Allendale Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Social Duplicate Bridge
Director: Mark Hooper
Scorer: Robin Wright
Gentle Duplicate
Director: Mark Hooper
Scorer: Mike Jackson
Online Pairs with Wymondham BC
Director: Robin Wright
Scorer: Robin Wright
F2F Pairs
Director: Guy Lawrenson
Scorer: Robin Wright
Online Pairs with Retford BC
Director: Kelly Courtney
Scorer: Mike Jackson
18th Jul 2024
Online Pairs with Retford BC
Director: Retford TD
Scorer: Mike Jackson
Host: Wanted
 RealBridge Login
22nd Jul 2024
F2F Pairs
Director: Michael Yeo
23rd Jul 2024
Gentle Duplicate
Director: Mike Jackson
23rd Jul 2024
Online Pairs with Wymondham BC
Director: Wymondham TD
Host: Wanted
24th Jul 2024
Social Duplicate Bridge
Wimborne Town Football Club 1:30pm
Director: Mark Hooper
Scorer: Robin Wright
Host: David Berwitz
Recent Updates
Home Page
17th Jul 2024 22:03 BST
Results News
7th Jul 2024 13:51 BST
News Page
5th May 2024 17:59 BST
News Page
New Grand Master

Congratulations to Janet Smith who has achieved the rank of Grand Master.

Last updated : 5th May 2024 17:59 BST
David Marr & Catherine Reffold

We are very sad to advise of the passing of two members - David Marr & Catherine Reffold. Our thoughts are with their families and friends..

Last updated : 23rd Apr 2024 05:57 BST
Audrey Newman

We are sorry to advise that Audrey Newman, a founder and life member of the club, has passed away. 

We send our condolences to her friends & family.

Last updated : 3rd Jan 2024 19:44 GMT
Presentation of Prizes - Photos

Click to view the photos of the trophy winners presented at the AGM.

Click to view the hostoric records of all trophy winners.

Last updated : 11th Sep 2023 14:37 BST
Mooneen Potter

We are sorry to advise of the passing of Mooneen Potter. Our sympathies are with her family & friends.

Last updated : 1st May 2023 22:55 BST
Geoff Bell

We are sad to advise that Geoff Bell has recently passed away. Our sympathies are with his friends & family.

Last updated : 1st May 2023 22:55 BST
Tony Lawrence

We are sad to advise of the passing of Tony Lawrence. Our thoughts are with his friends & family.

Last updated : 1st May 2023 22:54 BST
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Last updated : 28th Mar 2023 18:11 BST
Rohan Bagshawe

We advise of the passing of Rohan Bagshawe. Although Rohan, was a recent member at the club, he was a long standing member at Christchurch and played many Sunday events at Allendale.

Last updated : 6th Mar 2023 13:37 GMT
Nick Forrest selected to play for Wales

Nick Forrest with partner Steve Jarvis have been selected to play for the WBU team in the Teltscher Trophy (Senior Home Internationals) in May.

Last updated : 6th Mar 2023 13:38 GMT
Jan Field

We are sad to advise of the passing of Jan Field. Our sympathies are with her family and friends.

Last updated : 29th Sep 2022 22:09 BST
New Blue & White Books from the EBU

The EBU have brought in new Blue & White books - effective 1st September 2022.

The Blue Book documents permitted agreements and includes what bids are announced/alerted - there are changes in this area. Click to view.

The White Book gives advice and guidance to TD's running events. Click to view.

Click to view the updated Announcements summary.

Last updated : 9th Jan 2023 23:06 GMT
Wimborne in Bloom quiz

Well done to the team from the club who have won the Wimborne in Bloom quiz. The team comprising Sarah Fazakerley (C), Claire Hillyard, Gill Philip, Geoff Cave, John Gardner and Eugene Sheehan clinched the trophy by a single point ahead of 23 other teams.

Last updated : 16th Mar 2022 14:16 GMT
Lucy's Article in English Bridge

Lucy Norman has written an article about her winning experiences in the Channel Trophy against Belgium, France & Netherlands.  See page 52 - available in the printed magazine or online through MY EBU.

Last updated : 3rd Mar 2022 18:26 GMT
Friday Online Session

Future Friday Online Sessions have been cancelled due to a lack of demand.

Last updated : 30th Oct 2021 15:25 GMT
2020 AGM

The committee has met online to decide on our plans for the 2020 AGM.

Although, we could run the AGM online, the committee has decided there is no compelling need to do so.

In addition the following was agreed :-

  • The accounts will be closed as usual on the 30th June and draft accounts will be published on the web site.
  • Current 2019/20 members will continue to be members into 2020/21.
  • No subscription fee will be charged at this time.
  • The current officers and committee of the club will continue in place until we are able to hold an AGM. All current committee members have agreed to continue.
  • We will schedule an AGM as soon as it is safe to do so.
Last updated : 22nd Oct 2020 12:31 BST
New start time for Allendale evening sessions

From the 1st October all Allendale evening sessions (Tues & Thurs) will start from 7:30pm. Hope to see you soon.

Last updated : 6th Oct 2020 22:12 BST
New Grand Master

Congratulations to David Willis who has achieved the rank of Grand Master

Last updated : 1st May 2020 19:57 BST
2019 AGM Photos

To view the photos from the 2019 AGM, click ABC 2019 AGM Photos

Last updated : 1st Mar 2020 11:14 GMT
Grand Masters

Congratulations to

Phil Norman who is now a 1* Grand Master (800 Green Points) and

Nick Forrest who has achieved the rank of Grand Master

Last updated : 7th Oct 2019 12:28 GMT
2018 AGM Photos

Click on the link below to view the photos of the trophy winners from the 2018 AGM.

Last updated : 3rd Dec 2018 23:48 GMT
Grand Master

Congratulations to Mark Hooper who has achieved the rank of Grand Master.

Last updated : 22nd Jul 2018 19:24 GMT
2017 AGM Photos

Click on the link below to view the photos of the trophy winners from the 2017 AGM.

Last updated : 17th May 2018 22:09 GMT
RNLI Charity Sims

Thank you for participating in the RNLI Charity Sims. We raised £125 for the RNLI. Click title to view the commentary on the hands played. 

Click here to view the overall Sims results.

Last updated : 4th Apr 2019 15:28 GMT
O'Driscoll - extended to 5th July

Due to the cancellation of the 1st March O'Driscoll, the competition will be extended to the 5th July in order for the competition to comprise the normal 10 events.

Last updated : 12th Mar 2018 14:52 GMT
A new Free Online Bridge Magazine

....has started. Click following link to read

Last updated : 8th Mar 2018 14:06 GMT
Children in Need

We collected £376 for Children in Need. Thank you for your generosity.

Click above to view the commentary from the Children in Need Sims.


to view the Sims results.

Last updated : 8th Jan 2019 10:46 GMT
Children in Need

We raised £257 - thank you so much.

Click to view the commentary. 

Click to view the overall results.

Last updated : 1st Dec 2016 22:43 GMT
2016 AGM Photos

Click link below to view the photos from the 2016 AGM prizegiving.

Last updated : 6th Nov 2016 23:57 GMT
Allendale Reward Voucher changes

Click below to view changes to the reward vouchers issued at the club.

ABC Reward Vouchers

Last updated : 22nd Oct 2015 12:23 GMT
Premier Grand Master


Congratulations to Miles Cowling who has achieved the highest rank in Bridge - Premier Grand Master.


Last updated : 14th Jan 2016 13:54 GMT
Handicapping Results

In order to provide more interesting information to members, the committee have decided to provide results on a trial basis - 1) as normal and 2) using a handicap provided by the NGS system. Results will be provided as normal and also a tab is included which shows the handicap result. All EBU members will have a handicap except visitors that are not members of the EBU or EBU members who choose to keep their NGS ranking private. If a pair does not have a handicap, they are excluded from the handicap results. To view the handicap results click on the "Handicap Tab" on the results screen.

Last updated : 1st Oct 2015 22:25 GMT
2015 Prize Winners

Click link to view the photos from the 2015 AGM.

Last updated : 17th Sep 2015 16:09 GMT
Grand Master

Congratulations to Margot Wilson-Gardner who has achieved the rank of Grand Master.

Last updated : 27th Jun 2015 10:21 GMT
Charity Collection

We have raised £69.52 for the Forest Holme hospice during the last year.

Last updated : 9th Jul 2014 10:56 GMT
John Gardner - Grand Master

Congratulations to John Gardner who has been promoted to the rank of Grand Master.

Last updated : 10th Jun 2014 11:11 GMT