Annual General Meeting 2022

Tuesday 10th May 2022, at 6:00 p.m.


The President takes the Chair and opens the meeting.

  1. Election of Chair, who then takes over the chair from the President.
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday May 5th 2021 on Zoom, for agreement.
  4. Any Matters Arising from the Minutes.
  5. Chair's Report for 2021-22.
  6. Presentation and adoption of the Annual Accounts
  7. Election of Officers and Committee Members
  8. Appointment of independent scrutineer
  9. Any other business, as already submitted or allowed by the Chair.

Nominations for Stafford Bridge Club Committee for 2022-23

Received by 29th April 2022

Proposed by
Seconded by
Chairperson Michael Metcalf Terry Maltby Carol Kane
Club captain & vice-chair  Terry Maltby Nicky Grainger Adrienne Jones
Treasurer Steve Lister Terry Maltby Mike Wood
Secretary Carol Kane Nicky Grainger Mike Wood
General John Whiteman Carol Kane Steve Lister
Committee Janet Drinkwater Steve Lister Terry Maltby
  Sean Clark Adrienne Jones Harry Jones
*There remains a vacancy for another Committee member. If anyone would like to stand, please contact Michael Metcalf at