- You must first register at BridgeWhiz.org
- After you have created an account, select the 3 bars to display courses.
- The class that you want is Sun City Summerlin (ignore the $100 fee).
- First class is FREE. The remaining classes are $35 for all of the rest. Such a deal!!!
- Call me if you have trouble registering or if you are technology challenged. Shelly at 708-610-3375
Bridge is a trick-taking card game using a standard 52-card deck. In its basic format, it is played by four players in two competing partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other around a table. Millions of people play bridge worldwide in clubs, tournaments, online and with friends at home, making it one of the world's most popular card games.
Having fun is our primary goal. The BridgeWhiz course is delivered in modules.
The first module covers the topics of table logistics, Play of the hand in No Trump and developing tricks using promotion, long suits and the finesse.
After the completion of this 7-week module graduating students are offered opportunities to continue lessons with the Basic Bridge Module 2.
BB1 flyer.pdf
The second module covers the topics of beginning the process of learning how to bid. You will learn to search for an 8+ card major suit fit. Bidding sequences with a 5-3, 6-2 and 4-4 major suit fit will be learned. You will also learn about the No Trump bidding ladder - When to open 1NT or 2NT. You will learn your first 2 bidding conventions, Stayman to find a 4-4 major suit fit after a 1NT opening bid and Jacoby transfer to find a 5-3 major suit fit and to determine level with a 6-2 major fit after a 1NT opening bid. The course will also focus on how to play a trump suit contract to include counting losers, trumping losers and discarding losers.
The third module covers the topics of beginning the process of learning how to bid competitively. Just because one partnership opened the bidding, does not mean the opposing partnership should not bid. In fact, the other partnership may have most of the points, and the hand belongs to them. Frequently both partnerships can make a part score, and you want to get into the auction so you and your partner can get to your best contract. Sometimes with very distributional hands both sides can bid and make game, so the auction becomes very competitive. You will learn how to use Preemptive Bidding, Overcalling, Takeout Doubles, and Negative Doubles, to disrupt the opponents bidding and take away bidding room from them to make it more difficult for them to find their best contract. The course will also focus on defense including Leads, Signaling, 2nd Hand Play, and 3rd Hand Play.