Wakefield Bridge Club
The Friendly Club
Release 2.19r
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Have you tried our new style Monday Morning session?


Welcome to the web-site of the 39th most popular Bridge Club in England.

We would like to thank you for looking at this web-site. We hope that you can find amongst the extensive information provided, the knowledge you require. On the home page, we mostly cover Club news, whereas, in the "MENU" (to your left), we cover more of the big wide world of Bridge as well. We hope that you will return here soon.

Last updated : 2nd Feb 2025 15:00 GMT
  • Looking for a hobby / pastime that will stretch your mind?
  • Newcomer to the game, intrigued by what you have seen or heard?
  • Apprehensive, because you are taking a step into the unknown?
  • Unsure of where to start?
  • Don't know if this is for you?
  • Returning to the game after some time away?
  • Able to play, but no partner - not sure how to find one? 


We may have the answer - just call the Secretary Stephen Hanslip on 0781 555 3130, or e-mail him at "". Alternatively you can contact Danny Parsonson on 0758 147 6235, or e-mail him at "".

The game of Bridge is played by all ages and abilities in schools, universities, bridge clubs, social groups & individual houses all around the world, so we at Wakefield Bridge Club, are always looking to expand our fantastic game to more of the residents in our locality, whatever your age, so that you all can discover its pleasures.

We are a thriving Bridge Club with approximately 170 members, but we always welcome new members to our friendly group. We would be extremely pleased to see you, so come along and take the plunge, and find out if the game of Bridge is for you.

This game of Bridge has been proven to be excellent for your mental health, by making the maximum use of your brain's aptitude and abilities. It is a mentally challenging form of entertainment, offering intellectual and social stimulation on a routine basis. Bridge's intricacies should make it particularly appealing for those who want to sharpen their acuity whilst performing mental gymnastics.

All you have to do is take the first step - TRUST US - we will help you take it from there.

  • If you have tried us and like what you see, and keep returning, you can expect to be asked to become a member of our Bridge Club.


Last updated : 19th Feb 2025 14:22 GMT

Wakefield Bridge Club.

The club was founded in 1953 (you can find the unbroken history of the club under "CLUB HISTORY" in the "MENU").

In 2021, we relocated to our new home in Thornes Park.  We have taken part of the ground floor of the former school/college, which is now a part of the Penny Appeal Campus. We have two Bridge rooms, with a small kitchen and separate ladies and gents toilets. The aerial view (shown above) shows the former college/Penny Appeal buildings at the top left, and the main car park. The thin grey line running through the trees, from the bottom right of the photograph, marks the line of the road up from the park entrance on Horbury Road, the A642. This is the only road entrance for vehicles, to the Car Park & Bridge Club, as all the other entrances have bollards in the roadways to prevent further access.

For detailed guidance on finding us please refer to the "MENU", look for the section which is labelled "HOW TO FIND US AT WBC" (WAKEFIELD BRIDGE CLUB) and then select either of the two alternatives of "Map/Photo directions", or "Written directions" to WBC (WAKEFIELD BRIDGE CLUB).(You will need to rotate the map/photo pictures - use the swivel icon on the page, please).

The post code of the club is WF2 8QZ; the what3words /// address of the club room entrance is flank.inspector.waving; the what3words /// address of the car park entrance is kind.brass.exchanges (Find the what3words app on your smartphone).  If you are using satellite navigation to direct you to the club, please ensure that you approach from the Horbury Road (North) entrance to the park (the A642).

Login to Pianola

Last updated : 19th Feb 2025 14:15 GMT

Forthcoming Events are always listed in the "MENU" under "CALENDAR". Alternatively, you can pick up one of our free A5 calendars, from the Bridge Club.

Please note that there may not be a host for some of these sessions. All members CAN volunteer to host a session, regardless of your ability. You may not be needed, but if you are, you are entitled to treat this as a FREE session - please volunteer and sign up on the notice board...................... (Sessions requiring hosts are Monday Morning, Tuesday Evening & Friday Mornings in a typical week & every week).


This is to enable us to select the correct type of game, based on the numbers present. If you turn up late, this delays this selection, and therefore the start of the session, and the finishing time. Turning up late may mean that we have started without you, and you will be going home without playing. It is in your hands to make this NOT happen! Masterpoints & NGS gradings are available on all our sessions, except where indicated. 

Monday Mornings -  The second step (The Alpha's) & The Third step (The Beta's) - We offer two sessions of Bridge, played in two different rooms, but both playing the same hands, but evolving into two separate results. In one room are the Beta's (the more experienced members), who will play more boards at a quicker pace, whilst in the other room are the Alpha's (the less experienced members), who will play less boards at a slower pace. The choice is yours, as to which room you play in. If you would like to be involved simply turn up on the day.  A host may not be available. 

Monday Evenings - These have a competitive atmosphere. Pairs of visitors are always welcome, but if you need a partner, please place an advert on Pianola, on Partner Finder. Occasional Monday evenings are marked as Teams Events, and then advance registration is required - see the calendar (shown in the "MENU" under "CALENDAR" for details.

Tuesday Mornings - A teaching session for improvers, and existing members with some experience of the game. We replay interesting (random, not prepared) hands from a previous session, and discuss teaching points as they come up, but we don't always agree. Open to all members, this is an excellent opportunity to think and talk a little more deeply about your bridge. NO Master Points or NGS grading movement is given.

Tuesday Evenings - The atmosphere is a little more relaxed, and the number of boards played is limited. A host may not be available.

Thursday DaytimeThe first step. A teaching session for individual beginners and improvers. This is your chance to play some new & unseen hands of bridge, whilst talking about a host of different topics and enjoying a variety of different cakes each week. NO Master Points or NGS grading movement is given. 

Thursday EveningsThese have an even more competitive atmosphere. Pairs of visitors are always welcome, but if you need a partner, please place an advert on Pianola, on Partner Finder. Very occasionally, there are Teams Events (see Monday evenings above for the protocol). 

Friday Mornings - This session aims to be relaxed in character, but it is competitive, and players of all grades are welcome. A host may not be available.

Need to know :

  • Monday Morning - Level ♣/ - start 10.00, finish about 13.00 - play about 16 boards.
  • Monday Evening Level  - start 19.00, finish about 22.30 - play about 25 boards.
  • Tuesday Morning - Level ♣ - start 10.00, finish about 12.30 - a teaching/discussion session involving up to 8 boards.
  • Tuesday Evening - Level / - start 18.45, finish about 21.45 - play about 20 boards. 
  • Thursday Daytime - Level ♣ - start 10.00, finish about 12.30 - play up to 8 boards with a topic discussion. 
  • Thursday Evening - Level ♠ - start 19.00, finish about 22.30 - play about 25 boards.
  • Friday Morning - Level /♥ - start 10.00, finish about 13.00 - play about 20 boards.
  • Levels equate approximately to difficulty of each of our sessions (suit in bridge ranking order). 

Last updated : 22nd Feb 2025 20:26 GMT
  • Normal sessions - are charged at £3.10 table money per head. Please don't bring cash, we will send you a bill at the end of the month and you can pay by bank transfer. For visitors, the first session is always free, and we hope that you will return. Look out for this to alter.
  • Extra non Weekly Events - these will usually be charged to you at the end of the month, together with your normal sessions. Please follow any instructions given for each event to see if this differs. 
  • Membership 2024 - 2025 :- The membership fee is £35 per year. However, new members can join during the year at a rate of £3 per month remaining until the following 31 March (payable as a lump sum). Look out for this to alter. Normally, our annual AGM takes place in April (It will be Tuesday 29th April 2025).
  • Drinks - Tea and coffee are available for a small donation (we suggest £0.50 per drink) in our own kitchen (we will sort out the milk). We have a large fridge and members are invited to bring their own drinks in for consumption. Thank you for your honesty.
  • Biscuits - Thanks go to the BISCUIT CZAR - Ernie. Biscuits (when available) are now available freely in the kitchen. Now share nicely.........
  • Remember - that whatever you leave behind after your visit, is a job for one of our other members to clear up after you. We hope that you can successfully locate the bins which are in every room in our building & relocate to the kitchen your dirty cups & glasses. Thank you
  • If you use cups or glasses from the kitchen, can you PLEASE remember to return them afterwards, hopefully you possess the knowledge & ability to wash them up or put them in the dishwasher - THANK YOU.
Last updated : 22nd Feb 2025 17:21 GMT

Sorry, but I have been a little bit lax in not coming up with a new hand recently. However, this is now rectified with an interesting hand, that with careful defence should not make, but you never know your luck. There is an old saying that says that "If you give your opponents enough rope, then they will find a way to hang themselves" - so here goes.

The bidding goes as shown, with the opening lead of 2 ♣ from East. Oh dear, dummy does not have a stopper in ♣, but what can you do?

Perhaps the 10 ♣ can grow up into a stopper? Or will the ♣ suit split 4/3 between the defenders? Could the defenders go wrong? Or could they block the suit? Those are your only hopes.

West wins the opening lead with K ♣, and dutifully returns a small ♣ to the Q ♣. Now East cashes their winning A ♣, declarer discards a small ♠, and plays a small  to declarer's Q . Phew!!! now it looks easy, and you can see a way to collect all the rest of the tricks. Now you should play a small  to the K in dummy & cash the 10 ♣, declarer discarding a small . A small either , or a small ♠, returns the lead to declarer. The A  is now cashed, however, fate strikes another blow, and the ♥'s do not split nicely, as West discards a small ♠.

A little bit of thought now needs to occur. Well, if you have been counting , you know that East only has one  left, and after that, only has ♠ or  left in his hand. So, you can afford to let East have their winning , as you can take the final four tricks, with your three winners in either ♠ or , plus your fifth  to make your contract on the nose. Lucky, maybe, but you need to put yourself into that position first, so that you can profit from it.

Where did the defenders go wrong? When they cashed A ♣, it means that declarer can take their ninth trick, it took away the position that if declarer leads a ♣ from dummy, they will lose both ♣ tricks. All the finesse plays will fail, in ♠ suit, the Q is in the wrong place. In the suit, the finesse position looks a good possibility (especially when you can see all four hands), but you might not need it? 

Why did this declarer get a top for this? It looks like the bidding is correct (for standard ACOL players, 20 - 22 HCP's and a balanced hand), so is that it? No. Looking at the other results, it appears that everybody else opened 1 !     



We start at 10.00 a.m. for two & a half hours approximately, finishing at 12.30 p.m.

Well it happened again, and not all the cake was consumed & we still have the capacity for more members & newcomers to turn up. 

Last week, our topic was defence. This week, Sean will be running a small Bridge competition, whose results will be sent out on the weekend afterwards. We hope that you will enjoy this session, as the last time we ran this type of session, the overall results were very close.

This relaxed & laid back session is predominantly aimed at people who want to learn the basic information about bridge, and to explore a bit further into the game. Our basic session can include :-

  • Playing up to eight hands, possibly more on some specific occasions. These will all be pre-dealt hands that have not been played before, and so will all be new, even to myself. After playing a hand, you can have a chat at the table about these hands, if you so desire, unless you are specifically requested not to, in the case of competitions. 
  • There will definitely be a break around the half - time  mark, for a cuppa & a bite to eat. The kettle is always boiled when you arrive, so you can grab a cuppa then as well.
  • Normally we will have a topic to talk about - this usually changes every week!
  • Normally we encompass at least one sample hand - just to illustrate a particular point, but not always on our topic.
  • Sometimes, we can have a little chat about what is going on at the Club. 

We want this session to be a fun & very relaxed session, and a place to learn about the world of Bridge, as well as card play & defence - two absolute basics of playing Bridge. We would also encourage you to talk & discuss Bridge related problems, and if you do not fully understand something, PLEASE ask & we will try and answer your query, even if it is not straight away. 

Please note that this session is to be charged at the same rate as any of the other Wakefield Bridge Club's sessions. I look forward to the journey..............


Do not forget that the club does run teams events, on a reasonably regular basis. These occur predominately on a Monday evening (once a month) or sometimes on a Thursday evening (once every three months).

Please look out for these nights, which also appear on the "MENU" under "CALENDAR".

We plan to put out a regular pattern of teams events, every few weeks on a Monday, and a Thursday teams event once every 3 months.

The next Monday teams session is on Monday 24th February.

The next Thursday teams session is in June probably. 

Please sign up on the list on the notice board for the appropriate session.............................(when it appears).


We have started to get involved playing in the EBU Seasonal Sims Pairs events, which take place approximately every three months. This gives us all an opportunity to measure ourselves up against other bridge clubs from around the country. Over the course of four days (Monday - Thursday), the same hands are played up & down the country - (they are different boards each day). We, (if we are playing the event), normally play on a Thursday, and the cost of each of these events is normally £3.00 + our normal session charge, with the £3.00 going to the EBU charity.   

The 2025 dates for the British (Seasonal) Sims Pairs events are (based on playing on a Thursday) :-

  1. Spring on Thursday 10th April 2025.
  2. Summer on Thursday 24th July 2025. 
  3. Autumn on Thursday 9th October 2025.

More details to follow (as & when we enter these events)............................


The next committee meeting of Wakefield Bridge Club is on Tuesday 29th 2025 @ 6.15 p.m. This is our annual AGM, and as such, this is for all of our members, your opportunity to ask questions of your committee, as well as possibly alter the personnel on your committee as well. Please look out for a nominations sheet to appear on the notice board in the near future................ 

If there is anything that you think might need raising at this meeting, please ask one of the committee members to bring it up on your behalf. The names and photographs of the committee members are on one of the notice boards in the big Bridge room, so that they cannot hide!

The committee members act on behalf of YOU the members, and to help keep the Club in a financially stable condition, amongst many other considerations.  

Is there any more we can do on other matters? Tell us please, and you never know what may happen!

As a thank you to all those members who turn up on the night & attend the AGM, we are pleased to offer a FREE evening of Bridge on that evening. Please note that this is not a transferable offer, and it could possibly involve playing a few less hands than normal (this is dependent on how long the AGM lasts).

Look on the web-site under "CALENDAR" for all future Committee meetings dates, including the date of the 2026 AGM ...................


The Fun Day took place on Saturday 4th January 2025. We raised just over £1700.00, a fantastic amount, so THANK YOU all for your generosity. Thanks also go to everyone involved in making this event happen.

Now we are upgrading the blinds all along the West side of the Club rooms, so that they all actually work.

Look out for the next one, which will be on Saturday 7th June, and you should add your names on the list on the notice board when it appears (nearer to the time)........................... 


Good Practice for Ensuring Sessions run to time.

One of the most common complaints from players in all sessions is slow play. The following are all good tips to ensure a good pace is maintained throughout any session.

  1. Keep an eye on the clock. Remind other players to speed up if you are falling behind. EBU guidance suggests boards should typically take approximately 7 1/2 minutes to play.
  2. Lead the opening card before writing down the contract or entering it into the bridgemate. This saves time, and also allows declarer to begin planning the play immediately, which saves time.
  3. Score the board quickly, and avoid a post mortem about the hand. This is important for two reasons. Firstly it saves time. Secondly, talking about the hand can give information to other tables, who have not yet played the hand. Talking about hands is another common complaint from members.
  4. Move quickly between tables. Once the T D calls for movement, ensure that you move quickly. Usually, one minute is allowed for the movement between tables. Greet your opponents. but save your chat for the end of the round.
  5. Don't ask every time that the alert card is used. Asking for an explanation of the bid can take up time. It is often better to keep quiet, unless it affects how you might bid yourself. If you were always going to pass anyway, DON'T ASK. You can always ask before the opening lead is faced, if necessary.
  6. Consider which player sits in the North position, so that slower players are not using up time on the Bridgemates. Entering the score onto the Bridgemate, can take up time, so try to ensure that it is done quickly & accurately at your table.
  7. Consider claiming all the remaining tricks if you can. There are many hands, where you know for certain, that you will win all the remaining tricks. If, that is the case, you can claim the rest of the tricks. To do this, you should place your cards face upwards on the table, and say how you are going to play the rest of the cards. This can often save two or three minutes.
  8. Make an effort to catch up if you were late on the previous round, if you can. Following some of the above tips & advice given here, could be a big help.
  9. Practise sorting out your cards quickly. It can take time to pick up the cards & sort them out. If you do this slowly, it is worth spending some time practising, so that this process becomes quicker. Similarly, if you are dummy, try to get the cards down on the table, in their correct positions quickly, rather than one card at a time.
  10. DO NOT start your last board, if there are less than 4 minutes remaining on the clock, for that particular round. Occasionally, the T D will ask the table to take an average score for that particular board, if there is not enough time left to play the hand. Please accept this graciously, as this is only done on rare occasions, for the benefit of all the players in that session. It prevents the session from running over time, or the possibility of having to cancel boards, at the end of the session.

Slow play, leads to a table that has finished & is waiting to move, starting to talk. Although this may be quiet at first, as more tables finish the hand, the crescendo of noise begins to grow. All this leads to a second major complaint from our members - The Noise. Quite an easy fix to this, is to follow the tips given above, as much as you can, so that if all tables finish at approximately the same time, the noise problem will go away.       


An idea which we are looking into is Cafe Bridge. This is just as simple as it seems - Bridge played in a Cafe. We are at present looking into Cafe's in the centre of Wakefield, where we could try this out. Our idea is simply to promote the game of Bridge to the inhabitants of Wakefield, some of whom may be under the misapprehension that Bridge is a game/pastime that takes place in big houses (it seems to be portrayed this way on television). We are probably looking at a time which is not a busy time (meal times), but when they are open & have some passing trade. It may be a good idea or it may not, but other Bridge Clubs up & down the country have tried it, so why not us! This is still a work in progress (as at Feb 2025).

You should all have received a copy of the details of the survey, which was carried out over the Summer. A lot of time & effort was put into giving you all extremely detailed & comprehensive analysis, which we hope that you can appreciate & you can now find under "CLUB HISTORY" on this web-site. Watch this space for developments..........................   (To be discussed at the next committee meeting in Feb 2025) 

We are also looking into more ways to get out & about to promote our Bridge Club, as we feel sure that there are a lot of people out there, who are totally unaware of us. Watch this space to see what develops.....................


You all may be aware, that not only have we been recently renewing some of the visible items in our Club, we have also been renewing / upgrading some items that you might not be aware of, and did not know where available.

  • Did you know that there are left handed bidding boxes available at the Club. The right handed bidding cards boxes, are all in Red or Green bidding boxes, whereas the left handed bidding cards are in Black or Yellow bidding boxes. There are a couple of the left handed bidding boxes available on the shelves next to the computer station in the Club House. There are some more of each hand of bidding boxes, these are kept in the storage room, if required.
  • Whilst we are on the subject of bidding boxes, if you come across a bidding box with an individual (or more) cards missing from it, please do NOT try and sort this out yourself. Please make the TD aware of the problem first PLEASE. We need to be aware of a problem, so that we can rectify it, for everyone's benefit. Do not just simply swap it with another spare bidding box.  All the bidding boxes were recently checked, and we were disappointed to find that some of the bidding boxes had bidding cards missing from them. They had both been placed on two separate usually unused tables. Please help us to help you all..............
  • We have available some card holders for those of you who may struggle holding the playing cards. These are usually available in the small storage room - if you would like to use one, all you have to do is ask...............
  • A recent development is the positioning of the table numbers on the sides of the bidding boxes. These are designed to be seen from the aisle down the middle of the room, which we normally use as the main thoroughfare in the Club. We believe that this should make them instantly visible for everyone - much better than ending up underneath a bidding box (which is useless!!!). These are held onto the bidding box by magnets, so if they come adrift, they are easily put back together again. This has recently been extended to all of the bidding boxes in the Club, no matter where they are.
  • The "PASS" cards in all of the bidding boxes in the Club, have all been upgraded again, for the second time this year, and all those that were showing signs of wear & tear have been replaced. 
  • Have you noticed the larger than ever shelf of library of books available? - borrow what you like & try to remember to return them, when you have finished with them.
  • Did you know that we purchased a brand new dealing machine for the Club this year?
  • How often do you think that we replace the playing cards that we all use?
  • There are a lot of unsung people, quietly working away keeping OUR bridge club functional. 
  • Have you noticed the "Headers" on the notice boards?
  • Have you noticed the new coat hooks & additional one outside the kitchen? You may have noticed that the old hat & coat stands have now finally disappeared. 
  • Do you have any ideas to make things easier at the Club

Things are happening all around! There are other ideas that we, your committee have, to make things nicer & easier to play Bridge at Wakefield Bridge Club. Please watch this space.........   


Friday Morning Pairs
Director: Peter Wallace
Scorer: chris Holmes
Thursday Evening Pairs
Director: Peter Wallace
Scorer: Adrian Dubel
Tuesday Evening Pairs
Director: Peter Wallace
Scorer: georgie Jones
24th Feb 2025
Monday Morning Pairs
24th Feb 2025
Monday Evening Pairs - TEAMS EVENT - Please sign up in advance
25th Feb 2025
Tuesday Teaching Session - discussion of hands from Thursday Evening