News-sheet - January 2025
Hello u3a Bridge Players,
It’s that time of year again and we hope you and (some of) your Bridge group would like to play in the fourth u3a Annual Charity Bridge Festival. As before, we aim to provide something for everyone and players can either play 'offline' at their local venue on their regular day, online or even at home.
More information about the 2025 Festival can be found on the u3a Bridge website together with a comprehensive FAQs page
If you’re too busy yourself to take this forward, perhaps someone else would be willing to organise it for you, with a bit of help from us? It isn’t a lot of work and registration is already open here.
If your group prefers to play together “live” at your usual venue, on your usual day(s), it’s easy. You’ll need a minimum of 2 tables and someone to deal the cards in advance – preferably someone who won’t be playing otherwise they’ll have an advantage – but it’s up to you. If you’re unsure about “movements” please contact us, so that we can help.
The only differences between Duplicate Bridge and other forms is that everyone plays the same hands and the scoring is different. It’s still challenging and just as much fun!
The online platforms are Bridge Club Live (BCL) and RealBridge.
The BCL platform needs a minimum of 3 tables and the RealBridge platform 2 tables.
Our innovative scoring system allows everyone’s scores to be integrated, enabling the names of the overall national winners to be published each day.
As before, each game will be supported with a full set of professional commentaries, enabling players to review the play and improve their game.
We were delighted that so many members played in our four previous Charity Bridge Festivals, generously raising over £ 5,000 which benefited age-related charities such as Age UK, Alzheimer’s Research, Kidney Research, Parkinson’s UK and Cruse (Bereavement Support). This year's charity is MacMillan Cancer Support.
A second Newssheet will be sent at the end of February with full details of the Bridge Festival. If you’re not interested, please let us know if you don’t wish to receive this.
Even if you or your Members were unable to join us last spring, we very much hope you’ll join us this year.
We hope you enjoy playing in this year's Bridge Festival,
Steve Carter and the Bridge Festival Team.
Hello u3a Bridge Players,
This is the second and last Newssheet before the Bridge Festival begins on April 8th. Newssheet 1 can be found on our website.
Registration is open until 1 April at Register here
However, please register as soon as possible, so that the most popular dates/days/times can be identified
If you are an online individual player, please nominate your preferred playing day(s) which will be confirmed after 1 April.
Playing platforms:
Offline: at your regular meeting venue, in members’ homes, or your own game at home. 24 dealt hands will be sent by Ecats to your nominated non-playing Coordinator, who’ll then decide how many hands you’ll play to meet your meeting time. The recommended minimum is 18 boards. Please play them in consecutive order for scoring reasons. Please provide the name, phone number and email address of the person who will be setting up your boards, along with the time and date on which you’ll be playing (which may be at any time during the 5 day Festival), to
Online: Bridge Base Online (BBO), Bridge Club Live (BCL) and RealBridge. The boards will be changed each day. Please refrain from playing more than once a day, in the spirit of the u3a Bridge Festival. The number of boards will, as usual, depend on the number of players and the movement – ie Howell, Mitchell.
Scoring: Your last game must end before 10pm on 12 April 2024.
Manual Scoring: Please enter the scores into EBUScore or ScoreBridge, so that your scores can be included in the national results. Further information on uploading the scores to ECatsBridge is available here
Electronic scoring: Please extract the xml file and send in the results; further details are available here
Results and commentaries: Will be available the following day here.
Cost: As this is a Charity event, a minimum of £3 per session is recommended. This will cover the administrative cost (EcatsBridge) and the surplus will be divided equally between this year's charities; Parkinson's UK and Cruse (bereavement support). If you’re able to pay a little more, that would be very welcome.
Offline: Please would the Co-ordinator collect the fees and donations and send as one payment
Online: Each individual player is asked to pay direct to EcatsBridge using BACS.
Payment details will be sent to all players after the event.
For up-to-date news of the Bridge Festival and general u3a Bridge news visit here or our FAQs
Never played online before? - For a free 14-day supported trial on BridgeClubLive (BCL), contact, Pam will also try to match a partner for you.
Any questions? Please check our FAQs first, then contact your Regional Bridge Coordinator:
What next? Unexpected things are bound to happen! If so, please let us know about them for the website. If you’re able to take photos of your members playing face-to-face during the Festival, please send them to Steve at Verbal permission will be required from everyone in the photo(s).
We hope you enjoy playing in this year's Bridge Festival,
Steve Carter and the Bridge Festival Team.
News-sheet 1 - February 2024
We were delighted that so many members played in our 2023 Charity Bridge Festival, generously raising over £2,000 which was shared equally between Age UK and Alzheimer's Research. This year's charities will be Parkinson's UK and Cruse (Bereavement support).
This year's festival will be from 8 to 12 April inclusive, and we hope you and (some of) your group would like to join us.
As before, we aim to provide 'something for everyone' and players will be able to play in person at their local venue on their regular day, or at home, or online.
This year's online platforms are Bridge Base Online (BBO), Bridge Club Live (BCL) and RealBridge.
Details of the 2024 Festival can be found on the u3a Bridge Group website together with a comprehensive FAQs page.
The Bridge Festival’s innovative scoring system enables the scores of those playing offline to be integrated with those of online players and the names of the overall national winners to be published each day.
Each game will be supported with a full set of professional commentaries, enabling players to review play and improve their game.
Even if you/your Members were unable to join us last Spring, we very much hope you’ll be able to do so this April.
Since we last contacted you we have been busy setting-up an online Beginners' Bridge course and have recruited over 30 students and 6 teachers. The application list is now closed for this tranche of students but we hope to make it available to new students later in the year.
The intention is not only to repeat this course but to put together a set of teaching resources for other teachers to use. We have already started on this venture by adding to our resources page.
A spin-off from the promotion campaign is the interest in a ‘Returners' Bridge course / opportunity to play online and we have set in motion a 'sign-up' sheet here. If you have any u3a members who could possibly benefit from such a course then please encourage them to sign up.
Enjoy your Bridge,
Steve Carter and the Bridge Festival Team.
u3a Bridge Network Newsletter – 3Q 2023
You are receiving this newsletter because you either ‘signed-up’ to our national Bridge mailing list, participated in our annual Charity Bridge Festivals or have shown interest in our future Teaching programme.
In May of this year we held our second annual Charity Bridge Festival, The first Festival coincided with the u3a’s 40th Anniversary in September 2022 and we raised over £1,000 for a variety of national and local charities. In 2023 we doubled that figure to £2,272 split between Alzheimer's Research UK and Age UK.
For further details see 2023 Spring Charity Bridge Festival
Both events were hosted on the ECatsBridge platform which enabled u3a Bridge players from across our four nations to compete and score nationally as well as locally.
We will again be having a Spring Charity Bridge Festival in 2024, starting w/c 8th April – so please make a diary note for next year. We have a general information page at 2024 Spring Charity Bridge Festival and the entry form page will be available about 6 weeks before the Festival.
As the national Subject Adviser for Bridge, I’m keen to encourage more u3a members to learn to play Bridge. With that in mind, we are recruiting both Teachers/Helpers as well as potential students to prepare for online lessons in 4Q 2023 with the objective of starting full lessons in 1Q 2024.
If you or any of your colleagues would like to assist in presenting a teaching course, then please sign-up to a no-obligation information session.
Alternately, you may know of some members in your own u3a who would like to learn Bridge.
Either way, please use one of the ‘sign-up’ forms at u3a Beginners Bridge lessons
Whilst this next item is not strictly a u3a-endorsed activity, perhaps I can bring to your attention the opportunity of playing in the Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs starting next week – 6th November – further information at ECatsBridge
If there is anything you’d like to share with the rest of the u3a bridge-playing community then please drop it on an email to me and I’ll include it in the next newsletter.
Best regards,
Steve Carter
u3a Bridge Subject Adviser
2023 Spring Charity Bridge Festival
Photographs taken during the 2023 Bridge Festival
Cirencester Bridge Group
Belfast Bridge Group
Follow-up email - 29 May 2023
We hope you enjoyed playing in our 2nd annual Bridge Festival.
The majority of the Festival results are now available here:
We are, however, expecting a couple of revisions over the next day or so.
The commentaries are available on the same page; I would certainly recommend that you review these as an excellent self-learning tool to see how the professionals would have bid and played the game.
Many of you have already paid in your donation, but if you have yet to do so, could you please refer to the guidance notes at the bottom of this page:
We hope to repeat the Festival at about the same time next year, but in the meantime please sign-up at
to be kept informed of the latest news from the u3a national bridge team.
We look forward to meeting you all again at our 3rd Annual Bridge Festival.
Best regards,
Steve Carter and the Bridge Festival Team
News-sheet 3 - May 2023
Hello u3a Bridge Players,
This is the third News-sheet and the last before the u3a 2023 Bridge Charity Festival begins. News-sheets 1 and 2 containing other preliminary information can be found on the website.
Registration is open until 15th May at Register here
If you are playing offline as a u3a Bridge Group or online at BBO, BCL or RealBridge, then the hands will be automatically sent to your nominated Card Handler.
If you are an online individual player, please nominate your preferred playing day(s) which will be confirmed after 15th May.
Scoring: Your last game must end before 10pm on 26 May 2023.
Manual Scoring: Please enter the scores into EBUScore or ScoreBridge, so that your scores can be included in the national results. Further information on uploading the scores to ECatsBridge is available here:
Electronic scoring: Please extract the xml file and send in the results; further details are available using this link:
Results and commentaries: Will be available the following day at this link
To try playing online: For a free 14-day trial on Bridge Club Live, contact
Further details as to how to pay will be sent to all participants.
Up-to-date news of the Bridge Festival and general u3a Bridge news please click here:
FAQs: For more general information click: here
What next?
Joanne Smith, the Editor of TAM (Third Age Matters) Magazine has requested that clubs playing Face-to-Face Bridge during the Festival send in photographs of the event.
(Verbal) Permission will be required of all participants; please send to
We hope you enjoy playing in the Bridge Festival; please spread the word to your u3a Bridge-playing friends so that they can also enjoy the Bridge.
Enjoy your Bridge,
Steve Carter and the Bridge Festival Team.
News-sheet 2 - March 2023
The u3a Spring Charity Bridge Festival will soon be here. This second News-sheet is to bring you up to date, invite you to talk to your groups and start registering to play; there’s something for everyone. Some players have already registered, which is good news!
Registration is open until 15th May at Register for the Festival
If you are playing Offline at your regular meeting venue, in members’ homes, or your own game at home. 24 hands will be sent to your nominated non-playing Co-ordinator and you can play any number of boards to suit your meeting time (recommended minimum is 18 boards). Please provide the name, phone number and email address of the person who will be setting up your boards, along with the date on which you’ll be playing (which may be at any day during the 5-day Festival).
If you are playing Online at Bridge Base Online (BBO), Bridge Club Live (BCL), RealBridge, IntoBridge and StepBridge, the boards will change each day. Please refrain from playing more than once a day in the spirit of the u3a Bridge Festival .Your last game must end before 10pm on 26 May 2023. The number of boards will, as usual, depend on the number of players and the movement – ie Howell, Mitchell. Up to 24 hands will be available.
If you use Manual Scoring then please enter the scores into EBUScore or ScoreBridge before 10.00pm each day, so that your scores can be included in the national results. Further information on uploading the scores to ECatsBridge is available here.
If you use electronic scoring. please extract the xml file and send in the results; further (sample) details are available using this link scoring
Results and commentaries: These will be available on the following day.
Try playing online: If you would like a free 14-day trial on Bridge Club Live, contact - one of our Regional Bridge Co-ordinators.
Cost: The recommended minimum charity donation is £3 per session, but contributions above this would be greatly appreciated. This covers the administrative costs of the event (50p plus VAT); the balance to be divided equally between this year’s charities Alzheimer's Research and AgeUK.
For Offline play, would the Coordinator please collect the fees and donations and send in as one payment.
For Online play, each individual player is asked to pay directly using BACS etc..
Further details as to how to pay will be sent to all participants.
For up-to-date news of the Bridge Festival and general u3a Bridge news visit here or our FAQ's
Help Line: Pam Rayment
What next? Unexpected things are bound to happen – they always do! Please send your stories and photos to Pam Rayment, so we can share them after the event.
Enjoy your Bridge,
A further news-sheet will be issued before May’s Bridge Festival, providing full details of how to join in the fun.
Steve Carter and the Bridge Festival Team.
QUARTERLY EMAILS (to Chairs, Secretaries and Treasurers - circulation approx. 2,600)
February 2023
News-sheet 1 - February 2023
Following the success of our inaugural Bridge Festival celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the movement in September 2022, a second festival will take place during the week 22-26 May 2023. It’s earlier in the year, so we can all enjoy the Summer!
We were delighted that over 500 u3a members, from across the country, played in our first Festival and this year we hope to easily top that number.
The Bridge Festival’s innovative scoring system worked well, whereby those playing ‘offline’ could submit their results to be integrated with those received electronically, enabling overall national winners to be identified each day. Each session is supported with a full set of professional commentaries enabling players to improve their game.
As before, players will be able to play at their local venue on their regular day, or at home, or online. The four online platforms are Bridge Base Online, Bridge Club Live, RealBridge or StepBridge.
If you/your Members were unable to join us last September, we very much hope you’ll be able to do so in May. To this end, please would you consider nominating an alternative contact should unforeseen circumstances arise?
If any of your Members would like a free 14-day online trial on Bridge Club LIve, without obligation, please let us know. They don’t need to bring a partner and our Regional Bridge Contacts will provide help and support.
After the 14-day trial, there are lots of other opportunities to engage with other u3a members and join in Supervised Practice sessions on Mondays. More confident players who’d like to progress to Duplicate are invited to play online on Tuesday mornings. And u3a Club Night on Thursday evenings has been running successfully since September 2022 – you’re very welcome to join us.
Details of our u3a 40th Anniversary Festival are still available on the u3a Bridge Group website at:
Last September, a fantastic £1,000 was raised for charity, thanks to your generosity, so let’s see if we can raise even more for this year’s nominated charities - Alzheimer's Research and AgeUK.
This snippet from the EBU website may raise a smile:
1. Bridge is an endlessly fascinating game, easy to learn but also mentally challenging to play at the highest level. It is played with 52 cards dealt into 4 hands, and every hand is different; you will almost certainly never see the exact same deal in your lifetime (there are 53,644,737,765,488,792,839,237,440,000 possible deals, if you are mathematically curious).
Two more news-sheets will be issued before May’s Bridge Festival, providing full details of how to join in the fun.
40th Anniversary Charity Bridge Festival
Bulletin4- October 2022
Hello Bridge Players,
Our First national Bridge Festival is over and we hope those of you who played in it enjoyed it as much as we did.
This is Bulletin 4, to follow up and confirm where you can find the results and professional commentaries on how the hands should have been played. Please click here ECatsBridge - Results
500+ Players took part from as far north as Inverness, Kingsbury Estuary in the south, Upper Bann in the west and Stour Valley in the east.
Congratulations to the 5 pairs who came first during the week:
Eileen Williams & Linda Mcmillan - u3a Bridge Group, England
Mary Marshall & David Marshall - Ashbourne u3a, England
Don Pilbeam & Jane Pilbeam - Witney u3a, England
Babs Bensley & Marilyn Pascoe - u3a Bridge Group, England
John Carroll & Vivienne Carroll - High Lane u3a, England
Our members have raised in excess of £1,000 to be mainly distributed to the following national charities:
Alzheimer's Research
Cancer Research UK
Age UK
as well as to some local charities:
Ashbourne u3a
Chrysalis Dementia Club (Tynedale)
It’s still not too late to pay your ‘table money’, or if you weren't able to play, to make a donation - please do so here: ECatsBridge - donate
If you have any feedback and suggestions for the future, we’d like to hear from you. Please send them to your Regional Bridge Contact.
250+ pairs around the UK was an encouraging start, on the strength of which we’re planning to hold a second tournament in Spring 2023. In order not to miss out, sign-up now at u3abridegenetwork (
Some u3a members who played Simultaneous Pairs thoroughly enjoyed themselves so, in the meantime, there’s an opportunity to play in November, in the Children in Need tournament hosted by ECatsdBridge, the same organisation that hosted our tournament so efficiently. (N.B. This is not a u3a event but will be a great opportunity to play simultaneous pairs against other Bridge players around the UK, including some of the best. As before, the professional commentaries will be available afterwards to help to improve your game). Here’s the link ECatsBridge_CIN
In order to stay up-to-date with all that is happening with u3a Bridge, please sign-up to our regular emails at u3abridegenetwork (
Enjoy your Bridge and we’re looking forward to our next national tournament.
Steve Carter and the 40thAnniversary Charity Bridge Festival Team.
12 Members of Lindsey u3a playing in Thursday's session.
Bulletin3- August 2022
The festival is fast approaching!
This is Bulletin 3 with the final details for the first u3a national Bridge Festival, celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the movement. We’ve tried our best to contact all u3a Bridge Groups and players. If you know of anyone we’ve missed, it’s not too late to put them in touch.
To summarise:
Dates: 19-23 September 2022, inclusive.
– online: Bridge Base Online (BBO), Bridge Club Live (BCL), StepBridge or RealBridge.
There will be up to 24 boards which will change each day. Please play them in consecutive order for scoring reasons. And please refrain from playing more than once a day.
These are the dates for those players who are not playing as an online group but wish to join others online (single entry).
Playing Dates
Monday 19th September
Tuesday 20th September
Wednesday 21st September
Thursday 22nd September
Friday 23rd September
– offline: at your regular meeting venue, at one of our local hubs, in members’ homes, or your own game at home. 24 dealt hands will be sent by ECatsBridge to your nominated Coordinator (non-playing). It’s recommended that you play them in sequence.
Registration is open until 9th September at: u3a40_Registration
Your last game must be played before 10pm. Hands should only be played once, in the spirit of the u3a Festival. The number of hands will, as usual, depend on the number of players and the movement – ie Howell, Mitchell.
Scoring – will depend upon how you are playing i.e as a group, single entry etc. Please refer to the guidance notes at u3a40 Guidance notes
Your scores can be included in the national results database. If your group isn't using electronic scoring, you might be able to join a local hub.
Local Hubs – feedback from Bulletins 1 & 2 has revealed that a number of our members who are playing Chicago or Rubber Bridge have expressed a wish to join a local Duplicate session. If your group is able to offer this facility please add to the list at u3a local hub
Results and commentaries: - Please refer to the guidance notes at u3a40 Guidance notes
To find a partner: We want to include as many members as possible in our online celebrations, so don’t miss-out by not having a partner. Fill-in one of our online forms at:
Find-a-partner BridgeClubLive
Find-a-partner BBO or RealBridge
To try playing online in advance of the festival, free, on any of the 3 major online Bridge-playing platforms, please click on the preferred link:
BBO (BridgeBaseOnline)
Cost: As well as having fun playing Bridge, we’d like to raise money for charity during the festival.
The recommended charity donation would be your group's normal "table money" per person, per session, payable after the event, but contributions over and above this would be greatly appreciated. This covers the administrative costs of the event (50p plus VAT) and excess funds will be divided equally over the five playing days and the winning pair each day invited to nominate the charity of their choice (in line with u3a's charitable objectives).
Payment - Please refer to the guidance notes at u3a40 Guidance notes
For up-to-date news of the 40th Anniversary Bridge Festival and general u3a Bridge news visit: U3aBridgeGroup, United Kingdom (
What next? Unexpected things are bound to happen – they always do! Please send your stories and photos to Pam Rayment ( so we can share them after the event.
Enjoy your Bridge,
Steve Carter and the 40thAnniversary Charity Bridge Festival Team.
Background to u3a’s 40th Anniversary
From the start, the guiding principles were to promote lifelong learning through self-help interest groups covering a wide range of topics and activities as chosen by their members.
The 'third age' is defined by a time in your life (not necessarily chronological) where you have the opportunity to undertake learning for its own sake. There is no minimum age, but a focus on people who are no longer in full-time employment or raising a family.
Our founders envisaged a collaborative approach with peers learning from each other. The U3A movement was to be self-funded, with members not working towards qualifications but learning purely for pleasure. There would be no distinction between the learners and the teachers – everyone could take a turn at being both if they wished.
From its beginnings in 1981, the movement grew very quickly and by the early 1990s, a U3A was opening every fortnight. U3As grew in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and in 2008 membership was increasing by 11% every year. 2010 saw our membership hitting the quarter million mark.
At the end of 2016 the U3A movement reached the milestone of 1,000 U3As celebrated by a conference with speakers including Eric Midwinter – one of the founders of the U3A movement.
Today, our movement includes over 400,000 u3a members in more than 1,000 u3a’s and is continuing to grow every day.
Please see below a link to the international countries which has organisations.
Bulletin2 - July 2022
This Bulletin brings you up to date with progress for u3a’s 40th Anniversary Charity Bridge Festival, during the week 19 to 23 September 2022.
We are now taking entries for both online and offline games for the Festival. Please register before 9th September.
We are pleased to report that “ECatsBridge”, which many of you will have heard of raising money for charities each year, will be undertaking the administration of our Bridge Festival.
There will be a 'nominal' charge of £1 "table money" per person, per session, payable after the event; this covers the administrative costs of the event (50p plus VAT). Excess funds over the "table money" will be divided equally over the five playing days and the winning pair each day will be invited to nominate the charity of their choice.
For the Online games, boards will be available on BBO, BCL and Real Bridge and you may play as many boards as you like each day. Online players may play on successive days with different boards. Please refrain from playing more than once per day.
For those members playing “offline” any number of boards can be played on any day during or after the festival and we will be asking for a 'nominal' contribution per session, as above.
If anyone needs to find a partner, they should use the “Find a partner” link.
Results will be published on the ECatsBridge website and on our u3aBridgegroup page on the day following the event.
Daily commentaries will normally be published on the following day; these will give a comprehensive analysis of the way the experts would have bid and played each hand, providing an invaluable self-teaching aid.
If anyone would like to try playing online in advance of the Festival, free, on either Bridge Club Live or RealBridge, then please click on your preferred link:
If any members of your group have been thinking about playing online Bridge and are a “maybe”, this is their chance to try playing online free of charge, so please share this invitation with them.
An exciting aspect of the Festival is that we can combine daily results from all 4 nations with a resultant ranking per pair, showing how well you did (or not!!) against other u3a players.
We can only achieve this if your group is using electronic scoring. If your group is not using electronic scoring then why not join a local hub? Those groups that are already using electronic scoring could act as a local hub for other smaller groups.
Please visit this link if your u3a can offer these facilities or if you'd like to attend a u3a that is a hub:
Local Hub
We’re sorry we cannot cater for Beginners this year.
For up-to-date news of the 40th Anniversary Bridge Festival and general u3a Bridge news visit:
U3aBridgeGroup, United Kingdom (
We will send a final Bulletin nearer the time.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Enjoy your Bridge,
Steve Carter and the 40th Anniversary Charity Bridge Festival Team.
Bulletin1 - May 2022
We’re pleased to report that we’re off to a great start to our 40th Anniversary Bridge celebration and thank you to all who’ve replied to our preliminary enquiry.
Whether you are:
- Playing online
- Playing face-to-face Duplicate
- 4+ players gathering for a game of Chicago or Rubber Bridge
we hope there’ll be “something for everyone” for the five days of Monday 19th to Friday 23rd September 2022, based around Simultaneous Pairs with follow-up commentaries.
Responses to our preliminary enquiries indicate that in excess of 350 pairs are keen to play and replies are still coming in. In addition, a number have said “possibly” while waiting for more details.
This first bulletin is to update you on progress.
We have set-up a dedicated u3a 40th Anniversary Bridge website at:
where the latest information will always be available.
On the same website, we’ve also set-up the following:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
“Find a Partner” option on the website for those who would like to play online
"Returning to Bridge” option for those returning to Bridge, to help them get going again
If the website does not address your questions, please continue to contact your regional Bridge contact in the first instance.
We know that some small Bridge groups would like to join the Festival but have insufficient numbers to play Duplicate Bridge and we are looking into the possibility of setting up "Local Bridge Hubs” to accommodate them – this feature has been added to the website and we'd be extremely grateful if your group could offer this functionality to other local u3as.
We’ll be in touch again in June/July with detailed plans and the intention is that everything will be set up before the summer holidays begin in earnest.
Another great thing that has come out of this is that Steve Carter has been appointed u3a Subject Adviser for Bridge. Jack Rouse has been the Adviser for over 5 years and has now passed the baton to Steve. Jack will continue to host Bridge Competitions on BridgeBaseOnline (BBO) for the foreseeable future.
Please spread the word to your Group Members and don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like information you can't find on our website.