Surrey County Bridge Association
Release 2.19r
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  Events – General Information


Players are expected to attend if they enter or they have been informed that they have qualified for an event. If withdrawal is unavoidable, the players concerned must inform a member of the Committee at the earliest opportunity. In the case of last minute withdrawal please call the SCBA Tournament Mobile 07531 804887 so that the start of the event is not delayed. Non-attendance without proper notice is regarded as a serious offence by the Committee and disciplinary action may follow. Players are expected to arrive and check in at the event at least five minutes before the advertised starting time. Failure to do so may result in either a fine of match points, or exclusion from the event.

Permitted systems

The use of systems and conventions up to and including level 4 is permitted in all Surrey events unless otherwise stated.


Full results will be posted on Results web page. Provisional results will also be available at the end of play at week-end events.

Master points and prizes

Master points earned in Surrey events will be credited directly to members' accounts at the EBU. Prize amounts shown are estimates per pair or team. The amount actually paid will be dependent upon the size of the entry. Prizes for the Lady Rose, League and Simultaneous Pairs competitions will be paid by BACS transfer if prize winners provide the treasurer (Click here to e-mail) with the sort code and number of a bank account.


The SCBA will refund engraving costs up to a maximum of £20. Requests can be sent by email (Click here to e-mail). The treasurer will need a receipt and the sort code and number of the account to which the refund is to be credited.

Starting and finishing times

Mid-week events start at 7.30pm and week-end events start at 1pm unless otherwise indicated. Week-end single session events will finish by 6pm, and two session events by 8.30pm. Estimated finish time are included in each event description.

Changes to Programme of Events

Any changes to the programme of events will be published on this web site

  Best Behaviour in Surrey

Book’em, Danno What charge, McGarrett?

1 - Bidding Box Abuse

You would never be guilty of this, would you? Touching a pass card, humming and hawing, moving your hand back and forth, to take out another bid? Slamming down the bid after partner has got it wrong, again?  Hmm Happens all the time, doesn’t it.  Luckily Surrey is a very friendly County, no one complains.  However, it matters that your reputation is that of an ethical player. Ignorance of how we should behave at the table, as opposed to how things are, is no excuse. So, here are a few other aspects of bridge dos and don’ts that you could consider, especially if you want to venture out into the Bridge world outside of your club and County (yes, there is one, apparently) Pausing with a singleton, or before declarer has to take a finesse one way or the other, we all know people who do it. Possibly without knowing they are doing it?

2 - Convention card (The standard EBU one is good)

If everyone plays Benji acol, then why have a completed convention card, or any convention card whatsoever? Everyone “knows” that in addition to Benji we play reverse capiletti, (Health and Safety warning – this convention does not exist) and that we are trying out reverse Benji for a change. So most of the time, opponents won’t bother asking.

3 - Pausing.

The pause and pass, pause and bid, the slow double and pass. If your partner takes a long time to bid, or pass, you should not take a decision which you would not have done had they passed or bid “in tempo”. Everyone is entitled to think about a decision, no problem, you only give your partner a problem in being ethical. You can’t take advantage of their long time to come to a decision. Sorry, that’s the way it is. If you have an easy clear cut bid or decision, by all means make it and take it. However, it’s the marginal decisions that become so much easier after partner has paused. After all when you don’t have a problem you don’t pause. No one does this in Surrey, of course.

4 - Pet Conventions

If you do have a pet convention, then if opponents ask, how many times do you just give them the barest explanation, heaven forefend a complete answer. Some people never give a full and complete explanation, with a precise meaning, as opposed to just saying “Reverse Ghestem” :- the better the player, the more complete an explanation you get. Couldn’t happen here in Surrey, we are a very friendly County.

5 - Asking out of turn, or when interested in the bidding

Try this one – bidding sequence 1Club* 1heart * announced as could be short as 2, ( they are playing 5 card majors) 1 spade 3 no trumps Before partner leads, you ask declarer, the club bid can be as short as 2??? Partner, holding 432 of clubs, knows what to lead If you ask about a bid, then you have to be sure that you want to know, rather than are “interested” in the bidding. It’s amazing how partner knows what to lead when you are “interested” in the bidding.

Surrey is a very friendly County, no one complains.

  Affiliated Clubs Teams of 8

This is an inter-club multiple teams competition for teams of eight to be held as a oneday two-session event. Clubs may enter more than one team.

The winners may represent Surrey in the EBU Garden Cities Trophy event.

  Bracketed Pairs

This event is open to all players. It is a two session event. The first session will comprise 24-27 boards. Players will then be divided into two equal sections in ranking order. In the second half of the event they will play 24-27 boards against the other players in that section.

  Charity Simultaneous Pairs

A Charity pairs event to be played twice a year at Affiliated Clubs during February and September.

Clubs will receive an invitation letter from the Surrey event organiser and must register their participation in the event with the EBU for each day(s) of the week they will play. There will be different set of boards for each weekday Monday-Friday.

The Surrey CBA Committee will nominate each year the charity to be the recipient for the event held in February, and the Banstead Rehabilitation Centre will be the charity for the event held in September.

  Club Pairs Challenge

The SCBA will designate a specific week in which each Affiliated Club may choose a day to take part in the Club Pairs Challenge. Each Club may only participate in the Club Pairs Challenge once during the week but there is no restriction on the number of times a player may take part in the qualifying competition.

Clubs will receive an invitation letter from the event organiser and must inform the organiser if they wish to take part in the competition and if so on which day. Subsequently the qualifying pairs should be entered into the competition final either by direct entry using the SCBA website, or by clubs providing the organiser with details of the qualifying pairs.

All pairs that are awarded master points from the Club heat may be entered into the Club Pairs Challenge final. No substitute player within a pair is permitted and should a qualified pair be unable to take part in the final, then no substitute pair will be allowed. The results of the Club qualifying competition must be available to the Challenge Cup organiser on request.

  County Pairs (Cup & Plate)

This will be a two-session event. The first session will comprise approximately 24-27 boards.

The leading 14 pairs from the first session will then participate in an all-play-all final for the County Pairs Cup, with a carry-forward score (calculated based on the EBU carry-forward formula). The remaining pairs will participate in a consolation final for the County Pairs Plate.

Green Points will be awarded in the County Pairs Cup, and Local points will be awarded in both the qualifying session and the County Pairs Plate. The leading 5 pairs in the County Pairs Cup where both members of the partnership have primary allegiance to Surrey will be invited to represent the County in the Reg Corwen Trophy.

  Ladies’/Men’s/Mixed Pairs

These are pairs events for all female, all male and mixed sex pairs respectively.

  Mary Edwards Cup

Each affiliated club may enter one pair to represent the club, who have qualified by competition. If the champion pair is unable to play, the highest available pair from the ranking order may be entered. No substitute player within a pair is permitted.

  Next Step Pairs

These events are aimed at new and inexperienced bridge players and students who have been learning for at least a year. Special efforts will be made to ensure that the events take place in a friendly atmosphere so that even players who feel they are inexperienced can be sure of a warm welcome.

Would be suitable for players up to the level of County Master, but EBU membership is not required Systems and conventions are limited to Level 2 as at the time set out in the EBU Blue Book. Master points will be awarded to EBU members as appropriate.

  Senior Pairs Goblet

This is for pairs where each member is at least 60 years of age in the calendar year of the event. E.g. someone having their 60th birthday in December would be eligible to play in this event the previous January should it be held then.

  Surrey and Novice League Finals

The Surrey League Divisions 2, 3 & 4 and the Novice League are divided into approximately geographical section and play a series of matches with other teams in their section during October to May. In June a multiple teams event is held for teams that have qualified in their section in order to determine the overall winner of each Division. Systems and conventions allowed are: Divisions 2 & 3: Level 4; Division 4: Level 2 and Novice League: Standard English Acol Foundation Level with the addition of transfers over 1 & 2NT; and weak twos.

Division 1 is a County wide competition and so is not involved in the multiple teams event at the end of the season.

  Wanborough Cup

Each affiliated Club may enter one team, which has qualified by competition, to represent the Club. Such competition may be a team competition or a cross IMPs competition. If members of the champion team (or top two pairs from a Cross-IMPs competition) are not all able to play then the team to represent the club may be chosen at the discretion of the club from the highest ranking teams/pairs in the competition.