This is the home page of the West District of the Scottish Bridge Union. If you play in the West District then this is your site.
If you have any news or information on your club or comments on the website please use the Contact Us page. |

Three long-established Glasgow-based bridge clubs (Buchanan Bridge Club, Glasgow Bridge Centre and St Andrew Bridge Club) voted in 2024 to amalgamate to form a new Bridge Club and this has resulted in the Clyde Bridge Centre.
The Clyde Bridge Centre has been formed as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), which has been approved and registered under the name The Hillington Bridge Club Ltd, trading as the Clyde Bridge Centre.
The new club is located in Hillington (Glasgow) and is scheduled to open in May 2025.
Please read the letter sent out to WD clubs with some more background information on this exciting new project.
For further details and to join the new club visit the Clyde Bridge Centre website.
The Buchanan Thursday night online tournament is open to all SBU members -
* Thursdays 7:00pm on BBO, BB$4. Host name SBU_W_BUC
Any other clubs wishing to publicise their Open tournaments, contact the WD Secretary, bridge@horst.plus.com
You will be aware that Alex Adamson & I have written a series of articles over the last 5 years. In 2016, the first 24 of these were collected into a book 'If I Only Had A Heart', and a further book 'Bridge Over The Rainbow' was published in 2019. We have now completed the full series of articles and the last book in the trilogy 'Double, Double, Toil and Trouble' has now been published.
The books follow the fortunes of the Over The Rainbow Bridge Club. The membership of the Club may seem to be mainly characters from The Wizard Of Oz, but on closer examination, I’m sure you will recognise all sorts of traits you see in bridge players around you.
The hands they play have all occurred in real life, and will be of interest to players at all levels.
Some more details are in our website
It also explains how people can purchase any of the books, and, in addition, Alex & I are offering signed copies to be posted out.
The previous two books have had great reviews. We hope people will have a look, and we very much hope will enjoy reading all of them.
2017 Law Books are still available |
The District has copies of the new 2017 Law Books and is offering them to clubs or individuals at £5.00 (plus p&p if applicable). Please contact the District Secretary, email hk@horst.plus.com.
To view the new Laws, click on New Laws in the Menu. Here you can also find a side-by-side comparison of the 2007 and 2017 Laws, with changes highlighted.
Some useful material regarding the new Laws can also be found by following this link to the EBU website.
SBU Master Points |
Details of the SBU Master Points Database MEMPAD can be found on the News page.
Please note that paper points are no longer accepted.