Well done to Sue and Crispin who probably broke all records with their win today with a truly astounding 75.23%, and not surprisingly top of the handicap too - congratulations. Well done too to Phil and Adrian ( sorry no photo ) who were second .
That brings the winter Sunday Bridge to an end for this season, we are very pleased with the 3 enjoyable sessions we have held and will almost certainly be starting it up again in the Winter of this year, watch this space.
In the meanwhile a massive thank you to Pauline who set up the whole thing, Phil for directing, Peter for scoring, and Gerry for the Fab Feb Brunch as well as everyone who has supported the event and contributed to the very enjoyable sessions.
The Bell Trophy is the unofficial club championship and takes place on Sunday 13th April starting at 2pm. ( 1.45 arrival please)
The main prize is the Bell Trophy - a bell that was used many years ago to signify the end of a round .The event is for club members only. To enter please click on BELL. Entry fee is £5 per person. Players will be invoiced at the end of April,
Coffee and tea will be available on the day and the barman has promised to open the bar. However, please bring your own tea to eat during the half time break.
Happy Birthday Mo! |
Stansfield member Mo Harris had a big birthday on Thursday 20th February , and she very generously helped us all to celebrate with a drink on her at the bar. In return she was treated to a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday. Most of us are probably better at Bridge than we are at singing, but its the thought that counts. When asked what her favourite birthday celebration was Mo replied that her ideal celebration was a night of Bridge at Stansfield, and we would be inclined to agree. Thank you Mo for generously helping us all to celebrate with you and Many Happy Returns!!
Following the recent AGM we felt that it would be a good idea to remind everyone of the club committee who volunteer to beaver away in the background trying to ensure that the club runs smoothly, many of you will know who we are anyway, but for those newer members or visitors from other clubs we realise we may be a mystery.
Here we are!!
What a lovely time we had today! On a glorious sunny but very frosty morning the Village Hall was looking its best, The crisp clear air had a delicious aroma of bacon and croissants about it , and the warm welcome inside completed the picture. The Bridge Brunch was a roaring success, thanks to Gerry and his team we were treated to bucks fizz, wonderful fruits and pastries, bacon, waffles, and homemade bread , it was quite hard to drag ourselves away to actually play bridge but of course in the end we did. Congratulations to the overall winners Tony and Rani, who were also second in the handicap, Winners of the Handicap Rosie and Richard, and a special mention to Alex and Teresa who were third in the handicap and made it into the masterpoints. They are amongst the less experienced in the black art of Duplicate Bridge, but you would never have known it well done ladies! Results can be seen in the usual spot and HERE
Thank you to Gerry his wife Jane, Henry and Margot for the delicious food and drink, Pauline for organising it all, Phil for Directing and Peter for Scoring, and most of all everyone for turning up and making it a fun day of Bridge ( and Brunch) Dont forget to sign up to our next Sunday Bridge ( sadly without brunch) see below.
STANSFIELD bridge club was formed in 2007 and is situated in the heart of Suffolk countryside between Clare and Bury St Edmunds. It currently has a membership of about 170 and is affiliated to the EBU.
The club runs sessions play Face to Face on Thursday evenings (visitors welcome) at 7pm, and runs F2F sessions for Improvers on Wednesday afternoons (2pm)
If you would like to contact the club, click STANSFIELD and email us.
The president of Stansfield bridge club is included in the recent King’s Birthday Honours list.
Richard, who with his late wife, Mary, formed the club in 2007, is the recipient of the British Empire Medal ‘for services to the community in Stansfield, Suffolk’
Richard, aged 70, said: “While I am deeply touched to be nominated for this honour, the real recipient should be my late wife. She was the shining light who did so much for Stansfield and dozens of similar villages throughout Suffolk.
“I have little doubt that her remarkable contribution, initially as a volunteer and latterly as a county county councillor and deputy leader of Suffolk county council, played a part in my nomination for a BEM. I am accepting the award in that spirit. No one would have been more deserving of public recognition than her.”
Richard served as a Stansfield parish councillor for a number of years, including a spell as chairman. He also transformed a church focused newsletter into a monthly magazine of broader interest covering several local villages and served two terms as its editor.
After starting his journalistic career with the East Anglian Daily Times and Cambridge Evening News, he worked for The Times for 20 years, where he was deputy political editor and subsequently racing correspondent, before spending 10 years on the Daily Telegraph.
In 2007 he started teaching bridge full time and taught more than 1000 people to play the game.