
AGM Meeting

Last Board Meeting
Dec 15, 2023 minutes posted

Know Someone That Needs A Hug?

Please email our Hospitality Committee, or call 705.946.5566 and leave a message if you are aware of someone who needs to know we are thinking of them. The more messages the better.

Contact us from anywhere at:

I know, we can't read it either :(

In Town and In Need of a Partner?

Are you from out of town and need a partner?
 Contact Bruce: 


He will help you find a partner!

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Release 2.19r
Recent Updates
Home Page
Oct 1, 2024 18:31 EDT
Weekly F2F Games Are Back!! ... EVERY Friday Afternoon Except on Holiday Fridays...
"Shuffle, Deal, and Play Nice Please!"                                 
Sault Ste. Marie BRIDGE CLUB SCHEDULE, Game Fees: F2F - $5 CAD, BBO - $5 USD


BBO: 1ST and 3RD Monday Evenings of Every Month,

MENTOR GAME *** Suspended until the Fall ***


BBO: Every Tuesday Evening

Open Game @ 7:05PM (7 minutes per board)


F2F: Every Wednesday Afternoon - Drop In Centre

Open Game @ 12.30 PM (Registration at 12:15 PM - 3 Hour Game)


BBO: Every Thursday Evening

Open Game @ 7:05PM (7 minutes per board)


F2F: Every Friday Afternoon - Drop In Centre

Open Game @ 12.45PM (Registration at 12:30PM - 3 Hour Game)

News from the Board
News from the Board


WANTED: Please contact one of your Board Members if you'd also like to offer your help in some way for a while.

Thank you all so very much for your participation, and running of our games in support of our friendly bridge community :)

Partial List of BBO Partners

The following is a list of most of our members who have BBO Nicknames. If you want to play in one of our online games call your desired partner, whether or not they have a BBO Account, and arrange to play a game with them on some future Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. If either of you don't have a BBO Account please call Mark for help setting one up:


A-C Member BBO Nickname List
Pat Allan lairdalg
Peter Apostle apostle_p
George Beurkle haywire5
Pat Beurkle 19pat45
Bill Boston wllmb
Lucy Boston lcybst
David Chiasson djj19
Suzanne Chiasson svc19
Shirley Cooper sac205
Ruth Crispell Crisperu
Claudio Demarco c_demarco
Ray DeWitt rdewitt
Pauline Dubreuil aminatou
George Duncan georgedunc
Paul Finley Finner77
Ric Fleming fleming2
Annette French kannette
Elliot Furr Efurr1995
Steve Furr rsfurr1942
Trent Furr tmtf
Shawn Galey sunkist1
Wendy Galey CardCaddy
Celia Graham CeliaG21
Harriet Hershey lantern239
John Hershey wayfarer9
Ruth Hopson django969
Kai Kang roses2030
Gunnar Kristiansen xski
Liz Kristiansen lpporter
Jerry Kroetsch J_Man_58
Hilda Lacher hgcl
Doug Lawson JDL1959
Sharon Lessard Sadie2020
Ted Loyer ted loyer
Florence MacLeod Flo Mac
Linda Marasco lmarasco
John Marrack marrack
Vin Mathur mathvi
Jennifer McIntyre McIntyreJ
Ian McKay Shakeytwo
John McNicoll jmcn53
Jan Miller gardenjan
Phil Miller philip d
Gloria Orr g_orr
Art Pezzutto Pezzutto
Bill Purnis wawa1953
Bruce Richmond larich
Bernie Runde sooboy
John Schnablegger snobby
Dan Sharp dano56
Bob Sheehan cooper1119
Linda Sheehan LCS51
Greg Simpson opto1974
Arlene Smith asqueak
Lyle Smith lylesoo
Peter Smith 1976mgb
Joe Sniezek Kristin123
Carol Thomas Schmor
Ralph Thomas rlthomas
Pat Vandersluy patsy43
Don Walls Azezel
Bonnie Worth bjew
Bruce Yendell byendell
Judith Yendell jmhoyle
Sat October 7, 2034
Mentor/novice match. Cancelled insufficient tables
Director: Don W
Open Pairs
Director: Don Walls
Open Pairs
Director: Don Walls
#73759 Open pairs Sault 7.05 p.m.
#62766 Algo/Cam/Soo Mentor/Novice 7.05 p.m.
Open Pairs
Director: Don Walls