St Luke's Bridge Club
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St. Luke's Walking Group

Do you fancy a Walk on the Wild Side?

If you would like to join the new St. Luke's Walking Group,

Please contact Chris Whiteside 07960 - 169089

and register your interest.  

This walking group is for you or you and your dog. 


Welcome to St Luke's Bridge Club
New Start Time from Monday 24th February

Would all members please remember......

The new start time for our Monday duplicate is


Please be seated by 1.15pm.  


St. Luke's Bridge Club.

Karen & David welcome you to 

St Luke's Bridge Club website

We offer our members 2 Duplicates Every Week.

    A F2F Duplicate every Monday 

Plus an Online Duplicate, everyTuesday Evening on the RealBridge platform

Our F2F bridge is held at the West Hants Club every Monday afternoon.

 There are a maximum of 16 tables in play.

Members take preference over non members.

We are also welcomed at The Thursday Club F2F duplicate at the Westcliff Hotel every Thursday Evening.

The Tuesday Evening online bridge duplicate, is run in conjunction with The Thursday Club.

 It is run by Linda & Sandy on the RealBridge platform.


We hope to see you at our relaxed and fun F2F or Online games.

Please remember that our duplicates ARE NOT HOSTED.

You can come with or without a partner.

But with no partner you might or might not get a game. 



The results from our F2F Monday Bridge Duplicates, the online Tuesday Evening Duplicate

 are posted on this site.

They can be found under the results tab on the top left of this Home Page.

So why not find out if you came Top, Middle, or Bottom? 

You might want to know all the results, even if you didn't play?  

It's always interesting to see how your friends are doing !!!!!  



Monday Afternoon F2F Duplicate at West Hants.



Our popular Monday Afternoon F2F Duplicate at West Hants is sometimes oversubscribed.

We are allowed to use a maximum of 16 tables in the room that we occupy.

That means we can facilitate a maximum of 64 people on any Monday.

In order to ensure the smooth running of our duplicate we have introduced the following rules....


1. All members attending have to be seated before non members are allowed to play. 


2. All members are asked to arrive in good time to pay and be seated by 1.15pm 


3. Members who arrive after 1.15pm are unlikely to be able to play. 


4. Both members of the partnership need to be present before you can sit at a table. 


 5. If you are eating or drinking in the bar before the duplicate you must be seated in the bridge room by 1.15pm.


 6. You can no longer reserve a seat in the bridge room and then leave to go to the bar. 


If you would like to have a drink or lunch in the bar, before bridge, please arrive in good time so that you can be in the bridge room by 1.15pm


Thank you 

Karen & David 





Real Bridge Sessions

St Luke's and The Thursday Bridge Club Online Session Links


Tuesday evening session: please take your seat by 6:45pm for a 7:00pm start.

Link for Tues 4th Mar: Tuesday Online Bridge 

Please be seated by 6.45pm 

Cost for each online session is £2 per person. Payments for all online sessions should be made via bank transfer at the end of each month to: The Thursday Bridge Club, Sort Code 09 01 29, Acc No. 25168549, using your surname(s) as the reference. This is a trust scheme. We will not be operating an account system. We will however be checking to see who has played and who has paid.

Face to Face Sessions

♠ ♥ ♦ ♣  St Luke's and The Thursday Bridge Club ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣



Monday Afternoon bridge is F2F.

Held at The West Hants Club.

Doors open at 12.30pm. Bridge starts at 1.30pm

Members £5.75 Non-Members £6.75

We are strictly limited to 16 tables.

All members come with or without a partner as the event is hosted.

Non-members are not allowed to play until all members have been seated.

That includes non-members playing with members.

Members cannot play with non-members if members are waiting to play.

Thursday evening bridge is F2F held at The Westcliff Hotel.

Come with a partner as the event is be NOT hosted.

Please arrive at 6.30pm - 6.40pm for bridge that starts at 7.00pm

If you are a non member please let David Joannides know that you wish to play, 

There is a limited number of tables available.

The cost is £3.00 for Face to Face (F.2.F.) session at the Westcliff Hotel.

Payment for your Thursday Night F2F session is by contactless credit card on the night.


If you are confused as to how much to pay and to whom, please read the details below.

Please remember: You pay for your Tuesday evening,  online game to the above account at £2.00 a game.

You pay for your Monday Afternoon F2F and Thursday evening F2F games by contactless credit or debit card at the venue. No Cash is accepted at any F2F venue .

Please pay what you owe for online bridge each month and the end of each month.


7th March 2025
Online Breakfast Bridge
RealBridge 9:30am
Director: Linda
10th March 2025
F2F Monday Pairs
The West Hants Club 12:30pm
Director: David or Trevor.
11th March 2025
Tuesday online Session by Thursday Club
Online RealBridge 6.30pm
Director: Linda & Sandy
Tuesday online Session by Thursday Club
Director: Linda & Sandy
F2F Monday Pairs
Director: Trevor Cherry
Scorer: Trevor Cherry
Tuesday online Session by Thursday Club
Director: Linda & Sandy