Seaford Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Important Club Information

Important information will be displayed here

Learn bridge

Eastbourne Workshops

Sunday 9 March 10am – 12pm

Defensive Play with Glenda

Two hours of theory and practice, aimed at improvers and club players. Improving your defence will

improve your overall scores. The session will be held in EBC and be given by Glenda Pelling, cost £8

each (2 x Blue Vouchers) or £10 for non-members.

Please email for further information and to sign up.

Sunday 16 March 10am – 12pm

Better Bridge Conversations with Ros

This session is about how to question your own and partner’s bidding, so that you reach the best

contract: describe and listen! This hands-on workshop session will be interactive, informative and

FUN. Please bring a rubber and prepare to be entertained! The session will be held in EBC and be

given by Ros Wolfarth, cost £8 each (2 x Blue Vouchers) or £10 for non-members.

Please email

 Links to useful teaching resources can be found under the Useful Links tab in the left hand column of our Home Page.

 Eastbourne Bridge Club, Lion Works, Sidley Rd, Eastbourne BN22 7HB (see Google maps) offer a variety of traditional and fast track courses for beginners as well as courses for improvers. Pre-dealt hands are used in all lessons meaning the learning is mainly through playing. 

♣ See the Lessons Page on the Eastbourne Bridge Club website for further details of upcoming lessons.

Seaford Bridge Club





Welcome to Seaford Bridge Club
Welcome to Seaford Bridge Club

Seaford Bridge Club is a friendly club suitable for improvers and more experienced players.

We meet face to face 3 times each week at St. Thomas More Hall, 54 Sutton Road  Seaford on

♠ Monday and Thursday afternoon 1.30pm - 4.45pm

 Wednesday evening 6.30pm - 9.45pm.

Please be seated at least 15 minutes before the start of the session to allow Directors to decide on the movement and the number of boards to be played.

  We also have a virtual bridge session for members only on Friday (on BBO) 7pm - 9.00pm.

Registration is between 5.00pm and 6.30pm and members should be logged on a minimum of 15 minutes before the start of the session

Yearly subscriptions are £15 and table money is £3.50 for members (vouchers sold in books of 10) and £5 for non members.

Pay Seaford Bridge Club. Account no: 60085642. Sort code: 20-49-76

Or pay by card at the club

Visitors are most welcome to join us - click here for more details

Pam Pelling



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Director: Pam
Scorer: John
Virtual Pairs
Director: Leslie/Peter
Scorer: Leslie
Director: Alan
Scorer: John
Wed 12th March 2025
STMH 6.30pm
Director: Martin
Scorer: Leslie
Thu 13th March 2025
STMH 1.30pm
Director: Pam
Scorer: Leslie
Fri 14th March 2025
Virtual Pairs
(Reg: 5.00-6.30pm and login 6.45)
Start 7.00pm
Director: Roger P
Mon 17th March 2025
STMH 1.30pm
Director: Leslie
Scorer: Jean