Solivita Bridge Club
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This Friday's teams and this Sunday( the 9th) are STaC games, awarding silver points. There is an extra dollar charge for the STaC game.


Our club will award gold points during Stardust Week (February 10-16). There is no extra charge for this.

Welcome to Solivita Bridge Club
Team Games - Alan McIlwain

We are running evening team games on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at 6:15 PM (game starting at 6:30). Depending on the number of teams, we'll play a Swiss Team game or a Round-Robin. 

Each team is asked to bring a light snack or dessert dish. Bring your own drinks.

Please register ahead by the Thursday evening with Donna McIlwain at, and provide player names so we can set the games up in advance to save time.

Club Elections - Alan McIlwain

Our current executive consists of Tony Reed,  Jean Holman, and Anita Nelson.  Donna and Alan McIlwain and Kathy Wheeler are members at large.  Nancy McNamara, Kathy Wheeler and Alan McIlwain are directors.

Elections are in January. If you would like to run for office or know someone who would, please contact Kathy Wheeler to get your name on the ballot.

Thanks to everybody for contributing.


A New Director - Alan McIlwain

Congratulations to Kathy Wheeler for becoming our third director. With three directors, it will make it much easier for one of us to take a vacation, or plan some other activity on a 'bridge day'.  Thanks, Kathy.

NAP Qualifiers - Alan McIlwain
NAP Qualifiers -   Alan McIlwain

Maolong Cai and Charles Liu placed first in Flight C of the NAP competition in Daytona.  Congratulations!  They qualified in our club qualifier games last August.

Name Tags

To order a club name tag, go to the order web site below.

Select Name Tag Color - White
Select Option -
        Solivita (plain) for the tag without the 4aces - $7.95
         Solivita w/4 Aces = $11.95
Enter the name you want on the tag in Line 1
Select Add to cart
proceed with the instructions to complete the order.
There is a $4.95 shipping charge

Score Correction - Alan McIlwain

Note that on Jan 27 the B section played different boards to the A section common game.  This was due to a dealing error.


No Partner?

Players may come to either of our Sunday or Monday games without a partner.  We will attempt to match people up, and if there is an extra one, the director will probably play with them. (Exceptions will be for STaC games which have rules about playing directors.)  If you need a partner, please come early so we have time to match you up, and you have time to plan how you will play.

District 9 Website - Alan Mcilwain

I received a note from District 9 that we have a new revised web site.  Check it out at

Check out the
Check out the
Don't forget to check the NEWS PAGE for interesting stories.  Also, we are always looking for new information to share with our fellow players, so please send us some worthy news articles!
Sun. Aft. Pairs
Director: Nancy McNamara
Sunday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Nancy McNamara
Friday Evening Teams
Director: Alan McIlwain