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9th Jul 2024 15:02 BST
Committee: 2024-2025
22nd Jun 2024 12:10 BST
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Committee: 2024-2025


President: Susan Mc Nulty

Vice President: Frances Newcomen


Chairperson;Geraldine O'Hagan

Hon.Secretary: Marie Kenny

Hon. Treasurer: Sean Newcomen

Joe Bissett

Mary Browne

Phyllis Carew

Seamus Costello

Malcolm Goldsworthy

Bridie Kirwan

Rita McGoey

Marie O'Shea

Brendan Sheridan

Kate Tammamagi

Deirdre Tuckey

Last Meeting : Friday 21 June 2024

Next Meeting . End August 2024







Upcoming Competitions in 2024



Welcome to Balbriggan Bridge Club
Balbriggan Bridge Club
Balbriggan Bridge Club

  (Founded 1976)

           71 Drogheda Street,


Co. Dublin. K32 N27

Balbriggan Bridge Club welcomes NEW Members to Join.

**Table money  €5.00 per person.**

Membership is €25.00 pa payable at the start of the season, ie September 2024
For further information Contact :
Hon .Sec.Marie Kenny at
Clicking on the top LHS of the Home page under:
Club Information/Contact Us.
"Beginners  Bridge Classes "
Contact Seamus(Teacher) : 0872890814
Club Events Time Table
Day  Start Time Venue
Monday 7.30pm Club House
Tuesday 10.00 am Club House
Wednesday 7.30pm Club House
Thursday 7.30pm Club House
Friday  10.00 am Club House
Please arrive well before Start Times

Join the Clubs Whats Ap to find a partner


You may also use the 'find a partner tab' on the homepage to look for a parnter. 

2024 N.E, Regional Mens Pairs
2024 N.E, Regional Mens Pairs

Congratulations to Brian Carroll and Partner Pat Duff in wining the recent N.E. Regional Mens Pairs event at the ABCD Venue Drogheda. Presntation of the Des Scully cup was made by Regional President Kay Goldsworthy

2024 Willie Berrill Cup Winners
2024 Willie Berrill Cup Winners

Congratulations to Seamus Costello & Deirdre Tuckey in winning the Willie Berrill Trophy at the ABCD Bridge Club at the weekend .Presentation  by Marie Milne.

2024 Lar Sheeran : Winners

Congratulations to Kay Goldsworthy& Tim Carroll winning Best Area Masters and Veronica Buttimer & Vincent Bissett in winning Best Intermediate A.

2024 Presidents Prize: Winners

The Winners of the 2024 Presidents Prize 3 week events  last week were: 

Monday : Margaret Winters  Tuesday : Alisson Graham  Wednesday : Marie O,Shea,  Thursday : Margie Hughes. Presentation by  Bridie Kirwan (Club President)




2024 SABC John Lane winners
2024 SABC John Lane winners

.Congratulations to  Noleen Pender &Partner Frank Davey in Winning the recent SABC John Lane event in Skerries this weekend. Presentation  was made by Aileen Lane and Maureen Walsh (Club President).

Well done also to :

Bernie Bissett &Pat Mulholland( 2nd Overall)

Brian & Maeve Carroll  : Winners of Best Club Pair 

Bina  McMorrow and Anne McKeown: Winners of Intermediate "A" Pairs.

Paddy & Marie O'Shea : Best Intermediate "B"


2023 Tom Sheridan Trophy Sunday Nov 5 Winners
2023 Tom Sheridan Trophy Sunday Nov 5 Winners

Congratulations to Vincent Bissett & Mary Mulholland in winning the open Tom Sheridan Trophy in Balbriggan B.C on Sunday Novemeber 5.

Prizes also awarded to : 

2nd Place : Brendan & Helen Sheridan

3rd : Frances & Sean Newcoman

Best club : Deirdre Tuckey & Seamus Costello

Best A : Camilla McLoughlin & Lesley O'Shea

Best B : Mary smith & Bridie Kirwan 

Presentation by Carol Sheridan and Bridie Kirwan ( Club President)

2023 Fr. Doris Cup: Ardee Bridge Club
2023 Fr. Doris Cup: Ardee Bridge Club

Congratulations to Maureen Walsh & Ray Ryan on winning the recent FR. Doris Cup at the ABCD Club in Drogheda.

Well done to Bernie Bissett & Vivienne Donnelly in coming Second .

Well done to Vincent Bissett & Malcom Goldsworthy in winning Best Intermediate, Presentation by : Riona Carolan of Ardee BC 

2023 Dundalk Salver Winners
2023 Dundalk Salver Winners

Congratulations to Margaret Winters and Maureen Walsh who were Winners of the Dundalk Salver this weekend. Presentation was made by Bridie Dooley (Vice President)

N.E, Regional Teams Success

The N.E. Regional Teams event took place at the weekend in the ABCD Club in Drogehda at the weekend .This event qualifies winners to represent the Region in the National  Team Championships to be held in Loughrea in March.

1. Masters

2nd ; Maureen Walsh, Ray Ryan ,Margaret Winters and Mary O;Gorman

3rd Seamus Costello +Team

Area Masters 1st : Tim Carroll,Kay Goldsworthy,Bernie Bissett  & Vvienne Donnelly .

Inter "A" : 3rd : Phyllis Carew ,Camilla McLoughlan ,Vincent Bissett, Joe Bissett

Inter "B": 1st : Susan Mc Nulty ,Marie O'Shea ,Oliver Lawless and Jaroslav W ojciecholski.

2024 IBU Pairs Winners
2024 IBU  Pairs Winners

Well done to Deirdre Tuckey & Seamus Costello in winning the IBU Pairs Masters competition in Templelogue this weekend.

2024 Balbriggan Teams of 4 -Winners
2024 Balbriggan Teams of 4 -Winners

Congratulations to the Winners of the Balbriggan Open  Teams of 4 Competion held at The Club house this Sunday . 12 May with 15 Tables taking part,

Winners: AoifeMcHale ,Antoinette ,Kathleen Vaughan and Noreen Pender,Presentation by Susan Mc Nulty the Clubs new President .

2024 Presidents Charity: Laura Lynne Chidrens Hospice
2024 Presidents Charity: Laura Lynne Chidrens Hospice

Bridie Kirwan (President)   selected the Laura Lynne Childrens Hospice as her chosen Charity . Following the Clubs events on the Monday,Tuesday ,Wednesday and Thursday .The net  proceeds from Table money and Raffles and a Club Donation were presented to Paul Hickey from the Laura Lynne foundation. The anount being €2000.00.

2024 Stan Fitzpatric Cup Winners
2024 Stan Fitzpatric Cup Winners

Congratulations to Nuala & Helen Hagan in winning the Clubs 2024 Stan Fitzpatrick  Cup .Presentatrion by Bridie Kirwan (Club President)

2024 Kells Cup Winners
2024 Kells Cup Winners

Weel done to the Winners of the 2024 Kells Cup last week : Deirdre Tuckey & Seamus Costello

2024 Balbriggan-Skerries(SABC) -Cup -Winners
2024 Balbriggan-Skerries(SABC) -Cup -Winners

Congratulations to Frances & Sean Newcoman in winning the annual Balbriggan -Skerries(SABC) event .Presentaion was made by Susan Mc Nulty (Balbriggan Vice President))

2nd : Deirdre Tuckey  & Seamus Costello ,3rd : Maureen Walsh & Margaret Winters

2024 Windmill Cup Winners
2024 Windmill Cup Winners

Congratulations to Helen & Brenden Sheridan in Winning the Clubs 2024 Windmil Cup. Presentation made by Rita Mc Goey( Club Life Member ) 

2024 Lions Cup Winners
2024 Lions Cup Winners

Congratulations to Phyllis Carew & Camilla Mc Loughlin in Winning the  Wednesday's 2 week Lions Cup. Presentation  by Vice President Susan Mc Nulty.

2024 Cuchullain Cup Winners
2024 Cuchullain Cup Winners

Congratulations to Frances & Sean Newcomen in winning the Cuchullain Cup at the weekend in Dundalk Bridge Club. Presentaion byColette King Club President

2023 Shambo Trophy Winners
2023 Shambo Trophy Winners

Congratulations to Sheila Byrne  and Maureen O'Callaghan on winning the Clubs 2 week Shambo Trophy. Presentation  by Bridie Kirwan (Club President)

2023 John Lane Trophy Winners
2023 John Lane Trophy Winners

Congratulations to Frances and Sean Newcomen in winning the 2 week John Lane Trophy in Balbriggan. Presentation byBridie Kirwan ( Club President)

2023 Balbriggan Trophy Winners
2023 Balbriggan Trophy Winners

Congratulations to Pat Griffith & Shay Mangan in winning the 2 week Balbriggan Trophy Event.

2nd Prize to Mary Smith & Vincent Bissett ,3rd Prize to Joe Bissett and Mary Mulholland

1st Session Winners : Marie  & Paddy O,Shea, 2nd Session winners : Marie Kenny & Maura Levins 

2023 Lilian Logan Memorial Trophy-Dundalk
2023 Lilian Logan Memorial Trophy-Dundalk

Congratulations to Kay Goldsworthy & Tim Carroll  who were the Winners of the Lilian Logan Memorial Trophy  run by Dundalk Bridge club last night Tuesday 12 September.

Presentation by Colette King Club President

2023Pat Taffee Cup

Well done to the members who supported the Pat Taffee Cup in Drogheda last Sunday . Success achieved as follows;

2nd : Frances and Sean Newcomen,3rd : Maureen Walsh & Margaret Winters , 4th Seamus Costello and Partner Ian Baker

Winners of the Intermediates: Camilla Mc Loughlin & Lesley O'Shea 

Thursdays Club Session
Scorer: Malcolm Goldsworthy
Wednesdays Club Session BM
Director: Malcolm Goldsworthy BM
Scorer: Malcolm Goldsworthy
Clubhouse Event
Scorer: Lillian Jones
Scorer: Sean Newcomen
Friday morning session
Scorer: Phyllis Carew
Thursdays Club Session
Director: Nuala Hagan
Scorer: Malcolm Goldsworthy
Clubhouse Event
Scorer: Lillian Jones
Clubhouse Event
Scorer: Lillian Jones
Scorer: Deirdre Tuckey
Friday morning session
Scorer: Phyllis Carew