
These can have 2 distinct meanings.

1.     1 (us)      * (Them)    ** (us)
This redouble shows:

so will be something like:   A 10 7 2     Q 2     A Q 10 2     10 9 8.
If the Opposition bid spades, or Diamonds, you will Double again. - This is an optional double, showing at least 4 trumps in one of their suits, the balance of points, and is prepared to defend the contract. Be aware, if you have a fit with Partner, there is more likelihood that the Opposition can make their contract!
Holding : A 10 7 2     Q 8 2     A Q 10 2     9 8    Redouble, by all means, but then bid 3, to show a 3 card support.

So the important factor, is that the person who Re-doubles hasn't got a more satisfactory bid e.g.:

Partner opens with a bid of 1, and your right hand opponent doubles:

You hold:

K J 7 2    10 5    A Q 7 5    J 5 3 You haven't got a natural bid (any suit shows at least 5 cards), so you could not:

Thus ** (Redouble) is the only bid that correctly expresses the value of your hand! - i.e. no natural bid (5 card suit), no suitable 'No Trump' bid.

If you hold:

K J 7 4 2  5 Q 5 4 3 A J 3      You should bid 2 - Natural, and forcing for one round.
K Q 8 7 4 2  5 8 7 4 J 4 3   You will just bid 1
K J 7 2 10 8 2 A Q 7 4 2 A   You will bid 3 - again forcing for at least 1 round.
Q 7 10 8 2 10 9 8 7  K 8 7 2       You would pass
7 J 10 8 2  A Q 10 7 4  K 8 2   Of course, here, you would raise immediately to 4.
A 8 2 K 7 6 5 2 Q J 5 4 2 ~   How about a splinter bid of 4. To be discussed !!!!
Q J 6 Q 7 K 8 7 2  Q 10 7 4   Bid 1NT - showing a maximum of 9-10 points.

2.     However:

You   Opposition   Partner   Opposition
1NT   *   2♣   Pass
Pass   *   **   Pass

???   What this is showing, is a hand which is trying to rescue into a better contract :
10 8 7 6    Q 10 9 2     J 4 3 2     4

2 is a sort of Psychic bid, - you are happy to play with a singleton club opposite Partner, so long as you are not Doubled (reasoning, the Opposition have 23-25 points, and a likely game); once the Opposition have doubled 2, you redouble. This is for take-out. If you were happy to play in 2♣* you would Pass!!