David Nelmark called the meeting to order at 4:47 pm. David Nelmark, Brad Albers, Denise Dornbier, Jessica Chance and Bob Yeates were present. Ron Nielsen and Jim McGinn were absent.
A motion to approve the minutes of the January board meeting was made by David, seconded by Bob and all approved.
Brad made a motion to add Phil Hayne as a board member, David seconded and all approved. Welcome to the board Phil.
Brad presented the Treasurers report and stated even with a $600 plumbing bill to fix the toilet in the ladies restroom, and the loss of revenue from our normal games with the regional held offsite, we are on track to survive to 2026. We are in the process of updating the signature card at West Bank also.
Jessie suggested the sewer smell be brought to the attention of the landlord and David will contact him.
David opened up the discussion for registration and what would be an appropriate time for partnerships to be registered for the game each day. It was noted that when partnerships arrive less than 5 minutes before the beginning of the game, it is difficult for the director to then get the game started on time. We would suggest that one member of the partnership be there at least ten minutes before the game starts.
David Nelmark can now direct games and would like to send a survey about adding a night game. He would direct the night game and charge no director’s fees however the fee to play would be $10 per player. Mark Parsch is also taking classes to become a director.
The shuffling machine has been repaired and cost about $600 to repair. This was paid by the unit board.
Gregg and Nancy were notified by the ACBL that there were elevated point games recently. They have heard nothing more about any fines or whether points will need to be deducted. Gregg will send an email to all if there is a change to point totals.
A survey will also be taken to determine if the percentages should remain on the bridge pads during the sectional games.
The meeting adjourned at 5:28 pm with a motion by David and seconded by Brad.