Wimbledon Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

Special events for March and April are now open for booking
Book early for the Good Friday Individual - it was oversubscribed last year

New Advanced course available for booking now


Welcome to Wimbledon Bridge Club, one of the best bridge clubs in the UK, catering for players of all abilities. Visiting players are most welcome, please do join us for a session.  There is generally a host to make up numbers, so visitors don't need a partner to come along, but please check on the calendar.   Click here to see the regular playing schedule for our session times and descriptions, including sessions for beginners and novices, so you can select a session appropriate to your level.  The club no longer accepts cash so visitors should bring a debit card for payments.  We use Bridgemates and computer scoring so the results are available immediately after the session finishes.  We are affiliated to the English Bridge Union and Master Points are awarded for all duplicate sessions.  Special events are held throughout the year.

We offer a complete learning programme for all levels from complete beginners to intermediate players.  Our team of experienced teachers will guide you through the fundamentals of this endlessly fascinating game.  Please click here if you would like to register interest in learning, Or scroll down for current courses available.


The Calendar of Special Events for September 2024 to August 2025 is available.  Click here to view online.  Printed copies can be collected from the club.  Please make a note of club competitions and other special events in your diary.


For general enquiries:
Email manager@wimbledonbridgeclub.co.uk
Phone the club on 020 8947 0147 during opening hours (see calendar below)
For urgent matters only outside opening hours:
Phone Janet on 07890 024 172

For Learning Bridge enquiries:
Email teaching@wimbledonbridgeclub.co.uk
Phone the club on 020 8947 0147 during opening hours

Or phone Hilary on 07816 982 030

Regular updates are sent by email to all members. If you don’t receive these updates, please check we have your correct email address on the membership database

Thursday am Supervised Duplicate
Dir: David Korman
Host: Dave/Ann
Thursday pm Duplicate
Dir: Vaughan Bishop
Host: Mary Dickens
Mini Duplicate
Dir: Calum Stewart
Wednesday am Duplicate - Ploughmans
Dir: Shirley
Host: Martin Lee
Tuesday am Duplicate - 18 boards
Dir: Calum Stewart
Host: Charles Dixon
Tuesday eve Duplicate
Dir: Alan Wakenshaw
Host: Sandy Smyth
Monday pm Online Duplicate
Dir: Stefan
Peel Bowl (Ladies' Pairs Championship)
Dir: Richard
Jim Ratcliffe Cup (Men's Pairs Championship)
Dir: Richard
Saturday pm Duplicate
Dir: Alan Wakenshaw
Host: Martin Lee
Fri 28th Mar 2025
Friday am Duplicate - 18 boards
Dir: Vaughan
Host: Wanted NGS 4+
Fri 28th Mar 2025
Friday pm Online Duplicate
Dir: Stefan
Fri 28th Mar 2025
Friday pm Duplicate
Dir: Ian
Host: Jane Turner
Sat 29th Mar 2025
Saturday pm Duplicate
Dir: John
Host: Wanted NGS 6+
Sat 29th Mar 2025
Supervised Play
Dir: Naomi
Mon 31st Mar 2025
Monday pm Supervised Play
Dir: Martha
Mon 31st Mar 2025
Monday pm Online Duplicate
Dir: Stefan
Tue 1st Apr 2025
Tuesday am Duplicate - 18 boards
Dir: Calum
Host: Wanted NGS 4+
Tue 1st Apr 2025
Tuesday eve Duplicate
Dir: Alan
Host: Sandy Smyth
Wed 2nd Apr 2025
Wednesday am Duplicate - Ploughmans
Dir: Shirley
Host: Nina Cohen
Visitors and Members welcome at all sessions - Please call 020 8947 0147 for any queries

Save the Dates!

March 2025
Mon 31 Autumn/Winter Ladders Finish

April 2025
Tue 1 Summer Ladders Start
Tue 1 19:00 Cheese and Wine Tuesday
Wed 2 19:00 Hilary Stewart Cup (Improvers Championship) Click here to enter
Fri 18 11:00 Hetty Van Os Trophy (Individual Championship) with lunch.  Please book early to avoid disappointment.  The event was oversubscribed last year.  Click here to enter
Sun 27 13:00 Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs Click here to enter

May 2025
Tue 6 19:00 Cheese and Wine Tuesday and Bartlett Bowl (Mixed Pairs Championship) No booking required
Tue 13 19:30 Karlsen Cup (Pivot Teams Championship)  Click here to enter
Thu 29 18:30 Play with a Club Expert (Extra event, not in original calendar - by invitation)

Click HERE for the Calendar of Special Events to August 2025


Save the dates for the members' only Championships:

Wed 2 April 19:00 Hilary Stewart Cup (Improvers Championship) (<5,000 MPs and NGS <6)

Fri 18 April 11:00 Hetty Van Os Trophy (Individual Championship) with lunch (Open to all members)
Tue 6 May 19:30 Bartlett Bowl (Mixed Pairs Championship) (Open to all members, partnerships must consist of one lady and one gentleman) No booking required.  All welcome to play in the session but only those meeting the entry requirements are eligible to win the Championship. 
Tue 13 May 19:30 Karlsen Cup (Pivot Teams Championship) (Open to all members)

* To enter a members’ only competition, both players must have been members of the club for at least three months prior to the date of the event.

We offer a complete learning programme for all levels from new beginners to advanced

For more information on our learning programme, take a look at the Learning at WBC section of the website.  If you need advice, please email teaching@wimbledonbridgeclub.co.uk 

Course Schedule April to July 2025
Check each course for start date, bank holidays, half term and end dates
Beginning Bridge Term 2 with Terry Continue learning bidding sequences, declarer play and defence techniques

Mondays 19:00
starts 14th April
10 weeks

Click HERE to Book
Beginning Bridge Term 3  with Terry

Competitive bidding, higher level opening bids, stayman, slam bidding

Mondays 10:30
starts 14th April
10 weeks
Click HERE to book
Beginning Bridge Term 3 with Hilary

Thursdays 19:00
starts 24th April
10 weeks

Click HERE to book
Refresh your Play and Defence with Lis Bingham Improve your Declarer Play and Defence - a 6-week course covering the basics.  Suitable for Beginners, returners and anyone who would like a reminder of the basics.

Tuesdays 10:00
Starts 6 May


Click HERE to book
Improve your Bridge 2 with Hilary Set 2 of the Year 2 course - more doubles, continuations after 1NT overcall, protective seat bidding, more declarer play techniques, developing the auction.  Improver courses are modular and can be taken in any order.  Mondays 19:00
Starts 28th April 8-weeks
Click HERE to book

Intermediate 2 with Naomi

Advance your bridge with our course designed specifically for WBC players.  Learn conventions commonly played at the club plus develop your play and defence techniques.  Suitable for club duplicate players. Fridays 10:30
Starts 25th April

Click HERE to book

with Tim and Naomi

A new 6-week course covering Lebensohl, the Law of Total Tricks and Advanced Declarer Play Techniques (safety plays, eliminations, end plays, and simple squeezes)

Mondays 13:30
starts 2nd June

Click HERE to book

Many games provide fun, but Bridge grips you. It exercises your mind. Your mind can rust, you know, but Bridge prevents the rust from forming.”  – Omar Sharif



WBC offer a range of face to face play sessions suitable for all levels.  We encourage beginners and improvers to attend at least one play session a week to practice and consolidate what has been covered in lessons.
Monday afternoons 12:30pm -
 Supervised Play  Bid and play at your own pace with guidance if wanted.  All levels

Thursday mornings 10:30am -  
Supervised Duplicate  12 to 15 boards are played in a competitive format with guidance if wanted.  Improvers/Intermediate
Thursday evenings 7:30pm -
Mini Duplicate Introduction to duplicate. 10 to 12 boards in a competitive format with guidance and review of selected hands.  Beginners/Improvers
Saturday afternoons 2pm -
Supervised Play  Bid and play at your own pace with guidance if wanted.  All levels
Hosts are available at all sessions so you do not need to come with a partner
No booking required.
When you are ready, our shorter 18-Board Duplicate sessions on Tuesday and Friday mornings are suitable for novice pairs.

ONLINE LEARNING SESSIONS (with Richmond Bridge Club) Click here for the RBC website

Supervised Play sessions run weekly on Wednesday mornings, 10:30am-12:30pm on RealBridge.  There is no need to book, just click on the link on the RBC website about 10 minutes before the start of play and you’ll be taken to the RealBridge login page.  Enter your full name and EBU number to log in to the session.  Cost is £6 per session which will be charged to your WBC member’s account.

Three board reviews with Tim Chanter, Thursdays, 10:30-11:30am.  Suitable for improvers.  If you wish to attend, simply click this Zoom link from 10.20 for a 10.30 kick off (no pre booking is required).  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86037429431  If you cannot make it, but wish to be copied in on the recording and the commentaries then please let Tim know to add you to the distribution list.  The session will take about 1 hour and costs £5.  There will be a follow up of answers to the quiz.

Here are our Monday afternoon players enjoying their game!

Members' Account Balances
Members' Account Balances

To receive an Email of your balance and statement of activity, please enter your EBU number and click.
Payments into your account do not appear immediately, so recent payments may not show for a week or so.




Login to Pianola

Get more information about your game: Personal results history; Your average score with different partners; Your score as declarer, defender - even dummy(!).
Find partners and play more bridge using our innovative partner-finder.
Share your contact details with other people in the club.

Update your contact information and email preferences.


Online Schedule:
Monday 14:00
Friday 14:00

The games are listed as MBC & WBC.  All games are 18-board duplicates with Master Points.  NGS calculated if sufficient players are EBU members.

Going to be LATE?
Going to be LATE?

If you are going to arrive later than 10 mins before the start of the session, it is essential that you call the club on 0208 947 0147  at least 15 minutes beforehand so that you can be included in the movement. If you don't do this you may not be able to play.

Best Behaviour at Bridge
Best Behaviour at Bridge

Regular sessions at WBC are intended to provide a friendly and enjoyable environment to play the game of Bridge, and members should conduct themselves in the spirit of this aim.  If you feel you have been affected by anything at the table that is not in the spirit of the Best Behaviour at Bridge code then the director should be called immediately.  The other players should not retaliate or enter into an argument or discussion.  Please click here to see the BB@B code.
It is hoped that most incidents can be resolved at the time.  If any player wishes to make a formal complaint, they should do so at the time so that the director can complete the appropriate report, which must be signed by all parties.  Where the incident occurs outside a play session or, if occurring at a play session is, for a valid reason not reported to the director, it must be reported in writing (or via e-mail) to the Chair or Secretary of the Club within two weeks of the incident.

Surrey County Bridge Association
Surrey County Bridge Association

SCBA supports and promotes bridge in Surrey.

Click here for the SCBA home page

Ladies and Men's Pairs Winners

Congratulations to Naomi Cohen and Martha Jaynes, who were the winners of the Ladies Pairs Championship for the Peel Bowl and to Denny Endicott and Nick McCarthy, who won the Men's Pairs Champions for the Jim Ratcliffe Cup.

Gwyneth Sather Cup Winners

Congratulations to Jason and Seb Pearson, who won the Gwyneth Sather Novice Cup on Wednesday 12th March.  It was great to see 14 novice pairs competing, and for some it was their first time in a duplicate event.  Well done to all for taking part!



 It was almost a clean sweep for Wimbledon members at the Surrey County Pairs on Sunday 9th March.  It was a two session event, with a qualifying round in the morning followed by the Cup and Plate competitions on the afternoon.  14 pairs out of the field of 46 qualified for the final with the remaining pairs playing in the plate.  Wimbledon players Andrew Bannock and John Dagnall won the cup and Wimbledon player Barbara Stoker and her partner Bob Hampson won the plate event. Wimbledon members Barry Stoker and Jim Laker were second in the plate event.  Congratulations to all!

Master Point Rank Promotions and NGS Increases
Master Point Rank Promotions and NGS Increases

Congratulations to our members listed below who have attained a Master Point promotion in January or February:

Azad Husein  Life Master
Hilary Stewart  National Master
Harriet Chappell  1 Star Premier Master
Isabel Correia  1 Star Premier Master
Kevin O'Donnell  Advanced Master
Jonathan Hird  Master
Brigitte King  Master

Lindsay Battison  County Master
Helen Guest  County Master
Julia Hammans  County Master
Margaret Beim  District Master
Aleksander Blicharz  District Master

Peter Combe  District Master
Irmi Kirchner  District Master
Linda Zvaigzne  District Master
Malcolm Allitt  Area Master
Christopher Davies  Area Master

Simon Edelsten  Area Master
Christopher Moore  Area Master
Paula Sargent  Area Master
Jill Simmons  Area Master
Judith Spencer-Gregson  Area Master
Isabel Edelsten  Local Master

Luciano Lolli  Club Master
Susan Ross  Club Master
Lynda Skinner  Club Master
Dudley Smith  Club Master

Congratulations to members who achieved an increase in their NGS in February:
Top 40 NGS Increases for Surrey Members:
> Month
> Annual

Click here to see the EBU Master Point Ranks and NGS Bands

Masters Pairs

Congratulations to Conor Murphy and Imogen Davies, who won the Wimbledon heat of the EBU Masters Pairs with an impressive score of 68.16%.  Once the national results were combined, Conor and Imogen were second overall, just pipped by the overall winners, Dido Coley and Lily Kearney.

Thank you to everyone who supported the Wimbledon heat, we had a great turnout of 28 pairs, with many visitors.

Click here for the National results

Martin Warner Cup Winners

Congratulations to Grace Bartlett and Lindsay Battison who are the winners of the Martin Warner Cup 2025.  Grace and Lindsay scored an average of 60.2% over the two Tuesday mornings sessions of the competition.  Second place were last year's winners, Sue Perin and Karen Fearon with 59.95%

Championship and Ladder Winners 2025
Championship and Ladder Winners 2025

Congratulations to the winners of the 2025 Championships:
Gullick Cup (Blue Pointed Pairs Championship): Judi Lawson and Dan O'Farrell
Bochsler Cup (Teams Championship)Elisabeth Bingham, Richard Banbury, Malcolm and Diane Bricknell
Martin Warner Cup (Tuesday morning Championship): Grace Bartlett and Lindsay Battison

Gwyneth Sather Cup (Novice Championship) (<500 MPs and NGS <4): Jason and Seb Pearson