The Selkirk Bridge Club
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Welcome to The Selkirk Bridge Club
Celebrating 50 years 1972 - 2022
High Scoring Game January - June 2024



Cathy Rolland & Roman Puzant with a score of 71.15%




High Scoring Game January - June 2024
Selkirk Bridge Club
Welcome to the Selkirk Bridge Club - Non ACBL affiliated Duplicate Bridge
(Bridge on the River Red)
We hope you will join us for a game......We play 50 weeks a year
Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 pm  at the Gordon Howard Senior Centre
384 Eveline Street in Selkirk, MB
$3.00 for the afternoon......Refreshments available.

Please get in touch for more information....

 Linda Homenick

Winter Weather Protocol - effective January 2023

Please ensure you listen to the weather forecast on days this could be an we may not be able to advise all in time on that day. Reminder emails will be sent however, if possible.

For the safety and well being of all of our members....... which is our primary concern....

  We will follow City of Winnipeg recommended guidlelines they use for school closure for cancellation of Bridge, please read.

If temperatures do not reach these low levels......but, storm or blizzard warnings are in effect....we would also use extreme caution and consult with Gordon Howard Centre re their status for remaining open. 

Again will advise by email when, please check for messages at these times.

If anyone has any concerns, comments,  or questions regarding this, please get in touch......


You can check out the Lord Selkirk School DIvision and Winnipeg School Division web sites for more information.


School bus transportation for all school divisions in the City of Winnipeg is cancelled: If......

A. If the actual temperature is -35°C (regardless of windchill) based on the 6:00 am Environment Canada reading at the Forks, Winnipeg or;

B. If the wind chill reaches -45°C  (regardless of air temperature) based on the 6:00 am Environment Canada readings at the Forks, Winnipeg. 

The temperature and windchill readings can be found at the Environment Canada website ( check latest readings at The Forks). When bus transportation is cancelled in the morning, it will not resume later in the day even if weather conditions improve.

All major Winnipeg media outlets are contacted in the early morning and are asked that they broadcast and/or post bus cancellation information.



Bus Transportation Cancelled in Lord Selkirk School Division
Staff Report to School - In the event of
extreme cold weather, bus transportation
shall be cancelled at a temperature of
A, -40°C or a combined temperature
B. and windchill of -45°C or greater as of 6:00 a.m. on
The Weather Network (Selkirk). In the case
of extreme cold where buses do not run
and where staff are required to report to
work, parents/guardians will have the
option of transporting their child(ren) to
school and picking them up at the end of
the school day. In cases where
parents/guardians choose to keep their
child(ren) home on an extreme cold day,
students will not be penalized for
absenteeism. Parents/guardians shall
inform the school if their child(ren) will not
be attending.

Gordon Howard Centre
Director: Reg Johnson
Gordon Howard Centre
Director: Reg Johnson
Gordon Howard Centre
Director: Reg Johnson
Tue 9th Jul 2024
Gordon Howard Centre 1:00
Director: Reg Johnson
Thu 11th Jul 2024
Gordon Howard Centre 1:00
Director: Reg Johnson
Tue 16th Jul 2024
Gordon Howard Centre 1:00
Director: Reg Johnson