u3a Online Duplicate Bridge Group
Learn, laugh, live - Play Bridge!
Release 2.19r
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Sessions now running every alternate Tuesday and Thursday at 10am

Welcome to u3a Online Duplicate Bridge Group
***** STOP PRESS *****

u3a Spring Charity Bridge Event

Our regular Tuesday 10am session on Tuesday 25th March will be held as part of annual u3a Spring Charity Bridge Event! So if you want to be part of the event there is no need for you to sign up individually - just turn up at the regular session as usual and your results will be entered into the competition.

The event organiser will prepare a set of hands for us which we will load into our RealBridge session. We will send our results to the organiser who will collate our results with those of others who have entered and played the same set of hands over the week of the competition. When the competition is over a final results table will be produced including everyone who has played in the event.

This years charity is MacMillan Cancer Support and if you do play in the event it is hoped that you will make a contribution to the charity. Details of how to make the payment to follow,

Further details about the event can be found here.

Duplicate Bridge Tactics For Intermediate Players

I am running a u3a online zoom event for duplicate bridge players to help improve tactics and help beginners/intermediate players to improve their game and move up that results table! It will be held at 10am on Friday 11th April

Watch this space for further details and how to register for this event .

Hope to see you there.



Who Are we?
Who Are we?

We are a national u3a interest group hosted by Havant u3a providing members with the opportunity to play duplicate bridge online in a friendly and relaxed environment – Learn, Laugh, Live.

Is This For Me?
Is This For Me?

If you have completed a bridge course or have 2 or three years experience of playing either rubber or duplicate bridge then yes it is. The group is aimed at intermediate players who wish to play competitive bridge for fun.

Please note that we will aim to play at least 12 hands per session at a pace of about 8-10 minutes per hand so the sessions will run for about 2 hours and if you start you will be expected to complete the session. This is actually quite relaxed for a duplicate bridge session. If you feel this might be too much you may wish to consider joining a local social/rubber bridge group as a more suitable environment to play bridge.

While playing bridge provides an opportunity to consolidate and learn please note that this group is focused on playing rather than providing a structured learning experience.

If you are a beginner or returner to bridge and would like to participate in a bridge training course please contact the u3a Bridge Group at https://www.bridgewebs.com/u3abridgegroup/

Can I Try Out the Sessions Before Joining?
Can I Try Out the Sessions Before Joining?

Yes – we offer two free sessions to see if the sessions are for you after which you will need to join as detailed below.

If you wish to try out a session please contact us via the Contact page, 

You can find an introduction to how RealBridge works here and Realbridge run weekly supervised introductory sessions to give you a feel of what to expect and ensure that the equipment you intend to use is fit or purpose - see here

The Sessions
The Sessions
  1. We will run 1 session per week every Tuesday at 10am. We may increase the number of sessions depending on demand.

  2. If you can find a regular partner that’s great but if you join a session we will find you a partner on the day

  3. We will aim to play 12-16 hands per sessions but we may increase the number of hands based on feedback from our members.

  4. The results of each session will be loaded onto our Bridgewebs website where you will be able to see how you did and have the opportunity to analyse the hands you played.

  5. A Director and deputy Director will be on hand to answer any questions and keep the session flowing.

  6. This is a friendly (but competitive) session and we expect everyone to be courteous and helpful before, during and after play.

What Does It Cost?
What Does It Cost?

In order to minimise administration we will charge an annual subscription fee aligned to the Havant u3a annual subscription which runs 1st September to 31st August. This subscription covers

  1. Annual associate membership fee for Havant u3a of £12 per year. Full members of Havant u3a are exempt from this fee.  
  2. Fee to cover online bridge sessions (Realbridge charge 36p per seat per session) and to cover the costs of this BridgeWebs site used to display our session results. The charge for this is £10 per year for members who can only play half the sessions and £20 per year for members who wish to play in every session.
The Technical Stuff
The Technical Stuff

As this is an online group you will be expected to have basic IT skills and access to a suitable internet connected device. The main applications required to participate in the group are an email client and a web browser.

The bridge sessions will be run on the Realbridge platform (see https://realbridge.online). The playing area includes video and audio so you will need a device with a reasonable internet connection and a device with video and audio. 

The device you use will also need to have a reasonable screen size. PCs, macs and laptop should be fine. Larger tablets may be ok but smaller devices and mobile phones will not be suitable.

Duplicate results will be hosted on our Bridgewebs which will also act as our club website.

Communications will be handled by the Havant u3a Beacon system provided as part of your Havant u3a membership. Beacon will provide us with a secure membership database and GDPR compliant comms. 


For more information get in touch by completing the Contact Us form from the main menu. 

Progress To Date

Our group is now up and running...Welcome to the u3a National Online Duplicate Bridge Group hosted by Havant u3a.

To Do/Done

To Do:

  1. Play bridge!


  1. Apply for the group to be setup by Havant u3a.
  2. Apply and setup  for the group to be setup as a Realbridge
  3. Complete Director's course
  4. Start Bridgewebs trial
11th March 2025
Weekly Tuesday Session
Director: Chris
Scorer: Chris
 RealBridge Login
18th March 2025
Weekly Tuesday Session
Director: Chris
Scorer: Chris
 RealBridge Login
25th March 2025
Weekly Tuesday Session - u3a Annual Charity Bridge Event
Director: Chris
Scorer: Chris
 RealBridge Login
Weekly Tuesday Session
Director: Chris
Scorer: Chris
Weekly Tuesday Session
Director: Chris
Scorer: Chris
Weekly Tuesday Session
Director: Chris
Scorer: Chris