St Anthony's Bridge Club
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would like to get started, 



we will be delighted to give you a helping hand.


C.B.A.I Dublin North Region

Please click on the above link to find

the latest information from the 

DNR Bridge Site

Here you will find all the information

regarding upcoming competitions



General Information


On occasions you may find yourself without a partner and as an aid to help you find one, a 'WhatsApp' messaging group has been set up for SABC members only.


If you wish to be added to this group please send your name and phone number to or contact any commitee member.


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For details of club opening times, location, committee members etc, check menu panel, under 'Information'

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Charity Night
Director: Ann Harrington
Scorer: Vanessa Timon
Open St Anthony's Hall
Scorer: Vanessa Timon
Sim Pairs
Scorer: Vanessa Timon
Open St Anthonys Hall
Scorer: Vanessa Timon
Open St Anthonys Hall
Director: Peadar Buckley
Scorer: Vanessa Timon
Open St Anthony's Hall
Director: Ann Harrington
Scorer: Vanessa Timon
Archives (pre 2018/19)
AGM & New Committee 2018/19
AGM & New Committee 2018/19

Joan Hynes elected as President - 2018/19

At the AGM on 22nd May, the out-going President, Paul Lynch, nominated Joan Hynes (former Treasurer) for the Presidency 2018/19
The nomination was seconded by Máirín Mac Devitt and Joan was elected unopposed

The new committee is as listed below:

Áine Gleeson (Sec), Peadar Buckley (Social Sec), Oliver Hynes (Treasurer), Áine Norton, Ann Caulfield, Breda Logan & Ciarán Long


President's Dinner 2018

President's Dinner 2018

Held on a sunny Tuesday evening, 8th May, at the Royal Dublin Golf Club

Attended by 68 members from SABC and four guests, Rita & Sean Canavan, Rodney O'Hara (Foxhall) and Eileen Smith (St. Gabriel's)

Following a beautiful meal a short game of bridge was enjoyed and a bit of craic ensued with entertainment provided by Marie O'Brien, Rita Canavan, Tim Healy and Peadar Buckley (Beadar Puckley)

It was great to note that our visiting guests Rita & Sean Canavan, got 1st place on the 'Purple' tables and Eileen Smith & Rodney O'Hara, got 2nd place on the 'Red' tables. Congratulations to them and hopefully they enjoyed their evening 

The results of the President's Prize were announced and a unique Member award was presented

President's Prize Results

1st - Maria Callinan & Etta Daly

2nd - Therese Duff & Britt Peakin
3rd - Máirín Mac Devitt & Sue Cox
4th - Ciara Finucane & Joan Hynes
5th - Mary Byrne & Maura Dempsey

The winner of the Member Award was announced

The winner for Golden Jubilee year

    Máirín Mac Devitt     

Congratulations to you Máirín for a well deserved recognition

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Full results of all above competitions are available on the stanthonysbridgeclub website

Many thanks to Aidan Rickard and staff at Royal Dublin Golf Club for making our evening a very enjoyable one



Kirwan League 2017/18
Kirwan League 2017/18

Kirwan League 2017/18

The finals of the Kirwan League were held at Dublin North Region (DNR) on Saturday 19th May.

 St. Anthony's (SABC) were triumphant in the Intermediate B section 

Pictured above:

Pat Stewart (President DNR), Marcella O'Donohoe, Mary Hynes (Captain), Mary O'Carroll, Marian Flood and Gladys Greene

All at SABC are very proud of their achievement and wish them the heartiest of congratulations

Kirwan League 2017/18

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The Kirwan League for 2017/18 is on-going, (final results to be announced on Saturday 19th May),  results as of the 28th April are as follows

Intermediate A, Section 2

With a game yet to be scored/played St. Anthony's are currently running in 2nd place

Intermediate B, Section 1

As all games are now played the results are as follows

1st Place - Glasnevin

2nd Place - St. Anthony's - Team 1


Intermediate B, Section 2

As all games are now played the results are as follows

1st Place - St. Anthony's - Team 2

All at SABC congratulate them on their great success and thank them for their participation in the outside events

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Paddy English Trophy - DNR 28th April

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The 'Paddy English - Novice Trophy' competition was held in Dublin North Region (DNR) Malahide on Saturday 28th April.

This was a team competition comprising of 4 members.

St. Anthony's secured 2nd place.

The team was made up of the following members: Maria Callinan, Kathleen Briody, Phil Lynch and Catherine Boylan.

All at SABC congratulate them on their great success.

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Paddy English Trophy - 30th March

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The Paddy English Trophy (Novices)

At Malahide Regional Bridge Club (DNR)

Saturday 30th March 2019

One session event commenced at 12.00 @ €10 p.p.

Novice Team of  Four Competition - (Teams could be made up of members from different clubs)

14 teams participated in this event

SABC members were 2nd in 2018 and members of SABC made up teams that were successful in securing 1st & 2nd places in 2017

But alas SABC were not in the accolade this year

The Trophy presented to the best team on the day

N.B. - Entries by text to one of the following:

Bernadette Uí Óbáin - 0876390482  /  Mary Breen - 0876192303  /  Mary Reid - 0861010698


If you and your partner would like to participate but don't have a team of four

please contact one of the above and every effort will be made to link you up with another pair

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President's Prize 2018

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President's Prize 2018 was held on 24th April attracting an entry of 28 pairs

Presentation of awards will take place at the President's Dinner on Tuesday 8th May


A special Member award to be presented also


The 'Dinner' will be served at the Royal Dublin Golf Club
(Bull Island - Dollymount) 

(Pay your ticket by Friday 4th May and avail of the discounted rate)

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McKenna Cup Competition 2018

  Photo awaited  


The competition for the Michael McKenna Cup was held on Tuesday 10th April and attracted 26 pairs.

The presentation of the Cup was made to the winners on Tuesday 24th April

The winners for 2018

Róna Booth & Eileen Hickey

A big congratulations to them both from all their fellow members at SABC

Other close placings are as follows:

2nd place Louise Byrne & Ann Kelly

3rd place Sheila Boylan & Kitty Kirwan

4th place Mary O'Carroll & Mary Hynes

5th place Nora Foley & Etta Daly

(Full results are available on the Website and have also been circulated by E-mail)

The Tournament Director was Jacki Furey
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Novice Cup - Wednesday 14th March 2018
Novice Cup - Wednesday 14th March 2018

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Novice Cup competition was held on Wednesday 14th March 2018

A total of 12 pairs participated. What a result, a very close call

Presentation of Novice Cup and full results were announced on Wednesday 28th March 2018

The top three placings are as follows:

1st - Maria Callinan & Pat Fitzgibbon
(Pictured above)

2nd - Áine Norton & Sue Cox

3rd - Phil Lynch & Maura McCarthy

Congratulations to the winnners and a big thank you to all who competed

Full results are available on the website

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Joyce Trophy - Intermediate B players
Joyce Trophy - Intermediate B players

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The Joyce Trophy competition open to Intermediate B players, was held on Tuesday 13th March 2018
(Novice players were also eligible to compete)

Presentation of Joyce Trophy and full results were announced on Tuesday 27th March

A total of 18 pairs participated, resulting in a very close finish

Congratulations to the winners, pictured above

1st place - Attracta O'Flaherty & Mary Fitzsimons

Other close placings are as follows:

2nd - Peggy Mc Mahon & Kathleen Sheridan

3rd - Mary Hynes & Mary O'Carroll

4th - Lorraine Maxwell & Ciara Finucane 

Full results are available by E-mail and posted on the noticeboard
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Maureen Meade Trophy - 9th March (Saturday)

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Maureen Meade Trophy

Competition for Area Masters & Intermediate 'A' Grade Players

Venue: Malahide Regional Bridge Club

Date: Saturday 9th March 2019

Time: 10.30 a.m.

This is a two session event.  A partner is required

Tea/Coffee/Refreshments will be available to purchase, you are welcome to bring your own lunch

Book your place options

Through the DNR website at:  (Your CBAI number is required for online booking)

or by text to one of the following:

Bernadette Uí Óbáin - 0876390482  /  Mary Breen - 0876192303  /  Mary Reid - 0861010698

or by Email to:

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McLoughlin Cup- 2019

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McLoughlin Cup (Pairs)

Competition for Intermediate 'B' Grade Players
Novices are also eligible to compete

Venue: Malahide Regional Bridge Club

Date: Saturday 23rd February 2019

Time: 12 noon

This is a one session event and entry fee is €10 p.p.

A partner is required

To book your place:


or by text to:

Bernadette Uí Óbain - 0876390482
Mary Breen - 0876192303

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SABC Teams Competition 2018

Tuesday 23rd January 2018 @ 7 p.m.

Presentation of prizes on Tuesday 6th February

14 teams partook in this competition. Played over seven rounds with three boards each.
The Tournament Director was Michael Scullion.

The results are as follows:

1st - Marcella O'Donohoe, Marian Flood, Phil McIntyre & Christine Madden - 114 pts
(Phil and Christine were also part of the winning team in 2017)

2nd - Harriet Barlow, Ray Hearty, Kay O'Reilly & Phil Lynch - 96 pts
3rd - Síle Moore, Colette Lombard, Kitty Kirwan & Etta Daly - 84 pts
4th - Martha Furlong, Catherine McGrath, Róna Booth & Peadar Buckley - 81 pts
5th - Sheila Boylan, Nora Foley, Kathleen Sheridan & Peggy McMahon - 80 pts
6th - Bob Warren, Nancy O'Hanlon, Louise Byrne & Ann Kelly - 77 pts
7th - Maureen Matthews, Maura Dempsey, Tim Healy & Margaret Bourke - 74 pts
8th - Anne Caulfield, Elsie Rafferty, Ciara Finucane & Lorraine Maxwell - 73 pts
9th - Noreen Lyons, Catherine Ward, Marian Carroll & Deirdre Ní Gríofa - 66 pts
10th - Deirdre Diamond, Marianne Considine, Britt Peakin & Mary Kennedy - 59 pts
11th - Maura Bird, Maura Kennedy, Mary O'Carroll & Betty Carew - 53 pts
12th - Oliver Hynes, Joan Hynes, Gladys Greene & Marie Higgins - 51 pts
13th - Nora Downey, Eilish Comiskey, Mary Callan & Noreen Murphy - 37 pts
14th - Attracta O'Flaherty, Mary Fitzsimons, Mary Oates & Maura Molloy - 35 pts.

(Draw for teams took place at the committee meeting)

For members who have not previously participated in such an event, here are a few points to note:

1. Half of your team plays half of the opposing team so the N/S pair on your team plays the E/W pair of the opposing team and vice versa.
You will be playing the same boards. A
fter both pairs in the team have played each board, their raw scores are added and converted to International Match Points (IMPs). You then move to the next team and play them in the same way.
2. In your normal/usual pairs competition, you can see from the traveller (score) sheets the results achieved by the other players.
In a team competition you can compare the results immediately. In your usual pairs game, a top is a top no matter how much better it is than the next score.
In a teams competition, the difference in the scores is significant as they are converted to IMPs.
The tournament director is responsible for calculating these points.
3. The important objective is to bid and make your contracts.
A 'Teams' competition can be even more enjoyable than the usual pairs competition, they are a great experience and are recommended for the participation of all grades.

DNR - McLoughlin Cup - 2018

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The McLoughlin Cup is a pairs event

It is being held at Dublin North Region (DNR) Malahide on Saturday 24th February at 12 Noon.

A one session event and is confined to 'Intermediate B' and 'Novice' players.

Entry fee: €10.00 pp - a partner is required

Entries to: or by text to: 0876390482 
(Please state which competition)

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Simultaneous Pairs 2018 - CBAI
Simultaneous Pairs 2018 - CBAI

SABC winners: Marcella O'Donohoe (left) & Marian Flood (right)

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The Simultaneous Pairs competition took place on 6th February. This competition was organised by the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland (CBAI)

Mr. Enda Glynn a Co. Clare man was the commentator for the predealt boards, with predetermind makeable contracts
booklet containing a commentary on each board is available at the Club 

 26 pairs participated from SABC in this national event, along with over 1,540 other pairs, from 86 clubs, competing from the comfort of their own clubs, throughout the length and breadth of Ireland

Club entrants competed for the Daisy MacDevitt Salver

Well done to all who competed and heartiest congratulations to our winners

1st - Marcella O'Donohoe & Marian Flood - ranked 128

2nd - Peadar Buckley & Phil Lynch - ranked 190

3rd - Deirdre Diamond & Marianne Considine - ranked 207

4th - Sheila Boylan & Nora Foley - ranked 211

5th - Kay Corley & Betty Carew - ranked 286

(A full list of the rankings of all pairs was circulated, by E-mail)

The positions as listed above are the highest ranking SABC members.

The results were finalised at 5pm on Friday 16th February after all other clubs had submitted their results.
Máirín MacDevitt very kindly extracted all relevant information and compiled a list of all entrants from SABC

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Presentation of awards took place at the Club on Tuesday 20th February 

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Regional Teams Competition 2018

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CBAI Dublin North Region (DNR)

Venue: Malahide Regional Bridge Club

Date: 20th January 2018 - Saturday

Start time: 10 a.m. (two sessions)

Three Graded sections on the day : Masters, Intermediate A and Intermediate B

Entries before noon Thursday 18th January 2018 by TEXT to 0876390482 or by Email to

{Bring your own lunch as only Tea/Coffee will be available at a cost of €1 (tea) and €1.50 (coffee)}

Further information on DNR website -

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DNR - Norma Madden Trophy - 2018

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The Norma Madden Trophy is a pairs event, now in its second year.

It is being held in Dublin North Region (DNR), Malahide, on Saturday 24th February at 12 noon.

A one session event and is confined to 'Intermediate A2' players.

Entry fee is €10.00 pp and a partner is required.

Entries to: or by text to: 0876390482 
(Please state which competition)

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Christmas Party 2017
  • Deirdre Rona Gladys
  • Oliver Rona Joan
  • Peadar
  • Tony


Christmas Party 2017

Christmas party was held in Clontarf Castle on 5th December

A three course meal followed by Tea/Coffee, was served up to all 71 members who attended

  A short fun game of bridge followed by a raffle, results, prizes and we even had time for a bit of craic with entertainment provided by an all male contingent, namely Tony Walley, Tim Healy, Peadar Buckley and Oliver Hynes 

The winners on the Green boards were:
1st N/S - Ray Hearty & Harriet Barlow    1st E/W - Marie Higgins & Brid Carter

The winners on the Red boards were:
1st N/S - Ann Caulfield & Marian Flood    1st E/W - Lorraine Maxwell & Ciara Finucane

  By all accounts it appears that a great night was had by all  

(There was no game of Bridge in St. Anthony's House, on party night) 


SIMULTANEOUS PAIRS - Tuesday 7th November 2017

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The Simultaneous Pairs competition held on Tuesday 7th November, organised by the Irish Bridge Union (IBU), attracted 32 pairs from St. Anthony's Bridge Club and a total of 1311 pairs from 69 clubs throughout the length and breadth of Ireland. 

Final results indicate that Ray Hearty & Phil Lynch secured 13th place, in the overall competition and 1st place at the Club. A great achievement for them both and congratulations from all at SABC.

Other members who fared well in the same competition:

Maureen Matthews & Maura Dempsey, Lorraine Maxwell & Ciara Finucane, Róna Booth & Eileen Hickey, Kathleen Sheridan & Peggy McMahon, and Maria Callinan & Marie Harte 

A full listing of club results has been circulated 

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Individual Competition 2017
Individual Competition 2017

Pictured above centre: Winner 2016/17: Kay Corley, Paul and winner 2017/18: Linda Gallagher

♠  ♥  ♦  ♣  Individual Competition  ♠  ♥  ♦ 

This competition was run over a series of two nights, on Tuesdays 17th & 24th October

Attracting a total of 44 participants, competing for the Hollybrook trophy

The trophy was presented to the overall winner by last year's winner, Kay Corley


1st Place:  Linda Gallagher (65.91%)

2nd: Maura Dempsey (64.39%)

3rd: Maura Traynor (62.27%)

4th: Sheila Boylan (60.91%)

A full list of placings has been E-mailed to all members (using the E-mail facility) and has been posted on notice board at the club house
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Annual Charity Night - 10th October 2017


The annual charity event took place on Tuesday 10th October at SABC
The President's chosen beneficiary: Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI)


This year's event was enjoyed by members and visitors alike. Kathleen Fitzsimons of Down Syndrome Ireland (DSI) attended and gave a brief overview of the workings of DSI

SABC is delighted to announce that a total of €1,450 was raised at this years event

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I wish to thank all who attended and took part in a fun game of Bridge, (results are available on Results page). I wish to extend a special thank you to the members who prepared home-bake and brought plenty of treats, enjoyed during the refreshment break. To those who contributed gift items for the raffle and of course to those who contributed so generously, by buying so many tickets for the raffle.
To those who, for some reason or other, could not attend on the night but made very generous donations and to let you know that further donations will be gratefully accepted

I also wish to extend my gratitude to our main prize sponsors:
1. Simtech Aviation Training - Flight Simulation Solutions ( for their vouchers to allow two persons x2, to attend at a realistic 737 flight simulation experience.
2. Unilever Plc, (,who market a large portfolio of Home Hygiene and Personal Care Products. Their attactive hampers contained many of their popular products and were much appreciated by the winners.

I'll finish by extending my gratitude to Áine, Betty, Jackie, Joan, Kay, Lorraine, Róna and Oliver, for their much appreciated assistance lending to a very successful night.

Once again thank you to one and all.  

Sincerely yours
Paul - President

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CBAI have put together some changes to the grading system and will be effective from 1st September 2017. When you receive your CBAI membership card (check your grade carefully) you may consider a regrading if you get:

  • An Intermediate B2 card and hold less than 2000 Local Points you may apply to be regraded to Novice 1 (provided it is less than 5 years since you took your first lesson)
  • An Intermediate B1 card and hold less than 1 National Point (5000 Local Points) you may apply to be regraded to Intermediate B2
  • An Intermediate A2 card and hold less than 2 National Points (10000 Local Points) you may apply to be regraded to Intermediate B1
  • An Intermediate A1 card and hold less than 5 National Points (25000 Local Points) you may apply to be regraded to Intermediate A2
  • A Regional Master card and hold less than 40 National Points you may apply to be regraded to Area Master

Please note that an application for regrading is optional and the decision is entirely up to yourself - if you do not apply you will maintain the grade as listed on your card.
Applications for regrading should be submitted to:
Áine Gleeson, club Secretary at:

Please note that this option expired on 31st December 2017

President's Prize - 25th April 2017

♠   ♣ President's Prize ♣   ♠

On Tuesday evening 25th April a total of 46 participants competed in this event. Following a draw for partners the game commenced, using pre-dealt boards as compiled by Paul.  

The results were announced at the President's Dinner in St. Anne's Golf Club on Monday 8th May.

1st: - Therese Duff & Marian Flood
2nd: - Frances Ryan & Linda Gallagher
3rd: - Kathleen O'Reilly & Peadar Buckley

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all participants for their contribution in making this an exciting event 


McKenna Cup - 4th April 2017

wink Winners announced on Tuesday 18th April surprise

The McKenna Cup competition was held on Tuesday 4th April. A total of 33 pairs competed in this event. The 'Cup' was donated to the club by Michael McKenna, more than 20 years ago. In the past it has only been won by one pair in two consecutive years.

Presentation of the McKenna Cup and related prizes, took place at 7.15pm yes

Winners are as follows:

1st: Linda Gallagher & Hugh Murphy - Recipients of the Cup - 68.91%

2nd: Sheila Boylan & Kitty Kirwan - 63.94%

3rd: Maura Dempsey & Maureen Matthews - 61.86%

4th: Louise Byrne & Ann Kelly - 61.54%

5th: Kay Corley & Betty Carew - 59.78%

Well done to all 66 who took part in this event and sincere congratulations to the winners

A full list of placings has been circulated by E-mail and the results are also available on the 'website'

Paddy English Trophy - Dublin Novice Bridge Derby - Saturday 1st April 2017
Paddy English Trophy - Dublin Novice Bridge Derby - Saturday 1st April 2017

1st place Dublin Novice Bridge Derby

Pictured above: Vera Comiskey, Anne Ryan, Marie Harte & Frances Ryan - recipients of the Paddy English Trophy


Dublin North Region (DNR) presented on Saturday 1st April 2017, at Malahide, the great Dublin Novice Bridge Derby.

Competing for the Paddy English Trophy, Northsiders V Southsiders, a total of 16 teams took part in this event. The first and second placed teams were made up, to the greater part, of Novice players from St. Anthony's Bridge Club (SABC), Clontarf, making the Northsiders very clear winners.

Dublin Novice Bridge Derby - Runners up
Dublin Novice Bridge Derby - Runners up

2nd Place - runners up

Pictured above: Andrew Smith, Maura Beggy, Christine Madden & Phil McIntyre

Joyce Memorial Trophy - 21st March 2017
Joyce Memorial Trophy - 21st March 2017

1st Place: Eileen Hickey & Róna Booth

Winners of the Ena & Frank Joyce Memorial Trophy were announced on Tuesday 4th April 2017.

The competition held on Tuesday 21st March attracted a total of 21 pairs. All competing for the trophy that was first presented back in 1996. Over its 22 years the trophy has been presented to two pairs who have won it on three separate occasions, Moya Collins & Veronica Vale: 1996, 2007 & 2010 and to Austin Moran & Peter Cahill: 1998, 2008 & 2013. Only one pair successfully won it on two consecutive years, Margaret O'Dea & Kay Byrnes: 1999 and 2000.

Following this years event the results are as follows:     

1st: Eileen Hickey & Róna Booth - recipients of Joyce trophy

2nd: Marcella O'Donohoe & Marian Flood
3rd: Emily Rogers & Máirín MacDevitt
4th: Maura Dempsey & Maureen Matthews
5th: Nora Downey & Ann Kelly

   Thank you to all participants for making the game an enjoyable one and congratulations to the winners  

SABC Novice Cup - 15th March 2017
SABC Novice Cup - 15th March 2017

Presentation of  Novice Cup to - Martin Byrne & James Kenny

SABC Novice Cup competition was held on Wednesday 15th March 2017.

This competition attracted a total of 11 pairs. The presentation of prizes took place on Wednesday 22nd March.

The winners are relatively new to the club and the members take great pleasure in congratulating them on their great achievement.

The results are as follows:

1st: Martin Byrne & James Kenny - Novice Cup recipients

2nd: Gladys Greene & Susan Moran

3rd: Breda Logan & Catherine Crummey

Thank you to all competitors for your participation and sincere congratulations to the winners.

Bankers Bridge Club - Novice Pairs - 8th March 2017
Bankers Bridge Club - Novice Pairs - 8th March 2017

3rd place Bankers Bridge Club Congress 8th March

Pictured: Gráinne Dunne (Chairperson Congress Committee), Frances Ryan (SABC), Paul Hanratty and Marie Harte (SABC) 

Bankers Bridge Club congress, Novice Pairs competition, with 27 pairs, had representatives from SABC competing. This competition was sponsored by Thomas MacCormack Bridge and was held on Wednesday evening 8th March 2017.

Two pairs from SABC secured third and fourth places in this competition. 
Third place awarded to: Frances Ryan & Marie Harte (62.41%)
Fourth place awarded to: Jim O'Sullivan & Gladys Greene (61.36%)

Congratulations on their great success.

SIMULTANEOUS PAIRS - Tuesday 7th February

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The CBAI 'Simultaneous Pairs' competition attracted 30 pairs from SABC and over 1,500 pairs countrywide, on Tuesday 7th February

Presentation of prizes including the Daisy MacDevitt Salver* took place on Tuesday 7th March at SABC

* First presented in 1997

 smiley   ♠            ♣   smiley 

The following is a list of the club positions from 1st to 6th place

1st (50th CBAI position): Ciara Finucane & Lorraine Maxwell 

2nd (60th CBAI position): Marcella O'Donohoe & Marian Flood

3rd (62nd CBAI position): Mary O'Carroll & Mary Hynes

4th (133rd CBAI position): Colette Lombard & Sile Moore

5th (167th CBAI position): Ann Kelly & Louise Byrne

6th (208th CBAI position): Mary O'Donoghue & Al O'Donoghue

Well done to all who competed and congratulations to our leading pairs.

Playing with 'pre-dealt' boards and competing against other CBAI registered members, from various clubs, over a wide geographic area, meant that you and your partner could play from the comfort of your own club.

♠       ♣  Results Team Competition  ♠         ♣ 

Twelve teams participated in the Teams Competition on Wednesday 27th January
Placings for the first three teams are as follows:

1st Place Team 5: Joan Hynes, Oliver Hynes, Phil McIntyre and Christine Madden, with a total of 72 points
2nd / 3rd Places were awarded to joint runners up Team 1 and Team 6 both scoring 67 points each
Team 1: Emily Rogers, Máirín MacDevitt, Linda Murphy and Deirdre Byrne
Team 6: Ciarán Long, Patricia Long, Marie Harte and Ray Hearty              
Congratulations and well done to all our worthy winners
Full results to follow by E-mail to all club members.
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The annual teams competition took place on Wednesday 25th January 2017. Each pair drew for the other half of its team.
For those who have not previously participated in such an event, here are a few points to note:-
1. Half of your team plays half of the opposing team so the N/S pair on your team plays the E/W pair of the opposing team and vice versa. You will be playing the same boards. After both pairs in the team have played each board, their raw scores are added and converted to International Match Points (IMPs). You then move to the next team and play them in the same way.
2. In your normal/usual pairs competition, you can see from the traveller sheets the results achieved by other players. In a team competition you can compare the results immediately. In your usual pairs game, a top is a top no matter how better it is than the next score. In a teams competition, the difference in the scores is significant as they are converted to IMPs. The tournament director is responsible for calculating these points.
3. The important objectives are to bid and make your contracts.
Teams competition can be even more enjoyable than the usual pairs competition, they are a great experience and are recommended. surprise
McLoughlin Trophy competition 2017
McLoughlin Trophy competition 2017

Pictured left to right: Ciara Finucane (SABC), Mary Conlon (President DNR) and Lorraine Maxwell (SABC)  

Congratulations to all who took part in the McLoughlin Trophy competition.
The overall winners were Ciara Finucane and Lorraine Maxwell, from St. Anthony's Bridge Club (SABC), Clontarf.
With a very close runner up pair Carmel Cullen and Ray Hearty, also from SABC. Heartiest of congratulations to you all on your great success.

This pairs competition, confined to Intermediate B and Novice players, took place in Malahide Regional Bridge Club on Saturday 14th January.
A total of 30 pairs representing clubs in the region took part.

Congratulations and well done
Congratulations and well done

Pictured left to right: Mary Conlon (President DNR), Róna Booth and Linda Gallagher

♠   ♥   ♦   ♣  Regional Pairs  ♠   ♥   ♦  

The members at SABC wish to congratulate their fellow club members Róna Booth & Linda Gallagher who won the Regional Pairs Intermediate A (Dublin North Region) title on Saturday 3rd December, in Malahide. The next stage of the event, the National Pairs final, is to take place in Ballinasloe, Co. Galway in March 2017. The club wish them continued success in their endeavours to become national champions.

♠   ♥   ♦   ♣  Club Turkey Draw  ♠   ♥   ♦  

Two great nights of Bridge were played in November on Tuesday 29th (16 tables) and Wednesday 30th (11 tables). With a draw for partners on each night some very surprising results were produced. surprise

Best of luck in fighting over the Turkey, it will be interesting to hear who gets the 'crown' and who gets the 'pope's nose'

♠  ♥  ♦  ♣  Simultaneous Pairs ♠      ♣

The Simultaneous Pairs competition held on Tuesday 8th November, organised by the Irish Bridge Union (IBU), attracted 26 pairs from St. Anthony's Bridge Club. The overall results have now been published. Congratulations and well done to all participants. It is worth noting however that three pairs were ranked in the top sixty and they are as follows:
29th - Róna Booth & Peadar Buckley- 69.11%
41st - Kathleen Sheridan & Peggy McMahon- 63.04%
54th - Louise Byrne & Ann Kelly- 63.01%
A full listing of rankings of all club participants has been E-mailed to all members.

♠  ♥  ♦  ♣  Individual Competition  ♠  ♥  ♦ 

This competition was run over a series of two nights, on Tuesdays 18th & 25th October.

Congratulations to all participants who played their hearts out (spades, diamonds and clubs included) to declare
1st Place: Kay Corley, a clear winner
Runnners up: 2nd Place: Róna Booth & 3rd Place: Marcella O'Donohoe
A full list of placings has been E-mailed to all members and is also available at the club house

Turkey Draws 2017


Club Turkey Draws 

Two great nights of Bridge were held on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th November

Results were announced at Christmas party  wink

Tuesday's winners were: 1st N/S - Joan Cooke & Marie Harte and 1st E/W - Ann Caulfield & Sheila Boylan

Wednesday's winners were: 1st N/S - Brenda Dromgoole & Peadar Buckley and 1st E/W - Martin Byrne & Jim O'Sullivan

Full results are available under the 'Results Panel'

♠     ♥     ♦     

Annual Charity Night - A memorable date in 2016


 'Annual Charity Night'

The annual charity night held on Tuesday 4th October 2016 raised a total of:


This amount is to be donated to the Dublin Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (DSPCA)

smiley The event was very successful and was well supported and enjoyed by members and visitors alike smiley
The President and committee wish to express their gratitude to all for a very enthusiastic support for the President's chosen charity