February/March events and News |
Congratulations to Jane and Rob, who won the Club Representative Pairs event on Sun 2nd Feb, representing Worcester ; apparently it was touch-and-go to the last board, and they took the winning lead with their last score.
On Wed 19th February, we have the first of our "Teams" and "Try-Teams" events, at Claines; all are welcome, and as usual there will be wine prizes for the winning team in each section. You can assemble you own line-ups, or leave Mike to sort you with team-mates.
Following the alternate months arrangement, it will be Teams at Hallow on Tuesday 4th March. This will be Scratch teams, so enter as pairs, and we will draw for teams on the day. The highest rated pairs will be seeded to keep them apart! Wine for the winning team and for the highest placed pair outside of the winning team.
Children in Need 2024 |
Our sessions at Hallow and Claines, were part of the big C-i-N SIM events. WBC members donated a fantastic total of over £560 (inc GiftAid) across our sessions.
RESULTS: Tuesday :Well done to Bryan and Marian, an excellent 68% in the room, and NINTH nationally, out of 1350+ pairs!
Results HERE; Commentary booklets for Tues HERE.
RESULTS: Wednesday: Well done to Paul and David, who won Wed's heat, with 63%. Results HERE; Commentary booklets for Wed HERE.
It's not too late to donate - here, or cash to Mike or George.
Link for payments: ECats is fundraising for BBC Children in Need
The Festival of Bridge, September |
The "Bridge- It's a Big Deal" Festival was a great success!! The Festival was a nationwide event, with many things happening in the County; our aims were to raise awareness of our great game, and recruit some new players, whilst raising money for Cancer Research UK. We were featured on the EBU Festival pages, with MORE photographs and links.
We had some good publicity from BBC H&W, thanks to ELLIOTT WEBB interviewing Yvette and Mike.
Please note that you can still make a donation; the link below will take you to CRUK's own giving page, which also allows you to GIFT AID where possible; linked from:
WBC's Café Bridge event, on Wed 11th September, raised £412 plus some extra donations; winners were Rufus + Lorna
WBC supported Cancer Research UK by running our normal sessions that week (Tue 10th/Wed 11th) fully in aid of the cause. A further (approximately) £600 has come in via these donations - many thanks to our members.
All of the above became part of a County-wide effort worth over £3900, as part of an impressive £100,000 nationally (and still counting!!)
"BRIDGE - EVERYWHERE!" - Saturday 7th September, Worcester City Centre
Well, we did play at EIGHT venues - The Hive, The Commandery, Cathedral Square, The Cornmarket, M&S Café, The Dice Box, Reindeer Court and finally in Crowngate, at 5pm! The five-hour bell-ringing marathon at the Cathedral was an unexpected challenge, and the weather could have been kinder to us, to be honest, but we DID manage to play in all the outdoor venues for some of the time! and attracted quite a lot of curiosity and interest. Fifty players/volunteers from all over the County, across 8 venues and 6 hours - MANY THANKS to ALL our fabulous volunteers!
The 12 Speed Bridgers managed to play approx 24 boards per HOUR each, which many said was not possible! Well done to winners, Mike + Eddy, with 65%! And there were some great master-classes/supervised play sessions in The Hive and in M&S Café.
Many photos to follow!
Privacy and Data Protection |
Many thanks to all who have completed GDPR forms; we now have nearly all members' forms completed now. Trish won the prize for the first completed one!
What GDPR means for you is summarised on WBC Privacy Policy Summary which you can find here, and our full policy can be viewed here.
If you have not yet completed a form, you can download the blank PDF from here; First SAVE the PDF to your desktop, then RE-OPEN it, tick the boxes and fill in the details. Then email back to Mike (mike1958v@mail.com).
Roger Bowles Bridge Library |
Members might like to know more about the Roger Bowles Bridge Library.
After Roger's tragic death in Dec 2015, his widow donated his extensive collection of Bridge books to us; it was agreed that these should be managed by the County Bridge Association, and they are stored by Martin Gill. The full list of some 125 titles (both educational and humorous) can be found here, along with Martin Gill's contact details.
We have a small "taster" selection at Claines for people to see, and books can also be booked out from there, using the notebook to record borrowing and return.
Get reading!!
New to Worcester? New to Bridge? Just Visiting?... |
♠ If you are looking for a game of Duplicate Bridge, we would like to think you have come to the right place...♥
♦ Just click HERE for details on how to start playing at Worcester Bridge Club!♣ 
Welcome to Worcester Bridge Club |
We play:
at Claines Royal British Legion, Cornmeadow Lane, WR3 7PL, every Wednesday
Start time 7.00 for 7.10pm.
and at Hallow Parish Hall, Hallow Worcester, WR2 6PE, every Tuesday
Start time 12-50pm for 1pm.
Please pre-book, with Mike for Wed sessions, and with Ian for Tuesday sessions
Currently, we do not have a host, but we can often pair up singles in advance.