The Suffolk Contract Bridge Association AGM is being held at Elmswell (IP30 9UH) on Sunday May 18 at 2.00pm.
The meeting will be followed by a single session of Bridge with a tea provided in the interval at around 4.00pm and a prize for the winners..
Attendance at the AGM is, of course, free but if you wish to play in the AGM Pairs, please complete the entry form and pay the £5/head entry fee.
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To ensure this event is limited to 40 boards, the entry list will be closed at 21 entries.
Any subsequent entries will be added to a waiting list.
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This event attracted 17 tables with very many of the players in their early stages of learning to play the game.
An enjoyable day was had by all and we look forward to making this a regular event on the calendar.
Click SCORES to see the overall results. More detailed information is shown in the Results section of the I&K website HERE.
There's an online game for NGS 9-High players (and that's most of us!) on BBO, every Saturday starting at 2.30pm.
18 boards of relaxed bridge, run by Kent on behalf of the EBU.
Click HERE to register and, on the day, just login to BBO and click on Competitive, then All Tournaments, then scroll down to the Kent 9-High event.
You'll find a friendly group of regular players - come and join in! You'll enjoy it.
To play in this event, you'll need to become an Associate Member of Kent CBA at a cost of £5/year - click KENT to see the simple application form.

Congratulations to Jo and Dennis for winning this year's Bah Humbug pairs event.
Click HERE for all the results.
Congratulations to Ipswich member Malcolm Pryor and his partner Ed Scerri who took the silver medal in the Senior Pairs at the 16th World Bridge Games in Argentina.
Malcolm is on the far left of the podium (in the shadows). He and Ed battled through the six-day event, qualifying, semi-final and final, three sessions a day.
The winning Woodbridge team of John Skinner, Iain Burgess, Conrad Simons, Alison Simons, Stephen Ashworth, Bill Bethell, Simon Riley & Viv Mason.

64 Players enjoyed the annual Club Teams of Eight event at Highwoods on November 16, with the excellent tea provided as usual by the local Sea Scouts.
Results are available HERE
Congratulations to WOODBRIDGE for retaining the Abbeygate Shield and qualifying to represent Suffolk in the national Garden Cities Trophy event!
Café Bridge raised over £1,300 for the Hospice charity and attracted players from far afield, as well as many Suffolk players. The event held in Bury town centre at 8 different Cafés & Restaurants attracted 34 pairs who enjoyed what for many was a very new type of Bridge experience. With players moving between venues after each round, the Sun god smiled on the event and kept the rain away.
Prizes were awarded for the first three pairs, with Sue Willcox & Roger Timmins in first place, followed by Susan Nisbett & Richard Evans in second place, and Susan & Crispin Dunne in third. Congratulations to the winners, as well as to those who won the raffle prizes. A big thank you to Victor Lesk of BriAn Bridge fame, who is the UK’s Café Bridge supremo and who acted as Tournament Director for the day, also playing as a substitute.
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Café Bridge raised over £1,300 for the Hospice charity and attracted players from far afield, as well as many Suffolk players. ..........
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36 boards of Face-to-Face Bridge at Elmswell
Congratulations to the Winners of the Trophies for Men’s Pairs, Ladies’ Pairs, Mixed Pairs, Veterans (70+) & best on Handicap.
Click HERE for the results
Mixed Pairs and Overall Event Winners - Rod & Sue Oakford
Men's Pairs Winners - Tim Evans & Chris Park
Ladies' Pairs Winners - Christine Cooke & Marlene Chant
Veterans' Pairs Winners - Alaric & Dorothy Cundy
Handicap Winners - Derek Phillips & Paul Starling
Suffolk Bridge hosted a new Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs event of 36 boards at the Blackbourne Centre, Elmswell on Sunday July 28, 2024.
Congratulations to the overall winners, Rod & Sue Oakford and to the NGS 9-High winners, John Heath & Caro Hunt - and thanks to Rob Richardson for Directing.
Click HERE for the results.
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Suffolk Bridge hosted a new Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs event of 36 boards at the Blackbourne Centre, Elmswell on Sunday July 28, 2024. ..........
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Seventy-two players enjoyed an entertaining day with bridge teacher Zeb Stocken at Hintlesham Hall, including an excellent buffet lunch, with topics including slam bidding and planning your play.
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Seventy-two players enjoyed an entertaining day with bridge teacher Zeb Stocken at Hintlesham Hall, including an excellent buffet lunch, with topics including slam bidding and planning your play. ..........
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The Suffolk Bridge AGM was held at Elmswell on Sunday May 12.
The new Executive Committee was elected as proposed. Click COMMITTEE to see who now represents you.
The AGM Pairs event was won by Jill & Roger Tattersfield (on left, with the Director, Paul) with the Handicap prize going to Paul & Chris Rickard (on right). Click RESULTS to see all the scores.
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The Suffolk Bridge AGM was held at Elmswell on Sunday May 12. ..........
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Rick Hanley's team (Rick Hanley, Michael Sherer, Chris Chambers, Chris Green, Malcolm Pryor, Peter Sutcliffe) have won the 2024 Suffolk Championship Teams of Four with a 35 IMP victory in the 40 board final over Jenny Price's team (Jenny Price, Norbert Voelker, Tony Philpott, Nigel Bardsley). Team Hanley got off to a fast start and led by 39 IMPS after 16 boards. Team Price then made an excellent comeback and led by 2 IMPS with 10 boards remaining. However, a strong final 10 boards by Team Hanley secured their 2nd successive victory in this event.
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Rick Hanley's team (Rick Hanley, Michael Sherer, Chris Chambers, Chris Green, Malcolm Pryor, Peter Sutcliffe) have won the 2024 Suffolk Championship Teams of Four with a 35 IMP victory in the 40 board final over Jenny Price's team (Jenny Price, Norbert Voelker, Tony Philpott, Nigel Bardsley). ..........
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