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This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see Calendar on the menu and for a list of results see Results.
Nashville's Grand Ole Regional - What a Week!

The Grand Ole Nashville Regional wrapped up this afternoon, and what a week it was. There were 770.5 tables of bridge, which was a 30% increase over the tables from last year's Regional.

Players came from all over: Hawaii, Vancouver, Idaho, and many other states. 10 players came up from Baton Rouge. One thing they all had in common: they LOVED the tournament. Many folks went out of their way to thank us for putting on such a nice tournament. We couldn't have done it without our members who volunteered in so many ways and who were so welcoming to our guests.

Unit 179 will send out a more detailed report to the members in the next few days, including specific thanks to all the tournament chairs and volunteers, but we couldn't wait to share the good news about our attendance and the praise from our visitors. Congratulations to co-chairs, Barb Daugherty and Pat Williams, for their coordination of such a successful tournament.

Last updated : Nov 12, 2023 16:47 CST

The Summer Sectional was a great tournament! We don't have the official table count yet, but, unofficially, we hosted 238 tables over the 4-day event - exceeding our expectations!

Here are the ** results ** from the Fall Sectional. 

There are so many people to thank for their work leading up to the tournament and during the tournament.

Tournament Chair - Suzanne Torrence
Our Local Directors - David Birnbaurm with the assistance of Mary Margaret Hamlett
Hospitality Committee Chair (Extraordinaire) - Randi Young with her Team, Becca Ingle, Maureen Schnaars, Carol Schnaars, and Irene Lowe
Room Set Up - Richard Chalal
Partnership Desk - Barb Daugherty
Supplies and Finances - Sue Atwood
Boards - Ruth Raines with the assistance of Mechel Frost
ACBL Contact - Pat Williams
The Iceman - Jay Hitt
Cleaning Day Volunteers - Randi Young, Lee Wyatt, Becca Ingle, Carol Schnaars, Ruth Raines, Sandy Gregory, Richard Chalal, and many more
Bidding Boxes - Mary Margaret Hamlett, Sue Atwood, and Peggy Burkhalter
Swiss Team Caddies - John MaGuirk and Bruce Mancill
Lobby Update - Randi Young and Suzanne Torrance
Tournament Day Volunteers who saw something that needed to be done and jumped in and lent a hand - Beth Derrick, Elaine Said, Lee Wyatt, Kyle Moore, Peggy Burkhalter, Bruce Mancill, Cynthia Yancey and many more!
To everyone who brought water, snacks and some incredible homemade treats - we have some amazing chefs in our Club! 
And to those who made a financial donation to the tournament.

Thanks again to everyone for your support and help in making this another successful tournament!


Last updated : Sep 24, 2023 08:50 CDT

 Hey Bridge Players of Middle Tennessee!

Hundreds of our members and other bridge friends in Tennessee are playing bridge online using the Bridge Base Online (BBO) platform.  It is easy to use and even offers some benefits over playing in the club. The games are 18-boards, played at a rate of 7 minutes/board, lasting approximately 2 hours, and they award ACBL black master points. We so appreciate the support that our players have given to the VBC virtual games.  Your participation helps to keep our bridge players connected with each other, as well as helping us pay our bills during this time that the VBC is closed for face-to-face bridge. 

For more information, read the News page.

Last updated : May 25, 2021 07:41 CDT
Online VBC Games are now available

Online VBC Games Are offered on BBO 7 Days/Week

Hey Bridge Players of Middle Tennessee!

The VBC Online bridge games are now available 6 days / week.  Our games are played on Bridge Base Online (BBO).   They are located under Competitive Games - ACBL Virtual Clubs and are identified as "vacb166520".  Here are some important points about these games:

ACBL Number: 

This is how you confirm/enter your ACBL number is part of your BBO account.  On the screen that appears after you sign in, under Featured Areas, go to ACBL World.  Now, just below and to the left of screen center is a selection to "Update Your ACBL Number."


The game will only be visible in the list of upcoming games within two hours of the scheduled start time.  Both you and your partner need to be on line when you register.  One of you requests the registration, and an invitation will be issued to your partner to accept.  Remember, you each need to have sufficient BBO$ to register.

Partnership desk:

If you don't have a partner, there is a partnership desk within the tournament.  After you click on the tournament, the partnership desk is on the right side of the upper ribbon.

Be on line at game time:

In order to play in the tournament, you must be on line when it is time to start.  If you are not there, it likely will delay the start for everyone.  The director has to either boot your pair or insert a sub in your place.  Please try to be on line within 5 minutes of the scheduled start so that you can avoid disappointment and future regret.  The directors can see who is and is not on line.


Alerting is totally opposite when you play on line.  Instead of your partner saying "Alert!" you must self-alert.  Before you make an alertable bid, click "'alert" and type in a description.  Avoid saying a convention name (e.g. say "majors" instead of "Michaels").  Everyone should presume that 1NT is 15-17 unless alerted otherwise.  Your opponents have a right to be informed as to your agreements.  It is better to over-alert rather than under-alert.  The opponents have a button to request additional information for any bid; you will see a box with "explain" if that occurs.  

Convention Cards:

BBO will display a convention card for your partnership.  Some of you have established partnerships that already have a convention card loaded into the BBO system.  But if not, the default is SAYC, the Standard American Yellow Card.   We will not hold you to SAYC, but if you are not playing that, you should self-alert/inform more often.


Most games run at a pace of 7 minutes a board.  We almost certainly will play 3-board rounds, so 21 minutes total until the movement changes.  If you are experienced playing on line, this will seem slow.  If you are inexperienced, it may feel rushed.  The round will change at the conclusion of 21 minutes, even if you are playing a board.  The score will default to averages for both pairs.  However, your directors will go in and look at the board; in most cases, we will be able to determine the likely outcome and adjust the board to that result.


How to do it:

  • Log into (for those of you haven't done this before, there are more instructions below).
  • Go to Competitive Games
  • Go to ACBL Virtual Clubs
  • Find the line that says vacb166520.
  • Click on the tournament you'd like to play in.
  • Invite your partner.
  • Remember what time it starts, log on, and play.

It costs money:

  • We are going to charge $5.00 per game.
  • The money goes to BBO, the ACBL, but the bulk of the money goes to the VBC.
  • To pay you need bridgebucks (BB$).  Instructions how to acquire BB$ appear below.

You need to plan to stay around your computer for the whole game.

18 boards = 2 hours.  The games may end up being less than that over time, but to start that is what you should expect.

Schedule:  VBC Schedule of Online Games

For the last 15 years, becoming a member has been FREE.*After the 299'er game there will be a BBO Roundtable discussion of some of the hands.  Instructions for attendance will be provided during the game.
**2x4 Mentor  Pairs.  At least one of the pair must have fewer than 500 masterpoints.  There is no upper masterpoint limit for the other person.**

Becoming a member of BBO:

  • You may already be a member.  If so, log in as usual.
  • You may be a member (but secret).  In order to play in the Virtual VBC games, you have to tell us what your login ID is. 
  • Folks from Florida or elsewhere who want to poach on your friends will not be allowed in.
  • You may be a Middle Tennessee player who hasn't played at VBC for a while.  If so, send your login I.D. to either David ( or Pat (
  • You may wish to create your own login ID. Have fun, putz about, then let Pat Williams ( or David Birnbaum ( know.  (No giggling)
  • You may want us get you a login ID (handle), If so send David your name and ACBL number, and he will create an ID for you. (

Acquiring bridgebucks:

  • Login to
  • Click on BB$.
  • A menu drops down
  • Select Purchase BB$
  • It requires you to login again (taking you to a secure part of website)
  • It asks you how much you wish to purchase.
  • You may use PayPal or your credit card

We hope that by the end of the first week, we will have 500 folks playing bridge online with Middle Tennessee friends.  If you have questions, please contact David Birnbaum or Pat Williams.

BBO Tutorials for Players

If you are new to BBO, you may enjoy these online tutorials which were created by Silvana Morici for her players at the Sagamore Bridge Club in New York.  She has created tutorials for the following:

How to Join BBO How to Bid & Play on BBO
How to add $ on BBO How to Self-Alert bids on BBO
Make a BBO Conv. Card Need a partner? Learn how!
How to find your game on BBO How to Update your ACBL # on BBO

Increase in Masterpoint Awards

VBC Virtual Games will pay a 50% premium on masterpoints.  Generally, in an open game, the winner gets 0.1 per table, with fractional adjustments for those in the other placements.  For example, the section winners of a 10 table game get 1.0 full masterpoint  Today, that will pay 1.5 full masterpoint.  Limited games receive 80% to 60% of an open game, depending on the upper level of the restriction.  The section winners of a 10 table 499er game will receive 1.2 instead of 0.8 masterpoints.

Out of Town Partners

There is good news and bad news.

We made a misstep in rolling out our virtual games.  It was a lack of knowledge because our facilitator did not remember to tell us.  These games are meant to serve each club's community of bridge players.  (Additionally, there are pooling arrangements covering multiple clubs under a host club.) Toward that end, our on-line club on BBO was associated with an eligibility list; it is comprised, generally, of all players who have played in the Vanderbilt Bridge Club since January 1, 2019.  Also, folks who live and play bridge in Middle Tennessee should be eligible, regardless of where they play in the area. 

As we rolled this out, we received requests to add certain individuals outside of our area, which we generally accommodated.  There are exceptions, but the powers that be consider this to be "poaching."  They encourage such partnerships to play in the Save Your Club (SYC) games.  The SYC games benefit clubs financially as well, tracked by where an individual has played over their recent past.

We think that people ought to be able to play where they wish, but we are not the powers that be.  It is being monitored.  We have received two notifications of potential poaching activity already.  At least one club has been suspended for a week for poaching activity.

The bad news is that we must ask that if your partner from out of town was added per your request:  please play in the SYC games instead of our VBC virtual games.

NOTE:  VBC Club members who live out of state are eligible for our online games.

But as promised, there is good news.  If you have a remote partner and you still want to play in the VBC virtual games, have that partner contact their local club manager.  If they will provide an e-mail stating that they do not mind them playing in our games, we can send it in, and all will be OK.  Please send to Pat Williams at

We think this is silly.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Need Help to Play Online?

We have volunteers who are ready, willing, and able to help you. Please feel free to contact:

Reviewing Your Hands on BBO

After you play in a tournament, the results will be displayed to you.  Additionally, you can access recent past tournaments within your history tab. On the display of the tournament results, notice that your percentage is in blue rather than black print.  Click the percentage.  You will then (most likely) be asked to confirm your identity.  You will be taken to your detailed results for that tournament.  There, many informational opportunities await, including:  what others did; a movie of what happened at your table; the movies of what happened at other tables; play it again; export the hand.

Last updated : Jul 5, 2021 13:02 CDT
The Longest Day Fundraiser - June 20th and 21st
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On June 21-22, the VBC supported The Longest Day, an annual event which occurs during the summer solstice - where we, as bridge players, demonstrate our love for all those affected by Alzheimer's disease.   Together we raise funds and increase awareness for the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

In the past, VBC players enjoyed fellowship and delicious snacks on the Longest Day as we played bridge sharing our support of the Alzheimer's Association. ..........

..... see more
Last updated : Jun 22, 2020 10:15 CDT
VBC BBO Results are Now Available on VBC Website
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You may view your Vanderbilt Bridge Club BBO Online Results on the VBC website by clicking -  VBC Results 

To view a guide on how to get the most out of your online BBO results click - Guide

To view your BBO Online results without showing the full player names click - Online Game Results

As of May 16, 2020, the results, including bidding and play, from the VBC Online Virtual Club Games are available on the VBC website. These results include the names of the players and also show the masterpoints earned. All of the same analytics that we have used when playing in the club are now available for the BBO hands. ..........

..... see more
Last updated : May 25, 2021 07:35 CDT
The Common Game
The Common Game

Mr. Jay Whipple, III and his team at run a series of contests where performance and attendance are rewarded. Clubs play the same set of hands from a common library.  All of the pairs games at the Vanderbilt Bridge club now participate in the Common Game.  These results may be viewed here.

The benefits to you are:

  • Your own personal page that keeps track of your partners, games, and results
  • Post mortem analysis on some of the hands you played
  • Overall comparison/ranking with other players throughout the country who play the same hands

What you need to do:

  • Nothing! You get the same Masterpoints as normal.
  • You see your results online the same way (from the Vanderbilt calendar).
  • To view your personal page, go to and login with your ACBL number.
  • To be notified when your results are posted to the common game, provide your email under the Modify Profile button and request Email notifications
  • To view nationwide results for a day game, go here.
  • To view nationwide results for a nite game, go here.

What you need to know 

  • There are some great Common Game video tutorials here.
  • If the game is a Howell, and your are stationary, your scores will be under N/S or E/W not "Howellers."
  • If the game has fewer than four players over 500 masterpoints, it is considered a 299er game.
  • If you have fewer than 300 masterpoints you will show up in the 299er results.
  • If you have fewer than 300 masterpoints and play in an open game, you may show up both places (open and 299er).
Last updated : Jan 11, 2014 14:15 CST
VBC Cookbooks For Sale ** Reduced Price **
VBC Cookbooks For Sale ** Reduced Price **

The VBC Cookbooks are available for sale at the VBC.  The cookbook includes over 400 delicious recipes from VBC members.  Anne Hitt did a wonderful job of coordinating the design and production of the cookbooks, and we think you’ll be very impressed with their quality.

The cookbooks were priced at $15 each or $25 for two, but are now on sale for $10 each or $15 for two, and all profits benefit the VBC.  These will make GREAT gifts!  You may pay by cash, check (payable to VBC), or credit card.  Jay and Anne Hitt are handling the sales.

Last updated : Nov 12, 2023 16:38 CST

The Vanderbilt Bridge Club utilizes a Duplimate Mark 4.4 automatic dealer for generating the pre-dealt boards.  We utilize Dealmaster Pro software which generates random hands and it allows us to provide hand records which include makeable contracts.

Last updated : Oct 30, 2012 10:55 CST
VBC Annual Dues

Vanderbilt Bridge Club membership dues of $40 are collected annually.  In the past, members would write a check to the Vanderbilt Bridge Club and drop it off when they were at the club or mail it to the treasurer.  This year we have decided to offer an optional/preferred payment method using a service called Venmo.  With Venmo, members can pay their dues from their smart phone.  We also plan to accept Venmo payments for table fees once the club is open again for in person play.

Regardless of which payment method you choose, we would also like for you to provide us with your current contact information.  This information can be supplied by completing the online form on this website or you may print out the form and mail it, along with your check (payable to Vanderbilt Bridge Club) to the following address:

Vanderbilt Bridge Center
85 White Bridge Road, Suite 100
Nashville, TN 37205

The form may be retrieved by clicking  VBC 2021 Dues Statement.

Dues may also be paid online by completing the information in the online form and then submitting

Dues may be paid by check (payable to Vanderbilt Bridge Club) or Venmo (@VandyBridge)

If paying by Venmo, open your Venmo app on your phone, click the scan button,

scan the following QR code, enter the amount and press Pay.


Last updated : Mar 23, 2021 13:24 CDT