Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Pages viewed in 2024

After the renovation of the original (south) Risen Savior Lutheran Church building is completed sometime in August 2024 or later, our games will be re-located back there to Friendship Hall.  We understand that the new Friendship Hall flooring will not be carpet and will be more forgiving for cleaning liquid spills.  Right now we restrict liquid consumption in the North building venue to covered containers with water only.  While supplies last, the director has reusable covered containers available for $4.00 each.  As an alternative, players may bring sturdy personal covered containers to be used for beverages. 

Recent Updates
Home Page
Jun 29, 2024 16:44 MST
Fall 2023 Bridge Lesson Schedule

Use this LINK to access the flyer for fall bridge classes, now accepting students.

Monthly Giving

October through May and in 2024 through the summer, club members have a convenient opportunity to make donations of non-perishable food items and/or cash through a volunteer stationed in the parking lot (or inside the lobby summer 2024) prior to the game on each second Tuesday of the month. For those who don't want to forget, please put this on your personal calendars.    

Bring a New Player....

... to the Thursday morning 99er game.  You may partner with your guest one time and your entry will be free.  The entry fee for non-members is $10.00.  Assuming you have greater than 99 points, you and your partner will not be eligible for masterpoints in that game.  You, however, will receive a free play chit for an Open or 499er game. Contact Maria Davis with any questions.

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