Staffs & Shrops C.B.A.


Leagues on-line 2024/25  -  Notes for Captains 1st edition


I will now draw up a fixture list, and ask captains to pay the team entry fee of £30 into the County’s bank account:   S&SCBA  30-98-00   00878880. Reference captains name.


What I will need off all captains if I haven’t already got them is names and EBU numbers

of your team, these are needed for me to set the event up on the EBU system.


The plan this season is to have a default play date of the second Thursday in the month. Where this is unable to be met the first avenue should be to look at alternative Thursdays, then alternative midweek evenings making a point NOT to offer only one specific day OR only dates within one calendar week.     By mutual consent matches can be played at alternative times but they shouldn’t be offered.

If both teams are in agreement matches can be played Face to Face.

In the case of forthcoming unavailability’s there is no reason why matches can’t be played early.


 One captain (experienced with BBO) arranges the match on BBO under “Competitive” and “Team Matches” and “Create Team Match” with all  players logged on at the same time.



That same captain (having received names and user names for all players) fills in all the details.    20 boards for the whole match – so 10 boards in each half : 

Create Team Match


title:  Staffs & Shrops

Description:  Leagues 1st Half; Smith v Brown;

Team 1:  your team name  (easiest if this is your surname)

Team 2:  your opponent’s team name (ditto)

            do not create team match yet.

Options: Imps,10 bds, use random deals.  Disallow kibitzers, disallow kibitzers to chat with players;  Allow undos; disallow barometer.

            do not create team match yet.

Reserve seats:  all one team at each table (automatic movement later)

Now you create the team match.

Play and see the result in History


As you are playing the match in two halves, close this game and open another immediately,  heading it Leagues 2nd Half.  do the same as above except you put one team in same place but reverse the N/S & E/S in the 2nd team – so that each pair plays both pairs in the other team.    And Cross your fingers that you have done it correctly.

The result should be in History.


At this stage both captains agree the score, and that is the end of working on BBO with free entry.    All fees are paid in advance to the County.


Then each captain emails the organiser (Paul) with all the names and EBU numbers of his team and the agreed result of the match.  The organiser puts the result on county website and on the EBU League Management System where the results and table will be up to date.


My email address is

Telephone number is 07939 977499


Paul Cutler
