Bridge Games |
♣ ♦ ♥ ♠
Game time 12:45 pm
Members $7; Non-Members $8
Gold Points at the Club! |
We will participate in a ROYAL Sectional Tournament at Clubs on
Tuesday March 25 and Friday March 28.
Overall awards calculated among all participating clubs!
Awards will be 1/4 black, 1/4 silver, 1/4 red, and 1/4 gold!
$8 members; $9 non-members
Congratulations to WHBC member Bill Quinlan, whose biography of his father will soon be available from Amazon. Mr. Quinlan Sr. had an extraordinary life. He led the creation of the Law Review at the University of Chicago and served as its first Editor-in-Chief; led the creation of rules governing the baking industry throughout the United States only to have these rules thrown out by the Supreme Court; compromised his religious faith to marry the woman he loved; took on the power structure as chairman of a zoning appeals board in Maryland: was drafted against all odds to run for a seat on the 6th Circuit Court in Maryland; and made the Hobson’s choice between his religious principles and his own son.
See Bill at the club for your own copy of
William Allen Quinlan—His Life and Times.
March Birthdays |
March 6 |
Colette McKie |
March 8
Sally Bonkoski |
March 13 |
Rose Gervase
March 19 |
Anne Bell
March 24
March 25
March 26
Sonny Robinson
Marian Moseley
Sherry Butler
If we have overlooked your birthday, please tell Sally so we can add you to our listing. If we have missed your birthday, happy belated birthday.
Concerning birthday celebrations:
If you, your partner, or friends would like to celebrate your birthday at the club, you are welcome to bring a cake, treats, or whatever you would like to make it a party. Please give Sally a heads-up. We all look forward to celebrating your special day.
Club Championship |
Club Championship

None currently scheduled
Common Game |
 Our dealing machine only deals hands from the Common Game.
What is the Common Game? The Common Game is a service offered through local clubs that provides bridge players the opportunity to compare their results with players at other clubs, playing the same hands, in Florida and across the country.*
What does it offer to clubs and players?
- Players can compare their results with players in Florida and across the country
- Pro analysis of many of the interesting hands played
- Individual play analysis (if your club uses Bridgemates/BridgePads)
- Prizes awarded monthly, quarterly, and annually for both performance and attendance
- New contests coming soon
*Participating in the Common Game does not affect a player's score or masterpoint award at the local club. The ACBL masterpoints continue to be scored and reported as always. Common Game awards are based on match-pointed results across the larger field.
Notes on the Common Game |

As most of you are aware, all of our hand records for games come to us from The Common Game. That enables players to compare their results with players across the world. In addition, you get the benefit of Personal Play Analysis, if you are a member of ACBL, and Expert Analysis of selected hands, if you review The Common Game website.
We frequently hear comments by players regarding the "stacking of the cards" or the "elimination of all of the 'normal' hands" by the hands generated from The Common Game. It is against ACBL policy to meddle with random deals in any way. Click on the link below if you would like any more details.
It is actually quite interesting ... very, very technical ... but interesting! Guess when you have the option for 53,644,737,765,488,792,839,237,440,000 or 53 octillion different deals, there are going to be a lot of strange hands!