Our Games Explained |
Gentle Bridge is geared specifically for newcomers to duplicate bridge with under 20 masterpoints. The game is considered a newcomer game by ACBL and the volunteers and directors are able to answer and suggest when asked about how to bid a hand. These newcomers know only beginning tactics and rules. Blackwood, Stayman and transfers are the extent of most of these players. Some also use Barbara Seagram’s bidding and defence charts while they bid and play (which is allowed). The group normally plays about 12 boards (2 boards per round), against 6 different pairs. Players get about 10 minutes to play each board.
Limited game -- Step 2 is held on Tuesdays, and is for players in the range of 0-399 master points. We generally play 18-24 boards and allow 8 minutes a board for play. These are pre-dealt hands and can be reviewed to compare your results. Players are expected to keep score and fill out a convention card for your partnership, so the opponents know what your bids mean. The director will be there for infractions of the rules, generally improper bidding, leads or play. Players get 8 minutes to play each board. Our goal is to be patient and support all players.
If you need a partner, most players coming to the Limited game will need to know the following basics:
1) open 5 card majors;
2) know the point ranges for opening bids;
3) point range and distribution of 2C strong and other 2 bids (weak);
4) know the point ranges of responses to partner's opening bids;
5) use Stayman and Jacoby Transfers when responding to partner's NT opening bids;
6) point values to go to game and or slam;
7) use Blackwood convention for Ace asking slam tries.
We hope you will join us.
No Shows |
 We carry a phone with us all the time and we check our emails. There is no reason for booking to play in a game, and then just ♥ not showing up. Last minute cancellations are difficult to deal with, but No-Shows are completely unacceptable.
First time- you are warned.
Second time- you must pay in advance by e-transfer before the game you are signing up for, and will not be refunded if you do not play.
Third time- Play elsewhere.
Please be considerate of everyone, from the director who has to deal with last comers and No-Shows, to players who start late or are delayed and inconvenienced because of No-Shows.
Talk to me --Please |
I want to hear your suggestions and complaints (unless they involve the quality of the hands you are ‘dealt’...) But please put them in an e-mail. No matter the suggestion or the severity of the complaint, if it’s a verbal comment, it may will be lost at the end of the day. Email it please, even if we have spoken to each other. If the comment is sensitive, send it to me directly so I can deal with it.
Cell Phone Usage |
At clubs, it is time to focus on nuisances that are far more damaging than the ringing of a cell phone... as long as the owner quickly turns the phone off.
If permitted to continue to ring, or (far worse) if the owner answers the phone, then it’s time to assess penalties: if for no other reason than the behavior is rude and intrusive.
But the occasional ring does not compromise the integrity of the game, so assessing score-related penalties seems excessive.
There will be a Penalty Box for minor offenders; a cell phone violation will cost you $1 and we will put that money toward a party at the end of the year. Remember--a third of the players are offended by a cell phone tone, a third of the players are not bothered by it, and a third of the players can’t hear it, anyway.
Zero Tolerance for Bad Behaviour |
Curbing Bad Behavior
What keeps players away from playing in person at a Club and discourages newer players from ‘moving up’ is bad behavior. Few things are as detrimental to the growth of the Club as intimidation, bullying, condescension, or gloating by the more experienced players. We expect to be pro-active in not allowing that behavior.
The following are examples of behavior that will not be tolerated:
• Badgering, rudeness, insinuations, intimidation, profanity, threats or violence.
• Negative comments concerning opponents’ or partner’s play or bidding.
• Constant and gratuitous lessons and analyses at the table.
• Loud and disruptive arguing with a director’s ruling.
Players come to the Stepping Stones Bridge Club to enjoy playing bridge, to learn and perhaps escape the outside world and we are a Zero-Tolerance sanctuary. Please report any violations to your Director and/or to me directly.
If it is determined that the same offender is responsible for a second offense, then the offender(s) shall be ejected from future competition. An offender removed from an event shall be deemed to have not played in the event. No masterpoints will be awarded, and no refunds will be made.
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Curbing Bad Behavior
What keeps players away from playing in person at a Club and discourages newer players from ‘moving up’ is bad behavior. Few things are as detrimental to the growth of the Club as intimidation, bullying, condescension, or gloating by the more experienced players. ..........
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