South Africa Open Crowned the African title
while Egypt team are the second,
Both teams qualified to Marrakesh 2023

Champs, Left to Right: Robert Stephens, Craig Gower, Neville Eber, Hennie Fick, Bernard Donde, Alon Apteker
Morocco Ladies Crowned the African title
while South Africa team are the second,
Egypt 3rd, The three teams qualified to Marrakesh 2023

Champs, Left to Right : Leila Benmlih, Samira Teber, Hayat Hachimi, Leila Kabbaj, Graziella Nabil, Khadija Marrakchi
Egypt Seniors Crowned the African title
while South Africa team are the second,
Both teams qualified to Marrakesh 2023

Champs, Left to right : Ismail Mostafa, Ahmed Zein, Adel El Kordy, Ayman Azzam, Tarek Metwaly and Mokhtar El Bassyouni
Egypt Mixed Crowned the African title
while Tunisia team are the second,
Both teams qualified to Marrakesh 2023

Champs, Upper Left to right: Dalia Hasehm, Fatma Mandily, Nessrine Hamdy
Down Left to right: Abdelrahman Mosaad, Mohamed Heshmat and Karim Nabil