St Georges Bridge Centre Ltd
Release 2.19q
Recent Updates
Mixed Pairs Trophy
27th Jul 2024 14:06 BST
Dora Tossell Salvers
27th Jul 2024 14:04 BST
Tony Urwin Trophy
27th Jul 2024 14:01 BST
Ron Mitchell Teams Trophy
27th Jul 2024 13:57 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024


Welcome to St Georges Bridge Centre Ltd


St Georges Bridge Centre is home to

Darlington Bridge Club



The “Bees Knees” Charity Cup

On Sunday 7th July

Raised the Sum of £1100

To be donated to charities that Harald’s family have choosen.

The Stroke Association and St Theresa's Hospice


Darlington Bridge Club Committee  

Nigel Durie (chair), Peter Burnip (vice chair), Christine Simmons (secretary), Bev Godfrey (treasurer),

Dee Milburn, Mike Brennan, Margaret Fenwick, Bob Watts, Roger Chappel

See DBC committee minutes


The Trophies to be played for in the coming season have been agreed and all the dates are shown on the calendar page by using the arrow on the top right of that page. Particular note should be given to Thursday Nights where the first Thursday each month has been given over to Teams competitions for ten months starting September 2025

29th July 2024
Normal Evening
St Georges Bridge Centre 7 pm
30th July 2024
Bridge with Lunch
St Georges Bridge Centre 11am
31st July 2024
9 High Pairs
St Georges Bridge Centre 1.00pm
Normal Evening
Thursday Afternoon Pairs
Normal Evening