Below is a list of suggested books, websites for teaching bridge (videos and/or other teaching resources), chosen by members of the teaching team. Please note these are personal preferences. These suggestions are not formally recognised or endorsed by the u3a
We advise you to avoid sites which are not based on ACOL.
In North America, “5 card majors” are usually taught, and these may conflict with the ACOL system you have learnt with the u3a.
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Bridge Resources for Teachers and Learners
Below is a list of suggested books, websites for teaching bridge (videos and/or other teaching resources), chosen by members of the mentoring team and the learners. Please note these are personal preferences. These suggestions are not formally recognised or endorsed by the u3a.
We advise you to avoid sites which are not based on ACOL. In North America, “5 card majors” are usually taught, and these may conflict with the ACOL system you have learnt with the u3a. You should also be careful when reading books published prior to 2010 as several of the conventions we have learned may not be used in older references (bridge bidding evolves with time).
1. Resources used by u3a Bridge.
Real Bridge platform
Course Materials and Practice
2. Providers of extensive online and printed resources
Andrew Robson
Bernard Magee
3. Book List
Almost all the course content required for the u3a Beginner’s programme is provided by No Fear Bridge. However, many learners like to “read around” topics and to see other perspectives. When deciding which book to read, please take care and consider the system (use books covering Acol – UK not US) and the date of publication (e.g. older books often describe strong two openings and strong two overcalls, which are no longer used in our system).
Here is a list of books that align with the system we teach u3a Beginners.
1. Beginning Bridge (Book 1) English Bridge Education and Development (widely used in face to face teaching).
2. Continuing Bridge (Book 2) English Bridge Education and Development.
3. Fast Track Bridge English Bridge Education and Development.
4. The Right Way to Play Bridge by Paul Mendelson (very readable, but beware of chapters on strong 2s)
5. Bridge for Beginners, by Zia Mahmood (very comprehensive reference book)
6. Beginning Bridge, by Andrew Robson (focus on sample hands)
7. Tips for Intermediates, by Andrew Robson (focus on sample hands)
4. Other Online Bridge Course Providers
When you complete the u3a Beginners programme, you may like to explore some of these options for your continuing studies.
1. English Bridge Union
2. Scottish Bridge Union
3. The Online Bridge School
4. Bridge for Pleasure
5. New Zealand Bridge
6. Learn Bridge Online.
7. BridgeClass with Teacher Tony Staw
5. Helpful Bridge Videos.
Explore You Tube! We reiterate that you are selecting videos about bidding, please ensure the presenter is using Acol. Here are some that you may enjoy.
1. Oasis Bridge Videos
2. Tony Staw Bridge
3. Tina McVeigh Bridge
4. Muswell Hill (Bridge Talks)
5. Bridget Rampton
6. Mentor / Teacher Resources.
1. English Bridge Education and Development
2. Scottish Bridge Union
3. EBU - Running a Teaching Program
4. No Fear Bridge (Register as a Teacher Free)
5. Bridge Composer - Tutorials.
7. Online Bridge Platforms and Practice Opportunities
1. Real Bridge platform
2. Bridge Base Online BBO
3. Into Bridge.
Online Bridge Platforms and Practice Opportunities
Real Bridge platform Bridge Base Online BBO Into Bridge u3a Online Bridge Duplicate Group Bridge Club Live Organised practice games