Upminster & Cranham Bridge Club

Please note that late finishes spoil some players' enjoyment of their bridge. Please try to arrive at 19:15 for a prompt 19:30 start, thank you.

Release 2.19r
Welcome to Upminster & Cranham Bridge Club
New Club in Upminster!
New Club in Upminster!

Welcome to the new EBU bridge club in the Upminster area offering a friendly and social regular bridge session on Friday evenings, a daytime competition, lessons, social activities and club holidays. We are the only EBU affiliated bridge club in Havering.

Play with Upminster & Cranham - 'We play with finesse'

Club Competitions

Club competitions include annual ladders for pairs and individuals (Gents and Ladies), improvers, handicap and a 'World of Bridge - World Championship'.

Our 'World Champion' will be the highest ranked individual/s from at least 3 of 4 'World of Bridge' events, these will be quarterly daytime sessions in local restaurants that include lunch - each event will feature a different country's cuisine.

Only club members will be eligible to win competitions (although non-members may play), there will be entry fees to 'World of Bridge' which is an 'open' event but these are discounted for members.

New Beginning Bridge course starting soon

We have a new 'Beginning Bridge' course starting very soon. The course will run in Great Leighs and brief details can be found on the Bridge Tuition link to the left.

If you know of anyone who may be interested please let us know ASAP.

It's a Big Deal!

Bridge players came together to celebrate the game of bridge, to spread the word that bridge is a wonderful game and to show that by working together with the English and Scottish Bridge Unions and our partners Cancer Research UK we can have fun as well as playing our part in helping to beat cancer.

We played our part and held a very successful BLUE POINTED SWISS PAIRS on Saturday 21st September event raising £200 from and £96 from a raffle.

We would like to thank all those who took part, those who donated raffle prizes and Val Mollison especially for her help with scoring.

The winners were Val & Paul Mollison, untouchable on the day, well done Val & Paul!

We hope to make this an annual event, again thank you everyone.

Club Teams

Shortly we will be entering club representative teams for the Fletcher (20th Oct Barleylands) and Cup for Clubs (27th Oct Barleylands) competitions.

If you wish to play for the club in either of these events please let us know!

We have already entered 2 teams for the National Inter Club Knock out (NICKO - online) so good luck to our A team Val & Paul Mollison, Simon Moorman and Pat Johnson and our B team Gary Waller, Ashley Sawyer, Jon Ward and Tony French.

We are back!

We are delighted to say we have returned to our regular face to face bridge session on Friday evenings.

Shortly we will be running another 'Beginning Bridge' course so please make anyone who may be interested aware. We are also running an improvers/refresher course; 'Continuing Bridge'.

Our face to face sessions are available to all, members or not, so long as you have received all NHS vaccinations/boosters recommended (for you) for Covid. You must also be without symptoms of any contagious illness. There will also be some minor requirements such as sanitising hands on EVERY entry to the hall while space and ventilation will be maximised. If you wish you may also bring your own mug for tea/coffee or your own bidding box.

Upminster & Cranham BC

Regular session Friday evenings at 7:30pm.

We are also running a daily game on FunbridgeYou'll need a Funbridge account (free) and our game password to play these daily games. They work on a drop in drop out basis, so, to complete the 'event' you'll need to play all 10 boards but at a time or times to suit you over a 24 hour period. You can play these games completely free of charge without a partner on a computer or via an iPhone or iPpad App. 

Please contact us for the password and visit www.funbridge.com or download the App to get started. Our game is found through 'Exclusive Tournaments' under our club name.

Please note we now only run BBO sessions on an ad-hoc basis.

We also have a WhatsApp group (UCBC Chatter) for members to keep in touch, discuss bridge or anything else, please join us.

If would like help accessing any of these facilities Tony will be delighted to assist.

What's on

We will keep you up to date with what's going on here! 

We are currently planning a return to our popular World of Bridge events starting with a one off 'Balti Bridge', not 1 but 2 club holidays and recommencing our bridge lessons - watch this space.

Guests, visitors or friends are always very welcome to attend any of our sessions or events but only members may win competitions. Members will also be entitled to discounted rates for all sessions and events.


Fantastic news! - Many congratulations to Pauline 'Hedgehog' Hedger and Brendan Felton who won the Essex Club Pairs competition scoring almost 60% in the process. Angela Fenton & David Cooper also had a solid session finishing in 5th spot with over 54%, the combined scores of both pairs meant we are the Essex Club Pairs winners!

Again congratulations to both pairs and thank you for representing Upminster & Cranham Bridge Club.

Our online games continue to be popular and members are also due congratulations for achievements over the last month or so:

Recent MasterPoint records show that Jim Flavin took the first step on the ladder to the rank of Local Master, Eleanor Duignam was promoted to Club Master and we are very pleased to see that Tom Carne was promoted to County Master. Very well played gentlemen!

The achievements and progression of our members gives us great pleasure and we offer you all our heartfelt congratulations, keep it up!

In case you are unaware, you can access your EBU record via 'My EBU' - speak with Tony if you need help to do so.

Movers and Shakers!

This years competitions are underway including the new improvers and handicap ladders, online events do count - please see the 'Current Competitions' menu on the left.

Friday Pairs
Friday Pairs
Friday Pairs
Friday Pairs