidding, about declarer play, about defensive play, about deals you’ve played. We play boards from recent club games and shape the class around the bidding and play issues that come up.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- June 10-11, Johnston, RI (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- June 20-25, Nashua, NH (regional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 16:50 EST |
2018 March Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 11 / March 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
Five Unit-wide and two Unit games throughout the month of March
- ACBL-wide Senior Pairs on Monday, March 19 at noon
- Tuesday, March 20 at 10:30 AM, Charity Swiss teams
- Westwood Spring Pro-Am on Friday, March 23 in the evening
- Beginner lessons Basic 2 with Ru Terajewicz on Tuesdays at 2:30 PM starting March 20
- Save the date for the social hour after the Friday game on April 6, stay after the game for refreshements!
- FREE postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games (no postmortem on 3/8 or 3/15)
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every Thursday at 2:30 PM
Mark Aquino's FREE Friday morning pre-game talks at 9:45 AM (no talk on 3/9 or 3/16)
Our March special: play at the club on Wednesday morning, get $5 off on Thursday morning
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the March Schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Hope you’re enjoying EMBA’s unit games. The Unit-wide games are matchpointed and ranked across the participating clubs of our Unit. Scores, ranks, and masterpoints awards shown at the end of the games are preliminary and will change. Final results are posted at acblemba.org, you can also access them by clicking on top of the results page of our site.
Westwood is offering seven unit games in March, five daytime unit-wide and one daytime and one evening unit championship games. See our schedule for more details.
Please help us nurture the friendly environment in our club. “For the love of the game, play nice!” And please tell the director if someone does misbehave. Our directors will take appropriate action if you tell them there’s a problem. Occasionally I’ve heard that a player won’t come to our club because the player or a friend had an unpleasant experience some time ago. Please tell us if this happens! We want to fix any problem, but we can’t it if you don’t tell us about it.
STOP cards are history, but please remember that the requirement to pause about ten seconds for thought whenever your right-hand opponent makes a skip bid is as important as ever.
Several players have signed up for our Mentoring Program, and I’ll try to match up mentors and mentees over the next few weeks. We’d love for more mentors to sign up. Please let us know if you would like to give back to the game by mentoring a newer player. We all know that one of the best way to improve in bridge is to play with a more experienced partner. For more details, please click here.
Some players have been bringing us their Monopoly Shaws tickets. We will collect them and get some groceries for the Club if you bring them in. Thank you!
Bridge Tale: “But I Had My Bid!”
I think you’ll enjoy Stewart Rubenstein’s tale about a competitive part-score auction in a recent game.
Let us know if you have a bridge tale you’d like to share.
Westwood Players Excel in 2017 Masterpoints Races
We are proud to congratulate Westwood players on their outstanding showing in the 2017 masterpoint races. Adam and Zach Grossack led the pack. They won 2,022 and 1,454 masterpoints respectively—first and second in New England, 14th and 33rd in the ACBL, first and third in the 5000–7500 Mini-McKenney bracket, first and third among juniors (under 26), and Zach was first among youth (under 20).
Westwood players won the Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs awards for Eastern Massachusetts in 9 of 15 brackets: Nathalie Tabor, Lisa Muir, Neil Gordon, Bart Bussink, Steve Paxhia, Barbara Murphy, Cilla Borras, Bob Carvin, and Sheila Gabay. Phyllis Chase and John Malley won their Rhode Island brackets. Tabor, Gordon, Paxhia, Carvin, and Gabay also won their New England brackets. In their ACBL-wide brackets, Tabor was 14th, Gordon 12th, and Gabay 4th.
Westwood players won the Eastern Massachusetts Mini-McKenneys in 10 of 15 brackets: Michael Feeney, Nathalie Tabor, Lisa Muir, Bart Bussink, Barbara Murphy, Stewart Rubenstein, Natalie Bassil, Adam Grossack, Lew Gamerman, and Sheila Gabay. Joyce Regan and John Malley won their Rhode Island brackets. Feeney, Tabor, Murphy, Rubenstein, Grossack, Gamerman, and Gabay also won their New England brackets. In their ACBL-wide brackets, Feeney was 8th, Murphy 9th, Grossack 1st, and Gamerman 17th.
The top 10 masterpoint winners in Westwood club games were Sheila Gabay, Charlie Drum, Sandra Drum, Steve Paxhia, Mark Aquino, Shome Mukherjee, Al Votolato, Don Carow, Lew Gamerman, and Sue Waxman. Paxhia was first among players who started 2017 with 1000–7500 masterpoints. Nathalie Tabor was first 100–1000. Lanny Starr was first 0–100.
Club Schedule
- For the March calendar, please click here.
- Seven Unit Games, Thursday, March 2 (10:30), Monday, March 5 (12:00), Wednesday, March 21 (10:30), Thursday, March 22 (10:30), Tuesday, March 27 (10:30), Wednesday, March 28 (19:15), and Thursday, March 29 (10:30).
- On Monday, March 19, at 12:00 PM (noon) we will be hosting an ACBL-wide Senior Pairs (extra black points). This event is restricted to players born before 1959.
- On Friday evening, March, 23, we will host a Pro-Am game. We will have a special buffet dinner at 6:30 PM. The game will start at 7:15 PM. The cost is $15 per player.
Pros with more than 500 masterpoints will be playing with Amateurs (non pros) with less than 500 masterpoints. We can pair the Ams and the Pros. Please register by March 20, it helps us with the planning. We will accept some last minute entries if the configuration allows it. Register by calling the club or by emailing us at baystatebridgeclub@gmail.com.
- Look for our 24 extra-points games spread throughout the month of March.
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will continue on most Fridays at 9:45 AM. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
March Special: Play Wednesday morning, get $5 off on Thursday
If you play on Wednesday morning (Open or Newcomer), you will get $5 off when you come Thursday morning (Open or 299er).
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- We have a separate flight every Thursday for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don't miss it!
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game that have less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 AM. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- New Class: we are offering a six-week follow-up series to our Basics 1 class, the Audrey Grant Basics 2 about Competitive bidding. The class will be held on Tuesday afternoon from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM and will be taught by Ru Terajewicz. The class will start on March 20 and run until May 1 (no class on 4/17). Click here for more details.
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- March 3-4, Portland, ME, (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- March 24-25, Johnston, RI, (sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we:
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible .
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill thill75@wesleyan.edu
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 16:50 EST |
2018 April Newsletter |
♠ ♥ Westwood Duplicate Bridge Club Newsletter ♦ ♣
Number 12 / April 2018
Here are the highlights of our schedule. Please read carefully below for more details.
- April is Charity Month, all our games are extra points for everyone
- Social hour after the Friday game on April 6, stay after the game for refreshements and snacks!
- No games on Saturday, April 7 and Sunday, April 8 (Sectional Tournament in Watertown)
- Marathon Day, Monday, April 16, three games in one day! Please note the special times: 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
- Charity Swiss teams Friday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m.
- On Wednesday, April 25, at 10:30 a.m., FREE entry for all newcomers
- Beginner lessons Basic 2 with Ru Terajewicz continues on Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m.
- Tony Keats is back from Florida and will be directing the evening games again
- Postmortem discussion with Pat McDevitt or Lew Gamerman immediately after our Thursday games (no postmortem on 4/26)
- Supervised Play for beginner / intermediate players every Thursday at 2:30 p.m.
- Mark Aquino’s FREE Friday morning pre-game talks at 9:45 a.m. (no talk on 4/6 or 4/27)
- April special: play at the club on Wednesday morning, get $5 off on Thursday morning
Any feedback is most welcome. You will find below more details about the April Schedule and our club news.
Tim’s Blurb
Patriots’ Day is two weeks away, and we have our annual Bridge Marathon in memory of Richard Burns. Please join us for one, two, or three games on Monday, April 16. Game times are 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 7:15 p.m. (no noon game). The individuals with the best two-game averages in each stratum will have their names placed on the perpetual plaque that hangs next to Sol Hartman’s portrait of Richard Burns.
Four Westwood players won national championships at the Spring NABC in Philadelphia! Congratulations to Adam and Zach Grossack, who won the Baldwin North American Pairs, and Pat McDevitt and Sheila Gabay, who won the Rockwell Mixed Pairs for the second time. Zach racked up the third-highest masterpoint total—348—mostly from top-ten finishes in all five national events he entered.
Please help us nurture the friendly environment in our club. “For the love of the game, play nice!” And please tell the director if someone does misbehave. Our directors will take appropriate action if you tell them there’s a problem. Occasionally I’ve heard that a player won’t come to our club because the player or a friend had an unpleasant experience some time ago. Please tell us if this happens! We want to fix any problem, but we can’t it if you don’t tell us about it.
STOP cards are history, but please remember that the requirement to pause about ten seconds for thought whenever your right-hand opponent makes a skip bid is as important as ever.
Some players have been bringing us their Monopoly Shaws tickets. We will collect them and get some groceries for the club if you bring them in. Thank you!
Club Schedule
- For the April calendar, please click here.
- April is Charity Month for the ACBL. All of our games are extra-points.
- On Friday, April 6, after the game, around 1:45 p.m., please join us for our social hour: chats and refreshments!
- Please note that the club will be closed on Saturday, April 6 and on Sunday, April 7. We hope to see you in Watertown! (see details below)
- Please join us Monday, April 16, for our annual Richard Burns Marathon Monday. We have games at 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 7:15 p.m.
- One Charity Swiss Teams game is scheduled on Friday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m.
- “Shark’s Pointers” Friday pre-game talks by Mark Aquino will continue on most Fridays at 9:45 a.m.. Come and enjoy this FREE lecture by our District Director.
- We participate in The Common Game, playing the same deals as clubs all over the country. Follow the links in the bottom right part of our home page to see how your results stack up against hundreds of other pairs, to read expert analysis, and to “Kibitz the Pros.”
April Special: Play Wednesday morning, get $5 off on Thursday
If you play on Wednesday morning (Open or Newcomer), you will get $5 off when you come Thursday morning (Open or 299er).
Free Plays
Free plays for high scores: we give free plays to players in each stratum who achieve high scores. The qualifying scores are:
- stratum A ≥70%
- stratum B ≥65%
- stratum C ≥60%
Free plays for frequent players: At the end of each calendar month, everyone who played ten sessions or more will receive a free play.
If you bring a new person to the club, we will give you and your guest a free game to be used subsequently.
Free play tickets are kept in a box on the bookshelf near the clock.
Newcomer Activities
- We have a separate flight every Thursday for players with less than 300 masterpoints. Immediately after the game, an expert (usually Lew Gamerman or Pat McDevitt) will field your questions on the boards you played. Don’t miss it!
- The Newcomer game (players new to the game with less than 20 masterpoints) will continue to run on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. It consists of the play of 12 to 14 boards in about 2 hours (10 minutes per board), play ends between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.. Players can have access to their cheat sheet. At the end of the game, the director can answer questions regarding the boards played. Come and try it! If you are new to the club and buy an entry to the Newcomer game, we’ll give you a free play to be used at another time! Lunch is included!
- We are offering a six-week follow-up series to our Basics 1 class, the Audrey Grant Basics 2 about Competitive bidding. The class is held on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is taught by Ru Terajewicz. The class runs until May 1 (no class on 4/17). Click here for more details.
- Supervised Play for beginner and intermediate players every Thursday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m..
Teacher: Ru Terajewicz
Fee: $15/player
Supervised play is the ideal setting to consolidate learnings, increase confidence, and improve your understanding and expertise. It is suitable for all levels and essential for beginners. Like any activity, bridge requires practice of learned conventions. Play random pre-dealt hands with an ACBL certified bridge instructor and tournament expert. Come with or without a partner and you will be placed with players of similar levels. Walk-ins are welcome but it is very helpful to plan the tables ahead if we know you are coming. Please email Ru at ru.terajewicz@gmail.com if you are planning to come. Click here for more details.
Nearby Tournament Schedule
- April 6-8, Watertown, MA (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- April 13-15, Sturbridge, MA (sectional for Intermediate/Newcomer players), for more information, please click here.
- April 14-15, Sturbridge, MA (Grand National Teams district finals), for more information, please click here.
- April 21-22, Nashua, NH (sectional), for more information, please click here.
- April 25-29, Falmouth, MA (senior regional and open sectional), for more information, please click here.
Contact Information
Where are we
The bridge club is on the second floor of the American Legion Post 320 (which is behind the Westwood Police Station) at 90 Deerfield Avenue in Westwood. The club is wheelchair accessible.
How to reach us:
club phone: 781-329-2476
club manager’s email: Tim Hill < thill75@wesleyan.edu>
Tim’s mobile phone: 781-929-7673
We will do our best to match up single players, please call ahead if possible.
Please call us if you might be delayed, even a couple of minutes.
No need to call to request a stationary table.
Last updated : Apr 2, 2018 16:50 EST |