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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

Old News Items
President's Letter - January, 2020

Education is an important goal for our unit. Thanks to Tom Olsson for running three mentoring games in November. The turnout was very impressive. Thank you to Penny Rittgers for serving as the head of the education committee – she has devoted a lot of time and effort to provide classes for newcomers, beginners and intermediates. She is retiring from that position and Bonni Newton will now head up the education committee. A class for beginners is being offered by Kathi Kellen and Earl Lemke. The class will run on Sunday afternoons from 2-4 pm at the bridge house, beginning January 19 and running through March 8. The cost is $20 for the 8-week class. Please contact Kathi if you or a friend is interested (phone 783-1011 or email kksbridge@yahoo.com). For intermediates, Rich Newell is resuming his Tuesday afternoon class on January 14.

Are you a budding teacher? Feel as though you missed your calling in life? We are interested in offering additional classes. Please check with Bonni Newton if there is a class that you would like to teach.

I hope that you have made plans to attend the upcoming sectional. It runs from January 9-12. We are hoping for good turnout for the Eight is Enough game on Thursday evening at 7, the pairs games on Friday and Saturday (10 am and 3 pm) and the stratiflighted Swiss Teams at 9:30 and 1:30 (optional lunch is at 1:00). I also hope that the weather cooperates this year!

Wishing you many great games in the New Year.

Carolyn Sabroske

Unit 216 President

                                                                                                             January, 2020


President's Letter - December, 2019

The holidays are coming up, so please mark your calendar for the holiday party on Friday, December 6. There will be a potluck dinner at 5:30, and a free game at approximately 6:15. The Unit will provide the main dish, and people whose last names begin with the letters A-M are asked to bring either a side dish or a dessert.  We hope to see you then.

Our first sectional of the year will run from January 9-12, 2020. Our schedule will remain the same as the past few years. Thursday evening at 7 pm will be the Eight is Enough Team game. No team can have over 8 points, and points are determined by the number of masterpoints each team member has. Anyone with 2,000 + points has a ranking of 3, 500-2,000 points ranks as a 2, and 0-500 is a 1. Please talk with Norma Comp if you need teammates. Friday and Saturday will be pair games at 10 am and 3 pm, with a newcomer game (up to 300 points) and an open game. There will be single session Swiss teams on Sunday at 9:30 am and 1:30 pm, with an optional lunch offered at approximately 1:00. The Swiss teams are stratiflighted, so if you and your teammates have under 1000 points, there is a separate flight from the A players. If you have any questions, please see John Melberg or Linda Johnson.

Suggestions are still being sought on how we can improve attendance at our sectionals. There is a yellow container on the table close to the director’s desk where you can submit your ideas for getting more people to participate. The Unit wants to work for you, so we need your ideas to make the sectionals more attractive to players.

Finally, we will be adding to the Saturday afternoon game a section exclusively for newer players. This will be for anyone who has between 0-199 masterpoints. Please check the Bridge House for additional information, as it becomes available. We hope that beginners whose spouses/friends work will invite other players to try out a weekend game.

Have a great holiday and many great bridge games!

Carolyn Sabroske

Unit 216 President

                                                                                                December, 2019

President's Letter - November, 2019

In October, elections were held for the Unit Board. Many thanks go to Irene Boyd and Denise Dornbier who both agreed to join the Board. We are reluctant to say farewell to Bill Wallace and Dee Wilson for helping out over the past three years for Bill and many, many years for Dee. Also, I am grateful for the remaining Unit Board members, Bonni Newton, Barb Maas, Sally Meixner, Carolyn Miller, Tom Olsson, Kate Reynolds and Kristin Welter. At our next meeting in early November, we will try to fill all of the remaining open seats on the board.

Unit 216 had a profitable year in 2019. Most of that is due to Nancy and Dee Wilson’s hard work in putting on a fantastic regional. We also made a profit on the four sectionals that were held (3 open sectionals and 1 Non-Life Master sectional). There has been a trend of declining attendance over the past few years, which leads me to think that we could make improvements to help stem the flow.

I would appreciate it if you would consider what we could do to improve the turnout. Here are some ideas that I have considered:

Changing the format of the games (should we eliminate the 8 is Enough game, or the Swiss Teams on Sunday?)

Switching the times back to 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm on Friday or Saturday?

Eliminating the Thursday evening game?

Maybe we have too many Sectionals and people are not interested in playing 3 – 4 times per year?

Please consider what you would like to see done, and let me know. I am available most Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at the bridge house, or you can call me at 515-201-2295 or email me at carolyn.sabroske@gmail.com.

I look forward to hearing from you.

See you at the table!

Carolyn Sabroske

Unit 216 President

                                                                                                                           November 2019

Some September, 2019 News

North American Pairs District Finals.
Congrats to Brad & Katie Albers for winning Flight C!
Also Gregg Walsh & Richard Freedman were 3rd in Flight A.


Congratulations to new Life Masters:
Nanette O'Reilly &
Denise Dornbier

Cornbelt Sectional

Here's the complete Cornbelt Sectional event winners:

Event Winners.

Toby & Rich once again scored most overall masterpoints:

Masterpoint Winners.

Gregg Walsh, John Gustafson, Pete Wityk and Richard Freedman were next best.

Here's all the Cornbelt Sectional results.

Evelyn Mintzer

Evelyn Mintzer had a stroke during Monday's bridge game. She is in ICU at a hospital.

UPDATE November 25th:

Ann & Tom have been reporting on steady progress by Evie. She will be doing some special therapy for her breathing in Omaha. She even told them this evening that she wants to play bridge again. We all look forward to that!

President's Letter - September, 2019

There is a lot going on at the Bridge House, which is exciting. First, we owe thanks to Kate Reynolds for organizing the Stars of Tomorrow sectional, which took place on August 17 – 18. This is a great way for non-life masters to earn the silver points that are necessary to reach life master, without having to play against more expert players.

Following closely will be the Cornbelt Sectional, which runs from September 12-15. There will a newer player pair events on Friday and Saturday, and open pair games at the same time. Thursday night will be the Eight is Enough Game, which will start at 7 pm. Sunday will feature single event Swiss teams at 9:30 and 1:30. This is stratiflighted, so if everyone on a team has fewer than 1,000 points, they will not be required to play in the open teams session.

A bonus for this tournament will be a brief lesson on Saturday, September 14 given by Rich Newell, which will focus on defense. This is free, and is open to anyone who is interested. It will start at 9:00 and will wrap up in time for people to buy entries to the pair games, which start at 10:00. We hope to see you playing at some or all of these games, as well as at Rich’s lesson.

Also coming this fall will be mentoring games. The scheduled dates are on Friday, September 6, 27, October 18 and November 7. Any player with fewer than 300 points is invited to have a mentor, and any player with more than 300 points we hope will volunteer to mentor. Sign-up sheets will be posted soon. Please consider volunteering to help newer players learn about basic bidding conventions, get some pointers for defense and become better acquainted with etiquette at the bridge table. Please talk to Tom Olsson or Kate Reynolds if you need more information.

Finally, in October the unit will hold elections for the Board. That will occur during the week of October 5 – 11. We need new faces on our Board, and I hope that you will consider running. We welcome nominations, but Bill Wallace and I will be recruiting new members in the next month. We will have a dinner on Friday, October 11, with the unit providing the main dish. Members whose last names begin with N-Z are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. There will be a free game, immediately after the general meeting.

Thanks to all of the people who are helping to keep the unit running, and to all of the players who are so eager to learn and enjoy this crazy game.

Carolyn Sabroske

Unit 216 President

                                                                                                                                                September, 2019

Council Bluffs Regional - 2019

Word is that Eugene Herman and Terry Brown won back-to-back Gold Rush Swiss Team events --- for 22 MPs.

Great job!

Also - I see Mr. Newell and Dr. White scored a 3rd place overall Friday for over 19 MPs.

President's Letter - August, 2019

It takes a lot of cooperation and time to run a successful Regional Tournament.

There are lots of people who need to be thanked. First and foremost, we have Nancy and Dee Wilson who chaired the tournament. They spent countless hours working with the Sheraton, arranging the set-up and break down, planning and executing delicious lunches everyday, and coordinating volunteers, among other things. In addition, their daughter Melissa was there every day to help them, and she doesn’t even play bridge.

That brings us to all of the volunteers who helped out. I will try not to forget anyone, so please remind me if I do.

Janice Kimm and Mary Lou Agocs handled partnerships, which included being at the partnership desk Monday through Saturday, morning to night.

Toby White gave an instructional lecture on No Trump, including sample hands, which were fascinating to bid and play. I learned a lot, and hope that you did too. Denise Dornbier and Becky Joseph took care of registration and getting everything organized for that event.

Rich Newell and Val Laing gave some great presentations on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Thank you to them and to Kate Reynolds who set these up, and publicized them. On a side note, Rich Newell was instrumental in setting up the playing schedule.

Newcomers were ably assisted by Bonni Newton who arranged the luncheon with Lois Kriebs. Bonni also provided cookies for the newcomers, a nice treat. Paul Spong and Bonni also gave lessons geared to the 0-200 players. Rose Legg and Robin Koger assisted in arranging partnerships for the newcomers. Rose incidentally made beautiful convention card holders that were sold during the tournament, so thanks for that additional help.

Bertie McKinley and Sally Nelson manned the registration desk the entire week, which was a big help.

In addition, there were many who helped prepare and serve the breakfast (Mike Smith), and the lunches, including Susan Seitz, and Barb and Bruce Martin. Thanks to everyone who played and helped to make this a fun tournament.

Carolyn Sabroske

Unit 216 President

                                                                                     August 2019

Recent Server Problems

This is the latest note from the BridgeWebs.Com folk:

We now believe the new server is working 99% as it was before the crash and you should now be able to access Bridgewebs as you did before.

We are continuing to monitor emails and logs to return to 100% as soon as possible. We also have to complete some housekeeping, which shouldn't affect the site. If you believe there is still an ouststanding issue, please let us know. This server is 50% more powerful than the last server and we are hoping we can now have another long period of reliable and stable performance. 

The move to a new server was forced on us by an issue with the Server crashing on May 21st and subsequently on 23rd May and an urgent recommendation to switch to a new server as soon as possible. We have been working on the new server ever since then and all last week ready to go live on Monday morning June 3rd. Unfortunately, there was another issue on June 1st that prevented us moving over as smoothly as we had planned. We have been updating the Forum and updating the Web Admin message regularly since. Some services on the server were also lost. Our top priority was to get the new server up and running as soon as possible.

In particular, we found an issue with  uploads from Scorebridge and this is now working.

We have now found that 2 security certificates pointing to the same site is not easily accomplished, so we have switched all secure access back to https://www.bridgewebs.com. Please ignore www.bridgwebs.org. This wasn't the plan, the failure of the updates at the hosting company at the weekend meant that we had to switch the domains over manually and use bridgewebs.org until bridgewebs.com had propagated around the world. Last Friday we had planned and expected a seamless instant switchover.

Please return to using https://www.bridgewebs.com/......

We are also switching the development/backup server to a new faster server. The weekly and monthly backups will be available on that to provide increased resilience.

2018 Ace of Clubs & Mini-McKenney Award Winners

Medallion Party

Saturday, June 1

Potluck at 11:30

Game at 12:30

Unit will provide the main dish

Last names A-M, please bring a side dish or dessert

Come Celebrate the 2018 Winners of the Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKenney Races

Questions please see Sally Meixner

Congratulations to the

Ace Of Clubs Winners for 2018

0-5 Masterpoints

Kathryn Kunert

Beth Scoles

Marilyn Coonley

5-20 Masterpoints

Cindy Sue Bunge

Kathleen Lillis

Laura Mirsky

20-50 Masterpoints

Steve Whitaker

Ewa Pratt

Kaye Lozier

50-100 Masterpoints

Roberta Riddle

Larry Cupp

Rhonda McCoy

100-200 Masterpoints

Barb Covert

Bill Stork

Denise Dornbier

200-300 Masterpoints

Becky Joseph

Philip Hayne

Nannette O’Reilly

300-500 Masterpoints

Betty Torgerson

Jon Hoy

Carolyn Sabroske

500-1000 Masterpoints

Jean Friedrich

Kristin Welter

Rick Hendryx

1000-1500 Masterpoints

Iola Aldrich

Janice Kimm

Lester Cadwell

1500-2500 Masterpoints

Carolyn Miller

Frances Logsdon

Joann McDonald

2500-3500 Masterpoints

Tom Olsson

Douglas Stark

Jim McGinn

3500-5000 Masterpoints

Toby White

Pat Holt

Al Mintzer

5000-7500 Masterpoints

Peter Wityk

Jim Swanson

Ray Schoenrock

7500-10000 Masterpoints

David Stark

10,000 Plus Masterpoints

John Gustafson

Valerie Laing

G M Prabhu

Congratulations to the Mini-McKenney Winners for 2018

0-5 Masterpoints

Kathryn Kunert

Beth Scoles

Marilyn Coonley

5-20 Masterpoints

Laura Mirsky

Cindy Sue Bunge

Saul Mirsky

20-50 Masterpoints

Steve Whitaker

Ewa Pratt

Joanne Emery

50-100 Masterpoints

David Nelmark

Roberta Riddle

Rhonda McCoy

100-200 Masterpoints

Denise Dornbier

Barb Covert

James Graves

200-300 Masterpoints

Becky Joseph

Brad Albers

Nannette O’Reilly

300-500 Masterpoints

Betty Torgerson

Sally Meixner

Carolyn Sabroske

500-1000 Masterpoints

Jean Friedrich

Richard Kelly

Kristin Welter

1000-1500 Masterpoints

Iola Aldrich

Sally Nelson

Janice Kimm

1500-2500 Masterpoints

Carolyn Miller

Joann McDonald

Ron Stein

2500-3500 Masterpoints

Tom Olsson

Ann Olsson

Douglas Stark

3500-5000 Masterpoints

Toby White

Al Mintzer

Pat Holt

5000-7500 Masterpoints

Peter Wityk

Richard Newell

Ray Schoenrock

7500-10000 Masterpoints

David Stark

10,000 Plus Masterpoints

John Gustafson

Valerie Laing

G M Prabhu

President's Letter - June, 2019

It is great to have all of our snowbirds back! And, wow, can we ever use your help!

We have two special events coming up quickly. On June 1, we will honor the Ace of Club and Mini-McKenney Race winners. The list is now posted at the bridge center. We will have a free lunch on Saturday, at 11:30, with the unit providing the main dish. We do ask that everyone whose last names begin with the letters A-M, please supply a side dish, salad or dessert. Then there will be a game at 12:30. I hope that you will come out to congratulate the winners.

Then, July is our biennial regional. It will run from July 1-7, at the West Des Moines Sheraton. We will have three sessions of games on Tuesday, July 2 – Saturday, July 6. There will be two games on Monday, July 1 and Swiss Teams on Sunday, July 7. There are lots of opportunities to earn the coveted gold points.

But wait, that is not all! On Monday morning before the games begin, Toby White will be presenting a workshop on No Trump. We want to attract duplicate and non-duplicate bridge players, so please let your friends know about this. There is a fee for the class, and you are asked to pre-register. Please check with Nancy Wilson if you have any questions.

So, where do the volunteer opportunities lie? All over. A giant poster has been strategically placed in the bridge house. You can help with registration, with food before the games begin or with hospitality after the last game of the day (running approximately from 10:30 pm – midnight). If that doesn’t work for you, perhaps you could help out the decorating before the games start, help out taking pictures of our winners or assist in tear down when the festivities end.

This is our only time to win a lot of gold and red points without having to travel, and it only comes every two years. We hope that you will support Unit 216 by helping with the tournament and playing at the tournament.

See you at the table,

Carolyn Sabroske

Unit 216 President

                                                                                                June 2019

Nancy Wittwer

I was saddened to hear Nancy Wittwer suffered a stroke recently. I'm not sure I know anyone outside our unit who loves the game of bridge as much as she. I can't recall a sectional in our unit that she hasn't attended. I wish her the best and a speedy recovery.

Update May 6th: She was back playing bridge in Wichita this last weekend!

Spring Festival Sectional - April, 2019



Richard Newell andToby White

31.81 MPs each!


Eight Is Enough Swiss Teams:

Richard Newell
Toby White
Phillip Hayne
Brad Albers


Morning Stratified Pairs:

A - Rich Newell & Toby White
B - Debra Tvrdik & Lynda Peterson
C - Irene Boyd & Carolyn Sabroske
New - Bonnie & Don Orris

Afternoon Stratified Pairs:

A/B - Jean Friedrich & Janice Kimm
C - Gerry & Brenda Oliphant
New - Patricia Boe & Maureen Busta


Morning Stratified Pairs:

A - Rich Newell & Toby White
B - Holly Lawyer & Bonni Newton
C - Robert Klare & Janice Strop
New - Bonni Orris & Kathy Shriver

Afternoon Stratified Pairs:

A - Bill Kent & Doug Stark
B - John Swartz & Bob Solar
C - Tracey Ball & Philip Hayne
New - Ewa Pratt & Laura Mirsky


Morning Swiss Teams:

A - Toby White, Rich Newell, Gregg Walsh, & Richard Freedman
BCD - Steve Whitaker, Denise Dornbier, Rebecca Joseph, & Nathan Pike

Afternoon Swiss Teams:

A - Toby White, Rich Newell, Gregg Walsh, & Richard Freedman
BCD - Richard Kelly, Linda Kelly, Tracey Ball, & Bruce Pattison


NOTE: Results on the web site are messed up somewhat as the date/time stamps of files conflcted with actual play dates.

President's Letter - April, 2019

There are several special events coming up in the next few months. First, there is the Spring Festival the first weekend of April. On Thursday evening, we will have Eight is Enough at 7 pm. Friday and Saturday at 10 and 3, there will be open pair events along with newcomer events (please check the stratification of the newcomer events, as they have changed to better reflect the players who participate in these games). Finally on Sunday, there will be two Swiss team games at 9:30 and 1:30 with an optional lunch between games. Since we have two completely separate games, the point awards are higher than for all-day Swiss teams. If you have any questions, please see either Nannette O’Reilly or John Melberg. If you need help finding a partner, please contact Brenda Oliphant (500 points +) and Mark Davis (under 500 points). I hope to see many of you there.

In May the Grand National Team District Finals will be held at the Bridge Center. This is your opportunity to play locally and qualify to win money to play at this summer’s Las Vegas NABC tournament. Please see the Unit 216 website for the flyer, with details on times, stratifications and fees. This is something that you must have qualified for over the past year. You can find your qualifications on the ACBL website.

Finally, in June we have the medallion party, where we celebrate the top three finishers in our local Ace of Clubs and McKenney races. This will take place on Saturday June 1, during the regular Saturday game. There will be lunch, with the unit providing the main course and the remainder of the lunch being a potluck. We hope that you will make plans to attend this fun event.

Thanks to all who are planning on participating in these events. We hope that you will find them rewarding.

See you at the table,

Carolyn Sabroske

Unit 216 President

                                                                                                              April 2019

Fred Hubbell

Wishing Charlotte and Fred Hubbell all the best and a speedy recovery.

Holiday Sectional
Holiday Sectional

Repeating last Spring's Sectional dominance, Dr. John wins most masterpoints once again!

Here's the full list of Holiday Sectional Masterpoint Winners.

Marshall Duplicate Bridge Club

The new location for the Marshall Duplicate Bridge Club of Marshalltown is :

Glenwood Place Retirement Community and Assisted Living

2907 South 6th Street

Marshalltown, Iowa 50158

Our weekly open game begins at 6 p.m. Wednesday.


Larry D Park

Marshall Duplicate Bridge Club #141317

Club Director


Parking Concerns at Bridge Center


Parking is not allowed behind the Bridge Center.

Note from Cobblestone Property Management

Council Bluffs Regional

Congratulations to Valerie Laing and Dave Stark who scored over 60 masterpoints at the regional in Council Bluffs held October 22-28, 2018.

New Unit Board Members

From the election held October 19th, 2018, new unit board members are:

Barb Maas
Tom Olsson
Sally Meixner
Kristin Welter

Departing are:

Kate Reynolds
Rich Newell
Margie Brennan
Penny Rittgers

Cornbelt Overall Winners

Congrats to Toby and Rich. They did it again.

Cornbelt Masterpoint Winners



Seen at the Iowa Gold NLM Regional

Photos taken by Kate Reynolds:

Iowa Gold NLM Regional Winners

Congratulations to Becky Joseph and Denise Dombier who amassed the most masterpoints at this weekend's Iowa Gold NLM Regional.

Here is the complete list of Masterpoint Winners.

Marshalltown DBC Relocated

Due to the tornado that hit Marshalltown on July 19, the Marshall Duplicate Bridge Club has relocated to the Fisher Community Center, 709 South Center Street in Marshalltown.  The Marshalltown Club was playing their weekly Wednesday game in the Marshalltown Senior Center whose roof was severely damaged by the tornado.  The club’s supplies were not damaged and were removed from a closet in the Senior Citizen’s Center on July 23 by club members Mel Dostal, Bill Hobson, Larry Park and Paul Rober.  None of the club members were injured in the storm and only slight property damage was reported.

The Marshall Duplicate Bridge Club meets:

Fisher Community Center

709 South Center Street

Marshalltown, IA 50158

Open game Wednesday 6 p.m.

--- Larry Park, Club Director

The Longest Day

On Friday, June 22nd, the unit had "The Longest Day" in support of Alzheimer's.
There were many games run throughout the day. Nancy Wilson chaired it.

Schedule of the Longest Day events.

Smoking in Cobblestone

Please read this notice from our landlords: Schoenauer Property Management notice.

Toby & Rich - Minnesota Regional - May, 2018
Toby & Rich - Minnesota Regional - May, 2018

Toby & Rich just won THREE open pair events in a row (30+ masterpoints for EACH) at the Minnesota Regional.

Photo shows Rich & Toby holding the Larry Oakey Trophy for winning the Thursday game.

That wasn't good enough. They went on to win Friday's Open Pairs event and then Saturday's.

Picture was shared by Rich's dad & sister on Facebook (rightly proud).

Super impressive!!

2017 Ace of Clubs & Mini-McKenney Winners

Congratulations to the Mini-McKenney Winners for 2017


Steve Whitaker

Bill Lackermann

Karen Cordes


Ewa Pratt

Mike Murphy

David Grace


Bobbie Riddle

Dana Terndrup

Rhonda McCoy


Nathan Pike

Katie Albers

Barb Covert


Brad Albers

Becky Joseph

Philip Hayne


Sally Meixner

John Melberg

Liz Rosenthal


Kristin Welter

Carolyn Sabroske

Betty Torgerson


Richard Kelly

Rick Hendryx

Birdie McKinley


Sally Nelson

Rae Gene Burger

Iola Aldrich

1500- 2000

Bud Stowe

Brian Kelly

Ron Stein


Tom Olsson

Ann Olsson

Judy Wolf


Toby White

Rich Newell

Jessie Chance


Pete Wityk

Ray Schoenrock

David Stark

10,000 +

John Gustafson

Val Laing

G. M. Prabhu

Congratulations to the

Ace Of Clubs Winners for 2017


Steve Whitaker

Bill Lackermann

Karen Cordes


Mike Murphy

David Grace

Ewa Pratt


Bobbie Riddle

Rhonda McCoy

Dana Terndrup


Nathan Pike

Barbara Covert

Bruce Heilman


Becky Joseph

Philip Hayne

Brad Albers


Sally Meixner

John Melberg

Penny Rittgers


Kristin Welter

Carolyn Sabroske

Betty Torgerson


Rick Hendryx

Richard Kelly

Shirley Krentz


Sally Nelson

Rae Gene Burger

Iola Aldrich


Bud Stowe

Ron Stein

Carolyn Miller


Kay Stowe

Tom Olsson

Pat Holt


Toby White

Jessie Chance

Sandy Swanson


Ray Schoenrock

Pete Wityk

Jim Swanson

10000 +

John Gustafson

Val Laing

G. M. Prabhu

Spring Festival Sectional
Spring Festival Sectional

Congratulations to Dr. John Gustafson who amassed the most points at the Spring Festival Sectional.

Complete list of Spring Festival Masterpoint Winners.



Harry & Terry Swanson
Harry & Terry Swanson

Congratulations to Harry & Terry Swanson who were inducted April 17th into the Iowa Volunteer Hall of Fame!
Above they are joined by daughters Anna and Amy.

Colleagues at the FreeStore nominated Harry & Terry Swanson for a volunteer award for their work at the FreeStore.  The FreeStore is one of the Bridge Center's frequent charity recepients helping (mainly) children and families hurt by domestic violence.

They have been elected for the Iowa Volunteer Hall of Fame award, the winners were announced April 17th in the Capitol.

Here's a link to the nominees for the 2018 award:

Volunteer Hall of Fame 2018: People's Choice Award

Pete’s 70!!
Pete’s 70!!

Saturday, March 10th, Pete Wityk turned 70.

Groundhog Ladies
Groundhog Ladies

Susan Furtwangler, Jill Southworth, and Diane Sweet have February 2nd birthday.

Jan Thurow's Birthday Cake
Jan Thurow's Birthday Cake

We're fortunate to get such great goodies on birthdays!

January 4th-7th, 2018 --- The Hawkeye Holiday Sectional.

Gregg Walsh chair.

Now was Toby White on fire or what?
Toby won two individual events outright, and runner-up in another.
He was on the winning team in both team events.

Complete list of masterpoint winners

Stars of Tomorrow Winners


Sunday Swiss Teams: Mark Wellman, Phil Hayne, Brad & Katie Albers  

Saturday 3pm Stratified Pairs: Susan Furtwangler & Nannette O'Reilly

Saturday 10am Stratified Pairs: Roberta Ann Riddle & Diane Sweet

See Results for complete details.

Susie Thompson makes Life Master

Congratulations to Susie Thompson who made Life Master after winning Gold Rush Pairs at the Holiday Regional.

Susie Thompson makes Life Master
New Life Masters - Claudia & Marilyn

Congrations to Claudia Beckman and Marilyn Jones who are new Life Masters.

New Life Masters - Claudia & Marilyn

Great job Brad & Katie AlbersKristin Welter, and Betty Torgeson on winning (getting 15 GPs, and earning $2,000 towards trip to Toronto) the Grand National Teams.