Acorn Bridge Club
Release 2.19p
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6th Jan 2025 10:56 GMT
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Welcome to Acorn Bridge Club

Welcome to the   Acorn Bridge Club Website

Realbridge Tuesday Jan 7


Common Bridge Mistakes

Bidding Mistakes

Defender Mistakes

Declarer Mistakes


Bridge Adages that are right 90%+ of the time.

2nd Hand Low, 3rd hand High. Play through strength into weakness.Don’t lead an Ace unless you also have the King.

Good Leads: top of a sequence, 4th longest of strongest suit, Singleton in suit contract, partners bid suit. Doubleton leads are not great unless P has bid that suit.

  1. As Declarer in a suit contract, draw trumps as soon as possible unless you have a very good reason
  2. As defender leading into dummy on your right, lead into weakness
  3. In a suit contract, ruffs in the ‘short hand’ give extra tricks - rarely so in the ‘long hand’. If you can ruff in either hand, ruff in the short hand.
  4. As declarer, don’t play to the first lead until you have a plan. Count your winners and possible winners - do they bring the contract in?
  5. As declarer in a suit contract, count your losers - can you get rid of them in some way before losing the lead?
  6. As declarer, try to interpret the initial lead - is it one of the standard leads? If it is 4th of the longest lead, then it usually means that that player has an honour in that suit.
  7. Doubles for takeout: Only double if you have opening pts and at least 3 cards in each unbid suit. An exception is when you have 16+ points where you can bid again after P responds. If your partner has 8 or more points, P must jump a level. Unless P jumps, with less than 16 pts, you must pass any other bid.
  8. Use pre-empts to make life difficult for the opponents. Bid at the 3 level of any 7 card suit provided you have 6-9 points but not if you have 4 of a major as your partner may end up being pre-empted.
  9. Each bid by yourself or partner should indicate a range of points. Exs: 1NT =12-14, 1 of a suit = 12-19. As responder always respond with 6 or more points unless there is interference.
  10. For game, 25 or more points is required. Keep bidding until your partner’s bid tells you that you don’t have 25 points combined. Each level in the bidding is equivalent to roughly 3 points.
  11. Stayman. Don't use Stayman unless you have shortage in a suit - don't use with flat hands like 4333 where there is no ruffing potential.  



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Clickhe link below to Realbridge comes active at 7.30. Do not click until

13th May 2024

Tuesday May 10

Past Results

Tuesday April 26

Tuesday Apr 19

Tuesday April 12

Tuesday Apr 5

Tuesday Mar 29

Tuesday Mar 22

Tuesday Mar 15

Tuesday Mar 8

Tuesday Mar 1

Tuesday Feb 22

Tuesday Feb 15

Tuesday Feb 8

Tuesday Feb 1

Tuesday Jan 25

Tuesday Jan 18

Tuesday Jan 11

Tuesday Jan 4

Tuesday Dec 21

Tuesday Dec14

Tuesday Dec 7

Tuesday Nov 30

Tuesday Nov 23

Tuesday Nov 16

Tuesday Nov 9

Tuesday Oct 26

Tuesday October 19

Tuesday October 12 

Tuesday October 5

Tuesday Sept 28

Tuesday Sept 21

Tuesday Sept 14

Tuesday Sept 7

Tuesday August 31

Tuesday August 24g

Tuesday August 17

Tuesday August 10

Tuesday August 3

Tuesday July 27

Tuesday July 20

Tuesday July 13

Tuesday July 12

Tuesday June 29

Tuesday June 22

Tuesday June 15

Tuesday June 8

Tuesday June 1 

Tuesday May 25

Tuesday May 18

Tuesday May 11

Tuesday May 4

Tuesday April 20

Tuesday April 13

Tuesday April 6

Tuesday Mar 30

Tuesday Mar 23

Tuesday Mar16

Tuesday March 9

Tuesday March 2

Tuesday Feb 23

Tuesday Feb 16


Tuesday Feb 9

Tuesday Feb 2

Tuesday Jan 26 Realbridge 


 Crudely edited versions of the Thursday Zoom sessions are now available below. Click the relevant highlighted lesson to view.

Bridge Lessons

Lesson 1: Planning the Play as Declarer   

Lesson 2: Attitude Signals in Defence

Lesson 3: Suit Preference 1

Lesson4:   Suit Preference  2

Lesson 5  Signals, Leads, Discards

Lesson 6 Transfers

Lesson 7 End Plays

Lesson 7 Catering for Bad Breaks

Leson 8 Reading the Play


No Fear Bridge:

To get the special six weeks free trial for Acorn Bridge Club members by clicking the link below. No Fear bridge

You will receive a reminder email when your free trial is due to expire.   Should you wish to become a member you can get 25% off a one year membership by using the coupon code - ask me for this (I'm not allowed to publish this).

To sign up for paid membership:

First log in.  Then click 'My Account' button.  Select a one year membership and enter the coupon code which you can get from me . (I can text this to you - contact me on 086 8141851  if you want the code).  The discount is applied on the checkout page.

Email No fear Bridge at if you need any further assistance.

Player of the Year Competition

This competition is based on the 20 best results achieved over the season. If you play more than 20 events, only the best 20 are included. 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,and 1 points are awarded for a net 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc respectively for each competition. The average number of points achieved is the total number of points achieved divided by 20. The more often you play, the better your chance. In the early stages of the competition, since no one has played 20 events, the average is calculated on a "pro-rata" basis. Thus, at the moment we have played roughly 30% of the years events so 60% of 20 is  12. Thus the best 12 events played to date make up your average. Everyone has the same chance as the outcome is based on handicaps. An event must have 6 or more tables to qualify for inclusion.

Some Important Dates
Bridge 2017
Bridge 2017
18th March 2025
Weekly Bridge Dupicates
Seven Oaks 7.30
Director: Colm Kelly
25th March 2025
Weekly Bridge Dupicates
Seven Oaks 7.30
Director: Colm Kelly
1st April 2025
Weekly Bridge Dupicates
Seven Oaks 7.30
Director: Colm Kelly
Weekly Bridge Dupicates
Director: Colm Kelly
Scorer: Colm Kelly
Weekly Bridge Dupicates
Director: Colm Kelly
Scorer: Colm Kelly
Weekly Bridge Dupicates
Director: Colm Kelly
Scorer: Colm Kelly