Adam Wiseberg Bridge
Release 2.19r
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10th Mar 2025 17:10 GMT
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2nd Mar 2025 21:15 GMT
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  Contact details

If you need to contact me by email please use


  Undos in bidding and play

Undos are now allowed for misclicks in bidding and play in all my tournaments

A misclick is defined as a player inadvertently clicking on the wrong card or bid or their device appearing to make the bid or play for them without them requesting it

It does NOT apply if a player makes a play and then changes their mind or if they fail to concentrate properly and click the wrong card

  RealBridge Monday & Tuesday Afternoons




To play in my Monday or Tuesday RealBridge tournaments you need to pay for your entry by sending £3 to my bank account 


Account Name : A H Wiseberg

Sort Code : 20-20-46

Account Number : 63122913

Swiftbic : BUKBGB22   

IBAN : GB39 BUKB 2020 4663 1229 13

PayPal :

Revolut : 07860 340054


Please use Mon  or Tue as the reference

then join the tournament by clicking HERE 


This will bring you to a login page 

Please enter your full name and leave the ID number blank.  

Then just click on LOGIN and 'sit' at a table by clicking on

Sit N or S or E or W 


It helps if you log on around the same time as your partner but it isn't essential

Everyone is welcome - you don't have to be a member

Come and sit at a table from 1:45pm for the

18 - 21 board tournament

We will be starting at 2:00pm


If you haven't tried RealBridge before then please test your camera and microphone by clicking HERE 



  RealBridge Lounge


 The most friendly place to play your social games

Join us anytime to play in the RealBridge Lounge


You can play up to 20 boards with your friends for just £1.50 each 

Please make your payment of £6 to my bank (details below) and then click HERE to join the session




Or, if you want longer you can play up to 32 boards for £2.50 each   

Please make your payment of £10 to my bank (details below)then click HERE to join the session



Account Name : A H Wiseberg

Sort Code : 20-20-46

Account Number : 63122913

Swiftbic : BUKBGB22   

IBAN : GB39 BUKB 2020 4663 1229 13

PayPal :

Revolut : 07860 340054


Bring anyone

You need four players to fill a table

Come anytime - leave anytime.  It will be open all day so you can play in the mornings or evenings if you prefer.

NOTE that you should only sit a table where boards have not been played.  If you join a table where the board number is not 1 then please leave and join another table The sessions do not have a director although I will drop in from time to time to see that everything is running smoothly.  If you have a problem then you can phone me between 0800 and midnight (UK time)  -  my number is 07860 340054 (+44 from outside UK) 

If you don't play all your boards in one session you can leave and return later in the same session to finish them.  You can have different pairs too

If you haven't tried RealBridge before then please test your camera and microphone by clicking HERE 


Hand Review Sessions

The next hand review session is planned for Saturday 15th March at 10:30am

To join please pay £5 per participant and then use the zoom details below to join the session from around 10:20am

Payment details are at the bottom

Adam is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Hand Review
Time: Mar 15th, 2025 10:30 AM London 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 3162 9423
Passcode: 764493



Account Name : A H Wiseberg

Sort Code : 20-20-46

Account Number : 63122913

Swiftbic : BUKBGB22   

IBAN : GB39 BUKB 2020 4663 1229 13

PayPal :

Revolut : 07860 340054

If you can't attend then I can provide you with a recording of the full session for £5

Please complete the form below for each session you want to watch and send £5 to my bank (details above)
