Please join us at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 8th. Indiafest is being held on that Saturday and parking will be a nightmare, so we will be starting our game at 10 a.m. Breakfast will be served. Becky Hunton is bringing an egg casserole and the club will provide a few yummy additions. Please remind your partner over, and over, and over again about our early start.

Monday, March 17th we will celebrate the most American of holidays, St. Patrick's Day!
Almost 12% of Americans claim Irish ancestry. More people of Irish ancestry live in the United States than in Ireland.
The Chicago River (the system of rivers and canals has a combined length of 156 miles) is dyed green on this day (since 1962).
We will celebrate the day starting at 11:30 a.m. with a lunch featuring corned beef sandwiches provided by the club. A club championship will follow at noon. Please bring a dish to share. Wear green and anticipate some surprises.

We will be hosting a Pop-Up game on Saturday, March 1st. What sets POP-UPs apart? The masterpoint awards are 50% red, 50% black! Grab a partner an earn colored points with any extra cost!
I know you’ll be eager to see your masterpoint awards in Live for Clubs, but there may be a delay in showing properly pigmented points due to necessary processing by ACBL’s Masterpoint Engine. When the results post to our club’s page, you’ll see the half red.

Welcome to the Wickham Park Senior Center Duplicate Bridge Club
We are located at 2815 Leisure Way, Melbourne, FL 32935-2379
We are located in a state of the art building within Wickham Park.
Mondays at NOON Open game
Wednesdays at NOON Open game
Saturdays at NOON Open game
Entry Fee – $7
Wickham Park Senior Center Duplicate Bridge Club is the friendliest game in the area for all levels of play!
Please arrive 15 minutes before game time. Remember we are a fragrance free facility. Leave those perfumes, lotions, and after shaves at home. We are going to love you fragrance free!
Live for clubs: https://my.acbl.org/club-results ACBL: http://ACBL.ORG
Unit 240: bridgewebs.com/acblunit240/
District 9 website: http://district9acbl.org
WPSC: www.bridgewebs.com/wickhampark/