Shepparton Bridge Club
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Welcome to Shepparton Bridge Club
Shepparton Bridge Club
Shepparton Bridge Club

Shepparton Bridge Club

We are a small, friendly club who get together 3 times a week to play bridge, socialize, and enjoy a few boards of bridge.

Our regular sessions are Monday 7pm, Wednesday 1pm (supervised play), and Saturday 1pm.

Enquiries: Nick Walsh 0436 347 621 or John Moore 0438 455 741

Important Information
Important Information
Web Site
Web Site
17th July 2024
Wednesday Afternoon Duplicate Pairs Supervised Play
U3A Hall, 14 Esson St Shepparton 3630 1:00pm
20th July 2024
Saturday Afternoon Duplicate Pairs
U3A Hall, 14 Esson St Shepparton 3630 1:00pm
22nd July 2024
Monday Night Duplicate Pairs
U3A Hall, 14 Esson St Shepparton 3630 7:00pm
Monday Night Duplicate Pairs
Saturday Afternoon Duplicate Pairs
Wednesday Afternoon Duplicate Pairs Supervised Play