Objectives |
The objectives of the WCBA are to promote and further the interests of bridge in the County and to organise Contract Bridge competitions. This Web Site will include details of future events, results of County competitions and other information concerning the organisation of bridge in the County.
Ron Allen Trophy 2025 |
WCBA invites Affiliated Clubs to enter teams in the Worcestershire Inter-Club Teams of Eight competition for the Ron Allen Trophy on Saturday the 29th of March. The winning team will also represent Worcestershire in the Regional final of the Garden Cities Trophy on Saturday 10th May. Please click in this box for the entry form.
Rubber Bridge Knock-Out |
The semi finals of the rubber bridge competition are as follows
Martin Gill & Tony Oliver V Martyn Hills & Ian Kemp
Keith Collins & Clive Finney V Eugene Elija & Michael Hudson
Heather Westcott |
We are very sad to report that Heather Westcott passed away on January the 1st 2025. Her last County success was winning League Division 3 as part of the team Magpies and was playing in the 2019/20 season before it was curtailed because of Covid. Although we have not seen her locally because of the the pandemic and then her move to Buckinghamshire she continued to play through COVID in the Worcester Bridge Club online Pairs league until recently, when failing eyesight made even this impossible. Heather won many County competitions playing with her sister Jennifer, including the County Ladies' Pairs three times, the Seniors Pairs once, the Veterans Pairs 3 times, the County Mixed pairs with Steve Allerston in 2001/2, The Healey Cup once as well as being part of the team winning League Division 2 3 times and League Division 3 twice. The picture shows her receiving the trophy for the Magpies (Heather, Jennifer, Fred, Barclay) winning League Division 3 in 2013/4, at WCBA AGM.
Our thoughts and sympathy go to her husband Richard, and their family, and especially to her dear sister Jennifer.
Club Representative Pairs 2025 |
The Club Representative Pairs was held on the 2nd of February at Ombersley Memorial Hall. It was close at the end with a number of changes to the lead in the last few rounds. In the end Rob Cookson & Jane Morton, representing Worcester Bridge Club, won. Pete Cole & Dick Rutter finished 2nd, with Paul Tapster & Maurice Curtis 3rd, both representing Malvern Bridge Club.
Inter Club Teams |
After three heats of the Inter Club Teams Droitwich Bridge Club are still leading. The fourth heat is on the 21st of February. Click in this box for more details.
County Night Bridge |
Monday Evening Bridge is back!
Exciting news - The County is relaunching Monday Face to Face evening bridge:
On the 2nd Monday of each month there will be a ‘Matchpointed’ Pairs evening
On the 4th Monday of each month there will be a ‘IMP’ Pairs evening.
The first session was held on Monday 23rd September, and was very successful with 8 tables playing IMP Pairs.
On the 9th of December a Christmas Charity Teams Event was held with 10 teams taking part.
The next session will be an Matchpointed Pairs event on the 10th of March.
It is intended that these will be friendly and social, but competitive.
The venue will be The British Legion Club, Cornmeadow Lane, Claines, Worcester, (where Worcester Bridge Club plays on Wednesday evenings). Post code is WR3 7PL
Please arrive before 7pm, so bridge can start by 7pm if possible.
If you plan to play, please notify Dennis Loynes on 07773 365760 or by e-mail to: dennis.loynes.dl@gmail.com (But if you forget to book don’t worry – you'll still be welcome.) A list of players registered for the next event can be found here.
The charge will be £3 per player, which will include tea/coffee and biscuits in the interval. The County Treasurer will invoice you periodically for the evenings that you play (i.e. cashless on the evening).
The bar will also be open for refreshments, particularly after play when interesting hands may be discussed!
Festival of Bridge |
From 5th to 12th September we threw ourselves into the nationwide "Festival of Bridge", in aid of Cancer Research UK. Clubs around the County ran special events to mark this "Bridge - It's a Big Deal" week, raising loads of money in the process.
CURRENT TOTAL raised: (updated 13th Oct): £3902!! (£4138 including Gift Aid!) (Not too late to donate!!)
Bewdley (3), Droitwich, Worcester (2), Bromsgrove, Malvern, Ridgeway and Lyppard Bridge Clubs ran events within their own usual schedule, with funds raised going to the cause; additionally, there were some special events, including three of the hugely popular Café Bridge events, and a "Bridge - Everywhere!" festival (click on the link to see pictures etc) all over Worcester City Centre on Saturday 7th September, with something for everyone.
If you would like to contribute to our Cancer Research UK fund-raising initiative, please use the link below to access our Cancer Research UK; we have established that the Just Giving page is secure, and money already paid will ultimately end up in the same pot.
Mike Vetch and Yvette Waide were on BBC Hereford and Worcester on 6th Sept talking about the Festival with Elliott Webb, though the BBC Sounds content has now expired
Special local events include:
Pershore Café Bridge 5th September (£650+ raised!)
Bridge - Everywhere!, Worcester 7th September
Worcester Café Bridge 11th September (£500+ TBC raised!)
Barnt Green Café Bridge 12th September (£1050+ TBC raised!!)
Huge thanks also to the various clubs who ran their weekly sessions in aid of Cancer Research UK:
Bewdley BC, (Thanks for £205 donation!)
Bromsgrove BC,
Droitwich BC, (Thanks for £150 donation!)
Lyppard BC, (Thanks for £100 donation!)
Malvern BC, (Thanks for £93 raised!)
Ridgeway BC, (Thanks for £125 raised!)
Worcester BC
Latest News |
In the 6th County Match of the season against Oxfordshire the 1st Team won 12-8, the 2nd Team lost 2-18 & the 3rd team lost 9-11. In the 9-high match we won 14-6.
The 5th County Match of the season against Derbyshire was played half online and half F2F at Spondon. The 1st Team lost 8-12, the 2nd Team won 11-9 & the 3rd team won 20-0.
In the 4th County Match of the season against Leicestershire the 1st Team lost 4-16, the 2nd Team drew 10-10 & the 3rd team won 12-8.
In the 3rd County Match of the season against Nottinghamshire the 1st Team won 11-9, the 2nd Team won 20-0 & the 3rd team won 18-2.
In the 2nd County Match of the season against Warwickshire the 1st Team lost 0-20, the 2nd Team won 17-3 & the 3rd team won 15-5.
In the 1st County Match of the season against Staffordshire the 1st Team won 20-0, the 2nd Team won 12-8 & the 3rd team won 18-2.
Mike Willoughby has a written an August 2024 Edition of the County Newsletter. Previous editions of the Newsletter can be found under the Information/Worcestershire Bridge News menu item.
Nick Forward & Geoffrey Herbert are now both qualified County TDs.
Recent Successes |
At the Ranked Masters Pairs the Premier Grand Master Pairs and the Grand Masters Pairs were combined. John Sansom & Clive Owen came 3rd overall and were the 2nd placed Premier Grand Masters pair. Steve Allerston & Nick Forward came 5th overall and were the 3rd placed Grand Masters pair.
Chris & Joyce Taylor came 2nd in the Edgar Foster Cups.
John Sansom & Jason Hackett won the Swiss Pairs at Scarborough on a split tie.
The Worcestershire Team of Mike Willoughby, Stewart Fishburne, Chris & Joyce Taylor won the Midland Counties Bowl.
The Worcestershire team of Mike Willoughby, Stewart Fishburne, John Sansom, Nick Forward & Steve Allerston did very well to finish 3rd in the Pachabo.
At the Scottish Overseas Congress in Turkey Jimmy and Maureen Ledger came 3rd in the Swiss Pairs and were part of the team which won the Afternoon Teams. In the Swiss Teams Dick & Jane Rutter were part of the winning team with Chris & Joyce Taylor, Jimmy & Maureen Ledger coming second.