MINUTES of the AGM on Friday 14th April 2023
Held at 1.15pm at Stowmarket Bridge Club
Apologies were received from Andy Billinge, Alaric and Dorothy Cundy, Angela Horner, Caro Hunt, Barry and Trish McLoughlin, Paul and Chris Rickard, Nancy Williams and Arthur Winchester.
The minutes of the last AGM were agreed by Tony Aldous, seconded by John Heath, adopted unanimously, and signed off as a true record.
There were no matters arising.
Brian Pinson gave his report on the past year. Key points were:
- After the interruption of Covid, it was good to have a full year of bridge.
- Table numbers increased throughout the year and now average around six.
- In view of rising costs, it has not been a good year financially. Jim will elaborate in his report.
- With Andy’s teaching at the library, hopefully several of his students will become members.
- Highlights
- Our 50th Anniversary Party was enjoyed by all members and guests who attended.
- A Stowmarket Bridge Club Team finally (after 40 years) won the Thornway Cup. Congratulations to Jan, Jim, Dorothy and Alaric
- Thanks – finally thanks for all their hard work to -
- Our Secretary, Treasurer and Committee, especially Jan Wynne who is stepping down after several years’ service including past Chairperson.
- Eric Wright who is also stepping down after several years updating and supporting our website.
- Nancy Williams who is also stepping down from the committee but will still be involved in teaching new students in the area.
- Paul Rickard for all his work in preparing our boards and solving our IT issues. Paul has agreed to take over from Eric and look after the website.
- All directors and scorers.
- All members.
Prior to the meeting Andy Billinge uploaded his report, which can be found on the website.
Secretary’s Report April 2023
As I near the end of my first year as secretary I would first like to say that I am happy to continue in the post.
We started the new club year with some doubts as to how it would unfold, membership was down following the two-year lockdown and that meant finances would be difficult. We particularly struggled with numbers early on and specifically during September for some reason, too many holidays I suppose. However, we turned that corner and from October numbers picked up again.
In September the Deben teaching project began. I had already discussed how we could attract new members by offering teaching, so the Deben Project fitted nicely. I was a bit disappointed when the initial student numbers for the Stowmarket lessons were only 6 compared to 20 plus at the other 3 teaching programmes in the local area. This was partly due to the delay in advertising at Stowmarket library, however the response we have had since from the staff there can’t be faulted.
Nancy Williams and Sharon Jeeves have been able assistants and the latest beginner lessons started with 12 students, although a couple have fallen by the wayside. We have already seen the rewards of this teaching project with three students having joined Stowmarket already.
We do want to find ways of encouraging students to continue at club level and it has been suggested that we run, alongside our normal duplicate, 2 or 3 tables for improvers.
On a competition front the Ron Ion knock-out is nearing completion and I do plan to continue with several other events which we started before COVID but never completed. I will keep members informed on these as they develop. We are also running the traditional Improvers Trophy plus the Scratch and Handicap Trophy’s. These events are planned to run till end of July due to our late September start. You can find the status of these event on the website.
Last year we had the presentation of trophies in late August when we held a summer party. I would like to see this continue as we have additional opening hours available during the school summer holidays. Unfortunately, we don’t have this at Xmas as the school holidays start late and don’t always fit with our pre–Xmas Friday session. Last year we just had some nibbles and a glass of wine whilst playing.
I think that’s all from me. Andy
Jim Sawyer presented Stowmarket Bridge Club – Accounts Summary Year Ending 31st March 2023, which had been reviewed by Brian Pinson.
Key Points were:
- Concerns over financing the club which has seen losses of around £400 approx. over the last two years. Previous balance less deficit is £1200.83.
- Membership income down due to lowering fees (in the hope of increasing numbers) last year, which didn’t work.
- We have been informed of a rent increase of 20% from our current landlord.
- It was proposed by the treasurer that membership subscription and table money should be increase (see below).
- The possible relocation to new premises is being considered (see below).
- It is planned that the club change bank as HSBC is now imposing charges for charities and organisations like our club.
The accounts were approved by Tony Aldous, seconded by John Heath, and carried unanimously.
It was decided to return the membership fee back to £10.00. Proposed by Jim, seconded by Brian and carried unanimously.
It was decided that table money should be increased to £3.00 per week as from next week. Proposed by Jim seconded by Christine and carried unanimously.
Richard Horner kindly agreed to replace one of our departing committee members leaving one vacancy. All remaining members willing to stand again. – Carried unanimously
Chairperson – Brian Pinson
Secretary – Andy Billinge
Treasurer – Jim Sawyer
Member – David Bruce
Member – Alaric Cundy
Member – Richard Horner
Member – Chris Richardson
Member – Vacant
- Possible Relocation. Discussion took place on the possible relocation to Combs, storage facilities, kitchen/refreshment arrangements. Further visits will be arranged, and more information gathered to help us asses the suitability.
- Integration of student players. A brief discussion took place on how the new students may be integrated into our Friday sessions. Board numbers and speed of play issues were raised. It was decided to discuss this again when Andy and Paul would be able to advise us.
There being no other business Brian closed the meeting at 1.55 pm.