Notice is hereby given that
will be held at 4.30 p.m. on ZOOM
The current Committee seeks more volunteers or nominations for the Committee to
increase the number of personnel serving on it. The Constitution allows us to have
up to 16, and we have only five. Two or three have served beyond a reasonable term
of office and need replacing now or in due course. Members “without portfolio”
could serve on the Committee with a view, perhaps, to taking over specific jobs later.
to be sent in writing to
Mrs. Judy Mitchell by 17th August 2024
6 Hexham Way, Shrewsbury, SY2 6QX
or by email to .
If you wish to attend this meeting on Zoom
please let Pam Booth Jones know by 22nd August
so that she can send the link to you.
Her email address is;
Please let me (Judy Mitchell) know too so that I can forward
the Agenda, Reports, etc., to you before the meeting.
July 2024
J. Mitchell
Hon. Secretary,
01743 235374.