Tewkesbury Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Gwen Magness Trophy (Teams)
12th Mar 2025 19:24 GMT
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12th Mar 2025 19:19 GMT
Rose Trophy (Pairs)
6th Mar 2025 11:58 GMT
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If members change their contact details (email address, telephone, postal address) please inform the Club Secretary.

We know that some people like to keep in touch with former members. Please contact the Secretary or Chairman if you would like their contact details.  We can only provide details where we have consent from the former members.

Competition Rules


(revised & adopted 2019)

All competitions are for members only


This is awarded for a Pairs Competition, with players choosing their own partners (two ladies, two men or mixed pairs).  There will be a one-winner movement.


This is an Individual Event.  The movement will be designed so that each player plays with as many other members as possible and to give one winner.


Two plaques are to be awarded at the Christmas Party to the pair with the best average score throughout the calendar year.  The pair must have played a minimum of 8 times with each other, and have attended the club at least 20 times throughout the year.   It will run from 1 January up to and including the week prior to the Christmas Party. 


Two separate competitions are played on the same night.  Players have their own choice of partner.  Each competition will have a movement giving one winner.


One session of Pairs Competition with the Cup will be awarded to the pair with the highest percentage.  Players must turn up in pairs, but partners for the night will be determined by random draw.


This event is for Teams of Four, where members play with their usual partner and the other pair is selected according to handicap.  It is hoped this will give an equal chance to all participants.  As this event requires a specific number of tables, the date of this competition may be determined by the Director when he feels the table numbers to be appropriate.


This Trophy (also known as the Charity Pairs Trophy) is to be played for in October each year on Charity Night and will be awarded to the pair with the highest percentage score after their handicaps have been applied. Providing a pair has played together for at least three times for the period January to October, their handicap will be their latest available percentage score prior to the Charity Night, i.e. if a pair’s average is 55%, they will be handicapped as minus 5%;  if their percentage is 44%, their actual score will be increased by 6%.  If a pair has not played together on at least three occasions, their individual percentage scores will be added together and divided by two. The results which are sent to the EBU and thereby qualify for Master Points are the actual results, without the handicaps having been taken into account.


This will run from 1 January up to and including the week prior to the Christmas Party and the winner(s) will be presented with a small gift at the Christmas Party. Three points are awarded for a Grand Slam and one point for a Small Slam.